The aid behavior of the Rothschild consortium was quickly met with serious protests from the Republic of China.

The Chinese warlord and oligarch consortium sent personnel to negotiate with the Rothschild consortium and severely warned the Rothschild consortium.

"We only gave some food aid because we saw that the Russian people didn't have enough to eat." The Rothschild Foundation quickly explained this.

But this explanation, even they themselves don't believe it, how can they make China believe it?

"If you don't stop this kind of behavior, you will bear all the consequences." The negotiators of the Chinese warlord and oligarchic consortium only left this sentence and left. [

After the Rothschild consortium, it gritted its teeth and continued to increase assistance to the red fur bear.

"The Chinese military expansion must be contained. If it cannot be contained, we in Europe will be seriously threatened." The Rothschild consortium had to help the red bear at this time.

In terms of navy, Europe and the United States still have an advantage.

Although the Chinese are engaged in a large navy plan and have launched eight of the most advanced battleships, in their view, the navy is not so easy to form.

The only scary thing is the Chinese army. Asia and Europe are connected on land.

Once the Chinese conquer Russia in Eastern Europe, Central and Western Europe will be seriously threatened, and this is where the Rothschild consortium is based.


"What? The Rothschild consortium has eaten the guts of a leopard, and they are still helping Mao Xiong?" Jiang Yu couldn't help but patted the table when he received the news, and cursed: "The spicy next door."

"Commander, I think we not only need to fight this battle, but we also need to show our prestige and prestige. Otherwise, the Rothschild consortium won't be really afraid of us." Jiang Fangzhen said calmly, "Although we have defeated Russia and Japan .But a large-scale war to compete with Europe and the United States has not happened, and it is normal for them to take our warning."

"Yes, this time not only to fight, but also to show power." Jiang Yu stood up and said murderously: "We want to let the world see that the military power of our Republic of China is something they cannot resist."

Now Jiang Yu is going to get serious. Originally, he just wanted to occupy the east of the Volga River, and then let Tsarist Russia restore the country first, and then slowly clean up Tsarist Russia.

but now.But I don't think so anymore.

If the bear is allowed to develop, the result will be more and more difficult to chew.Instead of this, it is better to beat the bear into the Nordic forest at once.Occupy all the plains.

"Immediately revise the battle plan for me, and play a big game this time." Jiang Yu ordered.



At this time, there are still more than two months left before Chun, what the Rothschild consortium does not know is that the Republic of China originally just wanted to restore Tsarist Russia to the country.Allowing both sides of Russia to exploit the Russians is not to go directly to Europe.

However, the actions of the Rothschild consortium caused the Republic of China to change its plan.

No one wants to see the rise of a powerful country around them, and the same is true for the Republic of China.How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch? [

Mao Xiong's desire to develop has already touched the nerves of the Republic of China.

Read the full text of the entertainment basketball circle in the Central Asian administrative region. More than 600 million troops gathered.And Mao Xiong on the opposite side was not to be outdone, and even frantically mobilized more than 700 million troops.

Many are young soldiers, and even female soldiers.

These bear soldiers are digging fortifications and building bunkers every day.It is clear that it is going to sing against the Republic of China.

What's wrong with people resisting?

But in the eyes of the ROC, resistance is wrong.Obediently accept death, but also leave them a way out.It's impolite to dare to resist.

The Supreme Command of the Republic of China military immediately revised the combat plan.

The number of strategic bombers of the Air Force is required to increase to [-] within the next year.Tactical bombers must reach [-].Definitely a staggering number.

But for the industrial scale of the Republic of China at this time, these aircraft are nothing.

The East China Aircraft Manufacturing Plant immediately expanded its production capacity rapidly and established a new military aircraft production line.In terms of tactical aircraft, most of them are mosquito bombers, which are cheap and cost-effective.

At the same time, the chariot factory is also rapidly detonating chariots.Thanks to specialized machine tools, tank production was extremely fast.

The railway leading to the administrative region of Central Asia is also stepping up the laying of the railway in the cold winter. Now it is laying six tracks, and the previous four tracks have been laid.

All factories under the consortium that can be turned into war potential have extended their production hours this winter.

For example, if the production time of a car factory is doubled, then half of the original car factory can be converted to the production of arms.The remaining half continue to produce civilian cars.

Extending the operation time will require more workers to be recruited. This is not a problem. The Republic of China has plenty of people.

