The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 046: Raiders of the Islamic World


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The two kings of Central Asia visited China, which aroused great concern from the United Kingdom. Due to the demise of Tsarist Russia, the pattern of mutual restraint between the United Kingdom and Russia in Persia and Afghanistan has been broken.

Afterwards, China intervened in this area, and formed a pattern of mutual restraint with the United Kingdom.

But this kind of mutual restraint is based on the purpose of exploiting this area. [

Obviously, the exploitation methods of the Republic of China are more advanced, so the British are destined to be tragic this time, because after the two Middle Eastern kings arrived in China, they quickly reached a unity of opinion with the Republic of China.

At this time, both Persia and Afghanistan hoped to become a vassal state of China, to receive the military protection of the Republic of China, and to join the Asian trade system.

Because these two kings saw the benefits of China's vassal states, and China's previous posture has always appeared as a non-aggressor.

After China took over Russia's power in the region, it returned all the privileges that Russia had acquired to these two countries.

It can be seen from this that China does not want to colonize Persia and Afghanistan by force.

In addition, the Republic of China provides food aid to Persia and Afghanistan every year, which greatly eases the internal conflicts between the two countries.

In addition, the Republic of China was also a country exploited by Western colonists before, so the two sides can easily resonate and establish a common enemy.

In Beijing, Song Jiaoren and the two kings reached a consensus of 'shelving and respecting each other's religious issues'.It established the basis for cooperation that the Republic of China does not preach to the two countries, and the two countries do not preach to the outside world.

The two kings also expressed their willingness to carry out some reforms in religion.To eliminate the extremist nature of some religions.

Then reached a basic consensus of 'no expansion, no invasion'.

That is to say, Persia and Afghanistan will no longer expand outward, and the Republic of China will also guarantee that they will not be invaded, and the ruling power of the two royal families will not be violated by any force.

It is equivalent to saying that the Republic of China guarantees the wealth and honor of their royal family, so they should not think about expanding outwards or preaching abroad.As long as these two points are achieved, the Republic of China can develop the economies of these two countries to a certain extent.

But in industries that can be transformed into war potential, they are wanted to develop.

In addition, the Republic of China put forward the slogan of 'common prosperity and common prosperity'.Promise to help the two countries develop agriculture and economy.In addition, they are allowed to join the Asian military system formed by China.

This Asian military system means that China assumes the main national defense of the dependent country, and the dependent country can also form part of the army to join this system.

But the Republic of China must station troops in these countries to protect the security of these countries.

The armies of the dependent countries are also under the command of the Republic of China.

Both Persia and Afghanistan agreed to these conditions. In their view, such conditions are not too much.

At this time, the military strength of the Republic of China was strong.If you want to invade them, you can use force to destroy them directly. They definitely don't have much resistance. [

Not only did the Republic of China not do this, but it also gave them assistance, which made them believe in the "character" of the Republic of China. In addition, the other affiliated countries of the Republic of China did not live well under such a system.All the royal families are very rich.

For the Persian royal family and the Afghan royal family, the country is only secondary, and the royal family can live well is the main thing.

If the Republic of China can help them create a safe and rich living condition, they will naturally be very happy.

In this situation.Both kings signed the vassalage treaty.

After signing this treaty, Persia and Afghanistan officially became China's vassal states.

This is a more egalitarian treaty.The difference between the vassal state treaties they signed and the other vassal states of China is that they still have territorial sovereignty.

The territorial sovereignty of the vassal state treaties signed by kingdoms such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Siam, and Ryukyu belongs to the Republic of China.

It's just that the Republic of China entrusted them with the land for their survival and management, and the Republic of China has the right to take back territorial sovereignty. In addition, they do not have territorial sea sovereignty.

Persia and Afghanistan signed differently. The Republic of China recognized that its territorial sovereignty belonged to Persia and Afghanistan, and recognized Persia's territorial sea rights, that is, the Persian Gulf was divided into two halves, one half belonged to Persia, and the other half belonged to the Republic of China.

Afghanistan is a landlocked country, so there is no such thing as territorial sea rights.


half a month later.

Persia first announced that it would break away from the relationship with Britain as a dependent country, and announced that China would become the overlord of Persia, and Persia would join the Asian Trade Organization, the Asian Health Organization, and the military organization of the Republic of China.

