Shrubs half the height of a person, giant mushrooms the size of a small round table.Just after crossing a bridge, it seems that you have come from a small town full of romance to a wilderness with few people in an instant.

"It's really a wild forest." Usopp looked at the surrounding environment with emotion.But surprisingly, there was no panic on his face. “Very good! This place is simply amazing!”

"With a long nose, are you sure you're not crazy?" Caesar looked at Usopp in disbelief.The guy's words were not strange even if he yelled after seeing the forest.His calm attitude now makes people feel rather abnormal.

"Ahahaha, don't underestimate me. Compared with the Boeing Islands where I stayed for two years, this place is much more normal." Usopp said indifferently, but no matter how he heard it, he felt that there was something in his voice. An indescribable depression.

"The appointment with Doflamingo is to trade on the beach in the southeast at 15 o'clock." Luo said very calmly, walking a few steps on the beach with a knife in his hand, and suddenly frowned and turned to look To the side of a few fallen trees. "room."

The light blue film unfolded, and wherever it reached was the death surgeon's playground.With the waving of the fingers, the tree floated and flew to one side, and the blue moss used as a cover fell off to reveal a very fresh fracture—a rough section that was torn off vigorously and still had sap left.

"This is really not an unexpected surprise." Luo looked at the things that were gradually revealed because the trees were cleared away, his eyes became extraordinarily cold.Hidden below is a very new small sailing boat, with wounds all over the hull, it is not difficult to imagine how it received a warm welcome from the bettas in the sea when it was sailing nearby.But what attracts the most attention is the seagull logo painted on the hull.

"The navy has come here! Could it be that they are going to take action against the clown who lost the title of Qiwuhai so soon? These guys are also very efficient occasionally." Usopp nodded with satisfaction, he felt for the first time The navy's afterthought-like efficiency also has its merits.

"No, it's too fast. It's still possible if you talk about the branch, but how can it be possible to deal with the former Shichibukai..." Robin frowned slightly, and now she regrets not asking the revolutionary boss about the information collected. up.It seems that the number of naval spies has not only increased after getting the news of the clown's resignation, but also the arrival of p0 is quite suspicious. [

Robin turned to look at the silent Luo, trying to read something from his face.But Luo Na's expression was as cold as a wax figure, which made it impossible for people to discern the thoughts in his heart. "I hope you haven't hidden anything from us, Mr. Luo."

"If Nicole is in charge, if you have any doubts, just grab a tongue. It's not difficult for you, isn't it?" Luo walked under a tree and sat down against the trunk. "My fruit ability depends on my physical strength, so I must try my best to maintain my physical strength for a while. The ship is handled so sloppily, there should be no general-level navy. If it is convenient, please clean up this island by the way. .”

"No general rank?" Usopp's eyes lit up when he heard this judgment, and he patted his chest vigorously. "If that's the case, don't worry, Robin and I will get rid of all the navies on this island. And if we move fast enough, I think we still have time to arrange some good mechanisms. The island The environment above seems to be suitable for plant growth. Hurry up, Robin. Time waits for no one."

After Uso pulled Robin, who was still a little suspicious, to leave, Caesar, who had been silent all this time, spoke leisurely. "What a dishonest man, Luo. This is not good. If it is not done well, it may cost your life."

"Shut up, Caesar. You just need to be taken away by the clown as an item of this transaction. You have to worry about the rest."

"Idiot, men won't be considered cute if they try to be strong." Caesar retorted at Luo, but he didn't bother to make fun of himself when he looked at Luo with his eyes closed and rested and ignored him.After all, if the original plan was followed, he could be said to have been placed in a fairly safe position.

"Well, let me take a look. There should be... ah, I found it." Usopp immediately regained his energy after discovering a relatively fresh blood spot near the broken ship.After fumbling around on the belt a few times, he took out a small light green seed from a hidden compartment and rubbed it on the bloodstain.

After touching the blood, the seed like a shriveled pea immediately swelled up and blood-red veins began to appear on it.

"Hey, look at your babies. Must kill - Hound Dandelion!"

