One Piece's Strongest Vice-Captain

Chapter 97 The Flying Straw Hat


spn in the office of the head of the medical office of the eighth branch, Weiwei closed her eyes, as if she was trying to listen to something.Suddenly Weiwei opened her eyes and said inexplicably, "A navy reported that a member named Contriano who pretended to be Lieutenant Colonel Shepher was arrested. Is it Usopp's alias? But Usopp Haven't you already been arrested?"

"I think that what Contriano should be the real lieutenant colonel of the navy, and the current lieutenant colonel Shepher should be Robin if I'm not mistaken!" Nero stroked his chin and thought about it secretly planning something , and then said with a smile to Dr. Cobato, who was looking at him with some fear, "Can I trouble you to take them to our ship? If it is convenient, please point me to the Navy's reference room. "

"Hey, it's totally fine...Mr. Pirate." Cobato quickly agreed when he saw the scary pirate showing a ferocious smile to himself. The man in front of him is a big pirate with a reward of 8000 million. If you make him angry, you will definitely be killed!

"That... If you can, please don't hide behind the table and talk to me." Nero looked at the trembling purple hair behind the table with a little shame, and for the first time, he felt uncomfortable with his appearance. doubt.Could it be that I look scarier than Sauron?

"Hey, I'll come out right away. Please don't kill me, I'll listen to you." Seeing Cobato standing stiffly facing him, something in Nero's heart suddenly shattered. [

"How could this be? It's clear that this face was very friendly before." A certain elf squatted in a circle in the corner...

"You see, although this guy has a high reward, he is actually harmful. We are not the kind of pirates who mess around. We just want to get out of here, so please help us find our ship?" Na Mei folded her hands together and sincerely begged Kobato.

"But... alright! I will help you escape." After hesitating for a while, Kobato decided to help them. After all, Dr. Tanuki also helped him complete the operation and saved many marines.

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"Is there only one way to go out? This is a bit troublesome. And I am very concerned that the departure record has been vacant during this time period. There must be some special reason that I don't know." The sudden violent vibration interrupted Robin Thinking for a while, Robin glanced at the dark shadows looming in the corner of the bookshelf and closed the book in his hand.

Luffy and the others must have turned the world upside down by now, and there are more navies watching me here.Can't wait any longer, must join them immediately.But even if there is a problem, that person will definitely be able to solve it.Robin suddenly thought of a face that was always smiling, "Why did I suddenly think of that strange deputy captain? It must be because I was too tired from reading."

"Hey, Robin, I will be very sad when you say that. I took a lot of effort to pick you up." Robin turned around and found that Nero was standing behind him with a heartbroken expression. Look at yourself.

After showing a slightly shocked expression, Robin's expression immediately returned to calm, "I didn't expect that Mr. Nero would come to pick me up specially, but I think Mr. Nero came to me not just to stun these marines to vent his anger, right? "

"Hey, I'm sorry. But I actually need your help with some things." Nero scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and knocked out the navy next to him who was showing signs of waking up. "The navy took those important items away when they seized the Merry, and I have to go to the steward here to get our things back." Thinking of Nami and Shirley's instructions when he left, Nero shuddered a little.If you don't return the gold and Shirley's tea set, you will be killed if you go back.

"Okay, I probably understand what's going on." Robin understood what was going on after seeing Nero's expression, and our deputy captain was actually not easy. "But do you know where the Navy put those things? Even if I use my ability to find such a large fortress, it will be very troublesome."

"Did you know? Commander Jonathan of this fortress likes fishing very much. It is meaningless to know that the bait cannot be seen by the fish." Nero couldn't help showing a smile when he thought of the frowning guy eating vegetables, although you Very confident in his fortress.But this time I will definitely hit your self-confidence severely. Fishermen must be prepared to be dragged into the water by big fish! "Where I want you to take me is..."

"...the headquarters here!" Nero followed Robin and soon came to the brain of the fortress, looking at the gate in front of him that didn't even have a chain.Once again Nero and Robin felt Jonathan's strong confidence.

