One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 314 Ancient Weapon - Sea Emperor Poseidon


spn "Hey, how's the harvest!"

"Hahaha, don't worry. I found a lot of fat shellfish."

"I heard that they like to eat the meat of sea beasts. If you hunt a big one today, you can send it away."

"Is there enough wine, take all of this and let them drink it."

"Give these sweet treats to them too, even though it's not cotton candy, that pet will like it too."[

Almost everyone on Murloc Island mobilized to actively search for delicious ingredients, and sent them to the kitchen of Murloc Island to cook them into delicious food.The king is about to host a banquet in Dragon Palace City for the Straw Hats who saved the Murloc Island, and everyone wants to entertain these human pirates with good things.

Hody and his gang who defeated the "rebellion" also stopped Noah from falling. Even though the result was a little anticlimactic, they were regarded as heroes of Fishman Island even if they didn't want to.And those abducted mermaid girls were found in Dragon Palace City, and after identifying the appearance of the criminals, they were completely cleared of the suspicion of the Straw Hat Pirates.After this last stain was erased, this group of human pirates became the most popular existence in the entire Murloc Island.

"Mr. Devil, where are we going? If we don't click back, we will miss the banquet." Shirahoshi tentatively asked Nero, who was sitting on the head of the dried sea monster squid. She was looking forward to this opportunity to have a lively meal with everyone.

"Don't worry, I just want you to say hello to some friends, and you won't miss the banquet. How do you say that... Make the most of the available time." Nero snapped his fingers and patted the sea monster under his body. head. "Forget it, dried squid. Just stop here, this distance should not be seen by the people from Murloc Island."

"Here..." Bai Xing looked timidly at the empty seabed around him, and asked with some trepidation, "Mr. Devil, can you tell me who I want to meet? If it's skeletons and ghosts... If they It's not impossible to be as friendly as Miss Perona, but..."

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of necromancer who likes to get along with bones. Although that stuff is excellent cannon fodder, it's really disgusting. For example, those skeletons are as brittle as glass, and things like ghouls... ..." Nero talked eloquently, as if he didn't realize that the girl behind him was already shaking like chaff.

"Nero, can you stop talking about that disgusting topic. You scared the kid." Robin closed the book and glared at Nero angrily.If you don't interfere, this guy will probably get worse.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Shirahoshi. Seeing you like that suddenly makes me want to bully you... Uh huh, anyway, let's get down to business." Nero coughed awkwardly, almost forgetting that Robin was talking to you. next to.Sure enough, after having Shirley and Abis, my mental age began to transition to that of a middle-aged uncle? "Have you ever thought about it, Shirahoshi? Why does Hody and his gang have to be behind you to be at ease, and compared to your father and brother, he seems to want to kill you?"

"Hey! This..." Bai Xing thought for a while inexplicably, it seemed that Mr. Huodi really wanted to kill himself a little bit, "Could it be that I did something to offend him?"

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this. You didn't do anything wrong. I think the reason why that guy targeted you should be explained to you. By the way, Shirahoshi, do you like singing?"

"Singing...can be a little bit, but I haven't heard it for others. I sang it to Megaro when I was in the hard shell tower." Shirahoshi twisted her fingers a little uneasily. Some don't know what to say.

"It doesn't matter, a child as cute as Bai Xing will not sing badly." Nero smiled and gave Bai Xing an encouraging look, "Then I will sing a song next, and the lyrics and tone may be a bit strange. But Don't worry about it, just try to imitate and sing it down. It's best not to think about it in your heart, just keep saying something like this silently."

"Hi! I'll work hard." Shirahoshi clenched his fists to cheer himself up, and then he looked serious like an elementary school student participating in a sports meeting for the first time.

A song with an unheard tune was sung slowly by Nero, and Robin couldn't understand any of the words in it.But from the rhythmic pause and beautiful tone, Robin seemed to hear a thick and peaceful atmosphere like the text of history.

"Ahhh... no, I'm so stupid. I can't learn anything. I'm very sorry, Mr. Demon." After stammering and singing along, Shirahoshi looked at Nero with a mournful face.It's just too difficult to sing a song in a language you're not familiar with that doesn't fit the tune of this world at all.

