The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 085: Ukrainian Independence

Only half a month after the start of the war, the "Asian Allied Forces" with the Chinese Army as the main force swept all the way, encircling and annihilating most of the Soviet troops east of the Volga River, south of the Ural Mountains, and in the Caucasus.

However, the control of the city was not so fast. The coalition forces only surrounded and annihilated the Soviet army, but the Republic of China obviously did not consider the gains and losses of a city or a place.

For the Republic of China, there is no need to capture every inch of Russia.

But it is very necessary to occupy those transportation hubs, which are supply lines.However, the Republic of China has a large number of airdrop supply capabilities, so even if the land supply line is cut off in terms of logistical supply, it can still maintain a continuous time.

It is obviously unrealistic for the Soviet army to cut off the land supply line of the coalition forces. The coalition forces have not yet penetrated into the enemy's territory, and the supply line has not been stretched too long.

In the Central Asian administrative region controlled by the Republic of China, the railway and highway systems are built at a strategic height, which can transport combat materials very well.

The most the Soviet army can do is harass, but in order to deal with these guerrillas, the Republic of China not only has Tsarist Russia to rescue them, but also sent a large number of special forces.

Are special forces used to deal with guerrillas, are they overqualified?

It may seem like an overkill, but guerrilla warfare requires great attention.

You must know that guerrillas are a way of warfare that does not play cards according to common sense. Because guerrillas are not professional and are not composed of professional combat personnel, they will play cards randomly.

Sometimes I was confused and was beaten to death by the old master.The regularized troops can predict their next actions.

This is also the biggest difference between the two.

To deal with guerrillas.Regularizing troops is not so easy, because there is absolutely no basis for judgment.In addition, regularized troops are not as flexible and fast as special forces.

Therefore, special forces are an indispensable force to deal with guerrilla warfare.

Compared with Chinese guerrilla warfare, Russian guerrilla warfare is easier to eliminate.Because there is not too complicated terrain here, there is a smooth plain everywhere, and guerrillas cannot rely on complex terrain to carry out guerrilla warfare.

As for street fighting, it was a project under the responsibility of the Tsarist Russian Rescue Army and the Japanese Army, but street fighting also required a strategy.That is to say, the Soviet army hid more cities and adopted a blockade strategy.And those cities without many Soviet troops can be captured quickly because they are easy to capture.

Blocking is also very simple.Occupy commanding heights, roads, build trenches, barbed wire, lay mines, and mobilize some artillery to maintain firepower superiority, and those Soviet troops can be blocked in the city.Cities were not only Soviet bunkers.It might also be their grave.

Such a blockade does not require too many troops. For example, in the Caucasus region, only 50 troops were used to block 20 Soviet troops.The other 80 troops began to clean up the cities of the Caucasus.There are no Soviet troops in other cities.Attacking is obviously relatively simple.At the same time, they are also responsible for containing the 300 million Soviet troops in the north, lest they cut off the supply line of the 200 million troops that are rushing into Ukraine.

The defense of Moscow and the defense of Stalingrad during World War II only happened in important cities, and small cities are easy to deal with.

Originally, Russia's food was not sufficient. Although the Rothschild Consortium provided a lot of food, it was obviously unable to fundamentally solve the problem.

Once a city is locked down, hunger can quickly spread throughout the city.

The Soviet army and the Russian people who were blocked in the city were very embarrassed.If they don't surrender, the final result is to starve to death.


Maybe give it a try.But without the advantage of artillery fire, it is very difficult to break through the blockade.The coalition forces not only have a large number of automatic infantry firepower such as machine guns and submachine guns, but ordinary soldiers have semi-automatic rifles in their hands, and the firepower is very violent.

In addition, there is artillery support and more air support.It is not easy to break through the mine belt and the barbed wire alone.

And the city has a problem that there are not so many exports.

If you want to go out of the city, there are generally only a few roads.Although other places can also go out of the city, they obviously cannot pass too many people.

In this way, the result can be imagined.If a group of people swarm on the road, it will only become a bunch of meat targets.

Even if it breaks out, what's the use?

On the plains, you can't run far without being hungry.The planes in the sky couldn't run with ten legs, and none of the armored divisions or motorized infantry divisions could run faster than them.

As for the question of whether to surrender, it depends on the degree of their brainwashing.But those ordinary people, after seeing the frequent leaflets of Nicholas II, their will was shaken.

Although it is still persisting under the instigation of the propagandists of the Soviet army for the time being, people's hearts are already floating.But it is the Soviet army that can really decide the problem. Hunger will gradually make ordinary Soviet soldiers lose their will to resist.

Surrendering is not a dead end. Since you will die if you persist, then you have done your best, and there is no problem in surrendering at this time.

This is the benefit of offering Nicholas II, which made the Soviet army not only shake the will to resist, but also accept the result of surrender more easily.It also convinced those Soviet soldiers that there is a way to survive in surrender.

In the south of the Ural Mountains, after a few days of mobilization, the 300 million coalition forces reached the offensive position.At this time, the Siberian Soviet Army also received an order to withdraw to the Ural defense line and rely on the terrain there for defense.

