The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 014: Raiding Ethiopia


In the summer of this year, Haile Selassie, the regent of Ethiopia, came to the Republic of China with two lions and three zebras.

This visit was received by Song Jiaoren, President of the Republic of China.

As the president of the Republic of China, Song Jiaoren's task at this time is to put on a political show.

Politics is really a show, especially in a democracy.As the person in front of the stage elected by the actual ruler, the role of the president is to perform various political shows.

As the actual ruler, Jiang Yu only needs to set the general direction and principles, and Song Jiaoren usually handles the government affairs. [

Under Song Jiaoren's warm reception, Haile Selassie felt that the Republic of China was a sincere third world leader.

Haile Selassie, who came to the Republic of China, stayed in a luxury hotel, ate traditional Chinese food, and saw all kinds of luxury goods.

After some reception, Haile Selassie began to visit everywhere in the Republic of China.

The officials of the Republic of China took him to visit the military, culture, economy, and industry. When Haile Selassie saw such a prosperous China, he couldn't hide his envy and yearning in his eyes.

"Can we, Ethiopia, develop to the level of China?" Haile Selassie asked Vice Foreign Minister Wu Tingfang who accompanied him on the tour.

"Yes, as long as Ethiopia is willing to reform and become stronger, I believe Ethiopia can develop. You must know that China at the beginning is not much better than Ethiopia." Wu Tingfang said in a very positive voice Answered Haile Selassie's question.

"And we, the Republic of China, are willing to help Ethiopia develop, and we are willing to help the Ethiopian people live a prosperous life, and let us prosper and prosper together."

Haile Selassie was overjoyed, and then asked Wu Tingfang how to make the country prosperous and strong, and came to learn from him with a very humble attitude.

Wu Tingfang told many important points at once.

"The most important thing is that the system must be able to meet the prerequisites for becoming a powerful country. The second is to develop industry and commerce. It is not a problem that the people of Ethiopia do not have enough funds. The Republic of China is willing to invest in Ethiopia. As long as the industry and commerce Only with development can the country’s tax revenue increase. If you want to develop industry and commerce, you must first have a good infrastructure. It doesn’t matter if the Ethiopian government has no money, we can lend you money to develop infrastructure...” Wu Tingfang began to pour ecstasy soup .

Of course, if Ethiopia completely falls to China, it will indeed be beneficial.

First of all, as the ruler, Haile Selassie will live a better life, enjoy all kinds of luxury goods, and the Republic of China can help them build all kinds of luxury facilities.

Secondly, although the people of Ethiopia have to bear the economic colonial exploitation of the Republic of China, as an African country that has no enmity with the Republic of China, Jiang Yu still has some sympathy for them. Although this sympathy is not worth a dime, but In order to set an example of relying on the Republic of China, the Republic of China will still make Ethiopia develop better, so as to encourage more countries to fall to the Republic of China.

The more productive forces are developed, the more commodities are produced and the more things are built.Under China's economic colonization, the people of Ethiopia will be deprived of many fruits of labor, but the fruits of labor they retain are much better than the current poor life.

Haile Selassie believed in Wu Tingfang's ecstasy soup very much, because the facts are in front of him, the Republic of China has only been established for nine years, but it has risen rapidly.

This kind of rising speed, for the weak and small countries in the world at this time, undoubtedly sees hope.They all hope to find the secret to the rise of the Republic of China, so as to guide them out of the predicament of being colonized and oppressed.

For a ruling class, their way of thinking is different from ordinary people.

As the so-called butt determines thinking, as a ruler who sits on the throne of the ruler, they consider more ruling interests.

Resisting foreign aggression is often just to ensure its own ruling interests. [

When the foreign enemy is too strong, just like the Japanese ruling class, they will bow their heads and submit to the enemy, especially small countries, they are even weaker.

The purpose of their development is more for a more upscale life.

In order to have a higher quality of life, more taxation is needed, and the country's industry and commerce must develop.As for who pays the tax, they don't care. Whether it is national capital or foreign capital, as long as it can bring them more tax, it is in their ruling interest.

Therefore, the policy of introducing foreign capital has appeared in many countries from the perspective of the interests of the ruling class, so the Republic of China proposed to help Haile Selassie carry out reforms in Ethiopia, and was willing to lend them money to develop , and went to Ethiopia to develop industry and commerce, which made Haile Selassie very happy and excited.

