
The towering trees covered the sky like a canopy, and the light spots formed by the sunlight shining through the gaps in the leaves seemed to be scattered on the ground.The crisp sound of birdsong came from the branches, and there were some small animals poking their heads in the grass.

"Where is this place? I'm not..." Peronabbi looked at the surrounding environment suspiciously, and she remembered that she had clearly entered Nero's mind.Roaring demons and life-and-death battles, she has all these awareness.Now that she was suddenly in such a beautiful forest, she was a little overwhelmed.

With some doubts, he took a few steps forward, tore off a leaf, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it.The faint fragrance of the plant made Perona wonder if it was real or an illusion... Wait!I am walking by myself!And this leaf was torn off by myself!

Perona immediately understood that she couldn't touch any real objects in the ghost state, and her behavior was like floating like a ghost.Now there is only one possibility for this situation-it must be something weird made by the demon in Nero's body.

Thinking of this, Perona suddenly became nervous, but she had no intention of retreating as she had already realized it.Proceed carefully along the path in the forest.However, she didn't realize that the leaves that she threw on the ground after she left disappeared and reappeared on the original branches. [

After not walking far, Perona was stunned after pushing away the branches blocking her eyes.She swore she had never seen such a beautiful place in her life.

Looking up at the sky, even the sunlight is showing a misty purple.The taller tree crowns became faint shadows, immersed in the purple brilliance.Different from the forest outside, the branches of the trees here also have a purple color, and even the leaves are mostly red and purple.The green grass on the ground was not affected by this purple tone, but the small lavender flowers dotted among the green grass made them look quite harmonious in the whole environment.

Houses are not built with trees, but with living trees as their backing.The pale white staircase spirals up to the top floor, and the edge is inlaid with the same floating cloud flower decoration as on the roof.Under the thick shade, the purple cornices are full of classical charm.A few low trees have sparse branches, entwined with silver and blue light balls.

Some human beings with lavender skin were walking in this extremely beautiful city. A robust black panther and a naive owl appeared beside these people, and some other animals also frolicked in the city without any scruples.Nothing strange, as it should be.It is part city and part forest.

"That... May I ask where is..."

"Can you tell me..."

"Bastard, you look at me! I don't care. Negative ghost!"

"Hey hey hey! It's useless. Then - the ghost bomb!"

The "mini" ghost exploded following Perona's fingers, and both the trees, buildings and those purple people were engulfed by the smoke and dust produced by the explosion.After the smoke and dust cleared, the broken walls made Perona's anger dissipate a lot. "Hmph, now you know how powerful it is. Not yet..."

The surrounding world fluctuated as if the reflection in the water was blown by the wind, and the things destroyed by Perona the next moment became intact again!


"I want to see how many times you can recover. The ghost explodes!!!"

"Okay, I'm convinced." The exhausted Perona was lying on the grass without any image, and she used her abilities crazily to make her run a few kilometers in the sun.However, all the damage she caused disappeared within a few breaths.

"What's wrong with this damn place? No, I have to drink some water. I don't know if drinking the water in this place will cause stomach upset!" Perona walked forward cursing, if she didn't drink some water to moisten her throat If she did, she felt that she would lose all patience.

Not far ahead, I saw a small well bathed in the brilliance of the moon. The water in the well floated like a clear blue light, like dense smoke.This kind of water will make people feel comfortable and lively even if it just looks, but Perona has no interest in drinking water at all at this moment.

"Nero! Why are you here!" The man by the well surprised Perona.Although his skin color has become the same lavender color as before, and there are strange patterns painted on his body.However, if he removed the unique parts of the demon such as the horns and wings when he turned into a demon, his face at that time should be a little different from now. "Do you know how worried we are about you? You guys are here to relax!"

"Nero? Are you calling me? Or is this weird pronunciation my name?" The long ears of the night elf sitting by the well trembled a few times, and he turned his head to look at him with a strange gaze. Perona. "This pronunciation is indeed very familiar, but this kind of name that has nothing to do with nature should not belong to Kaldorei. Is this my name? Cheng Fei? Not many, this pronunciation is weird. I think I should It's called Illidan, but..."

