In the early morning, the pilots in the waiting room put on their flight suits and rushed out after receiving the order.

The Air Force Command was busy. Under the command of the command, a large number of planes flew from the runway into the sky, formed a bombing formation, and flew towards the Soviet positions.

These tactical bombers basically did not have too many precision bombing missions after the Soviet army east of the Volga was surrounded, so they were transferred to bomb the Soviet army in the encirclement.

At the same time, the artillery positions have already been busy.

A large number of towed guns and self-propelled guns were concentrated, and they bombarded the Soviet army's position indiscriminately. Tens of thousands of large-caliber artillery roared in unison, and the Soviet army's position became a sea of ​​​​flames in an instant. [

The artillery fired a lot of incendiaries, and the white phosphorus was not used because it was too brutal.

At this time, the Republic of China encircled the Soviet army in an encirclement circle. It was a matter of time before the Soviet army surrendered, and there was no need to use any white phosphorus, just burn it over.

Air Force tactical planes formed huge bombing formations, whizzed past the Soviet positions, and dropped one after another, forming the effect of carpet bombing.

Cannons and explosions are like rain.A large amount of soil was blown up, and many Soviet soldiers hiding in the trenches were either killed or buried alive.

This outpouring of firepower lasted for a morning, and the positions of the Soviet troops were generally hit by firepower for more than 10 minutes.

A large number of Soviet troops were killed.

When the pouring of firepower stopped, the Soviet army's position was restored to calm.Immediately afterwards, another pile of propaganda hit the Soviet positions, and the leaflets fell like snowflakes.

The Soviet soldiers looked at these leaflets, and their morale had dropped to freezing point.

They know that they will not have support, and all the troops that can retreat have already retreated, and those who have no time to retreat.The outcome is either death in battle or surrender.

Most of the ordinary Soviet soldiers wanted to surrender.

It was just some stubborn officers who were obstructing, but after the bombing, those stubborn officers also wavered, who could really face life and death with fear.

Of course, the great communist fighters did.

But not everyone is that great.

Especially within the Soviet army, there are Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, and the nationalities themselves are different.

"The people of Ukraine and Belarus. Stand up. We will not sacrifice our lives for the brutal Red Russia. We will make Ukraine and Belarus independent. Our destiny must be determined by ourselves. The wheat we produce cannot be taken away by others..."

Such leaflets immediately disintegrated the will of those Ukrainian and Belarusian soldiers.

Especially the Ukrainians, who were in the midst of the two-year famine.Most of the wheat produced was taken away, so that they could not feed themselves, and even a famine occurred.

This made those Ukrainians very dissatisfied, so they hoped to get rid of the rule of the red bear.

Once internal strife broke out, those soldiers who didn't want to die, as well as Ukrainian soldiers and Belarusian soldiers who didn't have any fighting spirit.Aim the guns at those diehard officers. [

After a burst of black guns, the situation got out of control and became fatal.

Groups of Soviet soldiers walked out of the trenches holding white flags, and were then sent to concentration camps or field hospitals.

Just one day.Most of the millions of Soviet troops collapsed in this way, and the remaining 10,000+ Soviet troops are not in the same place.

The Supreme Command ordered the infantry divisions that drew their hands to march towards the Caucasus.The second batch of troops crossing the river reached 300 million.

The 200 million troops that originally crossed the river began to rush towards the Caucasus Soviet army.One million infantry divisions crossing the river in the second batch were responsible for supporting the Caucasus operations.

It is equivalent to the Caucasus theater, with a concentration of 300 million troops.It is used to deal with the 100 million troops of the Soviet army, in an effort to wipe out these Soviet troops.

Many of the 300 million troops are the infantry of the dependent countries. This is because the Caucasus Soviet army is likely to launch street fighting, and these infantry of the dependent countries will be needed at that time.

There are still 200 million troops crossing the river, and they are rushing towards Ukraine.

Ukraine is obviously a better place to solve. While the army rushed to Ukraine, the Air Force began to spread leaflets on a large scale in Ukraine.

These leaflets say, make Ukraine independent.Ukraine is Ukraine for Ukrainians, Ukrainians want to control their own destiny and other inflammatory slogans.

Ukrainians themselves were dissatisfied with the red furry bear. After seeing these leaflets, the whole Ukraine was in a commotion.

Many Ukrainians are even looking forward to the arrival of the coalition forces.

Ukraine is the main food producing area of ​​Russia. As long as this is solved, there will definitely be problems with the food supply of the red bear.

At the same time, a large number of leaflets were also spread in Belarus.

Belarusians are naturally independent first.Who doesn't want their own nation to have an independent country and make their own decisions from now on.