"It's okay, it's just a folk song from my hometown. You can't sing it because of my teacher's problem." Seeing that Bai Xing looked like he was about to cry, Nero quickly waved his hands to comfort him.

To be honest, Nero didn't think he was a good teacher.In addition to Abis' ability to communicate with animals beyond the charts, in terms of magic, she just used the lazy phoenix with zero sense of existence to become a pseudo-arcanist full-time destruction.Shirley can use natural magic very skillfully, but apart from a limited number of plants that can play pranks, the only objects she can communicate with are tea trees.If this kind of druid let other people know, even the one who sells the silver scale breastplate will cry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Devil. I probably understand the feeling in this song, but that strange pronunciation is really convoluted." Bai Xing looked at Nero with a mournful face. The convoluted pronunciation just now made her bite her tongue eagerly .

"I said it's none of your business." Nero patted his forehead a little bit, originally wanting to take this opportunity to let the kid know something.However, if Neptune agreed, the child's character should not object, since she also likes staying on the boat. "Forget it, that's all for today. Thank you for coming out with us, let's go back to the banquet now. Ah, that's right. Do you want to eat human cuisine? The chef's skills on our ship are also second to none on the sea. "[

"Mr. Demon...I want to try again! This time it will definitely work!" Bai Xing said with a firm face, and opened his mouth again before Nero could say yes. "Well, I bit my tongue again."

"Okay, okay, you've worked hard enough." Robin stretched out a big hand on Bai Xing's shoulder with his power, and gently stroked her head to comfort her. "Let's go back today, if it's later, maybe Luffy will eat up everything."

"Sister Robin..." I'm really sorry, although I don't know who Mr. Devil asked me to call, but if you can hear it, please show up.Shirahoshi prayed silently, Mister Demon and the others helped him so much, she really didn't want to let him down.

"Don't worry about this, I'm too impatient. Those trills and drawls of the ancient elves are..." Nero suddenly looked up at the dark seabed outside the sun. Suddenly there was a heavy and powerful sound of water splashing into the ears.

The dried sea monster squid under his feet suddenly vibrated, and the dangling tentacles stopped for an instant and looked in one direction cautiously.

"Our most honorable king, are you calling us?" When Bai Xing raised his head because of these words, he happened to see several huge lanterns lit up in the darkness...

"How can this be, Your Majesty Neptune." The left minister put his hands on the table and tried to raise his body so that Neptune, who didn't know why he was crazy, could see the angry expression on his face, "I will never allow you to do that Do it, it's too bad!"

"They saved the Fishman Island. We are very grateful. But if they do that, I will not be able to obey..." The right minister also firmly opposed it, without any scruples about the king's face.

"That's right, Father, they have helped us so much. We all agree with whatever you give them, but letting Bai Xing follow them to the human world is really..." Sha Xing looked at his father excitedly, He really couldn't figure out why his father, who had always loved Bai Xing, would make such a choice.Although Rolling Star and Huangxing didn't speak, their expressions clearly showed their attitude.

"I understand your feelings, and I don't want to part with Shirahoshi either. But~~ we can't protect her. Have you forgotten what Shirahoshi did at the port 10 years ago?" After Neptune spoke, the few people present were silent .Who can forget what happened after that Tianlongren accidentally injured Princess Otohime, those huge heads protruding from the sea almost blocked the sun!

"It has existed in the legend of Murloc Island since ancient times. The king of sea kings will appear in the world in the form of a mermaid princess every hundred years. The ancient weapon Poseidon, the king of the sea, who would have thought that my lovely daughter would have such Terrifying power." Neptune looked at the sunshine outside the palace, and sighed loudly, "The most regrettable thing is that my kingdom is not qualified to have this kind of power, so I have to find a place that can protect her. The group The pirate Shirahoshi seems to like them very much, and they also have the power to protect Shirahoshi."

"But the Straw Hats are powerful, but the world still has great power."

"They have this ability." Neptune looked at his son firmly, "Mr. Nero has already told me the real reason why the Marinfodo naval battle ended. In a snow globe on their boat!"

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