ps: The first update!

In this public square parade float, there are portraits of Jiang Yu everywhere, and there are a lot of words of praise, which is also impossible.

In this country where the official standard still remains, military power is still the most important.

If Jiang Yu does not firmly control the military power, there will be turmoil in the consortium.In order to control military power, in addition to actual control, you still need prestige.

As an invisible ruler, it is impossible to be completely invisible in China.You still need to show your face in front of the public.

If the consortium is established with four major families like Bald Jiang's, and Bald Jiang is the chairman of the committee, then the so-called presidential system is meaningless.

Jiang Guangtou's model is unreliable, because he first determines the status of the leader and then forms a consortium, but secretly manipulates the president on the table.

So if he falls, problems will follow with the consortium.Therefore, if he cannot fall, he must suppress the will of the people.

The practical benefit of the presidential system is that the president is set up as a target for the people, so that the people can vent their emotions, thereby eliminating some internal conflicts.

Jiang Guangtou has a lot of failure experiences, and he needs to learn from them all.

The other is that the Communist Party has fallen, and the Communist Party has lost popular support.

If corruption is not eliminated, the country will perish, if corruption is eliminated, the party will perish.Because Jiang Guangtou was too involved in the drama, he could only choose the route of subjugation.

However, Jiang Yu's current model is much more reliable. He has not formed a political party, but every political party is under his control. No matter which party dies or not, it has nothing to do with him. At worst, let those politicians form a party.

In addition, Jiang Guangtou's consortium formed by the four big families is really unreliable. The four big families do nothing but make money.Apart from forcibly taking over those privately owned factories, they don't know how to develop national industries at all.After being in power for so many years, the national industry has not only failed to develop.Instead, it miraculously reversed.

Without an industrial system, how can we fight?No wonder he was beaten so badly by Little Japan later on.The reason why the Japanese can run rampant is largely because China has no industry, and it can't even make many basic bullets.In the early days of the Japanese army, 200 rounds of ammunition were used for training every month. What about China?The soldiers who went into battle hadn't practiced marksmanship much at all, and they just listened to it when they went into battle.most of the time.Soldiers went to the battlefield with only 5 rounds of ammunition. As a result, many battles were fought in anticlimactic fashion, and a division was chased around by a brigade.

So some anti-Japanese generals said.The Japanese army was shot out by bullets.

If China had a slight industrial foundation during the Anti-Japanese War in history, as long as it could manufacture a large number of bullets, the outcome of the Anti-Japanese War would be very different.

Baldy Jiang didn't know how to develop industry at all.The thought in their head is.If you lack anything, just buy it. Americans, Germans, and Swedes are all in stock.

The emergence of this kind of comprador ideology and comprador government also created the tragedy of China's Anti-Japanese War.

Jiang Yu, who has fully learned the lesson, will naturally not repeat the same mistakes.

But as a semi-invisible ruler, ordinary people don't know that he is the real boss, so he needs to gain reputation.

A float passed by.Witnessed the historical process of the Republic of China.

"The fourth float is an agricultural float. This float is a large combine harvester. The large combine harvester and the ears of rice on it show the industrial achievements of the Republic of China. Agriculture is the foundation of all industries, and there is no agriculture. There would be no industry. The problem of eating stomachs has long plagued the Han people. In the past ten years, our Republic of China has achieved large-scale mechanization of agriculture, and at the same time successfully cultivated the first generation of super hybrid rice. Today’s agriculture in the Republic of China , not only solved the food problem of [-] million people, but also a large amount of food is used for export and assistance to backward countries every year. We have successfully solved the problem of food for more than one-third of the world's population. In the past ten years, the Republic of China has completed from The common people generally do not have enough to eat, and now not only have enough to eat, but also eat well. History will never forget the moment when Marshal Jiang Yu first proposed "mechanized agriculture", and it was from that moment that there was a It’s a huge change that’s happening today.”

"The fifth float is an industrial float. This float is an excavator. This float has witnessed the industrial achievements of the Republic of China. Today, the Republic of China can not only manufacture the most advanced aircraft, automobiles, and The largest ship has also surpassed Europe and the United States in terms of industrial technology. We use our actions to declare to the world that the Han people are the best and most intelligent people in the world.”

Naturally, this celebration cannot do without the promotion of Han nationalism, which is also a basic state policy.

Only nationalism can unite the Chinese people, everything else is in vain, and the only thing we can trust is our own nation.

This requires the cooperation of every member of the nation, so as to build a dependable nation.

Any consortium must unite a group.

European and American consortiums unite Caucasians, while German and Japanese consortia are nationalist consortia.And the Republic of China can only take the route of the national consortium, and everything else is unreliable.

