

The first one arrives!

Lu Zhengxiang took a sip of tea unhurriedly, then said calmly:

"If this is the case, there is no other way. We, the Republic of China, can only continue to assist the allies, or even participate in this war."

"Of course, these are all negotiable." The French made a statement immediately, but Britain is still struggling with the issue of the German colony of Namibia, but this issue is not big, and the possibility of concessions is extremely high.Only the United States is very dissatisfied with the terms of low tariffs on some commodities. [

It can be seen from this that the Allies are not monolithic, and there are great differences among them.

The French can't afford to lose this war, so they are willing to accept even if the conditions are not too harsh.The US "government" is the most so-called. They have a natural barrier of the Atlantic Ocean. The Allies will not be in too much danger if they lose to the United States. The only problem is that so much money is spent on participating in this war. If the United States loses the war , Return all the money.

The first day of negotiations ended quickly, and the Allies faced a huge problem, which was to unify internal opinions. If the internal opinions were unified, then this negotiation would 100% collapse.

On the other hand, the negotiations between China and the Rothschild consortium have entered a tug-of-war.

"First, we need no less than 15 technicians, 20 engineers, and [-] researchers. Second, we spent [-] billion pounds of gold on aid to Germany. Third, we in China are too poor , if you need to lend us a loan, just give us a loan equivalent to [-] billion pounds!" Zhou Ziyue made an extremely astonishing condition.

"Our family is indeed very rich, but we simply cannot provide such a large amount of liquidity." Baron Edmund shook his head again and again: "The conditions are too harsh."

"What we want is not banknotes, which are too hard to be used as toilet paper. What we want is gold. I think you should be able to come up with that much gold, and there is a high rate of return for lending us, every year The interest rate has reached 5%. We will not let you suffer in this regard." Zhou Ziyue said flickeringly.The Rothschild consortium has to borrow this money whether it borrows it or not.

If you don't borrow it, the loss will be even greater.

If you borrow it, you don't know when it will be replaced!Perhaps in less than 20 years, China will start an all-out war with the white world, and by then these debts can be directly denied.

As for the 5% rate of return, it is only on the surface. The seigniorage collected by China reaches 5% every year. This is a "differential attack", which means that the Rothschild consortium does not have any rate of return every year.

"That's too much. The gold worth 35 billion pounds is a total of 25 tons. Our family doesn't have that much money. And now there is no money in Europe. What do we use to loan you?" Baron Edmond shook his head and said , Zhou Ziyue also shook his head and said: "You can take it out."

Before the Rothschild consortium controlled 50% of the world's wealth, there was no shortage of gold. Of course, Zhou Ziyue didn't expect them to take out so much gold.It's just that the lion opened his mouth first, so that he can bargain later.


The negotiations between China and the Allies, and the negotiations with the Rothschild consortium have gone through two weeks, involving various fields.

Because China took the absolute initiative in this negotiation, China has achieved its goal in many aspects.

In negotiations with the Rothschild consortium.China asked for 12 billion pounds in gold compensation, so that China promised not to change its position of falling to the Allies.

As for loans, the Rothschild consortium promised to lend China $10 billion in gold.The loan period is 10 years, the annual interest rate is 5%, and the repayment is in Yanhuang coins.

At this time, China is not short of money at all, but has a lot of surplus capital that needs to be exported, but it still borrows money from the Rothschild consortium.Intentions are very sinister.

At this point in the war in Europe itself, there is no money left. [

Where did the money go?

Naturally, it ran to the United States and China.For the Rothschild consortium, it is a trick of exchanging left hands for right hands, and most of the money is still in their hands.

It is equivalent to saying that the Rothschild consortium also has a large amount of surplus capital.

Well, now that part of the remaining capital in the hands of the Rothschild consortium has been weakened, the capital they can provide to Europe after the war will be reduced, and the speed of European economic recovery will slow down.

However, China can invest these surplus capital in the dependent countries, so that the dependent countries have a very high development speed.

It is right for China to export capital, but China will not export capital to Europe and North America, at most it will export capital to India, Australia, South America, and Africa.