The Soviet high-level generally believed that if the Siberian defenders were scattered in various cities, it would be difficult to pose any threat to the enemy.

Because as long as the coalition forces formed by the Republic of China do not enter this area, the equivalent of millions of troops will be useless. Obviously, the Republic of China does not seem to have much interest in this area. They are more likely to sweep across the Russian plains. Fighting on the Russian plains is obviously more favorable to the Republic of China in terms of terrain.

This transfer of the Soviet army was both wrong and correct.

The mistake is that the Republic of China is not not interested in Siberia, but very interested.Siberia is not very populated.And it is distributed along the railway line. As long as the cities along the Siberian Railway are taken down, the entire Siberia is basically controlled.

It's just that the Republic of China doesn't want to attack Siberia before spring begins.It's so cold in there that many soldiers will not be able to bear it.

The reason why it is wrong is that after the Soviet army abandoned Suberia, it made it easy for China to capture Siberia.

But what is correct is that the goal of the Republic of China at this time is the Ural Mountains.

Perhaps no one would have thought that they would approach a mountain range without capturing the city.Does this make strategic sense?

In the eyes of ordinary people, this really has no strategic significance.However, in the view of the Supreme Command of the Republic of China, the Ural Mountains have great strategic significance.

Therefore, the transfer of the Soviet army.And its correctness made the dragon slaying plan of the Republic of China a little more difficult.

It's just that the military actions taken by the coalition forces of the Republic of China left the Soviet army puzzled like a monk like Erzhang.

After the 300 million coalition forces assembled.Start heading north to the Ural Mountains.Soviet troops hiding in mountain fortifications.But it was not too violently attacked.

The coalition forces of the Republic of China only cleaned up important lines of communication, while the Soviet troops in other areas blocked them all.

Millions of Soviet troops were thus surrounded by the Ural Mountains, and the purpose of the Soviet troops was to allow the Republic of China to attack these Soviet troops by force, causing serious casualties.

However, the allied forces of the Republic of China surrounded but did not fight, which frustrated the intention of the Soviet army.But for the Soviet army, their food reserves in the Ural Mountains are sufficient.Enough to last half a year.

If the Republic of China does not fight, then just hold back these troops.It was not a small victory for the Soviet army.

However, the next behavior of the Chinese Army is even more puzzling.

The northern part of the Ural Mountains is sparsely populated, but the Chinese army is still approaching the northern part of the Ural Mountains, where there are no military targets at all.

Why did they go to such a place where the birds don't shit?

All kinds of confusion make people puzzled.

About 50 Chinese troops moved to the north, and the barren and rugged mountains could not stop them. They used construction machinery to build temporary roads.

At this time, it has entered spring, the ice and snow have begun to melt, and the climate is showing signs of recovery.

But the temperature suddenly dropped, and a strong cold current suddenly hit.The temperature has dropped to a terrifying level of minus thirty degrees.

Antifreeze is added to the gasoline in the car, and it takes a lot of effort to start it.

For this reason, they had to stop, and the Air Force urgently dispatched a transport plane to airdrop a large amount of fuel and thick blankets to the troops.

"It seems that the Russian dragon has sensed danger." Jiang Fangzhen looked at the map and said, the temperature is so abnormal after the beginning of spring, it is obvious that the Russian dragon is exerting its strength.

Jiang Yu was very calm, and said with a smile: "This is a grasshopper after autumn, and it won't be able to jump for a few days. In a month or two, spring will completely begin. By then, no matter how strong his dragon veins are, he will not be able to recover."


The focus of the war, as the 300 million troops inexplicably stopped moving in the Ural Mountains, turned into the territory of Ukraine.

Two million coalition forces invaded Ukraine, creating a situation that the world did not expect.

The Ukrainian people did not resist, but welcomed the arrival of the coalition forces.

Every Ukrainian, their dream is independence.It has an independent country, and the slogan put forward by the Republic of China to make Ukrainians independent has deeply moved every Ukrainian.

The strength of the Soviet army in Ukraine is not too many, only about 30.And the fight was anticlimactic, and there was a little resistance at first.

But immediately, it was crushed by the Ukrainian people.

Not many people supported the resistance of these Soviet troops, which made the living soil of those Soviet troops very thin.

The coalition forces invaded one city after another, and the Ukrainian people in the cities cooperated very well. With such cooperation, the Soviet troops in each city were cleaned up.

On the land of Ukraine, the coalition forces do not need to worry about the Soviet guerrillas.Here, the guerrillas lack a popular base and cannot survive for long.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month of the [-] Year, the Republic of China successfully captured Kiev.

President Song Jiaoren announced to the world that day: "The Republic of China will assist the Ukrainian people to establish an independent Ukrainian government to implement the national self-determination of the Republic of China."

When Song Jiaoren's speech was distributed to every corner of Kiev in the form of leaflets, the Ukrainians in Kiev were boiling.

Yang Hongfei, commander-in-chief of the Front Army, met with the Ukrainian elite in Kiev.The search for a Ukrainian president began.

