One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 357 Dangerous Sweetness

"Well, I saw it! I saw the Thousand Suns!" After rounding a snow-covered hill, Luffy, who was lying on top of Teabeard's head, easily saw the uniquely shaped ship on the harbor.The vaguely ship-shaped pillar next to it seemed even more strange, "The mountain looks really strange here, Chacha."

"Mountain? Wait, that is!" Although it has been covered with a thick layer by the university, only one person can use this method like building blocks piled up by urchins. "Things are not going well now, listen to me, Straw Hat Boy, let's try to keep our voices as low as possible..."

"Hey! Nami, Zoro, Franky...everyone! We're back!" Luffy put his hands around his mouth like a trumpet, and yelled loudly in the direction of the Thousand Suns. "By the way, Chacha, what did you just say?"

Tea Beard moved his lips, but he could only retreat in Luffy's completely innocent Gu eyes. "nothing……"

"Just get used to it." Usopp patted Tea Beard on the back as if he had come here. [

"There is nothing we can do now. Pirates of the Straw Hats, please be mentally prepared for anything that happens next." Teabeard looked at the pirate ship docked at the port warily, and the speed under his feet But it didn't mean to slow down in the slightest. "Have you seen that building in the port, pirates? That thing is definitely made by a very scary guy. Although that guy is also a pirate, Shichibukai, who is the lackey of the navy, has never been very good to pirates. Friendly. And then your boat stops there..."

"What are you thinking nonsense, crocodile idiot." Sanji snorted angrily, "The people on our boat are not that weak to catch it so quietly. Even if the guy you said is a seven Wu Hai!"

"Things are unpredictable, that guy's ability is quite strange. The death surgeon." Tea Beard didn't believe Sanji's statement.Being able to act like a half-crocodile man is also a kindness from the other party, but that guy's strange ability is scary even thinking about it.

"Look, something is coming!"

"Hey, is that thing a centaur?"

"Guys, looks like a bad guy. Fuck you guys!"


On the strings of the Qianyang, there were a series of hideous faces, which looked like a group of thugs who had just escaped from prison.The military uniforms on their bodies show their identities - navy.

"You bastards, be quiet!" After an angry shout appeared, several navies who were having a good time were directly sent flying into the water.Zoro lazily scratched his head and appeared on the strings, "You are finally here, Luffy."

"What the hell is going on, Chlorella! Why is there a navy on board our ship?"

"Who knows? Speaking of which, I thought you were lost on the ice field with curly eyebrows, and I looked forward to it for a while."

"Don't take it for granted that other people will get as lost as you, you lost idiot man in bellyband!"

"Zoro, don't quarrel with Sanji as soon as you meet. Are you children in kindergarten?" Nami couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to come forward to create something. Originally, there were a bunch of male creatures crowded on the deck, and she didn't really want to get out of the cabin. out.But if Zoro and Sanji keep arguing, it is suspected of making up the number of words.

"Nami! Why are there so many people on board? Even I will be angry if that happens." Luffy put on a serious face. "How can we hold a banquet without waiting for the captain to come back!"

"I knew you would only care about such things." Namina shook her head, "Don't worry, the banquet has not started yet, and there is no plan to hold it at all. Don't think about these things, now we are enough It's busy. There are a bunch of soldiers on the deck, and the little giants in the cabin are not stopping."

"Giant! You mean we have giants on board!" Luffy looked at Nami excitedly and gave him a thumbs up, "You really deserve to be the navigator I chose, you did a great job Nami! With the giant crew around, I can...hehehe..."

"You change your habit of collecting strange crew members. If there are giants on board, you and Bonnie's food and the giant's appetite will exhaust Sanji to death. (Sanji, Miss Nami, you It’s so kind to me!) And those aren’t real giants, they’re just some poor children.” Thinking of Chopper’s diagnosis results for those children, Nami felt an uncontrollable anger and sadness in her heart. "The little giants I'm talking about were just ordinary children. The master here gave them drugs to make them look like giants. That bastard!"

"You are not allowed to insult Master!" Teabeard yelled at Nami, and Bi looked at her angrily. "Woman, the little giants you're talking about are those little ghosts in the candy house. They have nothing to do with the master! The master is protecting them. Don't take them lightly because they are just little ghosts. If the master didn't give them medicine every day They are the most terrifying monsters!"

