Occupying Siberia is a major strategy for the Republic of China.

This is an area with more than 600 million square kilometers. Due to the occupation of the Turkic land by the Republic of China, after the entire Siberia was incorporated into the administrative region this time, the territory has increased by nearly 500 million square kilometers.

Siberia is the most resource-rich region in Russia. The reserves of various important resources account for 40% of the total strategic resources of Russia, among which the reserves of precious metals and rare metals such as lead, platinum and molybdenum account for more than 80% of the total in Russia. Proven oil reserves account for 77% of all Russian oil reserves, and more than 50% of all Russian timber reserves are concentrated in this region.As early as 1763, Lomonosov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, predicted that the strength of Russia depended on Siberia.

But here, at this time, it no longer belongs to Russia, but to the Republic of China.

After occupying Siberia, the Republic of China owned five of the world's ten longest rivers, namely the Nale River, Yenisei River, and Ob River, plus the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, for a total of five. [

Only in terms of fresh water resources, there will be a solution to the plight of water shortage in North China.

From the observation of traditional Chinese culture, we will find that Siberia and the Far East have a pattern of metal growing water and water growing wood, that is, rich in metal resources, abundant in water, and numerous forests.

In the Yangtze River Basin of China, it is a pattern of wood from water and fire from wood. Since the Ming or Song Dynasties, the Chinese have been adhering to the "fire virtue" fire-lord etiquette, so China is a land of etiquette.

In the Yellow River Basin, the soil produces gold and gold produces water, but dry soil does not produce gold. Since the outbreak of the Huangchao Uprising at the end of Tang Dynasty, the environment of the Loess Plateau has collapsed, so that all the sediment and sand have fallen.

Landlords believe in gold doctrine.Water governs wisdom, wood governs benevolence, and fire governs ceremony.

When the center of Chinese civilization was in the Yellow River Basin, faith was the starting point, and righteousness and wisdom were extended.When the center shifted to the Yangtze River Basin, it took wisdom as the starting point, and then extended benevolence and propriety.In the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, gold grows water and water grows wood.

The five elements are mutually restraining, if one of the five elements is too strong, it will not be able to form a circulation.

Like the Arabian Peninsula, oil is hidden underground.It is also in the equatorial region, the climate is hot, and the fire is too strong.The desert was formed after the fire gave birth to the earth, but the earth cannot give birth to the gold, because the fire restrains the gold.So in the Arabian Peninsula, there are not many metal mines.

The Yellow River Basin was extremely prosperous, and the environment began to collapse in the late Tang Dynasty.Civil wood, gold will produce water.

As long as there are only two kinds of five elements, the natural environment is relatively extreme, while the environment of three kinds of five elements is much better.

The five long rivers belong to the Republic of China at this time.Obviously, the Republic of China can have abundant fresh water resources, and it can introduce the water from Lake Baikal into the Yellow River Basin, thereby strengthening the power of water.And grow wood to restrain the power of soil, thereby improving the ecological environment of the Yellow River Basin.

At the same time, there are also a large number of forest resources in Siberia. The forest resources in the Republic of China will be relatively rich, so there is no need to be afraid of having no wood.Just develop these forest areas.You can continue to cut down in a controlled manner.

Rich resources such as minerals, natural gas, and oil will also be enjoyed by the citizens of the Republic of China.The Republic of China in resource strategy.There will be no country that can be restricted to China.

The Republic of China only needs to continue to exploit the mineral resources of other countries to continuously weaken the future potential of other countries.

The Russian population who migrated from Siberia was sent to the newly opened resettlement area. After they returned to the European territory, they still got what they promised before, and it was not a problem to have a full stomach.

As for education, don't worry about it for the time being.

On the other hand, a large number of Russian nobles who had been exiled to the Republic of China returned to Russia. They became running dogs of the Republic of China and established puppet companies one after another.

That is, they are corporate legal persons, but most of their shares are held by Chinese consortiums.The Chinese consortium does not come forward. During the production process, these Russian nobles undertake the tasks of organizing production and other tasks, thus creating the illusion that these companies are still Russians.

Ordinary people will naturally not know that these companies are Chinese. Even if it is spread in private, it is no problem.As long as the public opinion is under control, when the Russians get used to the capitalist system again, as long as they still have enough to eat, there will be no revolution. [

The puppet companies established by these Russian aristocrats include companies engaged in profit-making infrastructure such as electricity, tap water, heating, post offices, railways, and roads, as well as companies that exploit resources and develop agriculture.

Even if the Russians lost Siberia and Turkic land, their agricultural resources are extremely rich and they have a very large amount of arable land.

With so much arable land, if all wheat is planted, what will China plant?

Because of the existence of mechanized agriculture in China, it is trying to suppress the food production of other countries as much as possible, so that they can use more land to grow cash crops.

As a result, the Republic of China was freed from the tedious production of economic crops with low personal output value, and formed an agricultural division of labor between countries.

Hence the agriculture that is about to develop in Russia, that is, the cultivation of cotton, sugar beets, sunflowers, flax, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Those Russians who choose to want land don’t necessarily have to let them go bankrupt. They can be allowed to grow these cash crops. Many cash crops cannot be planted by mechanization.

