
spn in a dark cave, Enilu opened his eyes with difficulty.Is this the afterlife?Enilu looked at the faint fire coming from the entrance of the cave and laughed at himself, "People like me should go to hell like this after death, right? Maybe there will be a devil to judge me in a while? But even if I go to hell, I will also go to hell." The strongest Demon God!"

"Well, excuse me. I'm really sorry, but you're not dead yet. I'm very sorry for not telling you in time." An inexplicable voice of apology sounded from behind Ainilu, and when he turned his head in astonishment, the first thing he saw was a ball of hair Brush the beard in general.When Anilu glanced at the pair of tiny wings on the back of the man, he couldn't help feeling absurd.Sky Islanders?I was actually rescued by the Sky Islanders!

"I'm really sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Pagoya, the Weiba repairman from Angel Island, please take care of me when I meet you for the first time." Pagoya greeted Enilo politely, but seeing Enilu still looked at himself in a daze, and couldn't help but feel a little bit drummed in his heart. He knew who the person in front of him was very clear!Paigeya quickly changed the subject calmly, "By the way, you must be hungry, right? Conis's daughter has already gone to get food, please be patient."

"Then my name is Ai... Just call me Xiao Ai, anyway, thank you for saving me." For some reason, Enilu, who is always used to dominating others, suddenly had a strange feeling, different from When I was a child, the loathing of others towards me was different from the fear of God. It could only be said to be a very common treatment.But this kind of ordinary treatment is very reassuring.

"I'm sorry, I didn't save you...Xiao Ai. In fact, it was the daughter of Conis who rescued you." The strange explanation from the person in front of him made Paigeya completely relieved. Greeted the former sky island ruler very kindly. [

"I'm back, Father, Hasso!" Cornis's cheerful voice came from outside the cave, and then the figure of the savior appeared in front of Enilo.A very slender girl, but the smile on her face gave people an indescribable sense of intimacy.A very gentle and kind girl, Anilu couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

"Kenis's daughter, Hasso. You came just in time. The child is already awake. Have you brought food back? The child is already hungry after being in a coma for so long." Paigia waved to his daughter with a smile, and then Pointing to Enil who was lying on the blanket, he motioned to Konis.

"Ah, you're already awake! I'm sorry that it took a long time to come here because everyone was very enthusiastic about today's banquet." When Conis heard that Enilu had woken up, she quickly walked to Enilu's side, He put the basket in his hand on the ground and began to take out the dishes containing various foods, "Please bear with me, the meal will be served soon."

Looking at the girl in front of her who was busy preparing food for herself, the expression on Enilo's face changed several times, and finally turned into the same indifferent and noble look as before, "Is there a banquet outside...・A banquet to celebrate the death of my god. You all know me, right? That taboo name—God Enel!”

Conis's hand, which was holding the food, suddenly shook, and the food in her hand fell to the ground together with the plate. "I'm sorry, I'll clean it up right away, please don't be angry!" Cornis was taken aback, and quickly started to clean up the debris on the ground.

"No need! This god doesn't bother to eat this kind of mortal food!" Enilu pushed Conis away, stood up and walked out of the cave.The severe pain made Anilu frowned, but Anilu didn't care about it.Sure enough, they are still afraid of me, they are all afraid of me.Enil didn't know why he would say his real name, but the moment he saw the girl, Enil felt that he didn't want to lie to her.Even though he had already guessed the reaction the father and daughter should have, when he saw the fear flashing in their eyes the moment he said his name, Enel still felt a sense of sadness in his heart.But this is the best for everyone, and God should be alone.I'd better find a way to limit the land, there is no place for me anymore.

Just when Anilu walked to the entrance of the cave, two cold lights suddenly flashed in the darkness, and Anilu's unusual earlobes suddenly sprayed blood and fell down.

"Look what I found? It's so embarrassing, Enilu. Have you been reduced to threatening this kind of ordinary people?" A figure walked into the cave, playing with the knife in his hand, under the bright firelight outside the cave. A face that impressed Enilo's image was revealed.Nero—the name of the man who claimed to be a devil, as soon as he saw his face, he knew that maybe Fa had left safely today.

Nero looked at Enilu's nervous expression and couldn't help showing a somewhat evil smile, "Do you know what is being celebrated outside? Your priests were all sentenced to the punishment of floating clouds, except for a small number of divine soldiers Apart from the punishment of the floating cloud, most of them cut off their own horns and decided to spend the rest of their lives to atone for their sins. Gang Kerr also re-inherited the seat of God. After the Sandia and the Sky Islanders have completely reconciled, everyone God's death is being celebrated. So do you have anything to say? Do you have anything to say as a dead person?"

