One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 393 The Unsheathed Sword and the Released Ancient Weapon

"Impossible! Impossible! Adult swordsman, you can't rush forward so recklessly. The cadres of the Don Quixote family can't be defeated casually." Wika shook her head vigorously. The big blue braids were thrown like rattles. "Besides, we and the captain have already planned to launch a general attack here. If you do this, the captain's plan will fall short."

"It's so annoying, you bastard." Sensing that the anxious little guy had a tendency to pull out his hair, Sauron immediately reached out and grabbed the little guy who had been stuck on his head.After seeing this little guy's ability to smash the concrete floor with his bare hands, Sauron didn't dare to let her grab his head casually a few times. "Don't always yell in other people's ears, otherwise you will be thrown away."

"If I'm not mistaken. Is this little brother trying to sell this rare villain? I am a person who specializes in rare animal business..." Compared with the roughness of the men at sea, the words This person is not at all what a man should be who spends his life at sea all year round.Especially the two mouse-like beards on his lips, which looked extremely ridiculous when he raised and lowered as he spoke.

"Don't think about it. Although this big human brother is barbaric, rude and a road idiot. But he will never... eh?" Wika was grabbed by Sauron's rough palm, and then the funny The ridiculous faces are getting closer and closer.

"Hold it, this guy has sprained his ankle." Zoro didn't even look at the expressions of the other two parties here, and just said to himself while taking off the turban on his arm.

"Lord Lu Chi, you actually sold me out!"

"It's a very wise choice, this little brother. As a person who does big things, how can he have time to take care of these small things? Let me find a good master for her, which is beneficial to everyone .” I have long heard the legend that there is a small human race on this island, and it is God’s blessing to find one now.Although it can't compare to the appearance of a best-selling product like a mermaid, it is not a problem at all to sell this unique good product at a higher price if it is advertised.

"But little brother, you also know that these things are not very easy to sell in the New World. If I ship them to the Chambord Islands and sell them, I will have to pay a lot of money. So is this the price?" The other party looked very young, And it seems that the mind is not very good.It is easy to lower the price against this kind of guy.Huh?Why does it seem to be dark all of a sudden?

The old wooden planks are covered with moss and barnacles, although most ships will occasionally clean up these marine parasites.But having something like this on the bottom of the boat is an unavoidable problem for most boats.When the bottom of such a parasitic ship roared down, those strange things were like grinning faces. [

The cold light flashed like lightning passing through the dark clouds, and the pressed bottom of the ship was instantly split into two.In the hands of the swordsman who had wrapped his hair around his head, the jet-black blade continuously exuded a murderous aura that made his eyes sting slightly.

"Thank you for your help." After taking the stupid Wika from the stupefied businessman, Sauron put her on his shoulders against his neck. "You have great strength, right. Hold on tight and don't fall. If you stay here, unless that guy chops off my head, you shouldn't be able to die."

"The Lu Chi adults..."

"Call that name again and I'll throw you away right now!" The one-eyed swordsman snorted coldly, and turned the little guy towards his neck. "Remember my name is Roronoa Zoro, the man who wants to be a great swordsman!"

"Great swordsman! This is really an amazing visitor, the swordsman brother of the straw hat gang." Trepole stuck to the wall like a slug, just like an ordinary slovenly tramp The man made Sauron's eyes fully focus on him. "Hey hey hey hey, since you have declared your family name, let me introduce myself too. I am Trepole, one of the top cadres of the Don Quixote family. I said, I said, since I am so friendly I introduced you to each other, so how about letting me kill you? The young master is very tired of you guys..."

The figure stuck to the wall disappeared in an instant, and the feeling of danger hit my heart almost at the same moment.But Sauron did not show any panic because of this.When Wika saw the ugly face with a runny nose suddenly appearing in front of her, she just wanted to shout out loud, but the ugly face that appeared like a ghost had been split in two by a knife light.

The body that had been cut in half suddenly turned into a sticky liquid like snot and disappeared, and it turned into Trepole's scruffy face a few meters away. "Hey hey hey hey, he was almost killed. He really deserves to be the guy who has a headache for the young master. If that's the case—let's give him a warmer welcome."

Slimy tentacles shot out of him, attaching themselves to nearby buildings and ships docked in the port.Then those disgusting tentacles that seemed to be broken at any time made a tense movement at the same time, and then the wall was torn off and the sailboat was lifted up and smashed towards Sauron.

