The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 092: Naval Arms Race Begins

Regardless of the problem of catching up with European and American countries, the international situation of the Republic of China at this time is gradually improving.

Since the founding of the Republic of China 11 years ago, it has successively established diplomatic relations with countries around the world, and has accumulated a lot of international reputation through the slogan of national self-determination and the means of aiding those backward countries.It has been widely praised by backward countries except developed countries in Europe and America.

With China as the center, a huge Asian group has been formed. The Republic of China has as many as ten affiliated countries. The military intervention against Russia in 22 years has brought Tsarist Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus into China's sphere of influence. , so that no country in the world dares to despise the Republic of China.

With the strength of the easy-going country, the status of overseas Chinese has become higher and higher.

Now that the Chinese are going overseas, those foreigners look at the Chinese in a very different way, especially in Australia and New Zealand.

Since the Republic of China successfully wiped out Red Russia, the governments of the Dominions of Australia and New Zealand have become more determined to rely on the Republic of China.

The Republic of China's control over Australia and New Zealand has once again increased.Brit speaking in Australia and New Zealand doesn't work anymore.

All areas of Australia and New Zealand have been infiltrated by Chinese consortiums, whether it is military or education, medical care, business, finance and so on.

White Australians have become the targets of enslavement and exploitation by Chinese consortiums.

After the consortium has established a relatively sound monopoly system, every labor force is being exploited by the consortium. In the city, consumption is needed, and where there is consumption, there is exploitation.

In Australia and New Zealand, neither the government nor the white people.are in the ranks of being exploited.

As a result, there have been many extreme pits, and the prices of various commercial products in Australia and New Zealand are getting higher and higher.The fees charged by schools and hospitals are also constantly rising.

Among them, the price increase of commodities is not too outrageous, but education and medical care are getting more and more outrageous.Drug prices are rising steadily, because hospitals have been acquired one by one by Chinese consortiums.When white people go to see a doctor, they are given western medicines, and they are prescribed medicines even if they are not sick. Just like the American system, doctors in Australia have gradually developed into salesmen of consortium pharmaceutical groups.

Anyway, if you are not sick.If you take the medicine a few times, you will get sick, and it is the same in the United States.

In terms of education, the quality of education in public schools is poor.Apart from inculcating the 'sacred and inviolable personal property' in public schools and strictly suppressing the violent tendencies of those white students (to avoid rebellion), that is to say, the quality education is not bad, the others are simply scum.

Tuition at private schools is prohibitively expensive.It is not affordable for ordinary white people.

Public schools are cheaper though.However, the textbooks used are genuine and have to be charged a copyright fee.

The Chinese in Australia and New Zealand are different. Their children can go to Chinese schools, and they follow the education system synchronized with the Republic of China.To see a doctor, you can find Chinese medicine hospitals, which are only open to Chinese.

Moreover, even if these Chinese are naturalized in Australia, they can also receive some of the social benefits of the Republic of China.

The biggest change is the continuous bankruptcy of white capitalists in Australia and New Zealand, and more and more whites have become proletarians.The white middle class has also been bankrupted over time.

The Chinese continued to annex land and other valuable real estate.

But the scale is not too large, but this kind of bankruptcy.It can be done by means of financial plundering, that is, absorbing those white people's funds into the stock market, and then creating an economic depression.It's just that there are still some years before the harvest, so the layout has not yet started.

This is like the American consortium harvesting Japan, Thailand, and Argentina in later generations. After a financial harvest, the middle class has been greatly reduced.

The Chinese themselves are more flexible, and there are consortiums that are biased towards the Chinese. Even if there is no economic crisis, in this kind of stable development, it is obvious that the white Australians cannot play against the Chinese. It is normal for the total assets of the white Australians to continue to decrease.

But those white people are laborers after all, and they will cause trouble if they are treated too badly, so the eight-hour work system and two days off a week are still implemented, and the salary level is so-so.

In Britain, France, Germany and the United States, the number of Chinese has also begun to increase.Many Chinese went to these countries to invest in business, but not to open factories, but to invest in commercial activities that can make money without increasing the potential for war in Europe and the United States.

Because those Chinese have the backing of the Republic of China, European and American countries dare not openly suppress the Chinese, and even gangsters dare not provoke the Chinese.

Once an incident of overseas Chinese murder occurs, if the Republic of China seizes the excuse, it will be troublesome diplomatically, and it may even lead to the outbreak of war.

Gangster organizations such as Hongmen in the United States were also recruited by the Republic of China at this time. Gangsters from all over the world have a common characteristic, that is, they had ideals at first, but now they have no morals.

But to protect the safety of overseas Chinese, these gangster forces are also needed.

In Europe and the United States, the status of the Chinese has risen sharply. Facing the problem of the Chinese, European and American countries must treat it with caution, especially in Europe.

In the United States, the Rothschild consortium controls the American consortium. As long as the Republic of China poses a threat to the Rothschild consortium, the United States will no longer dare to target the Chinese.

