One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 43 The Green City's Injury


spn "I know that Clakdar of Shichibukai is in this country, but I didn't expect a pirate to want to seize power." Ace leaned on the side of the ship with a mocking smile on his lips, "What a bad joke! A sea pirate How could a thief set his sights on the king's throne? That guy must have some other purpose!"

"Of course, and I guessed what the guy was looking for. A pompous guy who wanted something he couldn't have right now, and if he did find it he was close to death." Not far away!" Nero stroked the hair of Ibrahimovic in his arms, lying on the beach chair and looking at the sky.Clarkdale, your ambition is too great, the world zf is not as useless as you imagined.

"Hey, you two don't make trouble here! If you have nothing to do, why don't you help me wash the dishes, I have to make a lot of bento!" Sanji's angry voice came from the kitchen, it seems that our pervert chef has already recovered from the blow.

"Here you are, Nero, here is your robe. Can you be careful, please? Don't make your clothes tattered every time, okay?" A large robe flew towards Nero, and Nero After catching the clothes in a hurry, he quickly thanked Nami who was angry, "Thank you so much, lovely Miss Nami!"

"You don't need to thank me, but if you don't express it later..." Nami threw the robe to Nero and then turned and left. No one noticed that Nami's cheeks were a little red.Nero was a little strange and didn't know how he had offended her, but it was time to prepare something, otherwise at least the two furry little guys, Chopper and Ibrahimovic, would suffer. [

Not long after, the Merry arrived at its destination, and this port belonging to Alabasta was completely lifeless now.No, this port seems to be unexpectedly full of anger!

"What are these things!"

"Is it a turtle?"

"I think it's a seal!"

"That's the Kung Fu manatee!" Weiwei said in surprise, even Weiwei had never seen this kind of animal unique to Alabasta a few times.

"If you want to go to the shore, beat me! Otherwise, go back to the other side, coward! That's what he said." Chopper, the animal diplomat, dutifully translated for everyone.But this made Abis very unhappy, she thought that Chopper was robbing her of her job.

"I can't be silent if I'm called a coward, I'm going to get on!" After comparing the size of himself and the kung fu manatee opposite him, Usopp felt that he couldn't give up this opportunity to show off, and made a beautiful leap from the boat. to the enemy.

"Wait, Usopp! Kung fu manatee is very powerful!" Weiwei hurriedly wanted to remind Usopp but it seemed that it was too late, Usopp had been beaten into a pig's head within a few minutes.

"But that side has already won!" Nami pointed to the kung fu manatee on the other side that was knocked down by Luffy, and said, the fighting power on this ship is too different!

"It doesn't matter if you win. If you lose the Kung Fu Manatee, you will worship the other party as your teacher. This is the rule of Kung Fu Manatee." Weiwei covered her forehead and looked at the Kung Fu Manatee who was flying towards the road to pay homage to the teacher. Why does Mr. Captain always So impulsive!

"Although there is no fight here, it seems to be settled." Kuina watched Ibrahimovic sitting there proudly and receiving the worship of a group of kung fu manatees.

"Boss Ibrahimovic told those manatees that he would have a lot of food to eat as my younger brother, and then they did that! Boss Ibrahimovic is really amazing!" Chopper looked at Ibrahimovic with adoring eyes, and it was so easy to solve the problem. These problems are indeed the boss of Ibrahimovic.

"What? It turned out to be like this. Hey, why do you want to go there!" Luffy looked dissatisfied at Ibrahimovic, who was stealing the limelight from him, and suddenly found that the kung fu manatee on his side bowed to him, drooling Tears walked towards Ibrahimovic.

"I'm sorry, master. Even though I'm a martial artist, I can't bear to be hungry. That's what that guy said." Chopper was doing his translation work dutifully.

"That's it! It's true that if you don't eat enough, you won't have the strength to fight." Lu Fei showed a look of sudden realization, and unexpectedly accepted this reason.

Then, amidst the impassioned drumming of Kung Fu Manatee, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates embarked on a journey.