Although cotton can be planted mechanized, the cost is relatively high, the economic benefits are not good, and the state has to subsidize it.

In order to seize the pricing power in the international market, the Republic of China must maintain a relatively large cotton planting area, and the money subsidized by the state can be subsidized back from financial benefits.

But this does not mean that the Republic of China will produce the cotton needed by the world. The cotton planted by the Russians can at least match the amount of cotton products consumed by itself.

Beets can also be planted vigorously. The sugarcane planting industry in China has become less and less, because the sugarcane law has formed mechanized planting.

Sugar consumption in the Republic of China is increasing year by year. At this time, sugar production has gradually shifted to provinces and countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Siam.

Sugar beet production in the north is also developing towards mechanization, but obviously cannot keep up with the growth rate. The 'Sugar Emperor' is gradually coming, and it is also necessary for Russia to export sugar beets to China.

Of course, China will also develop mechanized sugar beet cultivation in Russia.But naturally the consortium enters Russia to produce, those Russian yeoman, use hoes to produce sugar beets!

In addition, Russia can also grow soybeans, that is, let Russia grow soybeans, then export them to China for processing into products, and then sell them back to Russia.

Oil crops like sunflower can also be grown in Russia.

Mechanized agriculture can also be done. Grain, sugar beets, soybeans, and sunflowers will all be mechanized by consortia, while cotton will be grown.It will be mainly manual.

After Russia became an economic colony of the Republic of China, the agricultural resources of Russia became equivalent to the agricultural resources of the Republic of China.

Make it impossible for those Russian yeomen to continue playing.Having to move into the city as a worker was also a major strategic goal.

When a large number of Russian laborers enter the cities, more factories can be built to produce more raw materials, commodities, and semi-finished products, thereby increasing the results of exploitation.

After increasing the fruits of exploitation, Nicholas II and those Russian nobles made money.The Republic of China has also made money, so it's good for you and me.

But the development of Russia must not allow them to have industries capable of forming war potential.In this way, it is impossible for Russia to develop. [

After China develops, it is basically impossible for Russia and Japan to rise.

Russia has vast agricultural resources.It also determines that the Russians can live a better life, because the land is still idle there, it is better to develop it to produce agricultural products.

The Republic of China already has a lot of land.However, the conditions of many lands are not as good as those in Russia. Even so, they are able to fully supply domestic demand for agricultural products, because most of the production of cash crops has been subcontracted out.

After the Russian land was developed, those self-cultivating farmers were responsible for the production of cotton and fruit cultivation with relatively low personal labor output value.And exported to the Republic of China.The Republic of China monopolizes the mechanized production of grain and other crops, which can make the price of grain in Russia very low.

Russians can enjoy relatively cheap food.It is also conducive to maintaining the rule of Tsarist Russia.Mechanized agricultural products such as grain produced in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are obviously much more convenient to export to Europe than to China.

In addition, the Republic of China can have a large amount of food and provide assistance everywhere.At the same time, more corn can be grown in the country, so as to raise more livestock and increase the national meat supply.

The Japanese obviously cannot enjoy this kind of treatment, because they have no agricultural resources and have to rely on imports. It is naturally impossible for the Republic of China to pay for the Japanese.

Therefore, the Japanese are the countries with the worst quality of food consumption among the dependent countries.But it's not a problem to be full, it's just that the agricultural products you enjoy are not so high-end.

The supply of agricultural products in the Republic of China, after obtaining the agricultural resources of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, can also move towards higher quality agricultural products, and pursue indicators such as pesticide residues and pure nature.

Exports of agricultural products, imports of agricultural products, this is a two-way process.The Republic of China exports general grain and so on, and at the same time imports high-quality agricultural products around the world.

Coffee from Brazil, fruits from Southeast Asia, basmati rice from India, livestock products from Africa, etc. are exported using pesticides or commercially farmed, but imported are pure natural high-quality agricultural products.

Seeing business opportunities, many Chinese businessmen went to India and Africa to engage in pure natural planting and breeding. Because of the relatively high labor costs in China, the consortiums themselves are also doing it, and they have nothing to do.

At this time, Chinese medicine also exploded with a strong momentum, and the import of natural herbal medicines was also launched worldwide.

Chinese medicine treats diseases on the energy level. In this world, it is impossible to only have Chinese ginseng supplements. There are also supplements in other countries around the world. It’s just that those foreigners don’t know how to eat them, or the secrets are only in the hands of a few people.

Traditional Chinese medicine can judge the yin and yang, cold and heat properties of a herbal medicine according to the growth environment, taste, and ingestion response of the herbal medicine, and then make a combination according to the theory.

The price of herbal medicines is naturally rising, especially those rare medicinal materials, as well as some elixir needed for ancient alchemy that ordinary people don't know, but these elixir are very scarce, but some provinces still Some herb pickers pick these medicinal materials among the cliffs, just like there are many in Jiangxi.

As for the Central Plains ginseng, which is easier to pick, it was basically harvested by the end of Ming Dynasty.The Zhu Guo that appeared in the novel existed in history, and it is an important elixir resource for practicing Wai Danshu.But at the end of Tang Dynasty, it was basically gone.

