One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 336 The Island of Ice and Fire


spn "Hey hey, what will be on it? A wild boar made of barbecue meat, or a roast chicken dancing in the flames. Think about it and look forward to it." Luffy lay on the bow, looking at the flame-filled building. islands.Strange creatures that were bubbling with oil appeared in their heads.

After getting Nero's promise, Luffy temporarily suppressed his desire to explore and waited patiently.After seeing this strange island, he was full of confidence in the taste of the creatures on the island.As for the distress signal just now, he has temporarily forgotten it.

"Idiot, how could that kind of thing appear! The things on this terrifying island must be..." The burning skeletons, the fire-breathing cows are already holding the fff balls of gasoline... when these terrifying creatures emerge from the mind When it was time, Usopp swallowed involuntarily. "In short, this kind of weird island must not be boarded."

"I'll go up anyway." Sauron, who was dozing on the deck, opened his eyes and looked at the sea covered in flames, "Hey, Brooke. Do you still remember the word warrior?" Touching his waist The hilt of Heidao Qiushui, the lonely figure bathed in flames two years ago can't help but come to mind.

Isn't Brook laughing and joking, and the dignity of a swordsman appeared on his face with only bones left. "Well, how could it be possible to forget." His shadow was taken away by Moriah in the Devil's Triangle Sea and placed in the body of a warrior zombie. That memory was not very good, but after the shadow came back, there seemed to be a vague memory. A proud and powerful self. [

"Soron, Brook, why did you two abandon me too!" Usopp burst into tears. It's fine for Sauron, a road idiot who occasionally gets nervous and wants to take a walk, but Brook, who is a cowardly trio with Chopper and himself Why did it become like this this time.

"Speaking of which, I actually want to go up there too." Sanji threw a shell several circles larger than the dining table onto the deck, "Seashells are usually steamed or boiled even to get their taste. Best, it's rare to have such a suitable environment, I want to try cooking this big guy I caught a few days ago."

"Grilled scallops~~ Very good idea." Lu Fei wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, and nodded with satisfaction.For a foodie, there is nothing better than a chef who dares to try.

"Well, it's decided then. Other than a certain bellyband who will be 'lost' somewhere, who else wants to go up later?"

"What are you talking about you blonde ghost cook!"

Sauron and Sanji began to have fun as usual, and Usopp is now facing a major decision.I have decided to transform and change my timid style and start to become a brave and fearful warrior, but in this situation~~~ Well, even the greatest warrior will not make so-called sacrifices. "I forgot to tell everyone, in fact, the disease that would kill me as soon as I go to the island has relapsed again."

"It can't be done, it can't be done, it has to...ah, I'm saved." After eating a spoonful of cold ice cream, two lovely blushes appeared on Chopper's face.For a reindeer who grew up on Winter Island, his fur, which is warmer than the best wool, has become a considerable burden in the hot environment.

"I have a suggestion, how about shaving it off? It will make you feel much better if you shave off the 'hair' a little bit." Abis looked at Chopper with a smile on her face, holding a handful of hair that was shining with cold light in her hand. kitchen knife. "Just shave a little 'hair', believe me it's for your own good. I've used the wax gourd from the vegetable garden to contact me many times, it won't hurt you, don't worry."

"No, your ears will be shaved off!" The reindeer ran away covering its ears.

"Don't run away, it's really just a shot!" The bear boy chased after him with a knife in his hand.

"If you want to shave, go find that hairball of Ibrahimovic. Its hair is much longer than mine." The reindeer tried to cause trouble.

"No, such a little 'hair', let alone a scarf, is not enough to make a pair of gloves." The brat subconsciously said his real purpose.

"Why don't these guys even have a sense of crisis at all." Nami bit the straw, and the cold drink slowly slid down her throat, which relieved her inner irritability a lot.But even so she was a little sullen.

The curious captain coupled with the booing crew, now even Nero, who is the only starting point, has begun to let go.When he spoke to Luffy, his voice was not very small, and the so-called opportunity for Luffy to take risks obviously meant that he was going to be passive and sabotage.The possibility of coming back after just turning around is much greater than the possibility of coming back after sweeping up the dangers on the island.

"What a strange island." Looking at the island under his feet, Nero couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the artifact of nature.I thought it was just a volcanic island covered in flames, but after flying into the sky, I found that the one full of flames was only about half the size of the island.The other half of the island is completely covered in ice and snow, and even the sea surface of the island on that side has a thick layer of solid ice.

