One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 256 The Mutation Resurrection


The battle at the top of Marine Fodo in the spn navy headquarters is still going on, and the video playback phone bugs all over the world are faithfully broadcasting this battle of the century.Even though all the images from the navy were cut off, there was a signal over Marinefodo that was never interrupted.

Shirley tidied up the blanket wrapped around the phoenix egg, got some hot tea in another teacup, and played it in the direction of Vivi. "Have some tea, Sister Weiwei. Will you not be tired from maintaining the signal transmission all the time?"

"Well, thank you, Shirley." Weiwei smiled at Shirley, and then took a sip from her teacup, "It's not tiring, just transfer the video installed below the phone The worm's signal is just transmitted. For the ability of Aurora Fruit, "manipulating" these electromagnetic waves is as simple as breathing. I just feel a little uneasy all the time..."

Weiwei looked at the dark blue demon fire that was getting closer and closer to the execution platform on the screen, her eyes were full of worry.Weiwei doesn’t know how powerful the Warring States Period is, but he and Garp worked together when they were young to arrest the golden lion who was in its heyday at that time. It can be seen that this admiral is definitely standing at the pinnacle of this sea. figure.Every time the distance between Nero and the execution platform got closer, Weiwei's heart became tense.

At least I can be regarded as a naturalist. If such an idea just popped into Weiwei's mind, Shirley at the side would have interrupted her wild thoughts, "Don't forget Dad said before leaving that you, the princess of Alabasta, are absolutely not allowed to appear below. And we can't help you with this level of fighting, so all we have to do is wait here for him and the captain return."[

Shirley stretched out her hand and gently "touched" the warm shell of the phoenix egg, and said softly, "Dad is actually a very fragile guy. I think he will never allow it about Abis." It's the second time."

"It seems that you know that bastard very well, little girl." Enilu had appeared at the door of the room at some point, and he walked in with the golden trident on his shoulder.A robot in the shape of a mole stood quietly and immediately brought him a sofa.Enilu lay lazily halfway on the sofa, looked at the figures on the screen and said with a half-smile, "These navies are still engaged in some so-called resistance. How would they know that they were doomed from the beginning? The winner. This island you call the Navy Headquarters will eventually disappear from this world, and that's why that guy came here."

"What are you talking about! Could it be! What does it mean to disappear from the world! You bastard, explain it clearly to me!" Bonnie, who had been quietly swallowing food in the corner, suddenly widened her eyes, ran over and directly pointed at the food with her oily hands. Anilu grabbed it by the collar.The moment Mary Gioia was attacked, she also witnessed everything. If that kind of power is released here... this is absolutely impossible!

Enilu frowned and glanced at Bonnie, and a flash of thunder appeared on another empty chair, avoiding Bonnie's dirty hands. "Explanation? Do you think I need to give you any explanation? See where you are, female Qinghai! Otherwise, I don't mind teaching you a lesson!" Enilu's whole body began to flicker with electric light, and at the same time, one by one The mouse robot also put down its work and aimed at Bonnie with a weapon.

"You bastard! Do you want me to turn you into a discharge baby and then spank your ass!" Bonnie was furious when she heard Enilu say this, and immediately wanted to raise her hand to release her ability.Even if the other party is the strongest natural department, Bonnie still has the pride of being a newcomer with more than [-] million pirates.

"Color matching - leisurely green." A bright green symbol was printed on Bonnie's forehead with a snap.Bonnie, who was still tense at first, immediately acted as if nothing happened, and sat back where she was just now, and continued to eat and drink in front of a table of food.But looking at the "doubt" and anger in her eyes, it was obvious that this was not from her original intention.

"Don't make trouble at this critical moment." Shirley calmly put down the paintbrush in her hand, and continued to look at the image on the screen calmly. "Is it okay for you to come in, Brother Bilibili. It will be very dangerous if the castle is hit."

"Bilibili, big brother... Forget it, it's up to you." Enilu wanted to complain about the new nickname Shirley gave him, but as a user of the thunder fruit ability, the electric glow that he sounded from time to time The sound made him feel like he could hardly refute.What is this kind of appropriate sense of sight that even surprised me! "There are not many abilities capable of attacking at this height. The navy will not have the time to pay attention to us for the time being. Even if someone sneaks up, I will be fine here if the attack is not too intensive. This war is coming soon. It's the end of the day, and I have to prepare for some things."