In the world, there are definitely a lot of those elixir, but due to traffic restrictions in ancient times, China could not obtain those elixir.

In the end, because China was not strong and the national arts were weak, it was impossible to explore these hidden resources unknown to gringos.

The living conditions of the people have also undergone earth-shaking changes due to the ever-increasing imports. When spending money, there are many choices.

Especially for those who are rich.The living environment of the Republic of China at this time is more and more like a paradise, and more and more resources from all over the world can be enjoyed.

And for low-income groups.They can also enjoy a lot of world resources, but in terms of internal resources, the rich cannot over-occupy them.

With the development of the labor resources of those dependent countries, the consortium is getting richer and richer, because the dependent countries share a lot of production tasks.More people in the Republic of China are invested in the construction.

The wealthy consortium has established a large number of facilities, and the living environment of the people has become better and better because of the construction of these facilities.

The construction speed of the Republic of China is terrifying, and this is also because the Republic of China controls the most advanced productive forces in the world.

The emergence of construction machinery is the key to greatly improving the construction speed.And the world at this time.Although the United States is already reforming its industrial system, it has not yet fully applied the results of the second industrial revolution to production. Obviously, the upgrading of the US industrial system cannot be completed so quickly.

First of all, the precision machine tool manufacturing industry in the United States is not enough to have such a large production capacity.Still have to rely on Germany.Germany is busy producing precision machine tools for the Republic of China again, and the orders cannot be filled. In addition, the United States is not as rich as it has been in history.

Moreover, the commodity market in the United States has been impacted, and production in many fields has shrunk. The current development of the United States.Mainly rely on its internal market.

The internal market of the United States is about 1 million people, with the immigration of European immigrants.The full text of the 1 million paranormal files has been read.However, the international market has lost a lot, and the US industry has lost its strong impetus.

The Republic of China seized most of the international market, which made the industry of the Republic of China show a trend of vigorous development. In addition, the achievements of the second industrial revolution were widely popularized, and it was much more advanced than Europe and the United States, which made its productivity grow rapidly. , has fully surpassed the sum of the development speeds of Europe and the United States.

This war against Red Russia also heralds the rise of a superpower.

But the war is not over.

While Jiang Yu was paying attention to the population migration situation in Siberia, he was also following the negotiation situation in Russia. On this day, Jiang Fangzhen reported the latest negotiation results.

"They raised the issue of improving workers' welfare during the negotiations, some of which exceeded our bottom line." Jiang Fangzhen said, "The main problem lies in the distribution of corporate profits. Red Russia wants to lower corporate profits and distribute most of the profits to workers. It's just fantastic."

"They still have some ideals. We really can't accept this condition." Jiang Yu said bluntly. If most of the profits were really distributed to the workers, then what else would the Republic of China exploit?

"Then continue talking?" Jiang Fangzhen asked.

"Let's listen to the situation at the Military Intelligence Bureau first!" Jiang Yu said, and Sun Zhendong immediately reported: "Our agents have already contacted Trotsky, and Trotsky was more interested in our wooing conditions, but he We still insist on improving workers’ welfare.”

"To be a whore and to build a memorial archway, how can there be such a good thing." Jiang Yu smiled, and didn't take Trotsky's group seriously.

Since they want to gain the benefits of ruling, why do they want to fight for the rights and interests of the bourgeois people? Isn't this about being a whore and setting up a memorial archway?

"Since they want to set up an archway, let's continue to talk, and at the same time, continue to fight, and beat them until they compromise."


In one sentence, the fate of the Russians was determined.

The front army transferred to Siberia has completed most of the forced migration of the Russian population, so it began to move west of the Volga River, leaving only 50 troops in Siberia, and another 50 troops to contain the Soviet army that stood firm in the Ural Mountains .

The remaining 200 million troops will be transferred to fight on the Russian plains.

At the same time, the strategic bomber force of the Republic of China was dispatched frequently again, with a bombing force of more than 5000 sorties per day, and began to focus on bombing the cities of Red Russia.

Bombing can break the will of the enemy.

If the Fa disintegrates, it's just not strong enough.The bombing intensity of the Republic of China is obviously unprecedented.

Before, the people of Red Russia only felt that factories, roads, power stations, reservoirs and other facilities were bombed, but the cities were not bombarded.

But this time, the city was heavily bombed.

Moscow was first bombed on a large scale. On the day Jiang Yu ordered to increase the intensity of the war, more than 2000 Skyfire bombers dropped 16 tons of bombs on Moscow.

The bombing caused the city of Moscow to fall into a sea of ​​flames, and the Moscow Kremlin was also reduced to ruins during the bombing.

On the Moscow Plain, after 200 million troops joined the war sequence, more than a dozen large and small cities were blocked and mopped up.

A large number of Russian people were killed and wounded in the bombing.

At the negotiating table, the Tsarist Russian delegation proposed: "Ending the war as soon as possible and forming a coalition government is a wise choice that can truly fight for greater rights and interests of the bourgeois people."

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