The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 039 Layout of the International Trade Market


The spn Russian refugee area is located on the northern border of the Central Asian administrative region. It is under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China and is the territorial sovereignty of the Republic of China. The Soviet army did not dare to come in and wipe out all these hateful Russian bourgeoisie.

In the refugee area, refugee camps were built one after another.

Seen from a high altitude, the tents are neatly located here. The tents were built by the Republic of China, and they are so neatly built.

That's because of the publicity.

I saw a plane in the sky hovering over the refugee area for a long time, and a photographer took a bird's-eye view of the refugee area from a high altitude. [

Maybe, many years later.

It will be recorded in the history textbooks of various countries that the Republic of China provided great relief to Russian refugees.

However, the actual situation...

At noon that day, a group of Russian refugees were queuing up to receive food, each holding a bowl, to receive free food.

In front, there was a large cauldron, and a group of Chinese policemen were holding batons to maintain order. The cauldron was steaming hot, and there was white porridge in it.

lunch!Only porridge.

In the Republic of China, the beggars who entered the shelters were not much different from what ordinary people ate. They all ate dry food and often ate meat.

Although the ROC's agriculture has been mechanized, the food supply is already very sufficient, even if it is for these Russian refugees to eat dry food, it will not cost a lot of money.

But from the perspective of the Chinese government responsible for helping these Russian refugees, these Russians have invaded China before, so naturally they cannot be treated better than beggars in domestic shelters.

I would rather give good food to beggars in my country than to these Russians!

At the same time, Chinese medicine also feels that it is good to drink white porridge, not to mention that this white porridge is quite thick.

You know, in the Republic of China a few years ago, giving to beggars was just porridge.

If beggars in the Republic of China can only drink porridge now.Then these Russians can only drink hogwash.

I saw a rich Russian peasant family each received a bowl of hot porridge, then squatted on a log beside them, and started drinking with some pickles.

The middle-aged Russian asked Konisky to take a sip of porridge, and then sighed sadly, "Hey! I don't know how long this war will last!"

"Honey, the conditions here are too bad. Vegetables are only served twice a week, and there is no meat at all. The private camp is too messy." Koniski's wife said on the side: "We have to find a way to leave here."

"What can be done?" Koniski shook his head and they left their hometown.Without the money to buy a Chinese green card, they are doomed to be a group of people with no future.

"I heard that as long as you marry a Chinese, you can get a green card. If there is a war in the country where the woman's family lives, she is also allowed to live in China. Why don't we marry our daughter! Our daughter is so beautiful, she will definitely be able to marry A nice Chinese guy," said Koniski's wife.

"Is this true?" Konisky couldn't help cheering up. His daughter is indeed beautiful. [

"It's true, as long as you send your daughter to a Chinese women's school for two years, there is a registration point in the refugee area."

Konisky stroked his chin.Said: "I heard that the Chinese are already very rich and live a very comfortable life. If our daughter can marry there, she will definitely be able to live a good life in the future."

"The Chinese are very rich. They sold arms and robbed our Russian treasury," Konisky's wife said.

"It's not important, what's important is that we can get out of here." Koniski was full of hope for the future.The couple quickly finished the porridge, then took their 15-year-old daughter and ran towards the registration point.

When you come to the registration point.They found it bustling, with queues of Russian women enrolling in Chinese girls' schools.

Of course not everyone can get into that girls' school.

There are so many girls' schools in China, how do these Russians know which one it is.

This girls' school is actually the 'Yangzhou Foreign Girls Training School', which specializes in training girls from all over the world.Become a good wife and mother of Chinese citizens.

This school has admissions offices in various countries, and has become more prosperous and rich with the Republic of China.More and more people signed up.

Families in many backward countries want to marry their daughters to China so that they can live a good life, and they can also live and work in China under special circumstances.Such as famine and war.

Especially in the Indian region, the market is good.

Indians need a dowry when they marry their daughters, and they may be beaten if they can’t pay the dowry. Some fathers even “suicide” because they can’t pay the dowry.

Marrying a daughter to China not only does not require a dowry, but the daughter can also receive a dowry when she gets married, and the daughter may also send money to the family.