The Chinese in the world have never enjoyed such treatment for hundreds of years, and the embassies of all countries will do their best to protect their interests from infringement.

A stronger China has given the Chinese a solid backing.

And in those backward countries, there are also many Chinese entering. Being backward does not mean that there are no business opportunities, but it means a blank sheet of paper that can be graffitied at will.Those backward countries dare not target the Chinese first, and also welcome the Chinese very much, because the Republic of China put forward the slogan of national self-determination, and every year it will give these backward countries some humanitarian assistance, and ancient China has never used advanced technology to invade them. On the contrary, Europeans used backward technology to sail all over the world, and continued to invade more backward countries.

Therefore, China's image in the eyes of those backward countries is very good, plus China gives them assistance.It also makes the image of the country extremely good.The Chinese were welcomed when they entered those backward countries, and the investment activities of the Chinese in those countries generally went smoothly.

For example, South American countries have gradually become a paradise for Chinese private South America.Chinese consortia have not entered on a large scale, so they have been given many investment opportunities.They brought many advanced business operation models to South America, as well as some advanced productivity technologies.

As for those neighboring countries that have historical enmity with China, that is, Japan and Russia, they have all been beaten down by the Republic of China, and have gradually become the two dogs of the Republic of China.

The Nanyang monkeys in the Philippines and Indonesia are also under the rule of the Republic of China.The value of labor force is constantly being exploited by the Republic of China.

The only ones that have not been liquidated are the European and American colonial powers.

The Republic of China only needs to defeat the European and American colonial powers, and the status of world hegemony belongs to China.

in Asia.With the export of capital from the Republic of China, those affiliated countries of China have also obtained a lot of advanced productive forces, and they have gradually developed towards the direction of moderately developed countries under the exploitation of the Republic of China.

Links with these countries are inseparable from ocean-going merchant ships.The total tonnage of ocean-going merchant ships in the Republic of China in 1922 had grown to 1800 million tons.The manufacturing capacity of ocean-going merchant ships has soared to 500 million tons a year, which has exceeded the shipbuilding speed of Europe and the United States.

The world at this time is full of China Ocean Merchant Ships. China Ocean Merchant Ships have exported commodities to all countries in the world, and at the same time, they have also transported back precious raw materials and various high-quality agricultural and animal husbandry products from various countries around the world.

In 1922, the navy of the Republic of China successfully completed the large navy plan.


There are 1 11-ton light cruisers with a total tonnage of 11 tons.

2.5 6-ton heavy cruisers.Gross tonnage 15 tons

Eight 3-ton battleships with a total tonnage of 8 tons.

Battleship 24 tons.The heavy cruiser has a tonnage of 15 tons, the light cruiser has a tonnage of 11 tons, and the capital ship has a tonnage of 50 tons.

In addition, China has completed the construction of 1800 80-ton destroyers with a total tonnage of 12, and the submarine force has built a 10-ton new submarine.

A total of 72 tons, excluding hidden aircraft carriers.

According to history, in World War I, with the defeat of the German Junkers consortium, the Rothschild consortium overwhelmed the American consortium, and Japan was a dog of the United Kingdom, so there was no need to maintain a larger navy. The era of Navy holidays has arrived.

But it is different now. The rise of the Republic of China has created a new potential enemy in European and American countries. Naturally, it is impossible for the Rothschild consortium to go out of their minds and create a naval holiday era.

Because of the rise of the Republic of China, ocean-going merchant ships are running around the world. It is natural to create a corresponding navy to protect maritime interests. This is unstoppable through negotiation and dialogue.

Therefore, Britain after the war, because of its financial inability to maintain a large-scale navy, was worried about handing it over to the United States, so the Rothschild consortium postponed the repayment of the British debt.

Domestic debt is not required to be repaid, but foreign debt must be repaid. Britain's financial resources are not abundant, so the Rothschild consortium had to mobilize financial resources from the United States to lend to the United Kingdom.

"According to intelligence, the Chinese have completed the construction plan of the Huadong-class battleships, and a total of eight Huadong-class battleships have been launched. All the main battleships of our British Empire have fallen behind." Inside the Royal Navy, whether to build more advanced Battleships debated.

"Chinese battleships are nothing to worry about. Without enough time to accumulate, it is impossible to form a strong navy." Some commanders of the Royal Navy insisted on this view.

"Don't you see that the Japanese are serving the Chinese? Eastern countries like Japan and China are extremely hard-working in training, and their battleships are definitely more accurate than our Royal Navy." Some British Royal Navy The commander also saw the problem, that is, China and Japan, as Eastern countries with spiritual civilization, are relatively active in thinking, dedicated, and hard-working. The energy spent on training is by no means comparable to that of European and American countries.

