ps: The second update arrives!In the past few days, two updates will be stabilized first!

Hans mentioned the funding issue, and Jiang Yu also understood the current predicament of the Junkers consortium. (The update is the fastest and most stable,)

This six-year European war was essentially caused by the Junkers consortium wanting to challenge the Rothschild consortium.

Similarly, while maintaining its strategic encirclement advantage over Germany, the Rothschild consortium also hopes to make a fortune through a war.

Both parties felt that they had a certainty of victory, so they took the gamble. [

If the Junkers consortium wants to launch a war, it must strongly support the German government. This is what national capital businessmen should do.

During the entire war, the Junkers Consortium gave a large sum of gold to support the German government in the war, but in the end, they lost.

The gold was also in vain.

The current Juncker consortium basically has no money, but this does not mean that they are poor, they still have a lot of assets in their hands.

The problem facing the German Junkers consortium now is that the factory has no funds to start construction.

It doesn't mean that if there is a factory, it can start directly, and there must be funds.At this time, the Deutsche Mark is depreciating sharply again, so it is necessary to introduce funds from the outside.

The Germans have technology, and their precision manufacturing industry is the largest in the world. It is also a very good industry, and it is obviously impossible to lose money by providing loans to the German Junkers consortium.

"How much money does the Junkers consortium need?" Jiang Yu asked calmly. Historically, in order to overthrow the Rothschild consortium, the US government began to issue loans to Germany.The money from the US government is naturally provided by the US consortium.

So what kind of impact will it have if it becomes the Republic of China to provide funds to Germany?

Jiang Yu was uncertain for a while, so he didn't say yes or no.Instead, first ask how much money the Junkers consortium needs.

"We need at least 100 billion Yanhuang coins." Hans said seriously.

100 billion!

This is the lion's big mouth!

Jiang Yu immediately shook his head and said: "My friend, this is too much. You know, the Americans should loan you money next. Because they want Germany to pay back the money, they must give Germany a loan, otherwise Germany will not be able to develop. , they won’t get the money.”

"It is true, but the result has not yet come out." Hans said: "But the Americans are trying to control Germany's financial system and issue debt. If the Republic of China can intervene, the Americans' intentions will not succeed."

Jiang Yu knew that after the war, the United States made a plan to go to Dawes, that is, to provide loans to Germany.At the same time, it controls the German financial system and issues 110 marks of railway bonds.

It is equivalent to the United States inserting a straw into the German to suck blood, but in the next 28 years, the Weimar government of Germany expressed its strength to repay the loan, and finally came up with a Younger plan.Thus loosening the ties for the Germans.

Actually.Although Germany paid more than 100 billion marks in reparations, it received a loan of more than 200 billion marks.

That is to say, in fact, these two plans are just a drama played by the American consortium together with the German Juncker consortium after realizing that the French and the Rothschild consortium are contending. [

The ultimate goal is to implement the plan of 'eliminating the Rothschild Consortium from above'.

"If the United States has such an intention, the Republic of China will not sit idly by." Jiang Yu immediately promised that he would suck blood from the German.Nature is profitable.

Jiang Yu continued: "Actually, what I want to talk about is the development of Yuanhua Group."

"Yuanhua Group has achieved great development during the war. But now it also lacks some funds." Hans said to Jiang Yu.

"Funding is not a problem." Jiang Yu said bluntly, "The problem is how many industries our group can monopolize in Germany."

"At least in engine, electrical, aircraft manufacturing, and automobile manufacturing, we can basically monopolize. But our Junker consortium also wants to enter these fields."

"Cooperation is not a problem, but we should occupy at least half of the market share. (The update is the fastest and most stable,)" Jiang Yu said straightforwardly, after all, it is the territory of the Junkers consortium.

Now that he is the controller of the middle-class oligarch consortium, he is naturally not a member of the Junker consortium.

If you want to eat alone, the Junkers Consortium will obviously not be happy.

As for the loan of 100 billion Yanhuang coins to the Germans, it is naturally impossible to get it.It's not that Jiang Yu can't take out 100 billion Yanhuang coins, the money can still be taken out.And the money will eventually increase the size of the ROC's foreign export market.

However, after the Germans get the money, the speed of economic recovery will leave Britain and France thousands of miles away.

Originally, the economic recovery ability of Britain and France was relatively poor. Once it was thrown away by Germany, after the next war began, Germany would sweep the whole of Europe more easily than in history.

The rise of Germany is a big problem.

It would be best for the Germans to rise up enough to fight another anxious war with Britain and France.

Therefore, although Jiang Yu is interested in lending to the Germans, it is basically impossible for him to spend too much money.