This is mainly determined by the debt relationship.

At this time, 19 countries in Europe owed US$100 billion to the United States. Naturally, the capital had to flow back to Europe so that Europeans could develop before they could repay the money.

China's debts are mainly in those dependent countries, and those dependent countries have to develop to repay the money.

How can it develop?

In fact, to put it bluntly, finance is debt, and money does not mean that it can develop.

Mainly rely on the real economy.

As long as China's real economy has an advantage in international exports, it will be difficult for European industries to develop, especially light industries.

In terms of light industry, China has a huge advantage.

Because China is a country that is good at developing light industry, and those dependent countries are also not bad, especially Japan.

Under Beijing, where China's labor costs are increasing, those light industries can be handed over to the dependent countries for development, which can definitely contain the light industries in Europe.

As far as heavy industry is concerned, China is now also ahead of Europe in terms of heavy industry commodities.

As long as all aspects of the international market are seized, the recovery of Europe and the United States will become extremely slow, and the development of the United States will also be contained.

The national power of the Caucasian world and the oriental civilized world will gradually be separated, and China will be in a far-leading position.

The surrender of the Rothschild consortium is equivalent to the signing of an unequal treaty by a defeated country. The Rothschild consortium cannot afford to gamble and can solve the problem by losing money, so that is not a problem.

As a capital without borders, as long as it can maintain its own prosperity and wealth, any country, nation, etc. are relatively illusory things.

certainly.The two sides also divided their spheres of influence. [

After the war, Europe and North America were the spheres of influence of the Rothschild consortium, and Chinese capital did not enter this region, while Asia and Oceania were the spheres of influence of China. The Rothschild consortium was in Australia, New Zealand, India, Malaysia, and Myanmar. All assets will be sold to China.

The two sides only compete in financial aspects in Africa and South America.

It is equivalent to saying that within the sphere of influence determined by both parties, capital does not cross the boundary, and no banking business will be carried out in these areas.In competitive areas, it depends on one's own ability.

China has obtained huge benefits from the Rothschild consortium without firing a single shot.

In addition, as a condition for reducing the loan amount.The Rothschild consortium promised to increase the number of scientific researchers sent to China to 6000, and the number of engineers will remain at 5.The number of technicians was reduced to [-].

The Rothschild Consortium definitely has huge energy in this regard. There are so many countries in Europe, and there are a lot of scientific researchers.In this era, scientific research has not yet been introduced to the national level on a large scale, and most scientific researchers are still in the hands of consortia, or are 'self-employed' researchers who do not belong to any institution.


And in terms of negotiations with the Allies.China got its wish and reached an agreement with the Allied Powers to acquire Iraq and Syria in the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Namibia in Southwest Africa. Of course, it was a purchase on the surface, but in fact it was a free gift.

In terms of trade tariffs, China also got its wish, and the United States for European debt.And the war can gain spoils, and after the war, it will not be surrounded by the Allied camp, and agrees to open the market for automobiles, aircraft, and electrical appliances.That is to reduce tariffs, Britain and France did not entangle in this issue.

Britain and France were entangled in colonial tariffs, which mainly corresponded to those light industrial products. In the end, Britain and France reduced the colonial tariffs to a very low level, generally less than 5%.The minimum is only 1%.

If it is to share the spoils with Germany, it is obviously impossible to obtain such benefits.

The Germans are very good at industry.At the same time, it is also very smooth to engage in tariff protectionism.The competitiveness of the Allied Powers is completely inferior to that of Germany, which is why Jiang Yu does not want Germany to win.

In addition, in terms of transportation, the Allied countries have also officially confirmed the use of Chinese standard container specifications.

China, on the other hand, promises that it will no longer support the allied countries to restrict submarine warfare, and at the same time will not increase aid to the allies, and will provide any advanced military technology. Transportation tasks, only undertake other ocean transportation tasks.

At the same time, in the form of loans, materials worth 15 billion pounds were sold to the Allies, mainly food, living materials, cars and aircraft, and there were not many steel materials. What China is short of now is steel.Of course, there is also a large supply of white phosphorus.

