
What kind of creature is the spn demon?This question may not even be answered by most demons themselves.After all, this is just a general term for creatures born in purgatory.But insidious, cunning, cruel, crazy... many derogatory terms can be applied to them.And what cannot be ignored is their powerful ratio due to the harsh environment.

For example, the terrifying high temperature in Purgatory strengthened the demons' resistance to flames, until they became immune to fire and even had the same fire-absorbing physique as the phoenix.

Seid Island, as one of the three nodes where the world's magma gathers, already has a very strong energy of fire element. After the remaining two nodes were blown up and activated, the concentration of fire element was so high that it was outrageous.In this kind of place, even the low-level magic fireball technique released by the worst magic apprentice can produce the power of bursting fireball in high-level magic.Needless to say, it is equivalent to a demon who is an expert in playing with fire.

"Burst flame!" The crimson flame bloomed in Nero's hands like a red lotus, and then was thrown out to bloom again into pieces of flowers.Even if it wasn't as deadly as the tarsal maggot-like fel flames, the marines who were hit still lay scorched and wailed on the ground.

It is not because of kindness that you are injured but not dead. Even friends would not do such things when fighting in battle.A seriously injured navy must have at least one navy to take care of it, and it takes a lot of effort to salvage the medical kit from those half-sunken ships.For Nero, whose purpose is to stop the advance of the navy, there is no better phenomenon than this. [

After releasing the magic, the surrounding fire elements immediately poured into his body, and the missing magic power instantly replenished.It's like using a golden finger to call out the buff of magic power limit and magic power multiplication when playing a game. Regardless of jng's mental fatigue, he will never lose his fighting power on this island.

The omen in his heart suddenly appeared, and Nero raised the Azzinoth War Blade without hesitation and turned around and slashed.The blade of the Warglaive of Azzinoth immediately collided with a long sword made of light.

"Oh my god, it's not the right way to attack these young people, Mr. Nero." The voice came after the attack. As a user with the ability of the shining fruit, the yellow ape has the speed of light when he is elemental Equivalent movement speed.What responded to the yellow monkey was an oncoming fire.

"It's not okay to disrespect seniors like this. I plan to settle the kindness with you two years ago! Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

"Dark Curtain!"

The golden Gouyu and the black fireball emerged from behind Huang Yuan and Nero at the same time, and then poured and hit like a torrential rain.Sparks exploded in the air.

"Shave!" x2

After stepping on the ground at high speed, Stoloberg and Gumier appeared behind Nero holding knives in both hands in unison, and the four blades gleaming with cold light mercilessly slashed down.

The wings on the back appeared instantly, and a kite turned over and soared into the sky.In addition to the two lieutenant generals who launched the attack, the figures of Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan and Dauberman have also appeared on the battlefield.During the fierce battle with the yellow monkey, many marines were also seriously injured, but now the marine soldiers rushing to the front have also run close to the battlefield where the members of the Straw Hat Pirates fought against the raw marines.

"Hey, this is not good. I told you that your opponent is me alone. Crossing the line is prohibited!" Nero didn't have much panic on his face, and he just put it away in mid-air. The wings plummeted from the sky.

"Boom!" When Nero was surrounded by flames, he smashed a big hole a few meters in front of the navy running in the front, and the navy running in the front could clearly see it.The high-spirited smile on the other party's face.

"As punishment, I'll introduce you to some friends!"

The flame on Nero's body suddenly spread rapidly on the ground as if it had encountered a lead wire, and when it encountered some obsidian that seemed to be piled up randomly on the ground, it suddenly changed strangely.As a substance formed after magma condenses, obsidian does not have any flammable properties.But when the dark blue fel energy flame touched them, these stones burned up, emitting a miserable green flame.

The soil turned up, and a stone arm burning with miserable green flames supported the ground.The stone giant rose to his feet, encased in the flames created by the evil force.

Memories that have always wanted to be forgotten emerged in the minds of the navy. It seemed that they had seen a scene of deja vu in Marineford two years ago.On that day, it was also the same stone giant who forcibly withstood the attack of the then Admiral Sengoku.Let Ace on the execution platform escape from birth.