The thinking of Eastern civilization and Western civilization is different. The Eastern civilization is centered on China. It believes that material resources are sometimes poor, and people should control their desires and do not make excessive demands on nature.Therefore, when wars broke out, Eastern civilization relied on limited material conditions.Rely on manpower to overcome difficulties, so as to exert the strongest combat effectiveness with limited material conditions.

The material civilization of the West is different when they break through the constraints of Catholicism. **Unfettered from now on, he began to crazily ask for nature.When war broke out, Westerners were not thinking about how to overcome difficulties with manpower, but thinking about how to build better machines so that they would not be restricted by these difficulties.

With the rise of the Republic of China, China is no longer behind European and American countries in technology, which means that the Republic of China not only has sufficient material conditions.It also inherited the thinking characteristics of Eastern civilization, so that not only can it use advanced material conditions in wars, but it can also rely on manpower to overcome some difficulties.This is unmatched by European and American countries.

Regardless of internal debates, the construction of new warships is the meaning of the Rothschild consortium, which cannot be changed. Therefore, the Royal Navy still proposed a new battleship manufacturing plan.

They named the planned battleships 'Nelson-class battleships'.Nelson was a legendary British admiral.His appearance established the supremacy of the British navy.

From this name, it can be seen that the British have realized that the world hegemony is no longer in their hands, and the rise of China has made Britain barely be regarded as the European and American hegemony, and even this European and American hegemony is a bit false.Therefore, they pinned their hopes on another Nelson appearing in the United Kingdom, thus re-establishing Britain's dominance.

Because there is no naval treaty restriction, the tonnage of the Nelson-class battleships is directly set at 4 tons, unlike history.

"The Chinese Huadong-class battleship is 3.5 tons. We build it bigger than them!" This is the thinking of the British, by making the ship bigger.Thereby forming a material advantage.

Moreover, there were 6 ships at one time, but compared with the 8 ships of the Huadong-class battleships, there are still 2 ships missing. As for the battleships that served during World War I, they are obviously lagging behind.Those backward battleships are equivalent to useless. This is also the biggest loss of the Royal Navy after the rise of the navy of the Republic of China.

The emergence of Huadong-class battleships means that the previous battleships of the British Royal Navy are no longer usable, and even if they are pulled to the battlefield, they will be easily sunk.This shortened the service life of those battleships built with money and increased the expenditure of the Royal Navy.

The two ships that are still worse will be borne by the United States.

At this time, the United States has launched the first Colorado-class battleship. Because the Huadong-class battleship hid the data, both the United States and the United Kingdom still believed that the Colorado-class battleship was the same level as the Huadong-class battleship, which caused the U.S. Navy to make mistakes. judge.

Only two Colorado-class battleships have been built in history, but the US government plans to build eight.According to the meaning of the Rothschild consortium, the United States only needs to build 8 ships, but the American consortium allowed the US government to build 2 ships.

The United States was obviously also frightened by the Republic of China's second military intervention in Red Russia. In this war, the Republic of China demonstrated extremely powerful land combat capabilities.

If the United States borders China, then the United States will definitely not be able to defeat the Republic of China.Therefore, the United States must stick to the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, so that even if a war breaks out between the two sides, it will be limited to naval operations, so that the United States will be in a safe state. It is for this reason that the US Navy has built 6 Colorado-class battleships.

At the same time, France also plans to build 2 advanced main battleships of the same level, thus forming the advantage of 16 top battleships.

Obviously, at this time, the United Kingdom no longer had the financial resources to build two ships when Germany built one in the past. It could only use the United States and France as allies to form a naval power advantage of twice the main battleship against the Republic of China.

Naturally, the naval plans of the three European and American countries, Britain, France and the United States, cannot be concealed from the Chinese National Intelligence Agency.

Since the end of the European War, the Chinese National Intelligence Agency has quickly built an intelligence network to Europe.Information is something that relies on financial resources.

As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, don't ask questions about the use of soldiers, but for spies, Sun Tzu's Art of War proposes to give great benefits.To put it bluntly, they just want money.

Money can turn ghosts around, and the intelligence system of the Rothschild consortium was built with money, so as to grab more money, thus grabbing 60% of the wealth in Europe.

The financial resources of the Republic of China have become more and more sufficient. With the rapid development of the economy, the expenses that the Republic of China can allocate to the Military Intelligence Bureau are increasing every year.

Especially after the Republic of China wiped out its surrounding areas, the main collection of military information has been transferred to Europe and the United States, so the cost has also increased greatly.

The Chinese National Intelligence Agency used money to successfully obtain their battleship construction plans from informants within the British, French, and US navies.

When the information was sent back to China, Jiang Yu knew that the plan of the Republic of China had succeeded. Although only 16 battleships were built in Europe and the United States, it was twice as many as the Republic of China.

The total economic volume of the Republic of China is twice that of European and American countries.It is as if the Republic of China has 10 dollars and only spends 1 dollar to develop the navy, while Europe and the United States have 5 dollars but spend 2 dollars to develop the navy. (To be continued..)

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