One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 270 End and Begin


What is spn here?Ace looked blankly at the surrounding scene, surrounded by whiteness and emptiness stretching as far as the eye can see.It was like a pure white picture scroll that hadn't been painted yet, except for his own existence named Ace, there was no other trace.

This strange environment made Ace immediately subconsciously want to activate his ability, but this time even without the restraint of Hailoushi's handcuffs, no flames rose from him.This strange situation surprised Ace, but he immediately relaxed.

Ah, yes.I am already dead.

So... this is heaven... no, it must be hell.How can someone like me belong in heaven?For a person like me whose birth is a sin, only a place like hell is suitable for me.

Ace thought so, and with the fluctuation of his thoughts, the pale environment around him suddenly began to fluctuate.Colors gradually began to appear in the empty world, and the place where he lived gradually appeared in front of Ace - the vast sea. [

Ace didn't understand what the sudden change was, but now he couldn't do anything but watch.The screen moved, and soon came to a small island.Suddenly, Ace found a very familiar figure with a straw hat standing on the port holding a package.

"Luffy!!!" Ace couldn't help exclaiming, but then Ace was disappointed when the screen turned to the front of the man.It wasn't the face of his idiot brother that he was familiar with, but for some reason, Ace had a particularly friendly feeling when he saw this face.

"Hey, this boat is really nice!" The man who looked like Luffy stood on the pier carelessly and commented on a small boat moored in the port.

"...Huh? You mean this ship?" The owner of the ship, who was taking a nap while working overtime, was obviously a little surprised by the man's sudden question, but he still answered the man's question after chatting with him and yawning. "Is this boat...I stole it...I live here now because my house burned down..."

The ship owner's lazy tone obviously did not intend to say more, but the other party was obviously not a person who was very good at observing words and expressions. "Well, what's your name then?"

"...Rayleigh." The owner of the boat seemed a little impatient. For him, the afternoon sun was not a waste of time with this kind of chatting man.

The man in the straw hat pressed his straw hat, showing a smile that often appeared on Luffy's face.Then he stretched out his right hand to the owner of the ship, "My name is Roger! Our meeting must be a kind of fate, Rayleigh! ——Would you like to turn the world upside down with me!"

"The world? Hahahaha, what kind of onion are you! Go away!"

The man in the straw hat was having a hard time with the owner of the boat there, and when the boat finally left the port, there was still an extra member.But these Ace didn't notice at all, he froze the moment the man in the straw hat said his name. "My name is Roger!" These words kept echoing in Ace's mind.

"Hey, stop for a second you bastard! You..."

"Hey, what the hell is going on here!"

"Who can tell me why you want me to see this!"


Ace yelled, but no one answered him.He was like a ghost in history, he could only silently follow the footsteps of that man and watch everything happen.The young pirate moved forward slowly, and the boat under his feet slowly turned into a sturdy sailing boat made by a famous craftsman in the capital of seven waters. The owner who was entangled by him became a shrewd and capable deputy captain. People with different personalities joined his team unknowingly, and the young pirate began to be called the big pirate Gol Roger!

The domineering white-bearded father, the high-spirited pirate admiral Golden Lion, and Grandpa Garp, who has just been promoted to vice admiral... These faces of the older generation began to appear in front of Ace.And Ace has been watching the adventures that the man experienced as a spectator.Slowly Ace began to rediscover the father he had never met.

Impatient, self-willed, but purely like a child.The degree of cherishing his companions is no less than that of his father, and he even led a boatload of people to destroy a country's army directly for his companions.Then Grandpa Garp, who heard the news, led a team of marines and fled in embarrassment.Now Ace finally understands how Grandpa Garp felt when he talked about his father. Even if his status is different, Roger is still a guy that people can't hate.

Ace didn't realize that unconsciously, he no longer had any resentment towards the person who made him born in this world.Although he didn't say it out of his mouth, Ace admitted in his heart for the first time that he inherited the blood from that person.Ace couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart when seeing his father make a mess of things and give Mr. Raleigh headaches again and again.

But the happy time didn't last long. When the young father collapsed without warning one day, Ace was as surprised as everyone else.And when he learned that he was infected with an incurable disease, the man was confused for a moment and then suddenly burst out laughing. "Hahaha, is that so? I was still wondering whether I should choose this way! Little ones, are you willing to take the last voyage with me? This time... I want to conquer the great route! "

Everyone thought he was crazy, including all the crew members who didn't know the truth except Rayleigh.But none of the crew members proposed to withdraw from this seemingly fatal voyage, even the red-nosed newcomer crew did not leave after all even though they looked like they were about to die of fright when they sailed at the end. [

After inviting a doctor with excellent medical skills to board the ship in Gemini Gorge, these people started the last voyage of Roger Pirates... Three years later, Roger completed the hegemony on the great route In his dream, he became the world-famous king of the sea—One Piece.However, after the last voyage, the Roger Pirates quietly disbanded.I want to change the world, the man finally said to his old friend.So the man who was talked about quietly faded out of people's sight after drinking with old friends and old rivals.Ace also followed in the footsteps of that man to the world.