"It's almost time to end." Warring States on the execution platform let out the same exclamation.Warring States clearly found that Whitebeard's movements became a little slower, and even after using his vibration ability every time, Whitebeard's hands would tremble a few times involuntarily. "Toxic poison plus such a long time of fighting, after all, you are no longer who you were when you were young, Whitebeard."

"It seems that the Marshal of the Warring States Period is very satisfied with the way I dealt with it." Dropnil once again appeared on the execution platform with a smile on his face.Losing several clones didn't affect him in any way.Even his expression didn't change a bit, the most perfect and formulaic smile was still on his face.

After hearing Dropnir's voice, Ace, who was looking at the battlefield like a statue, suddenly trembled.Even though his hands were still tightly bound by iron chains on the execution platform, Ace still turned his head to look at Dropnir with difficulty.There was an undisguised anger in his eyes, like a wounded wild wolf, "You bastard! I must kill you! How dare you do that to Dad! You..."

Dropnir gave Ace a sympathetic look, as if looking at a wild dog barking at people.Ignoring Ace's scolding at him at all, he bowed politely to Sengoku.He said to Zhan Guo in a very humble tone, "Master Marshal, please forgive me for overstepping. But where is the responsibility, I have to fulfill my duty to explain the series of situations that happened just now to the five adults."

Warring States clenched his fists violently, but he still suppressed his anger.Killing Dropnir by himself can only solve nothing at all, and the current problem cannot be solved by fists at all.What's more, this guy in front of me is definitely not the main body! "What is Wu Laoxing's order? I hope Marshal Kong is clear about your order."

"Please believe me, Honorable Marshal. The combat order I got was approved by Marshal Kong, and you also need to worry that what I did was just to show the research results of another gentleman from the Academy of Naval Science. Now that the pacifists have appeared, another humanoid weapon that was put into use earlier should also appear before the eyes of the world. Forgive me, Lord Marshal." Dropnir's tone was very polite and gentle, But he only once did not wait for Sengoku's response.Instead, he turned around and walked off the execution platform. In fact, he didn't have to wait for the answer from the Warring States Period.His decision is already doomed, isn't it?

"How can that kind of thing be made public? What is the teacher thinking? How can the Navy carry the word of justice on it in the future." Warring States muttered to himself somewhat bewilderedly.He could already see clearly what would happen next and the uproar that would ensue.Now that the chess player above has made such a decision, then the navy, no, maybe the whole world will change!

Dropnir walked slowly down the steps of the scaffold, where a duplicate of him stood.An iron chain was held in the replicant's hand, and behind him were four dull-eyed men with iron chains all over their bodies and sea tower stone collars around their necks.

"It's time to start, my partner." Dropnir bowed to his duplicate body, making a very standard invitation gesture.The replicant bowed politely in return, and led four dull-eyed men into the battlefield with Dropnir.

Knowing that the other party was their own, even though the four people they transported were a little strange, the navy didn't stop them much.Soon this strange group of people arrived not far from the execution platform. The team of the straw hat boy and the white beard were rushing towards this direction at a very fast speed. It seemed that they would rush to this place in a short time. Here comes the place.

"Crack, click." Amidst the crisp sound of the machine spring, the Hailou stone collars on the necks of the four men were all opened by Dropnir and his clone.The moment the collars left their necks, the dull eyes of the four men suddenly changed.There was an extremely pure desire in their eyes - the desire to eat, the desire to kill! [

Artificial devil fruit has always been the key research object of the navy, but so far their successful research cases have only been realized in the case of animals.However, after the artificial fruits of the animal system are eaten, there will be an uncontrollable animalization, and all the well-trained soldiers will become beastmen like wild beasts.The only relatively successful experimental body is the four-headed jailer beast serving in the city!

The uniqueness of devil fruit and the disadvantages of man-made devil fruit made this experiment sealed for a long time.Until a lunatic appeared one day, he solved this problem perfectly by using the idea of ​​producing weapons instead of producing excellent soldiers.And this crazy guy once again locked his target on a taboo subspecies of the animal family in Devil Fruit after the successful experiment!

"Hiss, hiss!" The mouths of the four subjects who took off the collars let out bursts of sharp insect sounds, and all the iron chains wrapped around them were broken.In this way, the four human beings slowly distorted into frightening shapes in the eyes of people's astonishment and fear...


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