One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 351 The Little Giant in the Candy House

The laboratory on Punk Sahad looks like a large building buried under the snow, but it is actually a complex of several connected buildings.The building used as the experimental product storage and drug testing site, the building mainly for drug manufacturing, and the b building as the main place for soldiers' activities.Among these three buildings, there is a building with the smallest area. Building r is the office of Caesar, the owner here. Not only does it have the best equipment and the best defense, but it is also the brain of this laboratory.

"...That's the way it is, Mr. Joker, and now because of Caesar's unwise behavior, we and the Straw Hats have no room for reconciliation." On the office chair that originally belonged to Caesar, the harpy Monet was sitting on it Watching the images projected on the big screen.Facing the phone bug in front of him, he reported very calmly, "Now Caesar has been caught by that Mr. Devil, please show me what to do now, Mr. Joker."

"Hahaha, this is really unexpected. Except for inventing weapons, Caesar is stupid to death. But he can't die now, only he can do it." Joker lazily came from the phone bug Voice, even knowing the current situation here, he didn't feel any panic. "Vergo is there now, right?"

"That's right, Mr. joker." A man stepped out from the shadows, wearing a plaid coat, sunglasses, and lightning-shaped sideburns on both sides of his face.He held a section of emerald green bamboo in his hand, which seemed to be broken from somewhere and used as a walking stick. "However, according to the information obtained from the Navy Headquarters, the chance of me defeating that person is very small."

"I didn't expect you to deal with him. If that guy was so easy to deal with, I wouldn't have to make so many arrangements. Let me intervene a little. If that guy didn't intend to kill, Caesar should be able to escape. "The joker still ordered in a calm tone," then let him activate that directly. Some guys in the new world seem to want to see the power of that thing. The navy, pirates and Caesar are raising Those guinea pigs in the world will definitely put on a pretty good show.”[

"Understood." Virgo nodded slightly, stepped lightly on the ground, and when a continuous sound of breaking through the air sounded, the figure quickly left like a ghost.

Monet hesitated for a moment, but still reminded him before the other party hung up the phone. "Excuse me, Mr. joker. The kingdom of death may not be of much use to that person."

"Ahahaha, you are really cute Monet." It was obviously a boast, but the tone that came out of the phone bug was colder than Sen. "Do you need me to explain it to you in detail?"

"I'm very sorry, Mr. joker!"

"Since this is the case, just do it well. I will let bby-5 and Buffalo pick you up."

There was a busy tone from the phone bug, and Monet breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.I really don't know why I said that kind of thing just now.You must know that Mr. Joker loves his subordinates very much, but he is never soft on his subordinates who violate his taboos.The one who is apparently only one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king is actually the leader of the dark side of this sea—Don Quixote Doflamingo, code-named the highest joker in poker.

"Well, that's..." One of the digital monitoring screens on the big screen caught Monet's attention.The characters in the picture had just been separated from her not long ago, and their current location was quite a bad place. "It's really surprising that I found it there. It's really a group of thieves and cats that don't make people worry. But that sentence is right, cats die of curiosity."

They had deliberately led them away from the experimental area, but they didn't expect to go there.We can't let them continue to make trouble.It's a pity, I feel pretty good about those guys.

The harpy flapped its wings and flew out of the main control room with a gust of icy wind.At the position Monet was looking at, the images of Nami and his party are being reflected on the screen...

"This is where the kids stay—the candy house. If the kids you're looking for..." The heavy blow on the back of the head knocked the soldier's back words back into his stomach, and he fell straight down like a piece of wood.

"Thank you for your hard work, please rest well now." Nami tilted the head of the samurai in her hand. It seems that this thing is surprisingly effective for knocking people out.

"Woman in a bra, how can you treat a noble warrior like this..."

"Shut up, do you think I'm happy to help you, a perverted warrior?" Nami angrily turned the head around a few times, and didn't stop until the other's eyes started to circle around. "After finding your son, our help to you will end here. Don't forget to give me a thank you fee. Really, I stayed with you, Muttsurini, for so long."

