
The launch of the two battleships of the Republic of China has also attracted widespread attention from the world. At this time, while the whole world is paying attention to the European war, it is also paying close attention to the Republic of China.

In just a few years, the territory of the Republic of China expanded rapidly.

And swept across most of Asia, successively defeated the three major powers of Russia, Japan, and the United States, and forced the French to withdraw from Asia, smashed the colonies of the Dutch, conquered the Kingdom of Siam, and seemed to have become the overlord of Asia. Thus was born the country with the largest territory in the world.

This Asian overlord has already begun to involve maritime interests at this time.

During the European War, a large number of ocean-going fishing vessels appeared in all oceans except the North Atlantic, and the tonnage of ocean-going merchant ships exceeded 1400 million tons in the second half of this year. [

Maritime interests require a strong navy to protect.

This time the Republic of China launched two of the world's most advanced battleships, which immediately stirred the nerves of the Allies, especially the nerves of the United Kingdom and the United States.

The United Kingdom has nothing to do, and it is temporarily impossible to build any advanced battleships.

The United States is stepping up the construction of Colorado-class battleships.

"According to intelligence, the Huadong-class battleship launched by the Chinese uses German technology and focuses on battleship protection. The speed is 21 knots compared to our Colorado-class battleship, but the caliber of the main gun of the Colorado-class battleship is higher than that of the Huadong-class battleship. Great, in order to strengthen the armor of the battleship as much as possible, the Chinese weakened the firepower of its main guns." A US Navy colonel commented.

"So, which of our Colorado-class battleships has an advantage over the Chinese Huadong-class battleships?" asked the U.S. Secretary of the Navy.

"I think it should be similar. Our Colorado-class battleships focus more on firepower, while they focus more on protection. If we really fight, we may still have to fight tactics and numbers. According to intelligence, the Chinese will build at least seven of these ships. Battleships, because their East China administrative region is seven provinces, maybe eight. Because they also have a Shanghai administrative region.”

"Eight ships! Then we will also build eight ships." The US Secretary of the Navy said proudly.

At this time, the United States is in a war phase, and it is very easy to obtain approval for building warships, because during the war, the consortium wants the government to spend as much money as possible.

It's okay to waste some money.

So, not long after, the United States also approved the plan to build eight Colorado-class battleships, which was very refreshing.

Rise of the Republic of China.The United States has seen a great threat.

American capital has always wanted to expand to the world, but the rise of the Republic of China and the rise of Chinese national capital have made it impossible for American capital to expand to Asia.

Now American capital has to find a way to ensure the expansion of capital in Canada and South America.

Force is the key to victory.

But what the Americans don't know is that the maximum speed of the Huadong-class battleships of the Republic of China is not 21 knots.It's 28 knots, which is a full 7 knots higher, which means 14 kilometers per hour.

If the two sides fight, the American battleship Colorado will not be able to outrun China's Huadong-class battleship.

In terms of the caliber of the main gun, the caliber of China's main gun is not the current 380mm, but the same 406mm main gun as the Colorado-class battleship.

There is no difference in firepower between the two sides. [

But in terms of armor protection, the Huadong-class battleship is simply a complete explosion of the Colorado-class battleship.The two sides are simply not comparable.

In the event of battleship bombardment, there is basically no suspense that the American Colorado-class battleship will be blown up.

But the United States foolishly built eight backward battleships.

It is equivalent to working hard.

Also wasted a lot of labor.

After the United States entered the war, its labor force was mainly used in military production, internal construction activities decreased, and factory equipment updates were not carried out on a large scale.

The gap between the United States and the Republic of China has been shortened in this way.

The industrial scale of the Republic of China has surpassed that of the United States in this year, but the industrial scale per capita is only about 1/4 of that of the United States.

If you count the dependent countries.Its per capita industrial scale is only 1/5 of that of the United States.

It can be seen that the industrial scale of the Republic of China still has a lot of room for development.

Other countries were also shocked by the fact that the Republic of China launched two of the most advanced battleships, and they were built independently.

A country that was still very backward ten years ago will be able to manufacture the most advanced battleships ten years later.

The image of the Republic of China in the eyes of the governments and people of various countries suddenly changed drastically.

In the past, when they looked at the Republic of China, they were mainly amazed at the achievements of the Republic of China in the air force.And the application of advanced military tactics.

Now that a battleship has been built, it is simply impressive.

In this era, battleships are like the aircraft carriers of later generations. In people's eyes, battleships are the most powerful naval equipment.

and.The nineteenth century was the age of naval warfare.

However, the era of air combat in the [-]th century has just begun, and people still value the navy more.

In other words, battleships these days are like nuclear weapons, representing the largest and most expensive military equipment.

As soon as the news spread around the world, overseas Chinese immediately felt that those foreigners looked at them with some fear.


In the autumn of the next year, the Republic of China ushered in another autumn harvest. [

This year, the north suffered from drought, and the production of wheat, corn, and cotton decreased. However, the east was dark and the west was bright, but other areas ushered in a bumper harvest.

