

The second update arrives~!

Three days later, Nicholas II established the 'Tsarist National Salvation Army' in the Republic of China and formed the Tsarist government in exile. Bolshak became the prime minister of the Tsarist government in exile, and the two sides completed the cooperation under the exchange of interests.

There were about 40 White Russian troops who fled into China. After the 40 White Russian troops were reorganized, 30 remained. The Republic of China was responsible for arming and training these White Russian troops.

This time the Republic of China is training these White Russian troops very seriously, and the military discipline is also very strict. [

30 White Russian troops were incorporated into the West China Field Army of China. In the future war against the red bears, they will participate and become brave...cannon fodder!

The red bear expressed dissatisfaction with this, and hoped that China would not shield these rulers who oppressed the bourgeoisie with inhumane means.

However, after receiving the protest from the red bear, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China directly stuffed the letter into the shredder, and then replied that the Republic of China only accommodated a group of refugees, which belonged to the internal affairs of the Republic of China and were not within the scope of interference by other countries.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminded the red hairy bear that the agreement between the two parties should be implemented.

When the red bear received such a reply, Lenin and others felt very helpless, and now they would not dare to rush into the administrative region of Central Asia in China with their ten guts and beat up those Russian bourgeoisie.

Similarly, they did not have the guts to not implement the original agreement.

"According to the original agreement, we will cede the entire Turkic land to the Chinese. Except for the part that the Chinese have already occupied, we will lose 150 million square kilometers of land area." Trotsky pointed to the area marked on the map. Said the red line.

Lenin looked at the map and was silent for a long time.

During this attack, more than 150 million people were killed or disabled on both sides, of which the Soviet army accounted for about 100 million and the White Russian army accounted for more than 50.

That is, the adult male labor force in Russia.It has dropped from about 800 million to about 650 million. In addition to famine and massacres, the adult male labor force in Russia is actually less than 600 million.

In other words, if all these adult laborers are pulled out to join the army, the force is only 100 million more than China's standing force.

China is now gathering heavy troops on the Sino-Russian border. If it does not implement the agreement, it will be the rhythm of death.

"Then fulfill the secret agreement!" Leninnay issued an order. At this time, the battle against the Belarusian government has achieved a comprehensive victory.

The red bear has captured the administrative region of Siberia, but the administrative region of the Far East is already the territory of China.It is equivalent to saying that China has seized 850 million square kilometers of territory from Russia.

If you add the current 150 million square kilometers, it will be about 1000 million square kilometers.

This is equivalent to a China in later generations, and it will be bigger.

certainly.These lands were seized by Tsarist Russia before, but it also made Lenin and others feel very distressed, especially Stalin.

Stalin's desire for territory was very strong.

He really wanted to talk about competing with the Chinese, but he couldn't get it out of his mouth. He also knew that it was an act of courting death. [


The signing of the agreement between the Republic of China and the red bear was held half a month later.The location is located in Astana, the capital of later Kazakhstan.

This is not the capital yet, and it is not very prosperous.

The war has left the place in depression.

The two sides signed a so-called "Sino-Soviet Friendship Agreement" very quickly. Although this agreement is in friendly words, it does not know where the friendship lies. The agreement does not make any provisions on the issue of the border troops of the two sides. , and there is no agreement on trade.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Republic of China to export anything to the red bear.

If it is an export commodity.Naturally, they are happy to import raw materials, which is equivalent to opening up an overseas market.

But Russia is certainly not willing to import those goods.What they need is food.

Food can help them consolidate their rule, and they cannot control the people without food in their hands.But China obviously won't export food to the red bear.

At the same time, he will no longer shoot the red bear.

The two sides mainly carried out further delineation on the issue of the boundary line.

The moment the representative of the red bear signed the agreement, a flash of spotlight flashed on the scene, and a large number of reporters from the Republic of China frantically took pictures of the Russian representative at this moment.

Then a group of reporters rushed out immediately.Run back and use the telegraph machine brought by your own newspaper to send telegrams to the country.

Small newspaper offices without telegraphs rushed into the barracks.Occupied the telegraph machine in the barracks.


"Extra, extra, China and the Soviet Union signed a border agreement, and the Republic of China won another 150 million square kilometers of land." In just half an hour, extra newspapers were published on the streets of Shanghai.

When passers-by on the street heard the newsboy's yelling, a group of people immediately surrounded them and snapped up the newspapers in two clicks.

In the teahouse, a storyteller took an account number and read aloud: "Now I announce the latest good news. The Republic of China has added 150 million square kilometers of territory."