The moment the seed was launched into the air with Usopp's bow, it suddenly exploded into a white flying catkin.Tides slightly larger than ordinary dandelion seeds floated in the air.But they didn't scatter wantonly with the wind, but all flew in one direction after fluttering for a while.

"Hey, the seeds of the hound dandelion will chase and fly around the creatures that have been stained with their blood. Although they look beautiful, they are quite dangerous parasitic plants... Robin, don't move so fast, at least let me say the lines Finish reading."

It is easy to detect a certain range of situations with dazzled eyes, but if the arm suddenly appears in the woods and is seen, it will immediately reveal its existence.Now that Usopp has already started, Robin will not join in the fun.But now there is no time to linger, and there is a strong uneasiness in her heart that makes her desperately hope to find an insider to confirm.Navies that land as an advance party or whatever are the best bets.

In the auditorium of the Colosseum, most of the audience are still excited about the situation that was out of control before.Even in the New World, the members of the Blackbeard and Whitebeard Pirates are not very common characters.And the short but intense firefight just now was extremely exciting. Most people even hoped that the two members of the Blackbeard Pirates would not retreat so quickly so that they could have more conversations at the dinner table in the future.

"Hee hee hee, I really saw something good." Moria laughed, his sharp teeth gleaming in the sun, "The guy with the black beard seems to be interested in ancient weapons, you can prepare Let's go to war with the worst guy among the Four Emperors. That's a pretty dangerous guy."

"Dangerous, aren't you a little alarmist, Lord Moria." I still have some impressions of Blackbeard Perona, and she seems to be a dangerous guy who has contributed to the top battle.But in the end, he was beaten half to death by the white-bearded uncle who was on his deathbed. Apart from being a little scheming, he didn't have any commendable abilities. [

"Scaremongering? It seems that you really haven't made any progress, Perona. Gathering information is a basic habit of a pirate. It seems that you have never done such a thing." Pretending not to hear Perona muttering [You When did you teach me this], Moriah folded his arms on his chest and continued. "Although the brats tried their best to block the news after Whitebeard's death, the story that Blackbeard once stole Whitebeard's body is still widely spread. The most favorable evidence is that in the months after the Battle of the Top, Blackbeard personally used The power of the shaking fruit destroyed an island belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Are you kidding, Master Moria!" Perona's eyes widened, and she was already thinking about whether to put her body back on the boat and spend the day as a ghost.She has seen the terrifying power of the Zhenzhen Fruit that overwhelms rivers and seas, and it is simply a natural disaster.

"I don't think this is a joke, Perona. I've heard that the Blackbeard Pirates were hunting people with abilities before. It seems that he can really take away the abilities of people with abilities." Nami rubbed her chin. If you take away the ability of the ability user.Get the ability of the diamond fruit ability user, even if you fight to become a landlubber, Nami hopes to have that ability.If you turn your body into a diamond, you can become a billionaire by cutting your hair regularly.

"Look, Shirley. Sister Nami is smiling like that again. Is anyone going to be unlucky?" Abis whispered in Shirley's ear.

"Who knows." Shirley said perfunctory noncommittal, glanced at Jozi who was walking back to the lounge with pity, and then continued to focus all her attention on the hot tea in her hand. "Don't be distracted, Abis. The water should be a little hotter."

"Don't worry, I'm good at playing with fire. But why do I feel like you're using me as a portable stove recently?"

"That's your illusion."

"Is that wretched uncle so powerful? It's really unimaginable." Perona sighed, "But the people in this arena don't seem to be very afraid of such a dangerous guy getting in. And those flies are like It’s unimaginable that the Navy didn’t intervene.”

"It's nothing strange. The rules of this arena are all stipulated by the Don Quixote family. This is a place where the navy is strictly prohibited from entering. As the Qiwuhai, there is still a little bit of territorial autonomy."

"I still have this common sense, but that guy has resigned from Shichibukai and turned into an ordinary pirate. Can this arena still be autonomous?"

"Resign? No wonder, you don't know what happened in the morning. Speaking of it, I was a little scared." Moria curled his lips, "There is nothing wrong with that guy calling himself a clown, he has successfully fooled A lot of people..."

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