"However, the Queen of Ethiopia may be a hindrance. I wonder if you have any way to ensure the smooth progress of the reform?" Wu Tingfang asked Haile Selassie, obviously also with the intention of sowing discord. The queen is an old school, which is not conducive to China's economic colonization of Ethiopia, and it is best to kick it away.

"Are you talking about that fat woman?" Haile Selassie curled her lips in disdain, without his support, that fat woman would never have been able to ascend the throne, "No problem, if that fat woman hinders reform, I will let you She rolled aside."

"That would be perfect." Wu Tingfang praised with a smile.


Two days later, Haile Selassie visited Jiang Yu, Generalissimo of the Army, Sea and Air Force of the Republic of China, and Jiang Yu met with Haile Selassie in the military building of the Republic of China.

When Jiang Yu met Haile Selassie, he found that the last king of Ethiopia was indeed not that simple, and he could tell some tricks from his face.

Haile Selassie's appearance is very upright, looks very capable, has a soldier's feel, not like that kind of potbellied.

It is naturally not that simple for a guy who can win the court battle and successfully seize the throne.

When Jiang Yu met Haile Selassie, he said to Haile Selassie: "The situation in Africa is distressing. There is only one Ethiopia in Africa that has not been ruled by European colonists. Except Ethiopia All African people outside of China are struggling and crying under the colonization of white people. South America won the War of Independence in the [-]th century, and Asia also won the anti-colonial war in the early [-]th century. Now the world is the only one without Only Africa is left to get rid of white colonization, have you ever thought about liberating the African people?"

"I am always thinking about liberating the African people, but I have no strength." Haile Selassie replied with some excitement.

"Our Republic of China is determined to liberate every colonized country. Africa will be the key area of ​​our aid, so we can help you." Jiang Yu said sincerely. He did sympathize with the black people in Africa, but really He has nothing to do with working for the welfare of the African people. What he does is to combat the colonization of Africa by the white world, thereby replacing the interests of the white people in Africa with economic colonization.

Chinese capital needs to expand outward, while Africa is an untapped market with relatively large potential.The enslavement of Africa by the white world is actually very fragile.

As long as China ignites a few fires and supports the blacks, there is basically no suspense, and the whites can be driven out of Africa.

Ethiopia is a nail in Northeast Africa, and if China wants Namibia, it is another nail in Southwest Africa. As long as China economically colonizes Africa, it means that China has surrounded Europe strategically.

Of course, this process has to be done slowly.

Haile Selassie was very excited, and then Jiang Yu promised that as long as Haile Selassie is willing to reform Ethiopia, he can support him as the king of Ethiopia and help Ethiopia build its military.Haile Selassie did not expect that he would gain such a huge gain from coming to China, and the whole person seemed to be in a dream.

He vowed to let Ethiopia rise as quickly as China and become a major African country.

At this moment, his belief in reform is stronger than ever. [


When Haile Selassie returned to Ethiopia, the Republic of China sent an advisory group to Ethiopia, or an advisory group assigned to Haile Selassie.

The advisory group also brought a "giant panda" to Ethiopia, which was decided by the central government of the Republic of China to present a giant panda to Ethiopia.One is that Haile Selassie presented two lions and three zebras to China, and the other is to express the "deep friendship" with Ethiopia.

Song Jiaoren also decided to provide Ethiopia with an armament aid worth 300 million yuan. In fact, this armament was used to arm the troops controlled by Haile Selassie.

Arms worth 300 million yuan are very rare in Africa.

With these arms, it is like controlling nuclear weapons inside Ethiopia.

Haile Selassie, who returned to Ethiopia, immediately advocated reform in Ethiopia, but it was not called a comprehensive reform because he listened to the opinions of the advisory group.

"Reforms like storms are doomed to fail, only reforms with gentle wind and light rain can succeed." The advisory group said this to Haile Selassie, which made Haile Selassie admire the advisory group very much.

The Queen of Ethiopia is opposed to reform, because she is a person with vested interests, and it is enough to rule herself, and the ruler's bad roots and inertia are vividly displayed.

However, the initial reform has not yet touched her interests, so she did not vigorously oppose it.

Playing a power struggle, the Queen of Ethiopia is obviously very immature in front of Haile Selassie, who is advising the Chinese advisory group.

Haile Selassie first started to control the military power, and first carried out reforms within the army, installed Chinese military advisers in the army, and supported the trusted generals to firmly control the power.

At the same time, send overseas students to China to train enough reform talents. (To be continued. Please search, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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