In addition, Nicholas II also asked for the 2000 tons of gold stored in the UK by the way.


When Jiang Yu got the two secret agreements, he suddenly laughed three times.

"It's so cool. I won more benefits than participating in the war without participating in the war. With this agreement, the Europeans will have to fight for at least a year." Jiang Yu laughed.

In Jiang Yu's eyes, interests are not purely financial group interests.

Perhaps he is not a qualified oligarch consortium controller, because when he looks at the concept of interests, he is often combined with war.

But it is also often in the best interest of the consortium.

What is a more efficient way than physically destroying the enemy's capital?

First of all, the open colonial market, as well as the automobile, aircraft, and electrical appliance markets, can have a suppressive effect on the industries of the white world after the war.

By suppressing their industries and expanding their own industrial scale, China's war potential is stronger than that of the Caucasian world.

In addition, what is the concept of continuing the war for another year?

At this time, the popularization of productivity in China is getting faster and faster, and the speed of construction is constantly increasing. China's construction takes one year, while Europe and the United States spend one year. How big is the gap?

One more year of fighting is one year. As long as the Westerners' war can be prolonged, those superficial interests are nothing more than petty profits.

It is equivalent to saying that China has an extra year to prepare for the occupation of the market after the war.One extra year of fighting by Westerners means one extra year of consumption, and one year of China's construction, and construction is carried out with advanced productive forces, the gap will quickly widen.

In addition, China provided materials equivalent to 15 billion pounds of gold in the form of loans, so China could continue to exploit the Allies after the war.

Moreover, it mainly exports automobiles and aircraft, and it can also attack the automobile and aircraft manufacturing industries of the Allies.

As for the Rothschild consortium, it got 22 billion pounds, of which 12 billion is like compensation.Although these are benefits, they are actually a pile of gold, which cannot speed up construction. If the monetary value of gold is deprived, it is a pile of scrap iron.

Of course, more benefits can be obtained in the financial field.

It's just that many interests are garbage interests in Jiang Yu's view.The benefits obtained under the premise of enhancing the potential of the Caucasian world war are not worth it.

From the perspective of commodities, China after the war actually only needs to import some raw materials, and it is difficult for the money to return to the Caucasian world.As for investing the money in the white world, that is not in China's interest either.

Because of investment, the war potential of the white world will be enhanced.

The only direction of investment is to invest in places like India, Australia, South America, and Africa, relying on the labor force in these regions to accelerate China's construction and development.

It doesn't matter if investing in these areas doesn't make much money, as long as war breaks out, it doesn't increase the war potential of the white world, and at the same time it can increase China's war potential.

Capital is money that generates money, and it is impossible not to make money.

Capital itself has developed to this level, and the direction of the economic situation is already under the control of capital.

At the same time, these 'indemnities' can reduce the wealth of the white world, enabling them to buy valuable industrial products, such as machinery and equipment, and reduce the number of construction projects, which can hinder their rate of development.

At the same time, in terms of finance, post-war China may be able to exploit South American and African countries through international credit and insurance business.

As for Europe and North America, this is the sphere of influence of the Rothschild consortium, and the two sides have already divided their spheres of influence.

Therefore, after the war, China exploited Asia and Oceania, while the Rothschild consortium exploited Europe and North America. The competition between the two sides in international credit and insurance business was mainly in South America, and Africa was a new market that required Open up, the Rothschild consortium will obviously not open up the African market.

But China is very interested in the African market.

Africa is not as barren as people imagine. In fact, Africa is rich in resources, and it is also a rich continent when it is developed.

The reason why it is so poor is mainly because Westerners are engaged in colonization, and because Africa is a place where black people live, Westerners will not invest too much in Africa.

Historically, after World War II, Westerners withdrew from Africa in an all-round way, which was tantamount to excluding Africa from civilization.

It is precisely because of insufficient development that Africa is barren.

Although Jiang Yu is somewhat repelled by the skin color of blacks, he does not discriminate against blacks. Africa can also develop, as long as there is no interracial marriage.

When Africa develops to a certain extent, it becomes a continent with rich economic colonization benefits.

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