Afghanistan subsequently declared itself a vassal state of the Republic of China, and also joined the Asian Trade Organization, Asian Health Organization, and military organizations of the Republic of China.

The Republic of China suddenly played such a trick, which caught the British government, which was struggling with financial problems, by surprise.

British Prime Minister George George held a meeting overnight in France.

After some research, British Prime Minister George sadly found that they had no ability to reverse the unfavorable situation in Persia and Afghanistan.

At this time, the only way to bring Persia and Afghanistan back is by force, but China will not be moved by watching British weapons invade Persia and Afghanistan.

Among them, Afghanistan is not controlled by Britain, and Britain has no reason to interfere.As for Persia, although it also has certain control capabilities, it is very weak.

Once Britain wants to intervene in Persia by force, the result may be a local war with China, or even a full-scale war.

At this time, China not only assembled heavy troops in the Central Asian region in the north of Persia, but also had a lot of troops in the Arabian Peninsula, basically encircling Persia.

"If the Chinese control Afghanistan, then our India will be even more threatened by it." George said sadly, "But we have nothing to do. But this is nothing. Even if the Chinese do not control Afghanistan, the same is true." It also seriously threatens India.”[

In the end, the British government could only submit a pale and strong protest to the Republic of China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China replied: "Persia's becoming a vassal state of China is its own decision. At the same time, the Republic of China respects the independence of all peace-loving nations and will better help the Persian people live a more prosperous life."

This reply is wrong.One talked about the sky and the other talked about the earth, and they couldn't urinate in a pot.

After Persia and Afghanistan became the vassal states of the Republic of China, the Republic of China immediately sent troops to Persia and Afghanistan.

Then the Persian royal family was protected and the Persian military began to be rectified.On the other side of Afghanistan, the Afghan royal family was also protected.

In Persia and Afghanistan, the National Defense Forces of the Republic of China helped the two countries build their national defenses, but there was actually nothing to defend them against.

That is to say, defense against the Ottoman Turkish Empire and India, but these two countries dare not provoke Persia and Afghanistan, which are covered by China.

other places.It is the territory of the Republic of China.

The Persian government then announced that it would take back the Persian customs controlled by the British and abolish a series of unequal treaties at the same time.In such a situation, the British have no other choice but to accept.

With the support of the Republic of China, the Kingdom of Persia easily got rid of the British colonization.

After getting rid of it, it's time for liquidation. Britain has a lot of assets in Persia, and confiscation is naturally too embarrassing and not advisable.

But it can increase taxes!Collect taxes until they go bankrupt.

The army went first.The consortium then entered Persia and Afghanistan on a large scale. The consortium adopted a policy of wooing and dividing in these two kingdoms.

That is to win over a group of clergy, open factories and start businesses with them, let them come forward to be front-stage figures of the consortium, and win them over with benefits.

Attack a group of clergy at the same time.Finally, a certain degree of reform was carried out on the religion and living habits of the two countries.

Although the Republic of China did not colonize Persia and Afghanistan by force, the Republic of China used economic colonization.Economic colonization must be concealed, and therefore requires a group of lackeys.

Let these lackeys appear in front of the public, and the people of Persia and Afghanistan will not know that all areas of their lives are controlled by financial groups.

From electricity, running water.Education, medical care and other fields will be controlled by the consortium.Every field will have some lackeys.

The royal families of Persia and Afghanistan are the biggest lackeys. They have partnered with Chinese consortiums to start oil companies. These oil companies appear to be national enterprises of Persia and Afghanistan. In fact, 85% of the shares are controlled by Chinese consortiums, and the remaining 15% are It belonged to the royal family of Persia and Afghanistan.

Although it is only 15%, it is enough to make the royal families of the two countries very rich.In addition, the two countries can also collect taxes, and the tax money can be used to build various projects, and all large projects in the government's expenditure will be handed over to the Chinese consortium.

The most important reform is the agricultural reform.

But the time is not enough.

When the Chinese consortium wins enough lackeys, it can reform agriculture, which will shake the interests of the nobles and landlords of the two countries.