But not everyone can pass the registration process.

When Konisky came to the registration point, he saw that many Russian women were dismissed because they were too ugly or too mediocre in appearance.

However, Koniski and his daughter passed the registration smoothly, and moved out of the refugee camp they were in the next day.

They moved into a training school, where they will learn simple Chinese and laws, and at the same time undergo epidemic prevention inspections, and then enter the society of the Republic of China, allowing them to live and work in the Republic of China.

The Republic of China is now continuing to collect beautiful women resources around the world, greatly increasing the national happiness index.

The Russian refugees who fled to the Republic of China this time almost all the families who were able to rely on their daughters to get out of the refugee camp chose this route.

Under the propaganda of the Republic of China, living in China has become their dream goal.

This aroused the dissatisfaction of those Russian youths, but their dissatisfaction has nothing to do with the Republic of China, because they are external, not internal to the Republic of China, and cannot attack the Republic of China from the inside.

However, the war that developed in the Siberian administrative region of Russia became basically clear in the summer. The Belarusian "government" has been defeated repeatedly in the military, and it is not an opponent of the Soviet army at all. [

Because of the war, there was a famine inside the red "red" bear that year, and many Russians were starved to death.

But also because of the war, the red bear shifted the conflict to the Belarusian government and the Republic of China, diverting the public's attention.So after massacring those Russian nobles and rich peasants, there was no problem of rebellion.

The people under the rule of the red bears actually need time to think about it, especially in areas such as Ukrainians and Belarusians who are different from the Russians.

Just give them some time and they will figure it out.


In Huai'an, Jiang Yu, Jiang Fangzhen and others are still paying attention to the development of the European battlefield and the Siberian battlefield.

"The war in Western Europe is expected to end in autumn. The Allied Powers will launch an attack before autumn. This attack only needs to blow up the German Hindenburg line. The war will be over."

"From the analysis of the strength of both sides, it is unlikely that Germany will hold the Hindenburg Line. After all, with the tanks, the power can be concentrated at one point, while the defensive side has its power scattered across the entire front. The pattern of European positional warfare, It has been broken and the war has returned to the mobile side."

Tang Hanmin and Zhou Zhengye followed the course of the war.Jiang Yu thought about it quietly, and said after a while: "Once the European war is over, the first thing that will conflict is probably the interests of the sea. The navy must be prepared."

"Yes, Europe and the United States almost monopolize the global shipping industry. Now their merchant ships have dropped to 1200 million tons under the attack of Germany. But our ocean-going merchant ships have now exceeded 1300 million tons. From the displacement tonnage It has already surpassed the total tonnage of European and American ocean-going merchant ships. Moreover, our ships are larger, newer, and have stronger transportation capabilities than European and American ocean-going merchant ships." Jiang Fangzhen nodded and said: "Now we have "inserted" a foot, which has seriously damaged the oceans of Britain and the United States. transportation benefits."

"So our navy should be prepared, even though war is unlikely to break out in the short term. But maybe there will be pirates or something, and we have to send destroyers and cruisers to protect merchant ships." Jiang Yu nodded.Ocean shipping benefits are great.

Since the Napoleonic Wars, Britain has been running a relatively high trade deficit, which was 19 million pounds in the early 70s and reached 6500 billion pounds in the later period. Although it has declined since the 125s, it still maintained an annual deficit of about 80 million pounds before the outbreak of World War I.

In other words, the value of the goods imported by the UK every year is 1 million pounds higher than the value of the goods exported. The UK is an importing country.

But the reason why the UK can maintain a financial surplus is that the UK provides commercial services (including: insurance, cargo handling, rebates, economic trade and shipping) and overseas investment to foreign countries every year.

The two most important ones are the shipping industry and overseas investment.

In 1913, Britain manufactured 1932 million tons of merchant ships in one year, and its total tonnage reached 2040 million tons. This huge merchant fleet can bring Britain a considerable amount of income every year.From £19 million a year in the mid-1800th century to £20 million in the early 7000th century.

