One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 298 There Will Always Be Some Unsuitable People


spn "The heart of the sea—the vortex!" At the moment when the huge waves pouring into the palace were about to engulf everyone, Da Siqi's weak voice sounded again.The sea water touched by her arm swirled quickly as if stirred by a big hand, giving everyone a chance to breathe after being hit suddenly by Hody's means.

"Good job, Dashiqi! Kuina, let go of these murlocs." So Long said, he first raised the knife in his hand and swung at Neptune, directly killing the huge man. Cut off all the iron chains that bound the King of Murloc Island. "Hey, uncle. How about our temporary cooperation. As long as you help me take care of a group of landlubbers here for a while, I will cut them all down."

"No problem, everyone who can't swim will climb onto the old man." Neptune bent down, motioning for several capable users to grab his fluffy orange beard.At the same time, he grabbed the trident that was thrown aside and told the soldiers of Neptune's army who were cut open by Kuina with a sand blade, "All soldiers obey my order and assist Soli to fight against Hodi and his gang!"

"It's Sauron, you foolish king!"

"Hmph! Have you teamed up with humans, Neptune? Sure enough, this kingdom has been corrupted from the source." After seeing Neptune's deeds, Hodi's eyes became even colder.In the turbulent sea, the Great White Sharkmen showed their ferocious fangs. [

"Are you trying to kill me, Howdy!" Vander Daken clutched his chest with lingering fear, and asked angrily, "Why didn't you say hello before you were about to break the wall. If I hadn't used my hand just now Bubble Coral, I am absolutely dead under the curse of the Devil Fruit now. Is this how you treat your allies like this!"

"Don't be mad, Daken." Although he hated this so-called ally beside him to the extreme, Hody, who didn't want his subordinates to be alienated, couldn't do it to the extent of turning his face in public. "I apologize for my indiscretion, but there are priorities. Or as an ally, do you think I will leave you alone?"

"Well, how could it be. I trust you very much." Vander Dekemp looked at Hody with a smirk, and walked out with four legs. "If you fight in the water, your new murloc pirates will never lose to humans. Then I will go first to save my beautiful princess!"

I believe you?How can a person who has always only regarded his subordinates as tools care about one or two allies.I can sacrifice anyone in order to achieve my own goals, and I agreed to form an alliance with you only because I saw this similarity between you and me.What a pity, you thought you had the Murloc Island in your hands.In fact, the biggest secret treasure of Fishman Island is no longer in Dragon Palace City!Van der Daken smiled treacherously, the secret of that thing is only known to those who have given up their identities as humans and entered the bottom of the sea in order to pursue the secret.

Hundreds of years of waiting, Shirahoshi, you are finally about to fall into my hands!After breaking a coral with one kick, Vander Dyken tossed it up and jumped on top.Amidst his sharp laughter, the coral carried him through the Dragon Palace City and flew in the direction of Bai Xing.

"Wow! Is this the legendary bus stop? What a magical place, will there be a boat to take us to the sea forest after sitting here?" Shirahoshi lay on the edge of the fish tank and looked around like a curious baby. For her who has not been outside for ten years.Everything in Dragon Palace City seemed so miraculous.

"Hmph, what are these things?" Usopp held his head up like a worldly expert, "There is a ship called Sea Train on the sea, which can carry tens of thousands of people in various places. It travels between islands. That’s what the master shipbuilder on our ship made under my guidance.”

"A ship that can carry tens of thousands of people, isn't it as huge as Noah. Mr. Long Nose is amazing!" Shirahoshi looked at Usopp with adoring eyes, which was undoubtedly very useful to Lieutenant Bu.Now Chopper doesn't fall for his tricks very much, he just tricks Luffy to make people feel that the heights are not too cold.

"Drip, on the surface of the sea~~~" Usopp's words came out very clearly from the constant voice.After Usopp turned his head stiffly, he saw Shirley's three faces.

"Need me to give this to Frankie?"

"Please be sure to sell it to me, I will give you anything you want." Regarding his former underworld partner, Usopp wisely chose not to provoke him.Especially that one who is now getting farther and farther away from the direction of human beings. (The English teacher who taught biology said that this development process of biology is called complete metamorphosis.)