"Forget it, these things are not important." The night elf shook his head, and his shoulder-length hair fluctuated like a stream of water with his movements. "It's you, human? Undead? It doesn't look like much. But you shouldn't be here. Even though it's just a village near Jin-Azsari, you might be cleansed if found by the temple guys. Those quel'dorei are not very kind to humans and undead and even us. I should have killed you when I found you, but something inside told me not to. Anyway, I hope you will before I change my mind leave here."

"Huh? Wait for me, when did you learn to speak so domineeringly?" Perona raised her eyebrows, widened her eyes, stood on tiptoe and looked at the night elf. "You bastard! Why do you think that my majestic ghost princess, Mrs. Perona, came to this ghostly place? If this lady came to save you, you should be grateful for help! Get out of here with me right now!" [

Perona reached out to grab the night elf and lead him away from this weird place, but the opponent took a few steps back to avoid her hand. "Perona... This name is also very familiar. Maybe I know you. But unfortunately, I just want to stay here and see her now."

The night elf turned his head to look to the other side of the well. The gazebo in the middle of the village was still bathed in eternal moonlight, and the branches and leaves of the trees pierced through the roof, telling the fairy tale of life loudly.A slender figure was sitting there gracefully, holding a book in his hand and quietly reading it under the moonlight.

"What's her name? Tyrande? Maiev? Nami? Robin or Vivi? No, maybe her name is..." The night elf tugged at his hair a little irritably. A little frightened, because he found a terrible gap in his memory. "I know I love her, madly in love. But what's her name? What does she look like? Why...why I can't remember anything!"

Perona was also stunned, until now she discovered a problem that she had ignored for a long time.The strangest thing about those purple-skinned humans is not their skin color, but that everyone's faces are blurred except for Nero who is sitting by the well!

At first glance, the idea that this is a handsome man or that is a beautiful woman will appear in my mind, but when I try to see what he looks like, it always seems to be separated by a layer of veil.

When Nero pronounced those names, the face of the woman sitting in the gazebo suddenly became clear.After the faces of the two unseen women, the faces of the navigator on the ship, the historian...these faces flashed one by one.Even Perona saw that the woman had changed into herself for a moment.

"Could it be..." A somewhat whimsical idea emerged from Perona's mind. Although it was absurd, maybe this could really solve everything.

"Storm Nero. The leader of the Mariejoia slave riot 12 years ago. After the riot, the muffled ruins were hidden on a small island in the East China Sea..." Perona spoke slowly, sharing what she knew The experience of the man in front of him was told to him.This move of hers seemed to really have an effect. The night elf gradually calmed down and listened quietly to Perona's story.

"...I will meet you again two years after the battle on the top, and after solving the rebellion on the fish-man island, I brought the mermaid princess aboard. I came to the world with all of us." After Perona finished speaking, she felt relieved. Looking anxiously at the night elf with his head down, he kept praying for a miracle to happen.

"What nonsense are you talking about... Shirahoshi was not abducted into the boat by me." Nero raised his head and showed a gentle smile at Perona. "Sorry for worrying you, Perona. Been 'lost' on the road of life for a while, but come back."

"Why didn't you abduct the boat. Not only Shirahoshi, but also me, Bonnie, and... you bastard!" Perona threw herself into Nero's arms and buried her head in his arms so that he wouldn't see her. expression.

"Well, I'm sorry it's all my fault." Nero touched Perona's head and looked up at the forest ahead. "But let's go out now, and report to everyone after solving some minor problems. I'm really sorry for making everyone worry about me."

Nero took Perona's hand and walked slowly. When they left, the scene behind them suddenly shattered like shattered glass.The beautiful Whispering Forest, the desolate island, the crisis-ridden Outland all the way to the steel forest made of reinforced concrete, when all the scenes that left a mark on the soul disappeared, what appeared in front of him was the demon hunter who was already full of cracks. soul.

"Thank you, goodbye." The arm clapped vigorously, and the soul turned into butterfly-like fragments and floated away.Like a jade swallow throwing itself into its bosom, it all merged into the soul named Nero. "Or... never again, Illidan."

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