And some of these aristocrats and landlords were drawn over by consortiums, and they didn't need those meager land incomes because they had commercial income.

After agricultural reforms in Iran and Afghanistan, cash crops will be mainly planted.

For example, in the cotton planting industry, because cotton planting is more troublesome than food production, it is naturally better to subcontract the production to other countries.

The Republic of China will naturally maintain a certain amount of cotton planting.So as to be able to control the price of cotton.

Farmers in Persia and Afghanistan produce cotton, and the grain is completely exported to Persia and Afghanistan by the Republic of China. If this model is adopted, the interests of the Republic of China will be higher.

The amount of labor required to produce food and cotton is different, and the labor required to produce food is less, which is equivalent to the easy agriculture in the Republic of China and the tedious manual agriculture in other countries.

In terms of manufacturing, they can develop some light industries to ensure employment. However, Persia and Afghanistan are Islamic countries, and it is not easy to use them. Therefore, Jiangyu does not intend to give them too high-level industries, so they use oil exploration to support them. Let's go!Just make it look like you can't be high or low.

If the development is not good, it can also be excused that the religions of the two countries have hindered economic development. Anyway, this public opinion is based on making up.

In addition, public opinion must be controlled.And lead some contradictions to Westerners.Stir up the hatred of the West in the Islamic world, and at the same time portray the Republic of China as the savior.

After these policies are finalized.The consortium began to act in Persia and Afghanistan, and began to win over the nobles and clergy of the two countries to serve as lackeys of the consortium, and began to invest in those profitable industries that could continue to make profits.Such as electricity, communications, medical care, education and other fields.

From birth to old age, a person needs to consume many things.After these fields are controlled by the consortium, they can continue to exploit them.

Just like when people get sick, they must take medicine.

The Chinese consortium naturally sells western medicine in these affiliated countries. Chinese medicine is suppressed in those affiliated countries. The Republic of China prohibits domestic Chinese medicine practitioners from going abroad to develop.At the same time those dependent countries.Most of them are public opinions that promote the unreliability of Chinese medicine.

Good things can be used secretly by oneself, there is no need for the whole world to know.

As for the affiliated countries such as North Korea, Vietnam, and Japan that already have Chinese medicine, first introduce excellent Chinese medicine talents from these countries, and then leave a group of quack doctors there, and then use public opinion to pay attention. A certain quack doctor saw a doctor and died.It won't take long for the people of those dependent countries to lose confidence in Chinese medicine.

Especially in Japan, the consortium wants to sell western medicine, which can be manufactured on a large scale, and the price can be inflated, as for traditional Chinese medicine.Everywhere!

Any plant in the world can be cured in traditional Chinese medicine. As long as you understand the characteristics of yin and yang, five elements, cold and heat, and whether it is poisonous, you can use Chinese theories to combine them.

Not just plants.Minerals, insects, bones, etc. can all be used in Chinese medicine.

Ancient Chinese medicine was divided into mainstream Chinese medicine and local Chinese medicine.Because it is inconvenient for local Chinese medicine practitioners to buy mainstream traditional Chinese medicine, they use local medicinal materials instead, and the effect is the same.

Chinese medicine treats diseases from the level of energy. Everything is in the five elements and has energy.The medicinal effects of those expensive medicinal materials may not be better than those of cheap medicinal materials.

Because traditional Chinese medicine is everywhere, how can the consortium make money from medicine?

Later generations of Japan rely on Chinese medicine to achieve the highest life expectancy in the world, so the Japanese understand the benefits of Chinese medicine very well.

In order to ban Chinese medicine in Japan, the think tanks of the consortium held a meeting and made a total of a Chinese medicine medical accident in Japan, and then let Terauchi Masatake prohibit the commercialization of Chinese medicine in Japan.

In this way, all problems are solved.

In the future, if the Japanese have high blood pressure, they don’t need traditional Chinese medicine to soothe the liver and regulate Qi. They should just take antihypertensive drugs!Live one more day and eat one more day.

In this era of overseas Chinese, Chinese medicine has also been brought to Europe and the United States.

Among them, Canadian Chinese medicine is the most popular. Due to the lack of Chinese medicine talents in China, the consortium began to recall these Chinese medicine talents from Canada.

