
spn Although the Germans have not turned their heads, at least China and Germany still have a lot of cooperation, so it is not easy for China to freeze the relationship, and it still warmly received these Germans.

In order to win China into the war, Germany also promised to distribute one-third of the wealth seized from the European continent to China, which is indeed sincere enough.

"I'm really sorry about the question of whether to participate in the war. Now China is in a period of construction, the interior is very stable, and the market is also very prosperous. Our people do not want a war. On the premise of not participating in the war, China is still willing to try its best Give Germany more help." Lu Zhengxiang tactfully rejected Germany's request for China to join the war.

Regardless of whether it is with the Allies or the Allies, China does not participate in any camp.

"Of course, we will not see our friends lose this war. If the Allied countries' front is really tense, then China is willing to stand up and protect our friends." Lu Zhengxiang continued, the tone is still the same as before. [

The German negotiating team obviously expected such a situation, but there were also some surprises.

This kind of prediction is based on China's previous attitude. It's just that the war has reached the most critical moment. As long as China participates in the war, it can get a lot of spoils. It is really surprising that they are not willing to participate in the war at this time.

It is indeed a good choice for loot.

But China is obviously unwilling to share the spoils with Germany. If the Germans develop, they will be much more difficult to deal with than Britain and France. Therefore, Germany has no hope of victory, and at most it will remain undefeated.

"We need more tanks, aircraft, 'medicine', and white phosphorus, and we hope China can provide them." The German negotiating team could only retreat and hope to obtain more military equipment.

"Of course, as friends, as long as you want to buy, we will sell." Lu Zhengxiang replied with a smile. Everyone knows that the German "government" has little money now.

The gold was either earned by China, or entered the hands of the Juncker consortium.

In fact, the war between the two sides is a consortium that uses the method of national war to extract money from the pockets of ordinary people. Of course, the money is worthless, and what they want is gold.

"Is it possible to borrow money?" asked the German negotiating team.

"Yes, but we need money everywhere in our domestic construction, and the exact amount is not yet guaranteed." Lu Zhengxiang replied.

Borrowing is the same as not borrowing. China has already provided a lot of aid to Germany.The Germans were able to accumulate forces that can now organize a counteroffensive, largely thanks to China's assistance.

There was no substantial progress in the negotiations between the two parties, which disappointed the German negotiating team.

The Chinese seem to be determined not to participate in the European war, but in general, after the war, China supported Germany for nearly 200 million people.

More than 50 of them are Chinese workers who do not go to the battlefield but are engaged in relatively advanced processing occupations, and they can be regarded as studying in Germany.

There are also 150 million Japanese, of which 100 million are mercenaries and 50 are laborers.

With such support, Germany's labor force and military strength have become much more abundant. On the Western Front, Germany has assembled an army of 400 million, ready to launch a counterattack at any time.


The negotiating team of the Allied Powers arrived half a month later than the German negotiating team. When they came to China, the Allied Powers had stopped their spring offensive on the Western European battlefield.

However, the Germans launched a spring counter-offensive. [

During the offensive, Germany fired a large amount of white phosphorus. The white phosphorus fired by those artillery used air-burst fuzes. Sometimes the timing was not so accurate, and the air-burst was not successful.

However, because the target of the bombardment was the trench, most of the white phosphorus was successfully airburst.

The white phosphorus was sprinkled into the trenches, burning some Allied soldiers to death, and at the same time produced a pungent poisonous gas, which made people very uncomfortable.

After launching white phosphorus, the German Army launched an attack on the positions of the Allied Powers under the cover of the Air Force.

The attack was very fierce, but the resistance of the Allies was also very strong. Regardless of the war weariness of the American soldiers, American General Pershing sent a large number of American troops to the front line to resist the German attack.

However, the morale of the Allied Powers dropped rapidly under the attack of white phosphorus.

It took the German armored division three days to finally successfully break through the three lines of defense of the Allies, and then the armored division quickly penetrated to the front line of the Somme.

The Allies had to withdraw their forces back to the Somme area. During the retreat, some soldiers of the Allies were surrounded, annihilated and captured.

The Allies lost more than 20 troops, of which about [-] were captured.

The two sides waged repeated tug-of-war on the long and narrow battlefield. This was the third time that the Germans had reached the front line of the Somme. The Allied Powers relied on the natural barrier of the Somme to actively defend the German army.

In order to fend off Germany's aggressive offensive, the negotiating team sent by the Allied Powers to China had high expectations.

Also coming to China was Baron Edmond, a French member of the Rothschild consortium, a senior member of the Rothschild consortium.

The war destroyed many Jewish assets, and the loss of the Rothschild consortium was even heavier than the First World War in history.

First of all, many assets in eastern France were destroyed.

Secondly, the assets of Germany were confiscated, the assets of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland were also confiscated, and the assets in Russia were "communized".

It is equivalent to saying that the assets in Central Europe and Eastern Europe are all finished.

This war has completely deviated from the control of the Rothschild consortium. This huge family controlled half of the world's wealth during the First World War. Based on the annual rate of return of 6, the family's assets can reach 21 trillion in the 60st century. However, this family known as the "Sixth Empire" in Europe at this time has a deep sense of power for the war they provoked.

Because of the rise of China, China has also been manipulating the direction of this war.

The Rothschild consortium's share of world wealth has also declined rapidly, because China has developed and a large number of valuable assets have emerged in China.

When he came to Shanghai, China, Baron Edmond saw a super metropolis in Shanghai, which was full of construction projects everywhere, showing a strong momentum of development.

"This country is terrible." Baron Edmond couldn't help being horrified, because China's development speed is so fast that it is so fast that it makes people stunned.

Although the oligarch consortium established by the warlord in the Far East is not as good as the Rothschild consortium in terms of wealth in terms of 'gold', in terms of actual assets, China's assets are constantly increasing. [

In China, Jiang Yu's consortium of warlords and oligarchs is everywhere.

The shadow of this warlord and oligarchic consortium is everywhere in the fields of industry, commerce, and finance, and China's policies have formed a solid line of defense to exclude foreign capital.

Baron Edmond, who came to China, came to do business with Jiang Yu's warlord and oligarch consortium. This was the first time that the Rothschild consortium felt that the war was so difficult.

The wife of the founder of the Rothschild Consortium said before her death: "If my sons no longer love war, then no one will love war."

Regardless of whether the war is won or lost, the "government" of every country will be deeply trapped in a debt trap.

This kind of debt trap is also one of the ways for the Rothschild consortium to make a fortune. Every war means that they will get rich.

The First World War also made the Rothschild consortium rich, but it was accompanied by serious losses.

The money has been made, and Britain, France, and Germany have been squeezed dry, but Germany suddenly began to attack the Jews, which caused them to suffer huge losses.

Originally, when the money was earned, it was time to end the war. This is why the United States joined the war. They hoped to rely on the United States to join the war and easily defeat the allies.

But the result is that because of China's "intervention" and control, the war did not end as quickly as the Rothschild consortium expected. Instead, it tended to continue for a long time, and it evolved into a bank-to-bank war. Violent looting.

Edmund came to China to reach an agreement with the Chinese elite and oligarch consortium, hoping to share some benefits and bring this war to an end.

When the negotiating team of the Allied Powers came to Shanghai, China, the negotiating team was immediately divided into two parts.

Some went to the embassy, ​​preparing to contact Chinese officials.

The other part went to Huadong Building in Shanghai, the headquarters of the Chinese elite and oligarchic consortium.

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