The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 017: Opening a Casino


spnps: Chapter 2 arrives!Eight thousand words are updated today. . .

Generally speaking, in the era of bubble economy, people are constantly fooling people into investing money, or using it to enjoy a high-quality life, and to buy luxury goods such as antiques that cannot be eaten or used.

Thus continuously weakening the capital chain of the nation, making them more dependent on the capital chain provided by bank loans.

Buy luxury cars, raise famous horses, buy antiques, buy jewelry, buy luxury villas, eat high-end meals, wear brand-name clothing, and go to high-end entertainment venues.

This is where a rich man needs to spend his money. [

They have this need.

Not everyone can consume rationally, nor can everyone calmly think about the economic situation and make predictions.

If a company or a family wants to develop, it must first judge the economic situation. When the economy is booming, it must expand boldly when it should expand. Before the economy is depressed, when it is time to shrink, it must sell assets and shrink rapidly.

Those multinational corporations and big families in later generations, if they have professional talents to predict the economy, this is the secret of their survival.

As for the project or something, this is a secondary issue.

During economic prosperity, it is easy to find projects. Basically, there are very few losses in all walks of life. As large companies, they have more resources and can be involved in projects with higher costs but greater benefits.

In front of those big companies, these investment processes are very skillful.

The consortium takes the route of complete monopoly on the most expensive business items of these rich people, luxury cars and luxury villas.Jewelry and famous watches are all manufactured by the consortium, high-end entertainment venues are also operated by the consortium, and all kinds of luxury goods are supplied by the consortium.The worst thing is to be a two-way dealer.

For example, some luxury agricultural products produced by domestic law are imported from abroad by consortiums acting as second-hand dealers.

As for those luxury industrial products, they are manufactured by the consortium.

Just like famous watches, there were no famous watches in China before, but what kind of Swiss famous watches are popular in the world.

But now there are famous watches in China. The so-called famous watches are only accepted by the upper class.It's called a name list.The upper class of the Republic of China wore famous watches made in China, although the workmanship was not as precise as that of the Swiss.But at least it's not bad, and it's more stylish and beautiful in design.

Most importantly, the support of the upper class of the nation.

As long as Chinese capital affects the outside world, this group of people can also affect other countries.Turn Chinese high-end watches into world famous watches.

In addition, since it is a famous thing.The price must be expensive.

In the eyes of the upper class, the luxury goods they use are often not much better than other low-priced products, but the price difference is hundreds of times, or even tens of thousands of times.

What is going on here?

You can understand the truth from one sentence - don't want the best, just the most expensive.

Show off your wealth! [

It is to show off wealth.

What is the most important thing for a rich man with a "sao" bag?The most important thing is to let others see that he is a rich man at a glance.

It's like a business card.

As soon as you make a move, tell others that I am a millionaire.

This kind of showing off their wealth is often the favorite of upstarts, but it is also liked by non-upstarts and rich people who have time to settle down.

It's just that they know how to pretend.So I started to talk about the connotation, pay attention to the form and so on.In order to highlight their "aristocratic temperament", the rich at this stage no longer show off their wealth, but pretend to be aristocratic.

The realm is different, and the pursuit is different.

But whether it's showing off your wealth or pretending to be aristocratic, you can't play without money.

Especially under the monopoly of the consortium of warlords and oligarchs in Jiangyu, the price of showing off wealth and pretending to be rich is even higher, and the prices of those luxury goods are often very high.

This high price is also differentiated.

These high-priced things are the high prices of luxury goods produced in the country, but the high prices of imported luxury goods.

Of course, both are very high, the difference is that the consortium produces luxury goods and occupies the mainstream of the country's upper class.

But later generations of China were different.

There are very few luxury brands in China in later generations, but foreign luxury goods are very popular. At this time, import tariffs are relatively high, which makes those rich people go directly to foreign countries to buy luxury goods, thus bypassing tariffs.

In today's Republic of China, this loophole cannot be exploited.

Because the high society in the Republic of China now uses luxury goods produced in the country, and those rich people go abroad to buy luxury goods and bring them back, they will be laughed at as local leopards, and they will even be criticized by the most powerful nation among businessmen. The exclusion of the capitalists, thus suffering a loss in the business field.

In addition, the Republic of China is following a nationalist policy at this time, and the people generally support domestic production and are proud of using domestic production. Even if the slightly wealthy middle class does not want to show off their wealth, they will rarely buy mid-range luxury goods from foreigners.

Domestic luxury goods, although expensive at home, are even more expensive abroad.

It is not so easy to realize these luxury goods during the economic depression. They will only be sent to pawnshops, and they are pawnshops of consortiums.