"I said, I said, now you understand. The ability of my slimy fruit. Are you trying to avoid it? Unfortunately, I have just stuck you."

"What!" Wika stretched her neck and looked down, and she saw that Sauron's shoes were stuck to the ground by some disgusting viscous liquid. "It's not good, you can't move, Lu Chi adults."

"Well, it's really disgusting. This kind of sticky stuff." Guina will scold him badly after returning.With that in mind, Sauron bit the word Hedao in his mouth.Then with his left hand, Sandai Onitsu was slowly drawn out of the scabbard.

Wika was surprised to find that this grown-up was actually laughing.In this situation that seemed to be buried alive immediately, this adult who had always been unreliable actually smiled very heartily - laughing like a shark smelling blood.

"Huh?" Nero, who was flapping his wings and walking through the air, suddenly turned his head and glanced behind him.

"What happened, Nero?" The rainbow surrounding him faintly turned into an exquisite figure. "Shouldn't we hurry back to the Thousand Suns now? If Blackbeard is there, we must go back immediately."

"It's nothing, it just seems that someone got high early. I thought Luffy would be the first one, but I didn't expect Zoro to take the lead." Nero's mouth slowly rose.The sword-like sharpness can be clearly heard at this distance, and that kid Sauron is completely serious.But who is your opponent, if you lose, you will not be spared, brat.Same goes for everyone else, everyone has to be a winner at the meeting after this mess! [

"Remember the contract we made when we formed an alliance, Roh?"

"Well, I remember very clearly, the second master of the devil. We agreed to take down the head of a fourth emperor together." Luo, who was lying on Nero's back, had a low voice, and he had vaguely guessed what Nero wanted to say.Now the heart that he had just put into his chest involuntarily wanted to jump out again at this moment.

"Let's get involved in the battle between Whitebeard's children and Blackbeard. Maybe two of the Four Emperors will fall here this time."

The demon flapped its wings and flew across the air, surrounded by thunder and rainbows at the same time.Let's throw together towards the coast of Dressrosa, which has already begun to have huge waves.

"Tichie, when will you get rid of this damn offensive way?" Wearing a black windbreaker and a big hat that looks a bit old, Shiliu of the Long Rain, the guard of the forward city, came from the Queen Anne's Revenge. The cabin door came out first. "And this time your so-called surprise attack was completely unsuccessful, Tiki."

The god of death, Poison Q, who always looked half-dead, Ferat dressed as a mime actor, and the villainous king Pizarro who was brought out of the city by Blackbeard also came out one after another.The ten thugs headed by Blackbeard stood on the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge carelessly, completely ignoring the menacing Whitebeard Pirates on the opposite side and arguing as if they were people.

"Just for a moment, I thought I had picked it up, but I didn't expect that the god of death would still not accept me. What a chat."

"Captain Blackbeard, just now your idiot attack made my newly bought perfume broken again."

"It was knocked over, Captain."

"Thieves hahahaha, you are definitely dissatisfied. After all, I didn't expect that some friends would want to join us and my brothers from the past. But they are not strangers. I don't think you have forgotten the flag. "Blackbeard laughed and pointed to the Thousand Suns carried on the back by the Neptune. "That's the Straw Hat Pirates, everyone must not have forgotten. Back then we were like shit."

The ability of the shaking fruit was finally successfully obtained, but neither Blackbeard nor his thugs could forget what happened during the top battle.These guys who were evil before becoming pirates will never forget what happened at that time.I thought they were in control of everything, but the two men standing under this banner completely ruined all plans.

"It's an honor to be remembered by you, Mr. Blackbeard." The voice was leisurely as if you were riding a bicycle for a walk and meeting an acquaintance.The demon put away the bat wings on his back, stood on the top of the mast and showed a flat smile to Blackbeard.

"What a joyful encounter."

"Yeah, it's great to meet you. I'm very interested in the ancient weapons in your hands, Mr. Nero."

"Really? Since you want it, come and get it!" The moment the delicate snow globe was crushed, Nero made a forceful motion of throwing it upwards.A small castle suddenly enlarged, and instantly turned into a giant fortress floating in midair.

"Ulanoz, this is its name. The translated meaning is the god of the sky!"

ps: Sorry for the long interruption, everyone.The main reason is that I have been busy with a very troublesome assignment all of a sudden.Will try to code next.


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