How can the motherland call not to go!And the treatment is definitely much better than in Canada.

In the Republic of China, Chinese medicine is a very popular profession, but at the same time, it is also a very difficult profession to learn.

Chinese medicine practitioners in the Republic of China threw Bayang Dialectics into the trash can. Because Bayang Dialectics is relatively simple, it is easy to learn. Later generations of TCM universities graduated after four years of study.

What can you learn in four years?

According to the dialectic of mechanization, many diseases cannot be cured.

The complex dialectics of the Six Classics is the kingly way. In the Song Dynasty, the dialectics of the Six Classics was used, also known as the Jing Fang School.

Because it is difficult to cultivate Chinese medicine talents, once they are trained, the salary is very high.Therefore, in the Republic of China, many children with the talent to practice medicine were selected to learn classic Chinese medicine from an early age.

To see whether a person has the talent to practice medicine and whether he can become a good doctor depends on whether there is the god "heavenly doctor" in the horoscope.

The God of Heavenly Medicine is determined by the Earthly Branches. For example, January is the Yin month, and February is the month of Mao. People who have these two Earthly Branches have the Godly Doctor of Heaven, that is, the Earthly Branches of two adjacent months appear in the same fate .

This is the first step. Not everyone who has a heavenly doctor can become a good doctor, and there may also be quack doctors.It depends on whether the god of heavenly doctor played a good role or a bad role in the hit.

If you play a good role, you can become a good doctor.If it plays a bad role, it must be a quack doctor.

In addition to cultivating a group from childhood, those Confucian literati in the old era also went to learn Chinese medicine in large numbers.

Although these Confucian literati may be a little older, as the saying goes, "a scholar learns medicine and catches a chicken in a cage", the ancient literati did not just study the books of sages and sages, and the ancient imperial examinations had the "Book of Changes".

Many officials are skilled in medicine.The ancient humanities gatherings were not just about reciting poems and making pairs, they talked more about numerology, traditional Chinese medicine, and Yili.

Especially the Book of Changes, after many officials 'retired' in ancient times, they opened academies in their hometown to teach students the Book of Changes.

As the saying goes, "one method leads to ten thousand methods of enlightenment", whether it is Chinese medicine, martial arts, geomantic omen, horoscope numerology, Ziwei Doushu, divination, etc., it is all related to the Book of Changes.People only need to study one of them to a certain extent, and as long as they understand the rules of other applications, they can quickly become masters.

So in ancient times, it was not the literati who knew medicine, but some martial arts masters also knew medicine, because martial arts also had to study the Book of Changes to become a master.And practicing martial arts requires medical skills to maintain the body.

Among the traditional literati, those who have reached the level of scholars have studied the Book of Changes more or less, so it is much easier for them to learn Chinese medicine.

The scale of Chinese medicine in the Republic of China is getting bigger and bigger, and the level is getting higher and higher, and the treatment is also very good.

The Republic of China is a huge market. It is a pity that the consortium lost this huge western medicine market.However, since the consortium is based on the premise of national interests, the interests that should be given up still have to be given up.

Externally, the consortium is doing everything possible to sell western medicine.

Especially in those countries where Chinese medicine has not appeared before, Chinese medicine is absolutely not allowed to appear in these countries, and Western medicine is also sold at an expensive price.


Just after Persia and Afghanistan joined the military system of the Republic of China, moths appeared in the Ethiopian region. The Queen of Ethiopia ordered her ex-husband to launch a local rebellion because she was dissatisfied with the reform that touched her interests.

After the rebellion broke out, Haile Selassie immediately discussed countermeasures with the military advisers of the Republic of China, and then mobilized the army overnight to suppress the rebellion.

After being armed and trained by the Republic of China, the combat effectiveness of the Ethiopian army has been greatly enhanced, and these troops are in the hands of the regent Haile Selassie.

There was no firefight with the rebels in the local area, and the political adviser of the Republic of China suggested that Haile Selassie kill the fat pig in the palace.Haile Selassie was also a ruthless character. After receiving the support of the Republic of China, he immediately led soldiers into the palace, dragged down the Queen of Ethiopia and shot her secretly.

Then Haile Selassie took his place, and the next day he sat on the throne of Ethiopian king. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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