In times of economic depression, pawn shops will only charge a very low price, so as to dispose of the luxury goods of those bankrupt private owners at a very low price.

But there is no way around it. When bankruptcy occurs, those assets will be sold to pay off their debts. If they can’t be sold at a high price, they will have to be sold. Anyway, at the end of the sale, if the assets are insolvent, then those private bosses will be paid a dime They are all wanted to stay, as long as the bank is cruel enough, the last pair of underwear can be taken away.

If the assets are able to repay the debt, you can get as much money as you have left after the debt is repaid, but there will definitely not be too much money left. [

In order to weaken the capital chain of private capital as much as possible, and let those groups with too much money have an outlet, Jiang Yu began to discuss with Zhou Ziyue about opening a casino.

"The fastest way to break a family is gambling. Stocks are gambling, and gambling is also gambling, but the speed of stocks is slow, and ordinary people will not lose too much if they lose. Gambling is different. Gambling can make people bankrupt overnight. Lost property, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s the rich or ordinary people.” Jiang Yu said to Zhou Ziyue: “So develop casinos. Casinos must be opened in those remote areas, so as to avoid ordinary people.”

"Well! It's like the American consortium opened a casino in Alaska, because it is far away from the mainland. Ordinary people with little money are not willing to buy that boat ticket, let alone go to places so far away to gamble. The rich people say, or Those middle-class people often go to Alaska to travel and go to casinos to find excitement." Zhou Zi jumped his head and said: "Many times, rich people don't want to win a lot of money from gambling, but go to casinos to have fun."

Generally speaking, wealthy people are more prosperous in their fortunes.As a result, in the process of making a fortune, many of them won by gambling in disguise in the mall.This makes them very confident in gambling, but gambling is obviously impossible to be fair.Ten gambling and nine cheating is still the eternal truth.

The first is self-confidence, and then it is looking for excitement, trying luck and so on.

Gambling is a very ancient behavior, and people who gamble deeply are everywhere.

It is impossible for a country to completely ban gambling.It's like the China of later generations.Many big bosses take money and travel thousands of miles to deep mountains and old forests to gamble with others, and they often get into other people's scams. People feel more than crazy.

Some people are crazy, and some people can suppress some.

Anyway, it is impossible for the country to completely ban gambling. At this time, it is necessary to find an outlet for them.

The state set up a special place for them to gamble.Doubt is a good choice.

"It's a remote place with tourist resources. Beihai should be a good choice, but it's not easy to receive foreign gamblers there. We open casinos not only to earn money from private bosses, but also from foreigners. "Zhou Ziyue said after looking at the map and thinking for a while.

It is definitely impossible to open a casino in an economically prosperous and densely populated area, such as Shanghai. If a casino is opened in Shanghai, wouldn't everyone go to Shanghai to gamble?

Ordinary people lose their bets, and it is of no benefit to the consortium.

Ordinary people have no spare money, and their money is used to support the consortium's commodity manufacturing industry. If the consortium wins their money directly by gambling, then firstly, the industrial development of the consortium will be affected, and secondly, there will be many accidents caused by gambling. impoverished groups, and the social crime rate soared.

The purpose of opening a casino is to lose more than enough, not to lose enough.

As for whether there is more than enough damage and more than enough to make up for, it still depends on the economic situation.

For the consortium, ordinary people can live a good life, but they must not let ordinary people have too much spare money.

Because when life is easy and you have spare money, you will definitely not work, and it is possible to be a rice bug for a lifetime.

How can this country develop when no one is working?

Of course, it is absolutely necessary to subsidize those groups that are really poor, but those who live well do not need subsidy.

This is primarily a charity issue.

Now the Republic of China is also vigorously engaging in charity, that is, calling on everyone to donate money. Those who have more money donate more, and those who have less money donate less. With the increase in the income of ordinary people, many ordinary people have developed the habit of donating money to charity every month. .

Those businessmen are also vigorously engaged in charity and public welfare undertakings, but more of them are engaged in non-profit public welfare undertakings, because public welfare undertakings can leave their names.

This has improved social security and public welfare facilities, and made the Republic of China more like a paradise on earth, where you don't have to worry about starving or not being warm.

The food and supplies are all higher-grade than those in other countries.

The old has something to support, but little to teach.

Disabled or other disadvantaged groups who cannot engage in labor can receive social assistance without fear of starvation. With this kind of assistance, the economic conditions can even be similar to those of ordinary workers.

All of this is based on the premise of economic affluence.

Under the premise of affluent economy, coupled with a clean charity system and a good charity atmosphere, the state needs to encourage it.