"If you see it through, there is nothing you can do. I thought you wouldn't notice these two insignificant people. But it's not easy for you to kill me!" Anilu rolled his eyes The father and daughter of Pagoya next to them had that arrogant look on their faces again.He straightened his body and faced the man blocking the entrance of the cave, flashes of electricity flashed again in his hand.

"Tch, what are you holding on to? You can't even detect my movements with your heart network. Can you still fight like this? And what do you think this level of electric current can do?" Nero caught it indifferently. Holding Enilo's flashing electric hand, he completely turned a blind eye to this electric glow that could only bring some numbness to himself.After nimbly restraining Enilo with joint skills, Nero turned his head to look at Paigia and his daughter and said, "You were forced by this guy, right? Don't worry, you are fine, I will bring this guy to the banquet On. I think people would love to try this guy as a sideshow!"

Seeing Nero dragging Enilu out, Konis gritted her teeth and clenched her hands tightly, constantly hesitating.The moment Nero was about to step out of the cave, Cornis suddenly ran behind Nero and grabbed Nero's clothes, "He didn't threaten us, I rescued him voluntarily. And... Can you please let him go?" After she finished speaking, Conis collapsed on the ground as if she had exhausted all her strength, but she didn't let go of the hand that was holding Nero's clothes.Enilu's body trembled unconsciously when he heard the words, and he turned his head and looked at Konis with surprised eyes.

Nero looked at Conis with a look of relief, but his face was still indifferent, "You know who he is, right? You also understand what he did to the people here, right? And didn't he still want to Do you want to kill you? Do you still want to protect such a person? "

"I know, I know, I know all of this. But I really can't leave him alone!" Konis lowered her head and said to herself, "I don't know why I saw his memory but that The child crying in the corner is really pitiful. So can you let him go? I really can't help him."

"I'm really sorry, this child has caused a lot of trouble for everyone. But after hearing what Conis's daughter said, I also think that Xiao Ai is a very poor child. So can Mr. Nero let him go? I can vouch for him." Paigia also walked up to Nero with his usual kind attitude, clasped his hands together and begged Nero.

"What are you talking about! God doesn't need your pity! What's wrong with you! I have nothing to do with you!" Enilu yelled at Pagoya's father and daughter, but unconsciously appeared in his eyes. Some wet feeling.Did I cry?I thought my tears had been shed long ago, but it turns out that I will still cry!

"How can it be okay? Your relationship is very big..." Nero suddenly showed a colder smile, and then immediately changed to a brighter expression, "...you Isn't it the son of Pagoya's cousin's cousin's second daughter's cousin's third uncle's uncle?"

Seeing the three of Paigia being stunned by him, Nero felt more satisfied, he put Anilu on the ground, and then took out a bunch of props with a smirk, "But your appearance is too bad Now, I need to dress up for you." Just before everyone figured out what was going on, Nero had already waved his hands at Enilu and made afterimages...

"This guy's name is Xiao Ai. Actually, I want to call him Kakashi. Forget it, anyway, he is the son of your relative Pagaya, that is, Konis' elder brother. He came to join you from a far away place. Well, a perfect reason!" Nero couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up after looking at the transformed Enilo.After using heat to burn Enilu's white hair into a hedgehog head, use a black mask that can cover half of the nose to completely cover half of the face, and then use a wooden leaf forehead to cover one eye (where do you come from? More props?) Whoever can recognize who this osply Kakashi is, I will convince you. [

"Ah, that's right. Applying this ointment on the earlobe can remove the scar. Your big earlobe is too obvious, so I have to perform an operation on you." Nero threw a small medicine bottle to Kakashi's version of Enilo Walking out of the cave with a feeling of loneliness as a master.After walking out of the cave, Nero seemed to suddenly remember something, turned his head and told Enilo, "Please consider changing your name to Kakashi!"

"The acting sucks, Nero." Seeing Nero's triumphant look, Robin couldn't help but want to complain for some reason.

"Mama, don't worry about these small things. Isn't it good that the ending is good? Don't you want to read the historical text on the golden clock? Let's go." Nero also felt that his script was not very good, but as long as the ending It's good, isn't it all right?

"Hehehe, that's right. But I think it's better if I go alone if I read the main text of the history." Robin smiled lightly, rejected Nero's invitation and left alone.

"Robin, you can't go to such a dangerous place alone. As the deputy captain, I must ensure the safety of the crew." Nero didn't care about Robin's words, and followed Robin and left.

In the distant sky, the sun is slowly rising, and a new day has begun...

ps: The lazy cat defeated the evil China Unicom, can't I still hide if I can't beat it?I'm home what can you do?Will you cut off my Wutianwang again?Hum, I officially announce the resumption of the update.

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