Popular elections are naturally necessary, but as long as a presidential candidate is decided, he will definitely be the president.Because the ROC can formulate a comprehensive campaign plan and has a powerful propaganda method.

Propaganda is nothing more than burning money.

Leaflets are the most basic, and any other activities such as speeches and vote-raising activities need money. Without money, it is difficult to move an inch.

There is no doubt that you will have money if you take refuge in the Republic of China.

Igri, the president of the Ukrainian Association, began to enter the vision of the Republic of China.After contacting him, Yang Hongfei recommended this candidate to the Supreme Command.

Immediately, he launched an investigation and revealed to him the willingness of the Republic of China to support him as the president of Ukraine.

Eagle is excited about the opportunity.On the same day, I boarded a plane and flew to the administrative region of Central Asia to meet with a group of generals from the Supreme Command of the Republic of China.

The meeting was harmonious, and Igli understood the magnitude of the opportunity ahead of him.

As long as he can successfully control Ukraine, the Republic of China can give Ukraine a lot of assistance.Let the Ukrainian people eat their stomachs.That way there won't be riots.

In terms of personal interests, as long as he cooperates with the Republic of China to seize natural resources such as iron ore in Ukraine, and cooperates with the Republic of China to invest in Ukraine, then he can get a part of the shares and get dividends every year.

Ukraine's iron ore reserves are as high as 194 billion tons, coal reserves are 450 billion tons, and manganese ore reserves are also among the top in the world.Ukraine has 72 kinds of minerals, many of which have large reserves.It is a place rich in resources.

Taking Ukraine is equivalent to giving the Republic of China a very large source of raw materials.However, the development of Ukraine is obviously not so fast.There must be a transition period.

Igri was obviously drawn in the face of huge interests and stood on the opposite side of the Ukrainian nation, but Ukrainians would not know this kind of inside story.

With the determination of the candidate for the puppet president, Igri accepted the Ukrainian rescuers formed by the Republic of China. There were 80 Ukrainian rescuers, which were enough to rule Ukraine.

Then, the next question is how to change the system.

This is also relatively simple. Igri, who flew back to Kiev, immediately put forward the slogan of equalizing land and factory shares, so that every Ukrainian can own land and shares.

"We Ukrainians have to work for ourselves. Even if the system is changed, no one can deprive us of our land and factories." The slogan of Igri's propaganda is very provocative, and it also satisfies the Ukrainian people in terms of benefit distribution.

However, once land and factories are privatized, the result will be sales and land mergers.Buying and selling this thing is the most vulnerable to exploitation.

Igri also became the leader of Ukraine's interim government. As for the election, it was postponed.In terms of elections, it is clear that Igri will not have too much difficulty.

Because the aid materials from the Republic of China have begun to be transported to Ukraine, at least the Ukrainians will not be hungry.For the Republic of China, food is a resource as much as it wants.But for Ukrainians, it is possible to survive.

As long as hunger is eradicated, Ukrainians will see Igri as capable and able to lead them to a better life.With some publicity, basically the presidency cannot escape.

After Igri became the interim president of the interim government, he immediately began to win over the group of influential social groups in Ukraine, and quickly formed an interest group, which can be regarded as taking care of both the upper and lower levels.

As a result, Ukrainian loans started smoothly. Ukraine borrowed 10 billion Yanhuang coins from the Republic of China in the first batch, which was used to support Ukrainian rescue operations and purchase some construction materials.

Ukrainians and Russians are actually the same ethnic group, both Slavs. It was after the split of the Grand Duchy of Kiev in the 12th to 14th centuries that the pattern of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus was formed.

However, the culture of Westerners is relatively shallow, so there is no cultural cohesion.Unlike China, the culture has its advanced nature, so the cultural cohesion is very strong.

However, after the texts and languages ​​of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia are different, problems naturally arise.

Differences in writing and similar levels cannot form cultural unity.

But China is different. Even though China has many dialects, its characters are all unified, and it is possible to communicate only through writing, so it has formed a huge country that is completely impossible in Europe.

Splitting Ukraine from Russia is equivalent to greatly weakening the strength of the red bear.Not only did it lose its power, but this part of its power was used by the Republic of China.This increase and decrease is a huge change in strength.

The independence of Ukraine means that it is impossible for the Russian nobles to go back, which is the most reassuring for the Ukrainian people.In addition, after becoming independent, there is no need to endure war, and there is assistance from China, so I can live a good life.

Since I have a good life, why should I care about Russia and the great socialist ideal?

After independence, the ideal is realized.For ordinary people, living a good life is the greatest ideal, but socialism only gives them a dream, a dream and direction for living a good life, which are essentially the same.

When Ukrainians give up socialism, they will be exploited by the ROC without knowing it.And if they have resources, they can make money by selling resources, so that the living standards of the entire country will continue to improve. Ukraine will become a very good economic colonial market with huge potential.

After the Republic of China captured Kiev, the problem of western Ukraine was left to the Ukrainian savior to solve by itself, and the 200 million troops then advanced to Belarus.

Goal - Minsk!

After taking Minsk, Belarus can be made independent like Ukraine, and a puppet government can be established. (To be continued..)

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