The Republic of China has continuously encouraged and praised those groups who are enthusiastic about charity and public welfare undertakings, making them role models for the whole society to learn from. At the same time, the charity system has also achieved absolute integrity.

When the money is donated, the purpose is clearly written, and there is a receipt.

It's not that there is no reply after donating, and there are receipts, which can prove the person's donation experience, and there are noble people who do good deeds without leaving their names.But in general, it is better to leave a name to gain an audience.

At critical moments, you can also take it out to prove your character is not.

The donation information of each donor is archived and used for which project.How much money was spent on this project in total, what was bought with the money, and the unit price of these things, all will be clearly written.

The Charity Association of the Republic of China is in charge of this money. This association has branches in various places. Ordinary people can apply to be charity volunteers and volunteers.At the same time, you can also participate in the supervision of all aspects of charity fund expenditure.

At the same time, the consortium will also participate in the charitable association, because the charitable association purchases social assistance materials from the consortium.

Commodity prices are cheaper than market prices, but only a little.Just one meaning.

The main task of the consortium is to find a way to get back the money in the society, because the consortium can print money, but it is meaningless to have too much money.

There are too many tickets.I can't get it back.Then various social problems arise.

Therefore, the consortium is not limited to spending money. When spending money, you have to consider how to get the money back, whether it is by selling goods or by opening casinos.

The meaning of charity is to let those people who have already bought cars and houses and have a good life give money to those who can afford to buy these commodities.This not only aids those needy groups, but also increases market consumption.Make consumption affordable for those who cannot afford it.

The establishment of this kind of charity system can also bring the society of the Republic of China into the era of money worship.

Ordinary people don't worship money, and people generally don't need to sell their dignity to hug the rich, so there will be no violent social conflicts.

Now Jiang Yu and Zhou Ziyue are thinking about where it is better to open a casino. This is to recover the idle funds from the rich.

Only when enough funds are recovered can the consortium mobilize more resources.

If the banknotes are issued and cannot be collected back, it is impossible for the consortium to spend more money to continue the construction project at this time. Although there are as many banknotes as they want to print, the restrained printing of banknotes will only cause the price to rise rapidly.

It is indeed good to open a casino in the North Sea (Lake Baikal), where the scenery is beautiful and the tourism resources are rich.However, there is no shipping there.

The main mode of cross-state and transnational transportation in this era is mostly sea freight.

If it is opened in Beihai, it can only earn the money of the local private capital bosses and some middle-class money.Foreigners don't have much money, because it is more troublesome for foreigners to go to Lake Baikal. First, they have to take a boat, and then they have to take a train.

Of course, you can take a plane, and it is really troublesome to change the mode of transportation.

Therefore, the conditions for opening a casino in Beihai are not so comprehensive.

"Although our casinos are remote, they still have to be more attractive than the Alaska casinos in the United States. In addition, the territory of the Republic of China is so large that one casino is not enough for all the rich to find outlets. It is better to open two casinos. Open a casino in Beihai to attract rich people from the north. In addition, open another casino in Nanyang, I think it would be good to open a casino in Banda Aceh, the westernmost part of Sumatra Island." Zhou Ziyue looked at the map and thought Half a day later, he said: "As for Beihai Casino, first of all, it can attract foreigners, mainly foreign tourists. But not everyone is willing to go to the north to gamble, especially in our country where people generally believe in fortune telling. The direction of travel is very specific. The casino in Banda Aceh can engage in tropical tourism, and it has beaches and sea views, which can directly attract gamblers from all over Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, and even Europe to come here for excitement. "

Jiang Yu's eyes brightened. Indeed, the territory of the Republic of China is so large that a casino is not enough.

Especially when people believe in numerology, there has not been a vernacular movement these days. Numerology is popular culture, just like ancient humanities. In addition to "reciting" poems and making pairs, the topics they like to talk about most are numerology, Among these things, numerology is the most interesting, so it is talked about the most.

Numerology must have likes and dislikes, those who lack money go west, and those who avoid money never go west.If you lack fire, go south, if you lack water, go north.

The rich often believe in numerology and feng shui the most, and there are professional numerologists to give them comprehensive guidance. A casino city is not enough to attract all gamblers.

In addition, the territory is too large and the distance is too far, and it is not convenient for many rich people to go to the casino.

At this time, it is best to open two casinos. The Republic of China will open a casino, and the South China Republic will open one in Sumatra.

Jiang Yutou said: "Well! This plan is good. If we win the Arabian Peninsula colony of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, we can also open a casino on the Mediterranean coast to attract European gamblers. It will be much more convenient for Europeans to gamble there. It takes only a few days to get there by boat on the Mediterranean coast.” (To be continued..

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