"Maid, tea, please help."

"Hi! Please wait a moment, I'll be here soon!"

"Maid sister, there are not enough senbei. Please."

"Hi! I'll get it right away!"


"Do you still want to eat? There is not enough in the kitchen, I will make some right away."

"Why can you even understand this! Wait, this is not what you should complain about. Why do you have to be a full-time maid on the enemy's ship with peace of mind! Give me a limit if you don't reject others." Buffalo I have never felt that this shortcoming of bby5 is so hated by others. I used to think that this is actually quite interesting. I am so naive. "Do you remember the mission the young master gave us? Our mission is to bring Caesar back and get rid of all those who hinder him. What are you doing now!"

"But I have no way to fight now." bby5 raised his right hand with some guilt, and there was a rather delicate-looking bracelet on it.It is such a small ornament added with Hailou Stone that makes the full-body weapon man who eats the fruit of the weapon lose the ability to change his body into a weapon. "Also...someone keeps begging me, I really don't have time to do other things."

"The latter sentence is the key point, right! You are the perfect assassin who can assassinate a party's politicians even with a paper knife." Buffalo looked at bby5's happy expression, and it was hard to believe her if.This little girl who was adopted by the Don Quixote family was not only due to the young master's preference, but the killer genius who was rarely seen in a century was the reason why she was valued.It's just this character...[

"Sorry, Buffalo. I will apologize to the young master when I go back..."

"Tea, hurry up, please."

"Coming soon!"

Seeing how busy bby5 was being made busy by a few brats, Buffalo sighed.It is because of this that the young master has been worried about her carrying out the task alone.

"You are playing with fire, pirates! In the name of the Don Quixote family, you will definitely pay the price. Isn't it fun to insult your opponent, swordsman!" The iron chains on his body rattled continuously.

"Quiet." Sauron didn't even open his eyes, and continued to doze off on the deck with the knife in his hand.He really respected his opponent, but now it's the two little witches who are ordering people... Anyway, just ignore the maid who is enjoying it.

"Is the forward of the joker already a character of this level?" Nami glanced at Buffalo and bby5 on the deck, sighed and covered her face with the book in her hand.Don't look at these two people who are doing well now, the two of them fought against Sauron for a long time before they were defeated.Being able to fight monsters like Sauron to that extent, "It always feels like we're going to be in big trouble again soon."

"Eh? Is that so? But I feel like nothing too troublesome has happened?" Bai Xing lay on the edge of the fish tank, counting on his fingers, "Mr. Devil, Mr. Luffy, Mr. Swordsman... everyone They all look reliable, and I feel safe staying here all the time.”

"Do you think so?" Nami took away the book covering her face, and said seriously to Shirahoshi's face showing a knowing expression, "Listen, Shirahoshi. Those guys really It’s true that you are as strong as a monster, but the root cause of all the troubles we encountered along the way are those problem children.”

"Hey! How come?"

"Well, that's right. But those troubles also include us." Robin smiled softly, and the figure of the single-handedly fighting the Demon Slayer Order fleet on Judicial Island seemed to be still in front of him.Starting from Alabasta, my group of people became who I am now through all kinds of troubles.

"Yeah, they're all idiots who only cause trouble." Kuina and Dashiqi glanced at Sauron at the same time, and smiled at each other as if they were looking in a mirror.

"What, you guys are so laid back!" Douding just got out of the deck, and when he saw a group of girls chatting and laughing, his face suddenly swelled into a bun shape. "It's fine if you stuff such a lot of hooligans and little bastards into my place, at least send someone down to take care of it. Master Franky has brought a group of children down to play crazy, those rogue navy fuck you girls I was beaten up by the female boss when I stole the underwear in the room. But now they found the place where Sauron hid the wine..."

"What! Bastard! That's for me to quench my thirst before going to the next island!" The green hair sleeping on the other side of the deck immediately jumped up and rushed into the cabin without looking back. "Shut up, that's my wine!!"

"Sauron, didn't he say that he would never drink when he grew up after he was deliberately drunk by Brother Nero when he was a child?" Seeing Sauron's anxious look, Kuina couldn't help laughing.It was rare for his father to get along with Brother Nero once, and after getting Sauron drunk, he put on his old kimono.As a result...there was that photo that Sauron hated so much. [

"Wine is stored in the other stomach. That guy always says that now." Da Siqi spread his hands pretendingly, "If there is no wine, that idiot might die of thirst."