But the gadgets that the Republic of China wants to import from Europe are precision machine tools made in Germany.

Precision machine tools are very expensive, but the Republic of China has a huge demand. Although the Republic of China has also formed a precision machine tool manufacturing industry, the industry is not as large as the Germans.

From a technical point of view, the Republic of China has surpassed Germany in an all-round way.

However, the precision machining industry mainly relies on people. The human body is the most precise machine, so the most precise machine tools can be produced.

Because the human body is the most delicate, human beings are very fragile.The more sophisticated something is, the more vulnerable it is to people, and people are more likely to be injured and die.Rather than such a sophisticated robot, it is not easy to damage.

Also because the human body is the most precise machine, the Taoist practice in ancient China developed this machine.

The precision manufacturing industry relies on people, and the Republic of China obviously does not have as many precision manufacturing technicians as Germany, so even if the machine tool manufacturing technology of the Republic of China surpasses Germany, it still depends on the Germans in terms of scale. [

After all, China has only developed its industry for ten years, and there is still too little time for the training of technicians for precision machine tools. Although the scale is relatively large, there are not too many senior technicians.

As for technicians other than precision manufacturing, China is not so short of people now.Other types of technicians are relatively easy to train, and the only shortcoming is precision manufacturing.

This shortcoming makes China temporarily have to import precision machine tools from Germany.

Therefore, if the Ming Dynasty of China can make money from the Germans, it can balance this deficit. If not, it can also balance this deficit through other methods.

But if this deficit can be balanced from the Germans, then Chinese citizens will be able to enjoy more commodities every year.

To make money from the Germans, first of all, China can import German precision machine tools and export automobiles, aircraft, electrical appliances, oil and other commodities to Germany, so as to balance this part of the deficit, and at the same time, it can also exploit part of it financially.

As for the Germans not paying back the money, Jiang Yu was not worried.

First of all, the Germans don't have the courage not to pay back the money. Even if they don't pay back the money, wouldn't the Republic of China have an excuse to go to war?

Jiang Yu is very afraid of the Germans. This kind of fear is not because Germany has made too many achievements in military force. The main reason is that the two sides have a basis for cooperation and a certain emotional basis, so it is not easy to turn their faces.

In fact, it is very easy to defeat Germany. As long as the German industry is blown up, the German army will be finished.

There are actually only two real enemies of the Republic of China, one is the United States and the other is Germany. As for Britain and France, they are no longer on the table.

In Jiang Yu's eyes, Britain and France are now just fat.

Those who really have fangs are the United States and Germany.

Other countries are nothing to worry about, the British can be kicked aside, and the world's boss is already in vain.

After listening to Jiang Yu's words, Hans nodded and said, "This can be discussed, and I believe those old men will agree."

The old man he refers to is the major shareholders of the German Junkers consortium.

Jiang Yu nodded and started chatting with Hans instead of talking about business matters.

At noon, Hans received a warm reception at Jiang Yu's home and had a sumptuous lunch. In the afternoon, Jiang Yu took Hans to the racecourse to play.

Hans was amazed at Jiang Yu's small manor, and asked Jiang Yu: "Jiang, you have so much money now, why don't you build a bigger manor? Although your manor is very exquisite, its area is larger than that in Europe. It's too commonplace."

"It's very common in Europe, and it's also quite common in China. But isn't it enough? Why is it so big!" Jiang Yu said indifferently. For him, a guy who traveled over 21 years ago , Such a large manor has already made him very satisfied.

No matter how big it is, it doesn't feel necessary anymore.

As the leader of the China National Capital Group, Jiang Yu usually has to set an example.

If he wastes too much money and energy on personal enjoyment, it will obviously bring out a bad atmosphere.Money is better spent on interior construction.

Although money is a pile of waste paper to Jiang Yu, money is actually equal to labor.

If the Republic of China is in a state with a large number of unemployed people, then Jiang Yu doesn't mind spending extravagance, which can also drive employment!

But now the Republic of China is engaged in construction everywhere, and almost all the labor force is building various facilities or producing various commodities. At this time, Jiangyu's savings will make sense.

Hans shrugged, expressing his incomprehension.The two haven't seen each other for ten years, but they get along very well.

The next day, Zhou Ziyue also brought people from Shanghai to Huai'an, and began to secretly discuss issues such as loans and capital injections with the Junkers consortium delegation.

Winning over the German Junkers consortium and allowing German Junkers to place the main hostile target on the Rothschild consortium is a basic policy set by Jiang Yu to undermine the unity of the white world, so this negotiation also carries extremely important significance.

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