
spn "So what if I rushed in, this is the headquarters of the Navy, not the new world where you domineering! You look after me, Whitebeard!" The series of accidents made Sengoku already feel bad, Kaka Pu volunteered to be lured away by the golden lion.Now that White Beard also rushed in, it meant that it was time for him to make a move.The execution platform, which is not guarded by strong combat power, can't stop those capable users who can fly. "Immediately carry out the execution of the Fire Fist, and don't give them any chance to save Roger's blood!"

"Hi!" The two executioners who had just replaced their positions started to move cleanly, just like the previous pair of executioners.But this time, there was no Sabo lurking inside to mess with the execution.

"Ace! You bastards, don't make trouble for me!" Whitebeard shouted, swung the Daguan knife with his right hand and swept across.After sweeping away a large area of ​​the surrounding navy, Whitebeard took a step forward, clenched his left hand and punched hard at the execution platform.

"Ice puck!" Qingzhi suddenly jumped up from the crowd, and waved a cold mist at White Beard before he released the shock wave from his hand.After the cold mist spewed onto Whitebeard's body, it instantly formed a huge crystal ball of ice that completely enveloped Whitebeard inside.

But how could Whitebeard be frozen so easily? The youthful ice ball only lasted for less than a second, and then it immediately shattered into a sky full of debris.But in this way, Whitebeard's attack on the execution platform was also neutralized by childishness. [

"Oh, I knew that ice would not be able to freeze and vibrate." Qingzhi sighed helplessly, but the movements of her hands did not hesitate at all.The moment he hit the ice puck, his second wave of attack was already brewing, "Double Thorn Spear!" Four ice crystal spears quickly formed on Qingzhi's sides, and they were about to stab at Whitebeard.

"Haha!" Qiao Zi, the captain of the third division, who was wrapped in diamond armor all over his body, slammed into Qing Zhi's side like a bull.This time, Qingzhi didn't explode as usual, but was knocked out by Jozi while maintaining her human form.As a well-known figure in the New World, Jozi's battles with the natural department are rare.The hard diamond covered with domineering immediately made Qingzhi suffer a dark loss.

"Good job, Joz!" The azure blue fire phoenix soared into the sky, and [Phoenix] Marco completely transformed into a legendary phoenix, flapping his wings and flying towards the execution platform. "You are not allowed to shoot Ace, Navy!"

"Boom!" A melodious bell rang suddenly, and a strong arm that seemed to be made of gold was firmly imprinted on Marco's face as if spanning space.Marco, who could even receive the laser light of the yellow ape, was hit by a fist and was slapped directly to the ground like a fly. "Courage is commendable, but it's still a little too tender." The clothes on the upper body were torn, and the whole body turned into gold. Warring States calmly picked up the coat that fell on the execution platform and put it on his back.

It is not only Whitebeard who has been silent for a long time and has been forgotten by people. People have also inadvertently forgotten that the strongest person in the navy that is respected by strength is the Marshal!

The first task as an executioner is to calm down, step forward, raise the long knife and slam it down on the criminal's neck.The two executioners are like precisely compared machines, and the changes in the outside world have nothing to do with them. What they have to do is to use the sharp blades in their hands to chop off the heads of the sinners kneeling there.

"Puchi!" Blood flew with the head, but none of the two separated heads was Ace's face. "Plop!" After the two heads belonging to the executioner fell to the ground, the two corpses still holding the knives twitched and fell to the ground.A cloud of sand and dust gathered into Crockdale's upper body, and his only right hand still maintained a movement of swinging a knife. Obviously, the sand blade that cut off the executioner's head just now came from his hand.

"You...you bastard!" Sengoku yelled angrily, and punched Crockdale.But Crockdale didn't mean to fight the Warring States recklessly.After taking a deep look at Ace, Crockdale turned into flying sand and fled away again before the arrival of Sengoku's fist.

"Crockdale, I thought that the grievances between you and Whitebeard would help us. I didn't expect that even you were on Whitebeard's side." Sengoku is now a headache, including the former Shichibukai in front of him. Three out of the eight Qiwuhai had already defected, and the new Qiwuhai Blackbeard fled the battle again. Of the remaining four, except for Hawkeye and Xiong, the other two seemed to be working without effort.The Qiwuhai plan that I personally proposed is like a joke.