After opening the gate, what appeared in front of Nero and Robin was Jonathan dressed as a fisherman, a large pile of sundries and those gleaming gold piled up in front of him.

"Yo, you're here." Jonathan greeted Nero as if waiting for a friend to attend an appointment. After glancing at Nero and Robin, Jonathan looked behind them, and then revealed He showed a disappointed look, "Why are you the only ones here? I thought at least the captain, Straw Hat Boy, would come."

"That's really sorry, we've already--, the captain can't leave the ship. Only me, the deputy captain, is here. By the way, have you tasted our chef's skills? What do you think?" Nero said to Jona Sen made an apologetic gesture, then walked towards Jonathan unpreparedly and began to tidy up the pile with his back turned to him.

After counting and packing everything, Nero breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, everything is still there and intact. Are the navies still doing their best to protect the physical evidence? "Thank you for your hospitality. If there are no special circumstances, I will leave. Let's go, Robin." Nero lifted the package on the ground, and greeted Robin to leave.

"Wait!" Jonathan stopped Nero who was about to leave, and his lazy eyes suddenly became sharper, "It's not in line with hospitality to let you leave so easily. Please stay Let's have Baron as a guest!" As soon as Jonathan finished speaking, a group of heavily armed naval soldiers suddenly appeared, aiming their guns at Nero and Robin in the room.

"Thirty rounds of flowers blooming—Hook Claw." Robin, who had been quietly watching Nero and Jonathan's performance, suddenly made a move and disarmed all the naval soldiers.

"As you can see, we're running out of time. So goodbye! I'm sorry for the rest of you." After Nero waved goodbye to Jonathan, he smashed the walls of the command room to pieces with one punch and pulled Robin jumped down. [

"Commander, do you want to pursue?" After the arms disappeared, the navy soldiers immediately picked up the weapons that fell on the ground.A lieutenant immediately asked Jonathan for instructions on what to do next.

"No need, the time is coming soon. They are just turtles in the urn after all." Jonathan's eyes returned to the lazy look, and he said vigorously while lying on the seat.Although your strength is beyond my expectation, I still have the last hole card, a hole card to solve!

It didn't take much strength for Fe Nero to hold Robin and a bunch of baggage. After a few light steps in the air, Nero and Robin returned to the Merry.At this moment, Luffy smashed the gate of the fort with a flying cannon.The smoke formed by the explosion instantly covered all the ships!

"Pay attention to the defense at the gate! Be careful that the Straw Hat Pirates take the opportunity to escape!" Major Drake shouted on the warship. If these pirates escape here, then the g8 fortress will become the laughing stock of the navy.

When all the people were in a hurry for this sudden situation, Jonathan was still sitting on the recliner and looking at his watch, "It's time, you can't escape now. Unless you can make the whole ship fly !” Jonathan had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.At this time every day, there will be a very serious low tide in the G8 fortress, and there will not be even a drop of water left in the fortress.Let's see how you escape this time!

Sure enough, as Jonathan expected, after the smoke cleared, all the ships were stranded on the bottom of the sea.But after searching and searching, only the warship ran aground there, and the Meili lost its shadow!

"No, there is a problem with that warship. The flag on it is not moving at all! That pirate ship is there!" A sharp-eyed soldier suddenly spotted an uncoordinated warship, and hurriedly pointed at the ship and shouted.

"Ah tired, tired, I was discovered. But it's okay. Goodbye, my dear sailors!" After shaking for a while, the warship suddenly fell apart and turned into several huge lifelike pictures that fell to the ground.The Merry appeared in front of everyone, but the most surprising thing was that there was a Chidabi octopus floating on the Merry, and now it was floating upwards with a whole pirate ship.

At this moment, everyone didn't know what to say, the pirates flew away!Still being pulled away by an octopus that looks like a balloon!This is simply a dream!

"Phew! This is too exaggerated." Jonathan let out a long sigh of relief, and after taking a few deep breaths, Jonathan said seriously to the adjutant beside him, "Give me the navy headquarters, I will Report to them what happened today."

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