After Usopp said that, Shirley didn't show any politeness to him, and directly rummaged in the satchel in front of her.Or that she had made it a daily practice to blackmail the male members of the ship.

Usopp watched all this happen with horror, and kept praying to the god who didn't know whether it existed or not so that he would not suffer too much loss, but when he saw what Shirley took out at the end, he couldn't help but feel absurd .Just a jar with some colorful seeds in it.

"Ah, it turns out that you have taken a fancy to this, Shirley. I have to say that you are still very discerning. These are the popgreen seeds I brought back from the Boeing Islands. These are magical plants that cannot be seen in other places. If you want to learn this knowledge, I, Teacher Usopp, can give it to you, but~~" Usopp chattered, but what he didn't notice was that he was holding a jar Shirley didn't pay him any attention at all.

"Give it back to you." Shirley, who had already got what she wanted, threw the jar back to Usopp indifferently, making Usopp, who was still speaking, flustered.

"Hey, if you disrespect your teacher so much, I won't teach you knowledge."

"Drip, on the sea~~"

"I'm sorry I'm too arrogant." Usopp finally recognized the current situation, and what he saw was not an easy kid to deal with.It's a black-bellied little devil who grew up under the influence of a money-greedy navigator and a wicked vice-captain.

"Eh? Shirley let Usopp go so easily." Weiwei looked at the scene in front of her with some surprise.Although the little guy usually just extorts some snacks and tea, it is amazing to stop after just taking a few seeds. [

"I think it's because of this." Robin took out a book Shirley had read before, flipped through a few pages, and pointed to a place on it to signal Vivi to read it for herself.

After seeing the report on a certain special tea from the Boeing Islands, Weiwei smiled knowingly.I don't know whether it's better to describe the poor deceitful cloth as the crime of being pregnant or as a disaster.

After seeing Shirley take out a flower pot out of nowhere and plant a seed out of her hand, Usopp finally understood why he was being calculated. "I just want a seed, you can just tell me no! Do you need to play me like this!"

"No, there is no sense of accomplishment." Shirley answered succinctly, then pressed her palms on the soil and began to mutter something.

"No sense of accomplishment~~~" Usopp was instantly sunk. "Anyway, I am a character who shakes m for ten thousand years, anyway, I am a character who shakes m for ten thousand years..."

Not to mention the depressed Usopp, Shirley looked at the soil in the flower pot with anticipation like an elementary school student who took care of planting tomatoes in gardening class.While she was chanting those weird tones, a vibrant green light gradually appeared on her palm, and slowly drilled into the soil.Then a seedling burst out of the ground as if the fast-forward button was pressed, and it grew into a small tree half a person's height in a short while, with emerald green leaves emerging.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Do the plants on the sea grow so fast!" Bai Xing covered his mouth in surprise.A seed can grow up so quickly, what a magical world is on the sea.

"Don't worry, that's just a special case. In short, you'd better get used to things that are beyond the scope of common sense when you stay around these guys." Bonnie leaned on the seat without any image, holding the bag in her arms with one hand. Food keeps stuffing into mouth.At this moment, a hand sneakily reached out to the food in Bonnie's hand, "Dare to steal my food, do you want to die, straw hat kid!"

With the activation of Bonnie's ability, Luffy, who became older than him, walked over tremblingly and argued with Bonnie, "What is stealing? Isn't it common to share food with your companions? It's wrong to eat alone."

"You guy who always grabs food from me during meals is not qualified to say that!"

Ghosts, demons, rubber figures... Shirley over there has already picked tea tree shoots and fried them in an iron pot on the side with satisfaction. Of course, if the heating equipment is not another girl with golden red hair The palm of your hand will look a little more natural.

"Everyone is so funny!" Bai Xing looked at the noisy group of people around him, with a more innocent smile on his face.This kind of heartfelt joy was something she hadn't experienced for a long time after spending ten years alone in the hard shell tower.

"It's very interesting, it feels like being with everyone." Nero, who had a panoramic view of Shirahoshi's expression, walked up to Shirahoshi, and stretched out a finger to her. "Then why don't you join our pirate group and have fun with everyone?"

"Eh! Me? I..."

"Hey, dear Shirahoshi. Your prince is here to find you!" Vander Daken's sharp voice sounded 'just right', making Shirahoshi, who was still hesitating, look at the voice in horror. coming direction.

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