Now the same monster reappeared, although it was much smaller than Malinfordo's.But when dozens of burning stone giants roared, the navies who had experienced the battle on the top swallowed their saliva.

"I hope everyone will like the playmate I found for you - Hellfire, the pioneer magic puppet of the Burning Legion!" The Hellfire behind him is absolutely mass-produced, which Nero knows very well.It's just that after Frankie quickly processed the shape with an electric drill, he roughly carved a few magic circles on it.It's questionable whether these shoddy magic golems can act elsewhere, but it's more than enough to stop some navies here.

In a place with such an abundance of fire elements, hellfire will never stop due to exhaustion of energy, so if those navies want to defeat them and pass here, they have to completely smash them.The hardness of obsidian is not something that can be solved easily.

"Dididi..." After a burst of rapid clarity, a radium shot bombarded the chest of a hellfire.The strong impact force even Hellfire's huge body was shaken, but that's all. [

The pacifists who launched the attack did not show any emotional changes in response to this result. As humanoid weapons, they were not implanted with the so-called emotion program at all.For the fact that the target wasn't wiped out, he'll just silently start condensing the beam again.

"How could it be ineffective!" There is no secret that the radium shot of the yellow ape is very effective against Nero Storm.Then the pacifist's radium shot from the ape should not just have such a trivial effect.It made Flying Squirrel, who had quietly ordered all the pacifists activated, feel like an idiot.

Although hellfires are driven by fel flames, they are not demons but rather strange magic puppets.Their resistance to magic has become the nightmare of many mages on the continent of Azeroth.This point is widely known on the continent of Azeroth after adventurers set foot on Outland, not to mention the navy who can't understand the existence of magic at all.

"Slaughter to your heart's content, demons. Before you turn into stones on the side of the road, go and stain the blood of the living." Nero waved his hand like a general berating Fang Qiu.

Hellfire couldn't understand human language, but Nero's simultaneous command in his mind made them rush towards the navy like tigers out of the cage.

Like a tiger in a flock, every wave of his arm will always blow the surrounding navy away.Hellfire has no pain and no emotion, coupled with the size of that small giant, all the navy soldiers fell into a hard fight.The strongest attacks of the pacifists were of little use, and taking out dozens of Infernals became a rather difficult task.

"Leave it to us, Mr. Kizaru." Stonobelli moved his wrist, and clenched the two knives in his hand.It's not that he understands righteousness and takes the difficult job on his own initiative, but that he doesn't want to conflict with that person no matter what.Even though he is a sinner now, he still vividly remembers the way he was taught when he was young. "We will try our best to stop that demon, and I hope that you, Huang Yuan, can do... to end all this."

Stornobell didn't want to kill him, and the tall admiral's figure was always lingering when he entered the navy.The others did not answer, but this does not mean that the remaining lieutenant generals have forgotten the past.If Zefa hadn't wanted to destroy the whole world, no one who had been taught by him would take action against his most respected teacher.

"Ah, this is really troublesome. Well, let me meet that uncle." Huang Yuan turned his body into elements, turned into a flash of light and flew towards the crater.

At this moment, a fist hit the elementalized yellow monkey accurately and by mistake, directly knocking him back from elementalization to his original form.

"I've said it before, since I'm in charge of this place, I won't let any of you pass before I've been defeated." Nero flapped his wings and stayed in the air, condescendingly watching the battlefield ravaged by hellfire. "The captain said he shot Z into the air with his own hands, and I won't let anyone affect his battle."

The demon floating in the air is like a general guarding the general's platform.Hellfires, navies, and pacifists battled at his feet.Some people were blown away crying, some hellfires were smashed into flying ashes, and the expensive peacemakers were smashed into scrap iron.

The delusion of bragging about the strength of a single person to resist tens of thousands of troops has become a reality. Dozens of hellfires and Nero's own power forcibly resisted tens of thousands of navy elites.

"Are you willing to accept my proposal now? . . . Navy lords."

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