Without giving the samurai a chance to refute, Nami reached out to pick up the key from the fallen soldier and opened the door in front of her.

"Huh? Is it time for snacks?" Just after opening the door, Nami felt her eyes darken.Behind the opened door appeared two suitcase-like big feet. "Ale, it's a sister I haven't seen before. Why isn't Sister Monet here today? Is she sick?"

The appearance is very immature and the voice is very immature. It looks like a child less than ten years old.But the extremely huge body made Nami feel like a rag doll.If this is a child, then he must have the blood of giants.

"What? What? Sister Monet is sick?"

"That's terrible, hurry up and have a look."


After a burst of noise, faces of different sizes crowded the doorway.From their appearance, they were all children no older than ten years old, but except for a few who seemed to conform to common sense, the smallest ones were half a head taller than adults.There was an older child holding a lifeboat-sized package in his hands, and a huge baby was sleeping extremely soundly in it.

"Is this the giant's kindergarten?" Nami said, one hand had already quietly reached behind her back and touched the weather stick on Bieza's lower back.For a giant, even a light punch from a child can crush her flat, and Nami couldn't help but feel a little nervous due to her huge figure.

Foxfire Kin'emon quickly glanced over the faces of the children around him over and over again.However, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find the face he wanted to find. "Momonosuke! My son, where are you, Momonosuke! My father came to pick you up, where are you, Momonosuke!"

As soon as Foxfire Kinemon opened his mouth, the children who were still chattering suddenly fell silent.The originally curious eyes turned into panic, and they looked at the head held by Nami in unison.

After calling for a long time, he didn't hear his son's familiar voice, and Foxfire Kinemon was also a little anxious. "Hey! Wait for the boy. Has anyone ever seen a boy named Momonosuke?"

"That head... he turned out to be real!"

"He spoke! Did you hear that, that head spoke!"

"Monster!" xn

The children scattered in a panic and ran to hide behind the objects in the room.Looking secretly at Nami and his party standing at the door, seeing the other party looking at him, he immediately shrank his head behind the cover like a frightened hamster.

"Wait a minute, my question has not yet..."

"Shut up you bastard! Haven't you realized that you scare these children!" Nami slashed the samurai's head with a knife to make him shut up.Then put on an amiable smile, "I'm sorry for scaring you just now. Don't worry, although I don't know what he is, it must be harmful. My sister has already punished him. Now you can answer my sister's questions. Question?"

"Liar! You must be deceiving me with such a fierce look just now."

"Don't believe her, the only one with a head in her hand is a witch. She must be trying to trick us out and eat them."


The children chattered and quickly settled on the setting of Nami as a sweet-talking witch.There was even a little girl plausibly talking about how an old and ugly witch made herself young and beautiful, and then brought a dog leg with only a head to trick the child back and eat it.If it weren't for the huge difference in body size, Nami would have wanted to grab those little bastards and give them a spanking.

A bright red spark suddenly exploded in the room, not the kind of violent explosion.Instead, it turned into a gorgeous dahlia and dissipated in the air.Then another spark exploded and flew out.After scurrying in the air a few times like a spirit snake, it turned into a fiery tree and silver flowers.

The fireworks that suddenly appeared in the room immediately attracted the children's attention. This kind of gorgeous performance that they had never seen before made them forget their fear of coming out of their hiding place and yelling at the fireworks with great interest.

Abis proudly raised her head at Nami, stretched out her hand and released a few fireballs again.Although she couldn't do Nero's subtle manipulation that could make the flames seem to come alive, she could still make a lively fireworks to fool these children.

"It's really thanks to her this time." Nami gave a sigh of relief. If these little giants are determined not to cooperate, there is really nothing to do with them without hurting them.But this kind of idea is usually thought up by that little devil, so where did she go?

"You have great ideas. Come learn to write horror novels with me." Shirley walked up to the girl who had arranged the old witch Nami's story before and extended her most sincere invitation.

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