"It seems that you know about stimulants." A small furry figure jumped off the boat, and the moment it landed, it quickly grew into a big man comparable to Teabeard, and grabbed Teabeard's neck. "Where are those medicines! Tell me, where is that medicine!" [

"Chopper! What are you doing, don't fight, Chacha is not a bad person!" Luffy quickly helped Chacha to intercede, and the always timid and kind-hearted Chopper was so angry, which shocked Luffy.

"ptx-4869 (does it look familiar?), a drug that has been banned from production. It is a drug that can stimulate the potential of the human body to a great extent, but it is extremely harmful to the body and has a high degree of addiction. People who take it for a long time If you stop taking the medicine, you will become irritable, just like a monster!" Chopper stared at Teabeard's eyes, his teeth were clenched tightly, tears were about to flow from his eyes.Stretching out his clenched fist, he showed a candy inside in front of Tea Beard. "Is this what that bastard often feeds those children? If you think such a drug will be a good medicine for curing diseases, eat it for yourself!"

[Doctor Tanuki, thank you for helping us.This is the candy I secretly left behind, it's delicious. ] After the child gave himself the candy hidden in his pocket innocently, he was still very happy.But after throwing one of the candies into his mouth, the brain, which is more familiar with medicine, immediately judged what it was.How could Chopper, who had borrowed part of the effect of this drug when transforming the blue wave ball, be unfamiliar with its taste!

"Just eat it, this is Mr. Master..." Teabeard reached out to pick up the candy, but was blocked by a hand just as he was about to throw it into his mouth.

"Don't eat, Chacha. Chopper's judgment is not wrong, he is our ship's doctor." Luffy narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the building behind him, "The master you mentioned is there, right. Take us to meet him ! It doesn’t matter if we want to save him or beat him up. Let’s go to him and ask him for clarification!”

Luffy lowered the brim of his hat and gave instructions to Nami. "Nami, leave the island by boat now. There will be a terrible disaster on this island in a while, and it will be dangerous for everyone to stay here."

"Disaster? What kind of disaster will affect the entire island." Nami asked nervously.Nero had entered that building with Smoker and the pirate before, and if it was a serious disaster, they must be notified immediately to come back.

"Explosions, poisonous gas, and other situations you can imagine. Are there enough disasters like this?" Tea Beard explained angrily. "Although I don't like you guys very much, I advise you to leave quickly for the sake of the Straw Hat Boys. You absolutely don't want to see that kind of purgatory-like scene."

"Boom!" A cannon suddenly shot out from the snow mountain on one side, and hit the tea beard's head straight.Before the cannon knocked down the unresponsive teabeard's head, Sanji shot up like a nimble swift and kicked the cannon flying.

"The cannon was blown away, Locke. It's so cold~~"

"Well, our sniper failed unexpectedly, Scorch. It's so cold~~"

"We should escape, but Caesar's mission is to sink that ship. It's so cold~~"

"There's no way, I can only rush straight up, Scorch. It's so cold~~"

Both heads were covered with white spears, and huge monsters with hunting caps on their heads jumped up and rushed towards the port at a speed that was extremely disproportionate to their size.These two guys who looked like snowmen in the Himalayas held weapons, and in the middle of the way, as if they had agreed, they suddenly separated, rushed towards the Qianyang, and swung the spears in their hands at the tea beard.

"Crack." It was like the sound of a sugar ball being chewed.Chopper's figure quickly enlarged, and a giant beast with a reindeer head opened its palm and slapped the rushing snowman vigorously. "What the hell are you guys trying to do!"

Like swatting a fly, rushing towards the tea-bearded snowman was directly sent flying under the terrifying force that could be stopped.There was no sound in the snow mountain that hit the side.

Not good!The snowman on the other side saw his brother being dealt with so neatly, and immediately fled back.

"Want to run!" The swordsman's one eye opened suddenly, like a ghost staring at its prey.The light of the knife flashed past, followed by a spring of blood that soared into the sky. "Unfortunately, I am the one watching the boat today!"

Caesar sat in the laboratory and observed everything that happened in the port through the monitor, like watching another not-so-great movie. "Hey, Brother Snowman is too useless. He was killed so quickly. But it doesn't matter, no one can escape now."

On the big screen, the giant slime opened its mouth and bit the candy on the ground, swallowing it slowly.The sweet taste makes the slime seem to be very happy, but it hasn't waited for it to act like a baby to Caesar.Its huge dark purple body suddenly exploded, turning into strands of thick white smoke and flying away quickly.

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