Walking aimlessly, just one person and a small boat, like a lion king patrolling his territory for the last time.The town of Rogue where I was born, an interesting island I have been to... The navies who are chasing this famous man on the great route will never think that the person they are looking for may be in the coffee next to a certain branch of the navy Rest in the hall.The Pirate King is enjoying the rest of his time leisurely until he meets that person.

Another very calm day on Patricia Island in the South China Sea, if there is one problem, there is a guy eating a king's meal in the restaurant on the island.No one would have thought that the person who ate the King's meal in a restaurant would be the famous One Piece, and no one would have thought that such a man would stay in the back kitchen to wash dishes under the threat of the seemingly fierce proprietress.Of course a guy who's been spoiled by his own ship's cook isn't much of a housewife.

After not knowing how many plates were broken, even the proprietress couldn't help thinking of sending this guy away.There was one 'nosy' lady in the restaurant though.She has long golden hair as beautiful as the waves of the sea, and although there are some freckles on her delicate face, this does not affect Lu Jiu's beauty.After seeing a useless helper, the lady began to teach One Piece to wash dishes with a gentle but unrefusable attitude.

Even after finding the purse that he had left in the hotel, One Piece suddenly felt that it should be thrown out for some reason.In fact he did.Then someone who got up early made a fortune, and there was an extra helper in the restaurant in the town who made the beautiful Miss Lu Jiu very worried.

Ace just watched his parents from acquaintance to love, the peaceful and ordinary life makes people feel very warm.Ace will never forget the look on his father's face after his mother told him of his presence.The guy who hugged his wife and yelled was no different than any normal dad.

But after collapsing again without warning one day, Roger knew his time had come.After confiding everything with his wife, the male head of the family disappeared.Then One Piece surrendered himself and said something that changed the whole world on the execution platform in Rogge Town...

"If it's a girl, it's Ann, and if it's a boy, it's Ace. That's what he decided at the beginning. The child's name is Gol... Ace, our child..." This is The final words of the mother who kept her baby in her womb for 20 months.

The picture came to an abrupt end here, and Ace also broke free from the dream-like scene.It was still the same white world, but this time there were two more figures in this world.The man is like a lofty mountain, and the woman is like gentle flowing water. They cuddle together and look at Ace with a gentle smile.

"Dad." The man nodded with a smile.

"Mom." The woman smiled and opened her arms to Ace.

After stumbling into his mother's arms, the already famous pirate cried like a child. Lu Jiu gently stroked Ace's head, leaning on her husband's shoulder and gently humming a lullaby that she never had the chance to hum.Roger looked at his wife and children, and gently held them in his arms with firm arms.

Ace feels the warmth that he has never experienced before. Even if his grandfather Karp and adoptive mother Dadan love him again, the warmth of his biological parents can't be replaced by anyone.

After a long time, Roger suddenly opened his mouth to say something.But suddenly saw his wife shook his head gently, motioning him to let him come.After gently reaching out to wipe away the tears on Ace's face, "Lu" Jiu patted Ace on the back like waking up a sleepy child, "Okay kid, it's time to leave."

"Go? Where are you going?" Ace looked at his mother in a daze.

"Of course it's leaving here, here..." Roger said carelessly, but immediately his face changed and he closed his mouth.

Lu Jiu retracted the hand that was stretched behind Roger without a trace, and gently stroked Ace's face. "Although I really want to hug you for a while, your father is right. It's time for you to leave, otherwise you will never have the chance to leave."

"Why go! I want to stay here! I don't want to be alone anymore!" Ace hugged his mother tightly, fearing that the figure in front of him would disappear if he let go.

"Bah!" The thick fingers tapped Ace's head hard, and the sudden blow stopped Ace's crying.

"Hahaha, that's punishment for lying kids." Roger laughed, using his hands to make Ace's hair look like a chicken coop. "Stupid boy, you have never been alone. I was worried that Garp would not be able to take care of you, but you have a wonderful life."

A familiar face slowly emerged in Ace's mind, thinking about the stories he had experienced with those people over the years, "Well, I lied, Dad. I've never been alone!  … But ..."

"Okay kid, don't hesitate. I'm happy to hug you who grew up, and so is Ace. You've grown up. And if you don't go back, some people will be sad, right?" "Lu" Jiu gently kissed Ace's forehead, slowly smoothed Ace's hair with his fingers, and then gave him a light touch on his shoulder. [

Roger patted Ace on the shoulder hard, looked down into Ace's eyes and said, "Go, boy! My story with your mother is over, but your story is just beginning. Go use your eyes See more of the world and tell us about it when the story is over!"

"Well! I understand!" Ace nodded heavily, with a mischievous smile on the corner of his mouth, "If I don't go back, there will be a crybaby who will cry for a long time." Hugging him hard for the last time After hugging his parents, Ace turned his head and started running fast.Roger and "Lu" Jiu cuddled together and watched their son's back gradually disappear...

ps: I have been thinking about the things in this chapter for a long time, and it originally originated from the fan pictures I saw on the Internet.The lazy cat is trying to write down what he thinks of.Although keeping Ace alive will make the future plot more troublesome, but the most important thing to write a fan is to write what you want, isn't it?


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