"Hmph, I will solve the Whitebeard issue myself. One day I will take his head off. But what I don't want to see is your proud faces!" Crockdale said arrogantly, as if all this was true. As he said.The real reason is only known to him, what is the reason why he came here and rushed directly into the center of this storm.

Whitebeard looked at the figure of Crockdale with a heroic smile on his face, "Ku la la la, I like you more and more now, crocodile boy! I will leave my human head on your neck for you I waited for you to come and get it. But if you can't do it, come and be my son!"

"Boom!" The ground behind Whitebeard suddenly exploded a hole about one meter away, and the red dog, covered in hot magma, jumped out of the hole like a hungry wolf, "Distraction is a big taboo during battle ! The dog eats the red lotus!"

The crimson dog's head formed by the magma opened its mouth wide and gnawed away at Whitebeard's back, as if he wanted to take out Whitebeard's heart before giving up.No one will pay attention to their feet on such a fierce battlefield, except...

"Clang!" A giant crescent-shaped blade wrapped in azure blue flames unceremoniously slashed at the head of the magma dog.The scorching magma had no effect on the people who came, and the big purple hand waved the Azzinoth war blade to split the magma in all directions.The last anti-knuckle goat's hoof stomped heavily on Akainu's chest with the devil's flames, and a strong burnt smell immediately dissipated in the air.

Holding the war blade of Azzinoth flat, the great demon Nero, bathed in the dark blue demon fire, looked at Akainu with a half-smile.Every time the sheep's hoof-like feet step on the ground, a burning footprint will be left. As a demon who can use magma as bath water, Akainu's ability is eaten to death by him. "Hehe, it seems that the shot was a little heavy accidentally. It seems that you have to go to the tattoo artist 10 years ago to tattoo you with a few more cherry blossoms. We were very busy just now and have no time to have a good time with you. Say hello, long time no see puppy."

"Sure enough, it's you! Nero Stormwind, the instigator of the Mariejoia slave riot." Akainu let go of his hand covering his chest, and the chest under his palm was already charred black.In that short contact just now, even the hot magma was scorched black.

It was Akainu, who had just been promoted to general, who was responsible for suppressing the slave riot 11 years ago, but what happened that night was never mentioned by anyone again.The only thing known is that Akainu went on a secret mission for nearly a month after that incident.It was also from that time that Akainu had tattooed countless cherry blossoms near his left shoulder.

"Huh, it's great that daddy is fine." Marco let out a long sigh of relief.He knew exactly how bad his father's physical condition was. If he took it just now, if his father really took it down, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Shave!" The figure of the lieutenant general ghost spider appeared behind Marko like a tarantula pouncing on its prey, and his two arms tightly held Marko's hands like iron tongs.After another vice admiral who came with him handcuffed Hailoushi to Marco's wrist, four arms holding long knives protruded from the long hair behind the ghost spider, facing Marco's The body was chopped down hard. [

"Plop!" Marco fell to the ground with an unbelievable look on his face, and the ghost spider looked at Marco, who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, with a cigar in his mouth.He raised the six long knives in his hand again, "You rely too much on the ability to be reborn from the ashes. You who have forgotten the instinct to dodge are simply vulnerable."

"Boom!" A thunderbolt suddenly struck between the ghost spider and Marco, and the "forced" ghost spider had to take a few steps back to distance itself from Marco.

"Hey, are you dead?" Enilo touched Marco's face with the golden rod in his hand, and completely looked at the navy around him.

"It's still... I can't die... help me open the handcuffs... I... I have to fight." Marco struggled to get up from the ground , since he ate that devil fruit, he hasn't suffered such a fatal injury for a long time.But as long as there is no influence of Hailou Stone, it is very simple to restore these wounds on the body.

"Ah, you are really stubborn, Qinghai people." Enilu yawned chattingly, and waved at the crowd casually.The precise lightning directly knocked down a large area of ​​the navy, leaving only a group of pirates who suddenly lost their opponents looking at each other. "If it's your companion, move him away, and don't let him die. Someone told me to watch him so that he wouldn't die."

"Captain Marco!" After a pirate recognized the face on the ground, he hurriedly yelled for his companion to come and help.The phoenix that can be reborn from the ashes has been beaten like this, what happened just now. p

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