"Wow! 150 million square kilometers!" The audience below were amazed, and one of the audience asked in confusion: "How big is 150 million square kilometers?"


Everyone despised it for a while, it was too uneducated.

"How big is 150 million square kilometers? Our Jiangsu Province is only as big as 10 square kilometers, and 150 million square kilometers is the size of 15 Jiangsu provinces." The storyteller said proudly. [

"Wow! It's so big!"

"15 Jiangsu provinces, that's really not small."

"I heard that the land in Russia is terribly cold, how can our life in Jiangsu be easier!"

"Where did the 150 million square kilometers emerge!"

The storyteller looked at the number for a while, and explained to everyone: "This time the Red Russia ceded, no, it was returned. What they returned was a piece of land north of the Central Asian administrative region that we occupied in the Tang Dynasty and then lost. Although it is colder there, the winter is no colder than that in the Northeast. In addition, there are very rich resources, plus the Central Asian administrative region we occupy now, if all the grain is planted, the limit state can feed more than one billion people.” Mr. Storyteller said Analyzing: "That is to say. We got that place, and the people all over the country don't have to be afraid of starvation. If you want to eat two meals, it's okay, and you won't be stuffed to death in advance."

Suddenly there was laughter below.

"Of course, it is impossible for the country to use all this land to grow food, because there is too much food to throw away! With this land, we can raise more livestock, and the output of meat will be higher, so that the people can eat The more meat you get, the more meat you get, and you go to cultivate immortals with the butcher knife on your back.” Mr. Storyteller continued to introduce: “In addition to agricultural resources, there are also many minerals there, all of which are precious resources needed in the industrial age. This is something that Jiangsu does not have.”

These storytellers are all part of the propaganda organization of the Republic of China. In addition to storytelling and telling jokes, they usually do.It will also explain various policies and regulations to the audience.

"Then why does the current Red Russia give up this land to us?" an audience member asked strangely.

"Of course they are afraid of us." The storyteller snorted proudly, "The Republic of China sent 150 million troops to intervene in the Russian Civil War the year before last, but it was a big beating to put Red Russia on the ground. Now the red bear They trembled when they saw us. They also snatched that land before, and they won’t let it go now. Marshal Jiang will beat them up, so they naturally have to give in obediently.”

"And the red bears are very cruel. They fought all the way from there to Siberia, killing everyone there, so now it has become a land of masters."

Mr. Storyteller is carrying out propaganda according to the government's rhetoric.

The people there actually.It was massacred by the National Defense Forces, but there were not too many people there, so the scope of the massacre was not large.

But the massacre of the red bear and White Russia.But it does exist.Both sides are frantically destroying each other's people. This is an inter-class war. It is indeed a very effective method to completely destroy each other physically.

People all over the country were very excited after reading the news in the newspapers. The Republic of China gained another 150 million square kilometers of land.That is of course a great thing.

First of all, there are more resources per capita, and people all over the country will benefit in the future.In addition, the Republic of China will also become stronger.The rise of the entire nation can basically be stopped by anyone.

It can be seen from the red bear's abandonment of this land that there are no enemies around the Republic of China that can pose a threat to itself.

Japan is finished, Russia is also scared, the French, Americans, and Dutch have all been driven out of Asia, and now only the British have not been completely driven out of Asia.Russia still occupies Siberia.

If the British are driven away, then China will be the absolute hegemon in Asia.

Throughout the past and present, no Chinese dynasty has been able to lay down such a huge territory.

The people are also excited about the rise of the country.

When the excitement is over, what they feel is an unprecedented good day.

This news has also attracted the attention of many businessmen.They knew that the large-scale development would not be long before that piece of land.

After the development, towns will be formed there.

Every town means business opportunities.

Therefore, many businessmen immediately bought train tickets and went to the Central Asian administrative region for inspection.

Although consortiums occupy the most profitable areas, there are always areas that large consortiums cannot take care of.However, in terms of investment, ethnic businessmen still have the advantage. They have more comprehensive information, and also have more channels, contacts, and funds.

After China and Russia signed the agreement, the entire Kazakhstan of later generations will belong to the Republic of China, and the National Defense Forces have begun to establish border defenses there.

The consortium also came up with a complete plan to build various war-related industries there.There is the front line of the future battlefield, where the production of military products can shorten the transportation route.

Weak and small countries naturally dare not play like this. If they lose the battle, the industry will belong to others.

But the Republic of China rushed to play like this, but it also cautiously put some important industries behind.

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