Half ice and half flame, extreme cold and extreme heat appeared on this small island at the same time.It did not extinguish the fire, nor did the flames melt the ice and snow one iota.Binghuo Island, the name heard in a well-known martial arts novel in the previous life, may be very suitable for this island.And this scene is very similar to a story I heard a few days ago.

"No wonder the name Punk Sahad seems to have been heard somewhere, so that's the case. It can already change the climate when fully activated, and the power of the natural system that involves laws is really terrifying. But I'm also curious, how did you Why did you lose so badly, Aokiji?"

Nero rubbed his chin with a playful expression on his face. If a certain chicken really lost as badly as he said, the island should be completely covered in flames now.And since the island is in a state of ice and fire, what happened during that battle is worth pondering.

"But it's better to go back to the boat first. Since I promised Luffy to give him the chance to take risks, it's not a good thing to explore alone. And without the foresight of the plot, my ability to analyze information is completely inferior to that of No, Robin." Not only the result of that decisive battle, but also the buildings with the navy logo faintly visible under the ice, snow and flames is also a very interesting discovery. [

"Huchi! Huchi..." There was a sound like a dilapidated bellows, and at the same time there was the sound of claws sliding across the ground.There seemed to be a dangerous beast approaching in the flames.

"Interesting, it seems that something has taken demon hunters as prey." Nero closed his eyes, seeing that se's domineering power was released around himself like a radar.The figure of the predator not far away immediately appeared in his mind.

Its body is like a lizard magnified hundreds of times, with a pair of wings on its back that are about the same size as its body.Now the giant beast is quietly approaching its prey under the cover of flames. "Heh, it seems that I really have a relationship with this group. Maybe my title is more suitable for a dragon slayer than a demon hunter."

An ugly big head protruded from the flames. On the head covered with reversed black scales, a pair of coral-shaped head horns half the size of the head were exuding a blood-red light.Huang Heilong didn't know why this tiny prey didn't panic and run away after seeing him, but it was obviously a good thing for it.Those prey are getting more and more timid, it has not eaten fresh meat for a long time, and it is more eager to chew the blood in its mouth.

Without waiting for the dazed prey to react, Huang Heilong raised its front paw and slapped down on the prey vigorously.Whether the food is complete or not does not matter to a dragon, as long as the meat in the mouth is eaten, it is good meat.

"Clang!" The crescent-like blade and the dragon's claw collided together, and the blade swayed a few times flexibly during the impact, making Huang Heilong suddenly feel a sense of force.Then there was a piercing pain coming from the paw.

The scorching dragon's blood dripped to the ground along the blade of Azzinoth's Warglaive, making a sizzling sound like boiling oil.Seeing Huang Heilong screaming angrily because of the pain, Nero stuck out his tongue and "licked" the dragon's blood that splashed to the corner of his mouth into his mouth.

The hot and stimulating blood is like vodka with a strong taste.Unlike the elders of the Celestial Dragons who transform into dragons through devil fruits, the taste of this blood is not much different from pure dragon blood except that the taste of magic energy is a little lighter. "Interesting, it's so interesting. There are dragons appearing, this world really gave me too many surprises. Although you have nothing to do with those dregs of Tianlong people, but since you want to eat me, it means that you will be eaten Come to your senses."

"Roar~~~" Huang Heilong, whose claw was cut off, yelled angrily, opened his mouth and sprayed out a ball of crimson fire, which hit Nero and exploded to form a pillar of crimson fire reaching the sky.

"Ala, ala, it's wrong to spit on a lizard. If it's really dragon's breath you're spitting, I'd have a headache, but if it's only this much." An anti-knuckle goat's hoof stepped out of the flames Come out, and the demon's bright red eyes emerged from the flames. "Just accept my treat, little lizard!"

"What a scary place, it looks like a monster will come out in the next moment." As soon as Usopp finished speaking, a sky-shattering roar came from the island.A huge dragon flapped its wings and flew out from the island, but it looked like it was running for its life, looking at it flying crookedly.

"Stop, little lizard!" The great demon flapped his wings like purple lightning, and he threw out a warblade of Azzinoth forcefully with a wave of his hand, hitting one of the dragon's wings like a meteor superior.

Behind the crisp sound, the giant dragon screamed and fell into the sea, and the demon chased down relentlessly.

"Bye bye, little lizard." The two Azzinoth warblades intersected against the dragon's throat, and the devil tore it apart with both hands.The scorching blood boiled the sea water like a fountain of blood in hell.

ps: Tomorrow Lazy Cat will go to the Chambord Islands to receive a 14-day special training led by Baki, the leader of the Shichibukai. Including the time spent on the road, the update will continue on the 14th.In short everyone, we will meet again on September NO.[-].

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