"Our Republic of China is not like India. Once a disaster occurs, it is likely to be nationwide. Our territory is distributed widely, and many disasters are only local disasters. As for the reduction of wheat production, it has little impact on the Republic of China. The rice production in the south is huge. , we can’t even finish it. Moreover, part of the wheat in the Central Asian administrative region has been put into production to make up for some supply problems. Regarding the problem of cotton production reduction, the Republic of China is building a large-scale cotton production area in the Central Asian administrative region. It is still in a state of growth. Only the reduction in corn production has brought some troubles to the breeding industry. The major farms in North China have begun to purchase feed corn from other places and have reduced some livestock stocks..."

The drought in North China this time mainly occurred in Shaanxi and Shanxi. The population of these two provinces has migrated out a lot, and most of the people in northern Shaanxi have migrated out.

Some areas in Henan and Hebei were also affected by the disaster, and the situation in Shandong is not bad.

In general.Although this disaster caused some losses in the agricultural production of the Republic of China this year, it was not a big problem.

In terms of disaster relief, the Republic of China only provided subsidies to affected cotton farmers and drug farmers.

There are basically few self-cultivating farmers in North China, and most of them are big landlords, and more land is owned by consortiums.

Those big landlords don’t need the state’s disaster relief, and there is no future for the self-cultivated farmers to continue farming in North China. They might as well take the opportunity to work in the cities as workers.

Cotton production is related to the internationalization of Yanhuang coins.Naturally, it needs to be heavily subsidized.The medicine growers grow traditional Chinese medicine. In order to make the medicine growers patiently grow high-quality medicine, the state also provides subsidies.

Cotton is used by everyone in the world, and not every country produces cotton.

They may not buy steel, but they must buy cotton.

If the cotton pricing power is controlled by China, then the cotton international market will be settled in Yanhuang coins.This makes other countries willing to accept Yanhuang coins and hold them in large quantities, because Yanhuang coins can buy what they need for them.

Even if it can't achieve internationalization, at least it must achieve currency hegemony in Asia and Oceania.

"Next year, we will build more water conservancy projects in North China, and build some facilities to guarantee income from drought and flood." Jiang Yu gave instructions on the drought in North China. We must know that there are still many disasters in North China!

19 years to 21 years, 28 years to 31 years.There are great disasters.

However, the ROC now has a strong ability to resist disasters, and is basically not afraid of these catastrophes.

As far as the construction of infrastructure is concerned, the north is mainly for drought control, and the south is mainly for flood control.Among them, the economy in the south is relatively prosperous and has greater development potential.

For the Republic of China, there is a lot of infrastructure to be repaired.

On an industrial scale, it's much easier than building a full-blown infrastructure.Industry after all.Not just energy, transportation, equipment, workers, and raw materials.

There are many things to build in the infrastructure.

Especially since the territory of the Republic of China is so large, there are even more infrastructures to be built.

In general, the development of this country cannot be achieved overnight.However, the Republic of China now has a lot of money, and the circulation of funds is very fast. Not so many people put their money in the bank to earn interest.

What to do now is to do everything possible.To popularize advanced productive forces at a faster rate, the main thing is to manufacture more and larger construction machinery to speed up infrastructure construction.

The agricultural adjustment of the Republic of China this year was very successful, not because of a large number of immigrants.overproduction of food.

Cheap grain hurts farmers, and too much grain production is not a good thing.

Now the Republic of China has a lot of arable land. After the adjustment of agricultural planning, the output of oil crops has soared this year, and the output of soybeans, peanuts, sunflowers, and rapeseeds has increased several times compared to previous years.The planting area of ​​feed corn across the country has also increased significantly, and the scale of the breeding industry has increased accordingly.

The Republic of China is developing towards a super agricultural country.

Regardless of whether it is cold zone crops or tropical crops, the Republic of China produces them all, and the production of raw materials such as cotton used in large-scale industrial production has also greatly surpassed that of the United States.

After all, China's agriculture uses large-scale agricultural machinery, and the productivity of mechanized agriculture is very strong.

The individual output value of the agricultural population has reached the highest level in the world.

The most advanced agricultural machinery, the most complete agricultural system, and the highest level of agricultural technology.In this era when the agricultural output value can often compete with the industrial output value, the agriculture of the Republic of China is booming, and its output value ranks first in the world.

There are also a large number of agricultural products exported to other countries.

In terms of oil crop exports, the Republic of China has achieved international pricing power in oil crops this year, but it has just begun to compete with the United States in cotton exports.

In the past, China's cotton production was not so much, and it was still importing cotton!

Now that the cotton production has increased, cotton has begun to be exported, but mainly to those dependent countries that develop the textile industry.

Rubber has initially controlled the pricing power, and Nanyang Rubber has been put into production one after another. It must be known that Jiangyu started to lay out rubber nine years ago.

At that time, Jiang Yu planted a large area of ​​rubber in Nanyang, and then established a listed company to collect money in London, New York, Shanghai and other places.