The 7000 million pounds refers to the foreign exchange earned by the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is an island country. It needs to transport raw materials from the world back to the United Kingdom, and then process them into industrial products in the United Kingdom for sale. It also needs a large number of merchant ships for raw materials and industries Products are shipped.This money is the money earned from other countries after deducting their own transportation.

With the increase of international trade, the market for shipping industry services will further increase.

At this time, more than 2000 million tons of merchant ships in the United Kingdom have been lost to less than 500 million tons, and they cannot even meet their own transportation.

The tonnage of merchant ships in the United States has reached about 700 million tons.

In other words, not only the United Kingdom cannot satisfy its own transportation, but even the United States cannot satisfy its own transportation.

At this time, many merchant ships of the Republic of China were indeed transporting goods in the Americas, and they were responsible for about 45% of the ocean transportation services in the United States.

At this time, it should be due to the war, and the freight is very high.

Last year, the Republic of China earned 1000 million Yanhuang coins through 5 million tons of merchant ships, which was almost 1 million pounds before the war when the pound contained gold.

Although Chinese merchant ships seem to be only 1000 million tons, which is twice as small as the 2000 million tons of British merchant ships before the war, in fact, the cargo volume is only a little less than that of the UK, because most of the British merchant ships are old merchant ships, although they are also ocean, but because individual units are too small to transport more cargo.

The displacement of the ship is doubled, but the power required to move the ship only needs 50% of the original power.Therefore, the larger the ship is, the smaller the proportion of the space occupied by the fuel tank and power equipment, and the larger the cargo compartment can be built, and the crew does not need to increase a lot.

In other words, the same fuel, the same number of seafarers, the higher the transport efficiency of larger ships.

And because of the war, the freight rate has increased greatly, so the Republic of China provided sea transportation services last year.Earned 1 million pounds in foreign exchange.

"After the war, the United Kingdom basically retreated from the position of the sea ferryman, and the United Kingdom has no strength to restore its previous grandeur. Our main opponent is the United States. After the war, the United States will definitely be in every corner of the world. Big shipyards frantically ordered merchant ships.” Jiang Yu estimated that the United States did this in history after the end of World War I. For example, Fuzhou Mawei Shipyard received orders for American merchant ships after World War I. Britain at the time became America after the war.

Before the war Britain was rich.America was rich after the war.

Although the Republic of China is now halfway out, the United States certainly does not want to see the United States rely on Chinese merchant ships for its own ocean transportation.

So there will be competition.

If it is a legitimate competition, the Republic of China is naturally not afraid, but the means by which capital plunders wealth is often war.

When Fortune was in Europe, the First and Second World Wars broke out. When Fortune was in the Middle East, a series of wars broke out, including the Gulf War, the Afghan War, and the Iraq War.

the only difference.That is who is active and who is passive.

Active wolves and passive sheep.

If the wolf controls the wealth.Then people dare to peep, the wealth of the war after the Second World War is in the United States, but who dares to use the United States?

The United States takes the Middle East as a knife, because the United States is the wolf, and the people of the Middle East are sheep.

If the Republic of China is not ready.Then it becomes a sheep.

Because now the ROC has a lot of wealth, even though the ROC is already invincible in land wars.In terms of air combat, no country dares to compete with it, but the navy has always been weak.

The large navy plan was introduced to solve this problem. Before a real all-out war broke out, the navy must form the ability to escort merchant ships.

At the same time, the waterway is also a very important thing, and the waterway can continue to exploit passing ships.

The Republic of China does not even control the Strait of Malacca, and its international shipping channels are also short-sighted. However, when the Allied Powers compromised, they also made concessions on the issue of channel fees. When the ships of the Republic of China pass through these channels, they only need to pay a lower fee Fees can be passed.

This clause has now been fulfilled.

As for whether the post-war Allied countries abide by it, it depends on their self-consciousness.If not consciously, Jiang Yu would not mind blowing up their colony.

Then we will see who loses.

You must know that the British have a lot of assets in addition to the taxes they exploited from the colonies every year. Although many assets were sold to China, the overseas assets in the hands of the British have only dropped by one-third compared to before the war. .