"However, you can hear Douding's words from such a distance. Sauron won't be eavesdropping on us all the time." Robin said something just right and then stopped, showing a lady-like expression. Quiet smile.Seeing the two identical faces of Kuina and Dashiqi turn red at the same time, I silently mourned for a certain swordsman who went to save his treasure.Zoro can choose to forget about the fact that Zoro is full of knowledge and arrogance to protect everyone's safety.

"Hey, Robin..." Nami looked at Robin with a dark smile on his face, silently mourning for Sauron for a second in her heart. "Huh? Why are you so silent, Weiwei?"

"Ah, no. It's nothing. I was just thinking about something." Weiwei waved her hands repeatedly to cover up something, but her expression made Nami more sure that she was covering up something.

An oily hand stuffed the chicken leg into Weiwei's mouth involuntarily, "If you want to eat it, just say it, I won't share it with you if I didn't say so."

Bonnie took out another chicken leg from the big basin in her hand and gnawed on it, "Don't think about it when you're eating, it's just a Shichibukai and there's nothing to worry about."

"There's no need to hide it. The sign on the teeth of that big man turning around is the sign of Don Quixote Doflamingo. Those of you who destroyed his Chambords auction house must know you." After swallowing the meat in his mouth vigorously, he threw the bone in his hand into the sea. "Just say what you hear, it's not okay to hide it and whisper to that guy."

"Wait, Bonnie. What are you hiding..." After scanning around, I found that except for Bai Xing and Douding who were confused.The others all had treacherous smiles like a little fox who stole a chicken, "Okay, does everyone know? So what the hell was my headache just now?"

"According to the information just intercepted, the person behind Caesar is [Flamingo] Don Quixote Doflamingo in the Qiwuhai. So we may soon go to war with a Qiwukai again."

"War? Come on, I just stopped a big battle, is it going to start again?" Perona opened the hatch and walked out, rubbing her eyes with her hands and looking like she didn't sleep well. "I'm sorry, Kuina, Dashiqi. Your family and those navy are too noisy, let them be quiet for a while."

"Could it be~~~won't it~~~"

In the cabin, Sauron and a group of marines prostrated themselves on the ground like devout believers paying homage.Many translucent ghosts are constantly interspersed between them...

"Although Caesar is a lunatic, a lunatic also has the benefits of being a lunatic." Monet flapped his wings and fell slowly.This room located in the corner of the building is very secretive, but the furnishings inside are extremely simple.Except for a few giant machines that don't know what to use, there is only a lonely console left. "The moment you press the button, you can detonate all the poisonous gas on the island at once. This power is enough to destroy the entire island."

"To die together, this kind of stupid thing is not something that a cowardly and smart Caesar can do. This button was originally intended to be pressed by my [loyal] secretary." The arm that has been replaced with wings He gently leaned on the console.Even if he changed from a young and beautiful girl to this monster-like appearance, Monet never regretted it. "I'm sorry, young master. The other party is too strong, and I can only think of the way to complete your mission. You must be the one who can become the One Piece, but at that time, I hope you can at least not forget the name Monet."

"room~~" When this cold voice appeared, Monet was immediately startled and ready to press the button.But it was too late, when the light blue film opened, this place had already become the operating table of dead surgeons.

"I didn't expect that man to make you do this." Luo looked coldly at Monet who had turned into a pile of fragments scattered on the ground.

"Why do you know this place, Luo. Caesar will not tell you this kind of thing. And you probably don't know that I am here."

"There is a lady in the Straw Hat House who can hear the voice of the phone bug. I'm glad you reported it to Doflamingo in such detail. As for this, everything is hidden under the cover of my room." After finishing speaking , Luo didn't look at Monet again.Turning around to leave, but...

"Bastard, how could you do this to a young lady!" The golden chef quickly jumped in and gave a salute to the debris on the ground. "Sorry miss, please forgive the savages of this gift. Your knight will restore you to the original, every inch is carefully put together!" (wiping nosebleed~~)

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