The factories under the consortium are operating at full capacity, and a large amount of military supplies have been produced. Originally, it was only planned to solve the problem within one year, but with the expansion of the plan, the combat expectation was extended.

The red bear on the other side of the border is preparing for war.The assistance of the Rothschild consortium gave the red bear the confidence to give it a go.

Despite the warnings from China, the Rothschild consortium continued to increase its aid.

In this winter, many arms have begun to be delivered to Russia.


At the end of this year, the iron and steel output of the Republic of China increased to a terrifying 14 billion tons. The open-pit mining technology and the increasingly mature converter steel technology have rapidly increased the iron and steel smelting productivity of the Republic of China, and the output has achieved rapid growth. On average, Every citizen of the Republic of China can enjoy 269 kilograms of steel.Based on the calculation of four people in a family, that is more than one ton.

This kind of steel production has reached more than the sum of the steel production of all countries in the world, and the steel production of the Republic of China has completely exploded in all countries in the world. [

The manufacture of airplanes, automobiles, and ships also saw substantial growth.

The number of railways, highways, and power stations continued to grow.

Urban and rural infrastructure construction is flourishing everywhere.

However, such steel production is still not enough for the current Republic of China, but there is no need to import too much steel.Steel imports from Europe and the United States by China and its dependent countries have dropped to 100 million tons.

The iron and steel of the Republic of China still has great growth potential, and the steel investment of the consortium is still continuing.The scale of steel production base is getting bigger and bigger, the bigger the scale, the lower the cost.

"It is planned that by next year, our steel production will increase to 18 billion tons. In this way, our steel production will be more abundant, which will not only support internal economic development, but also support the war." Zhou Zi Yue estimated, “But the consumption of automobiles will slow down due to the continuation of the war.”

"It doesn't matter if it slows down, anyway, we will inflate the bubble economy a little bit more." Jiang Yu said with a relaxed face. In fact, how long the economic bubble can last depends mainly on whether there is still something to build in the market.

When it has not been built to a satisfactory level, it can continue continuously.When it lasts to a certain extent, everything that needs to be built is built, and then the bubble is burst.

In other words, this war only prolongs the economic prosperity of the Republic of China for a year or two.

That's right, it's an extension.

The construction speed has slowed down, so it will naturally be extended.

Therefore, the only side effect of this war is to slow down the construction speed, but in fact it is not much worse. After using advanced productive forces for construction, the construction speed of the crazy bubble economy is faster than that.With such a fast construction speed, when the technology is still at a certain stage, it usually only takes five or six years to build everything that can be built.

There was no accumulation before the Republic of China, at most it was eight or nine years.

If the consortium needs it, it can be extended to more than ten years.

Against the economic cycle?

Who sets the economic cycle?

The ten-year economic cycle is determined by European and American consortiums. It is just a matter of strategy, but the strategy can be changed. Why not ten years of prosperity?

As for the serious consequences, it’s just that there are more private capital going bankrupt, but everything that needs to be built has been built. With this foundation, after the economic bubble bursts, the Republic of China will be able to crush all enemies.

The current Republic of China does not have to be afraid of European and American countries at all.

Even if they catch up technically, they still cannot catch up in terms of population.The large population of the Republic of China is also the biggest advantage left by ancient China.

Moreover, the commanding heights in many fields are occupied by the Republic of China, and it is not so easy to catch up first.

So Jiang Yu didn't care so much, and decided to fight first.

So this winter, Song Jiaoren had to sign another loan agreement, borrowing another 50 billion yuan from Huaxia Bank, and then allocated it to the military.

The arrears increased by 100 billion at once.

This is the case with war. Whether it is won or lost, the government will always fall into a financial trap.The only difference is that a consortium wants to really kill a country, or it is just a formality.

Obviously, the ROC's borrowing from Huaxia Bank is more of a formality.The consortium still operates with national development as its core.

In the end, the consortium will still be nationalized and move towards a Datong society.


As the Rothschild consortium is almost torn apart from the Republic of China, the atmosphere of war is getting stronger and stronger. Even ordinary people can feel that the government and the military are preparing for something.

Factories everywhere are working overtime, and a large amount of munitions have been produced, which are continuously transported to the arsenal in the Central Asian administrative region by railway.

In the frenzy of arms production.

One winter, the arsenal of the Republic of China stored munitions for seven months of combat.

The smell of gunpowder on the border has also become more intense. Lenin, the leader of the red bear, made a public speech, declaring: If any country tries to invade Russia, it will be submerged in the vast ocean of Russia's people's war.

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