"Why do I think they just want to find a place to manage meals?"

"Who knows? Although this will reduce our grain reserves sharply, it's good to solve the trouble."

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"Is this Juba? It looks so desolate." Luffy asked strangely, looking at the broken walls in the desert in front of him.

"No, this is Elumar. It used to be called the Green City. You can see what this country is suffering when you see this city! What did Baroque Works do to this country! The people of this country What kind of fate is he experiencing again!" Weiwei looked at this dead city sadly, and the prosperous scene of Alumar in the past seemed to be still vivid in her memory.

The others watched all this in silence, and they had often heard Weiwei talk about the tragedy in Alabasta before, but the scene in front of them undoubtedly made people realize this more truly.This country is like a patient infected by the virus of the baroque work society, and is heading towards the fate of death step by step.

"Although Alabasta is a country with little rain, the residents here will carefully preserve the rainwater every time it rains. The vitality of this city can continue. However, this situation has changed in three years. All this It's all because of Baroque Works..." Weiwei walked forward, telling everyone what she had experienced in these years.

"I'm sorry, Sister Weiwei. I..." Shirley didn't expect that the missions she and Mr. 3 had done would cause so much harm to so many people.This made the little girl feel a little bit out of breath from the guilt in her heart.

"You don't need to apologize, I don't blame you. You are just following Clakdar's orders, and I know that if you fail to complete the task, your own life will be in danger. Clarkdar is the real murderer of all this." Wei Wei walked away Went to Shirley and gently wiped the tears off Shirley's face, comforting the little guy softly.

"But, I..." Shirley still couldn't let go of her heart, she never knew that she was such a bad person before.

"What's the use of crying when you do something wrong, you are a good boy who tries to help Weiwei save Alabasta and redeem her sins." Nero rubbed Shirley's little head, and then looked at Weiwei seriously, "You don't have to either. Worry, we will ask that crocodile for you and this country."

A gust of wind suddenly blew up, and the ruins of Elumar echoed with sounds like weeping.

"This...this...what's the matter with this voice!" Usopp looked around in fear. For Usopp, anything unknown was terrifying.

"Don't be afraid, it's just the sound of the wind blowing over the ruins of these buildings." Nero looked at the desolate scene in front of him, and an unexplained sadness emerged in his heart, "But I prefer to believe that it's the sound of those who died. Whispers of the dead."

"Whispers of the undead..." Weiwei repeated in a murmur.Everyone stopped and looked at the surrounding ruins quietly.Even Luffy, who had been looking around curiously from just now, became serious.

"There seems to be someone there! Someone has fallen there!" Usopp suddenly found a figure in a robe fallen not far from the town.

When everyone ran nearby, they realized that it was just a dead bone that had been lying there for an unknown amount of time. Weiwei knelt down in pain while holding the broken skull, "Father, what did the people of this country do wrong! We were born in the desert country..."

Listening to Vivi's sad complaint, Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji put down their burdens in a loud voice, turned and walked towards the ruins of Elumar.After a while, those dilapidated buildings fell down with a huge roar.The sabotage trio headed by Luffy walked over in the dusty sky.

"Vivi, let's go. I can't take it any longer! I'm going to blow that fellow Clakdar flying!" Luffy moved his arms, his expression became more serious, and he took the lead in walking in the direction of Yuba.Sanji and Usopp followed closely behind, also walking forward in silence.

"Come on, let's go to Juba."

"Is the rebel army there?"

"Well, I'm going there to convince the leader of the rebel army." Weiwei said firmly, "I want to tell people the truth, the people of Alabasta can no longer sacrifice in vain!"

"Bury him here!" Nero said to Vivi, pointing to a small hole that had been dug. "We will get everything back for him. The captain decided to beat Clakdahl to Luffy." See Looking at the not-so-tall figure in front of him, Nero seemed to see the legendary man.Luffy finally got serious, this is the aura that a man who becomes the One Piece should have!Luffy, I will follow you to witness the moment when you become the One Piece.

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