If both Ukraine and Belarus are resolved, then the red bear is equivalent to being surrounded, and the red bear's external communication lines on land will be cut off, and a strategic encirclement can be formed on the red bear, and this encirclement is relatively easy to form.

Let the persimmons find soft ones first, and after Ukraine and Belarus are settled, these two regions can still provide some cannon fodder troops.


To the east of the Volga River, most of the 200 million Soviet troops were wiped out in less than a week. The last batch of Soviet troops also surrendered and walked out of the trenches dejectedly.

After a week of fighting, the fighting east of the Volga was basically over.

The coalition forces with the Chinese Army as the main force killed more than 40 Soviet troops and captured more than 140 million Soviet troops.These Soviet troops were soon sent to concentration camps.

In the concentration camp, the teaching regiment of the Tsarist Russian National Salvation Army began to brainwash the captured Soviet troops. [

They first screened out the officers, and then took the diehards to shoot. The remaining surrenders were brainwashed, quickly included in the Tsarist Russian National Salvation Army, and began to form new troops, ready to go to war.

Most of the diehard officers were promoted after the establishment of the Red Bear, while the Surrenderers were the officers left over from the Tsarist Russian army.

Apparently, those officers left over from Tsarist Russia can be used.

The brainwashing method is also very simple, that is, to describe to those officers and soldiers the major development achievements of the Republic of China after ten years of reform.

Then compare.

If you compare goods, you have to throw them away, and the effect will come out once you compare them.

Then he started to talk about some institutionalized issues. As for whether he could listen to it, that was another matter, but at least it gave those soldiers a new concept.

Finally, there is the red terror policy of promoting the red hairy bear, and the policy of mass cleansing.

"You have no way out. The moment you surrender, you have already been included in their purge list. Maybe in some combat needs, they will tempt you to fall into their arms again. However, once you lose the value of use, all of you They will all be purged, not just you personally, but your families as well."

Under the propaganda of this terrible purge, all officers have cut off the idea of ​​​​rebellion.Moreover, most of the officers actually had no thought of rebelling long ago, because they enjoyed better material treatment after surrendering.

In addition to receiving higher military pay every month, these officers also have other benefits.For example, car allocation, housing allocation, children's education, medical benefits, etc.

This cannot be enjoyed in the system of the red hairy bear.

What is their revolution for, not for a better life.No matter who it is, the purpose of participating in the revolution is to live a better life.

Since the Russian National Salvation Army can give them a better life, why rebel?

As for those ordinary soldiers, few of them could persist under brainwashing.Brainwashing is a thing, as long as you persist in washing and continue to wash, a lie told a hundred times will become the truth.Because there is an atmosphere in it, it is mainly the influence of the ambient atmosphere.

When people around him agree with this concept, then he will also be affected.

And a large amount of data and comparisons created a very real feeling, but no one questioned whether these data were real.

Data can be deceiving, but ordinary people don't know it.

In addition, a large number of ugly phenomena of the leaders of the red bears have been disclosed, which has also shaken their beliefs.Then, the failure of the First World War was attributed to the troubles of these revolutionary parties and the problems of those corrupt officials. Anyway, Nicholas II took the responsibility completely.

In addition, fanatical nationalist thoughts were thrown out. Nationalist thoughts are very fanatical. Using fanatical nationalist thoughts to deal with fanatical red thoughts made these Soviet soldiers shift from the narrow class antagonism to the whole nation. .

Because nationalist ideology is too fanatical, it is naturally impossible for the Republic of China to allow Russia to develop.It's just a wartime need, let's publicize it first.

After the war in Russia is over, these national ideas will be suppressed.

At this time, the Spring Festival has arrived. This year, the Spring Festival in China is relatively simple, and the holiday is only two days.However, the major victory reported from the front line made the people rejoice.

The news that the Republic of China annihilated 180 million Soviet troops in just one week also shocked the world.

No one thought that the military front of the Republic of China would be so sharp.The war style of the Republic of China is completely different from the previous European wars.

This is not a war of attrition, but a blitzkrieg.

Rely on the superiority of the air force to carry out precise bombing on the enemy.Relying on the superiority of armor, tear, penetrate, surround, and annihilate the enemy.

On the plain terrain of Russia, it is simply unfavorable.

This mode of war puts a lot of pressure on logistics supplies, but the Republic of China has a large number of transport aircraft, and this operation did not go deep into the enemy's rear.

From the westernmost end of the Central Asian administrative region of the Republic of China to Ukraine, it is only [-] kilometers away.

The Republic of China obviously has no intention of swallowing Russia in one gulp, and such an idea is also unrealistic.After all, Russia is too big, and 600 million people may seem like a lot, but once spread out, the strength of the troops will be very tense.

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