Later, after the stock market crash, they bought back the equity in those rubber plantations and planted large rubber trees every year.

In addition to natural rubber, there is also synthetic rubber technology, which is becoming more and more mature and widely used in automobile manufacturing.


At this time, the snowball game of private capital is also very enjoyable.Bank loans were loaned out one after another, and then they were invested in the industry by private funds, and the loans were made after the assets were built...

Chen Guangfu controlled the lending speed.

"This month, the labor force utilization rate across the country is extremely high, and there is even a shortage of workers in many places. The loan cannot be too large now, and the loan amount will be reduced this month." Chen Guangfu explained to the bankers under his command.

"Yes, President."

Several governors responded.

The vitality of those private funds is very strong.The operation is also very flexible. After the bank loan, the employment rate has risen sharply, and there is even a shortage of people everywhere.

In particular, technicians are the most sought-after, and a large number of ordinary workers have begun to transform into technicians.

The whole country is thriving, which is the product of the stimulation of the bubble economy.It is also an economy driven by rigid demand.

Fast-paced industrial production has also led to the development of the service industry.

The wage level rose rapidly, and at this time the wage level of ordinary workers had risen to 30 yuan per month, which in turn stimulated consumption.

A large number of factories came into being.

This is the spring of private capital.

It is also the spring of workers.

It is the spring of the government.

The only ones who have suffered some losses are the consortiums. In some industries that the consortiums had maintained monopoly in the past, private capital competition has begun to appear.But that is also the result of the consortium allowing them to compete, and the fundamental field is still monopolized by the consortium.

However, the consortium has dug a deep hole, and private capital has already jumped into it.

Common people are fighting for it.It’s still houses and cars, but there are also many people who are already satisfied with having enough to eat.

After all, the Republic of China at this time had just emerged from the late Qing Dynasty.

The poverty in the late Qing Dynasty made many people's thinking still stay at the highest ideal level of eating and drinking.

But this kind of concept is also slowly changing, and the common people are becoming more and more industrious. This is indeed something sacrificed by the acquired society.

A fast pace will inevitably represent a decline in the happiness index.

But a developed country.The rhythm must be getting faster and faster, so the real happiness of human beings does not depend on how advanced the technology is.

A developed country can achieve the goal of improving the national happiness index by squeezing other countries.

When people live in houses and buy cars, comparisons naturally arise.When people can obtain these things through hard work, the common people will work hard.

The industrial level of this era is not very developed.Many times the work is very mechanical and boring.

Just like the stories told in modern times, screwing, screwing, still screwing, capitalists squeeze more profits.Even save and save the time for workers to eat.

This phenomenon has begun to be eradicated in the Republic of China.

At least the consortium doesn't do that.

In the factory, the eight-hour working system is still implemented.

The consortium does not need them to work for more than ten hours, which will lower the employment rate, thereby reducing market consumption. Workers must have time to spend when they get money!

After all, this is a country with nearly [-] million people. If some workers are desperately squeezed, others will be unemployed.

As a result, both groups of workers are very resentful, and the consumption power of the market will also decline.

It's like a steel factory. Although the steel output is large, the number of workers is at most only that, which accounts for a very small part of the national total.

It would be better to make an eight-hour work system.

If a certain product cannot be produced, it can be divided into two shifts. The first shift can start work at five o'clock and leave work at noon.The other shift can go to work at noon and leave work at ten o'clock in the evening.

Only technicians work more than ten hours a day.

For example, those factories that are really short of people, such as those that manufacture mechanical equipment and require precision machining, because of the lack of workers, it is normal to work ten hours a day, and even only have one day off on weekends.However, the income of these technicians is extremely high.

The working time is generally ten hours, that is the construction site.

The construction site has to catch up with the progress of the project. Naturally, there is no delay. It is normal to start work very early and work until dark.

It even works at night.

The eight-hour work system in the Republic of China, and the system of double wages for overtime work are relatively thorough. Those private funds who dare to violate its bottom line will inevitably be fined by the government.

The strength of the implementation of this system is not found in any industrialized country in the world.

Because the socialist revolution in this era has just kicked off, Westerners have not yet begun to reflect on their own problems, and they have not paid enough attention to workers.

In fact, the later capitalism has absorbed the theory of "Marxism", because the capitalists found that if they continue to follow the old path, they are basically doomed to be overthrown.

The workers of the Republic of China are definitely the happiest workers in the world.

The eight-hour work system, as well as social security and welfare that other countries do not have, are definitely the most comfortable life.

For the consortium, failure to exploit labor as much as possible looks like a loss.However, this also fosters an internal market.

The prosperity of the internal market has also increased the consumption capacity, thus producing more aircraft, automobiles and other products linked to the war potential.

Even if you are good to me.

The bigger advantage is that, for example, if a factory produces eight hours a day, then more factories need to be built.

If you work more than ten hours a day, you will have fewer factories to build.

So once a war breaks out, during the war, it is absolutely necessary to start work continuously, or even overload it.Then the number of factories built with the eight-hour working system is much higher, and the war potential is much higher. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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