Today, the UK is the world's number one, controlling the most territory and waterways, and is always threatened by the Republic of China, so the UK obviously dare not renege on the contract.

As for the United States, the Republic of China really has nothing to do with the United States for the time being.The two countries are too far apart. Even if the Republic of China is in a superior military position, it will not be so easy to deal with the Yankees.

Therefore, what the Republic of China can mainly deal with is the external market of the United States, and prevent the United States from passing through the external market to limit the development of the United States.

And by continuously enhancing its own strength, improving the level of science and technology, and shortening the distance limit with the United States, one day it will be able to blow up the United States.


The war is almost over, and the global layout of the consortium is also in full swing.

The first is the investment in container ports. Even in the United States, container ports have been invested, and many container ports have been invested in Europe.

The countries of the Allies are also building their own container ports.

The export of China's container transportation equipment is very popular. This kind of container transportation method that can greatly reduce transportation costs has seen the benefits of it.

Of course, there are container ports, but there are not many container ships in various countries.

There is also no manufacturing industry for container equipment. Container equipment is basically imported from China, and the Republic of China firmly occupies the position of the first exporter of container equipment.

If other countries want to replace the market of the Republic of China in container manufacturing, they have no other way but to re-establish a standard.

However, the Allies have compromised with the Republic of China, and the container standards are all based on the standards set by China.

The container equipment manufacturing industry under Chinese standards already has a foundation, which can be supplied to the country and exported. It earns the most money and has the richest manufacturing experience.

If other countries want to develop the container equipment manufacturing industry, first of all, there is no market, because the market is occupied by the Republic of China.

The wage level of European and American countries is not lower than that of the Republic of China. In addition, their industrial manufacturing technology is not as good as that of the Republic of China. First of all, the cost of their development of container manufacturing industry cannot compare with that of the Republic of China. Now the Republic of China exclusively sells equipment. Although the profit is high, but After the emergence of competitors, the price can be reduced.

In addition, in terms of quality, it is impossible to be higher than the Republic of China.

The establishment of the container transportation system is related to the Republic of China's seizure of the international market.And the problem of raw materials imported by the Republic of China.

But with the advent of the container shipping system, international trade became easier.

The Republic of China has a great advantage in international trade. This advantage is much greater than that of the United Kingdom. Because the United Kingdom did not worry about selling its industrial products before, its industrial system is already too backward, and the United Kingdom is considered outdated.

The biggest competitor of the Republic of China is the United States. After the First World War, the United States relied on its huge overseas market in addition to its own relatively large market.

Compared with the United States, the Republic of China has an advantage in technology.

There are also advantages in terms of industrial scale. Although the per capita industrial scale is not as good as that of the United States, a large part of the per capita industrial scale of the United States is not its own demand, but exports.

But with so many exports, even if the population of the Republic of China is five times that of the United States, it is impossible to expand the international market five times.

Therefore, the gap in the industrial scale per capita is not as ridiculously large as it appears on the surface of the data.

In terms of shipping and waterway charges, it has certain advantages compared with the United States.In addition, the international market is mainly Europe, India, Australia, and South America.

Among them, the European market is the largest. In terms of tariffs, Britain and France obviously dare not treat the Republic of China and the United States differently.After the Allies compromised, tariffs were negotiated.

In other words, the goods of the Republic of China can be exported to Europe in large quantities.

In terms of industrial products, China can produce them by itself.

In terms of products with relatively low profits, they can be produced by those dependent countries, thereby reducing costs. In this way, if they are exported to Europe from the dependent countries, will their competitiveness increase?

Therefore, the larger the international trade market, the more benefits the Republic of China will grab. While gaining a lot of benefits, it will cause a large trade surplus, while other countries will form trade deficits.

European countries and the Republic of China have lost money in business, so naturally it won't last long.

Therefore, the Republic of China has to purchase raw materials from countries such as Britain and France, not necessarily directly from Europe, but also from their overseas raw material origins.

As a result, the Republic of China produced industrial products, while the Europeans produced raw materials to balance the balance of trade and make trade last for a while.

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