To talk about uniting the yellow race, the culture of the yellow race countries outside of China is too bad.After they have learned the culture of the Han nationality, they can think about it.

However, China has a large enough population and needs it.

The result of accommodating more people is that the resource consumption is too fast, but the rich and talented people from those Asian countries can be integrated.

The rich can bring money, which is equivalent to increasing the number of pigs for the consortium, and the feast will be even bigger when the killing starts.Talent is the foundation of the consortium's survival.

The essence of the consortium is to recruit most of the social elites to form a rule.

The line of Han nationalism in China is still very successful. Basically every Han nationality can be infected, that is, peasants with little education know that they are Han people, so they are superior to other races.

And those intellectuals are more likely to be infected.

Nationalism is a kind of doctrine that can easily make people fanatical, and it is also a kind of thing that can quickly unite a group.

It is precisely because nationalism is so powerful that later generations of the American International Consortium will do everything possible to suppress all nationalism and continue to promote the idea of ​​backward nationalism.

The emergence of nationalism will prevent the entry of external capital and hinder the circulation of international capital.

At this time, the Republic of China is also promoting nationalism internally, while suppressing nationalism externally.Especially in Japan, it is continuing to suppress Japanese nationalism through public opinion and education.

The same is true for other dependent countries, overtly and secretly, constantly suppressing the formation of their nationalism.Once they form nationalism, it is not easy to exploit.

When publicizing to the outside world, it is also promoting that the Republic of China is a "victory of the scientific spirit" of Shenma. This kind of deceiving ghost is too lethal to those countries that do not understand capital.

Democracy, in particular, is too attractive to ordinary people.The essence of longing for democracy is selfish desire, just like a flock of sheep, which could not be eaten by wolves if they were united.Then one day, the wolf said to the sheep, I will give you freedom.The sheep really hoped to run around to graze, but as soon as they ran around, they were all eaten by wolves.

But what I have to say is that this thing is indeed very lethal, and it can turn a nation or country that was originally united and free from external exploitation into a puppet state.

European and American consortiums are also taking advantage of the selfishness of human nature to achieve their goals.

After the Republic of China vigorously advocated Han nationalism, its national cohesion was unprecedentedly strengthened, and its ability to resist foreign countries was continuously strengthened.

Many of those ethnic minorities have integrated into the Han nationality.

If they changed their household registration, perhaps when their sons were born, their sons would not even know that their ancestors were ethnic minorities.

Just like Islam, in the beginning, force was used to develop believers, and people were forced to believe in it. As a result, after a few generations, all of them came into play.

The formation of the Han nationality is, to a large extent, a sense of identity, a sense of cultural identity.The ancient national integration is being further carried out in the Republic of China at this time.

And it is a rapid integration, because the Han nationality can enjoy various welfare systems, while the ethnic minorities cannot.They have to change their household registration, and if their names are too weird, they have to change their surnames.

After the change, their sons and grandsons were indoctrinated at school, and they completely became part of the Han nation.

And among those ethnic minorities, many are actually differentiated from the Han nationality.It is only because many of them moved into the mountains or other remote environments that their culture was out of touch with the mainstream society, thus forming the so-called ethnic minorities.

The Qiang people have been separated for the longest time. The Qiang people were originally from the same tribe as the ancestors of the Han nationality during the Yanhuang period. However, the ancestors of the Han nationality began to move eastward, and the Qiang people were unwilling to migrate, so they split up. Over time , cultural development is different.

As for the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they have been integrated with China for 300 years, and their bloodlines are already inseparable.But what was eliminated was not the Qing Dynasty's corruption, but their high-spirited ideology. This kind of suppression method is very severe.

There is no absolute conclusion about the nation, it is only a question of whether the ruler will use it or not.Because the European and American consortia cannot use it, they are said to be backward.Since Yankees say they are backward, those countries with dominant ethnic groups dare not develop, and they will be suppressed if they develop.

The capitalist market has just been basically divided these days, and the Yankees are also the global hegemony.

This is a matter of timing. If it is ten or twenty years later, it will be difficult for the Republic of China to form a consortium. Even if a consortium was formed during World War II, it will only be a second-rate consortium, perhaps barely free from exploitation.

But at this time, the Republic of China formed a consortium, and it was a powerful nationalist consortium, so the result was different.Who dares to provoke China now?

Even if the ROC has no way to deal with the United States for a while, it must be more careful when facing the problems of the ROC.

There have been more than 50 floats in the public parade, mainly because there are many provinces in the Republic of China, and there are only dozens of floats in each province. (To be continued..)

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