The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 095: Crazy Financial Accumulation

In 1922, the construction speed of the Republic of China obviously exceeded any other year. In this year, all kinds of industries in the Republic of China flourished. A large amount of construction, as well as a crazy amount of automobile consumption, as well as the ever-increasing consumption of electrical appliances, made the entire country's economy Entered unprecedented rapid growth.

The private capital bosses are crazy. In today's society, making money is really easy.A large number of private capital bosses have expanded production and increased employees.

The national employment situation is good.

At this time, in addition to the consortium, the main force of the construction, private capital also occupied a large part.The consortium is only responsible for building those heavy industries.

Those roads and other facilities are basically invested by private funds. [

Although the return cycle of investing in roads and railways is long, the stock market is very hot!A large amount of private capital continues to pour into the stock market, driving the stock market to a higher level.

Although there will be some slight fluctuations in this process, it is generally rising.

If the stock is going up all the time, it is going up too fast.And the consortium is also profitable.While maintaining the overall upward trend of the stock, the consortium let the stock price drop from time to time, and naturally it can circle money in the financial market.

As for whether it will trigger a stock market crash, there is absolutely no need to worry about it.Because the consortium is backed by money, even if the confidence of investors is frightened, they will soon regain confidence as the stock continues to rise, and regret why they sold the stock before.

The financial market is an important means for the consortium to make money, and the ups and downs of the stock market are all controlled by the consortium.What market is determined by the consortium.

The increase of the high-income class and the middle class has also driven people's demand for investing money in the stock market.Another thing is to see others buy stocks and make money.They also ran to buy stocks.

After the stock market crash of the Republic of China railways in 1914, many people have realized that stocks are just spreading the word, and those who die are the last batch of people.

But people don't know when the stock market will fall, because the initiative is in the hands of the consortium.And they all thought by chance that they couldn't be the last group of people caught up.

There is also a group of people.As a last resort, I had to invest money in the stock market.That group of people were the private capital bosses who were tricked by the consortium at first.

When they bought the enterprises and factories sold by the consortia, they found that Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, Siam and other dependent countries were also developing those industries.So much so that they let them buy those factories.The benefits are not too high.

It's not that there is no profit at all. Some private capital has achieved success by improving production technology, although labor costs are high.But the ex-factory price itself is also higher than that of the goods of those dependent countries.You must know that the products of those dependent countries enter the Republic of China.Finally, when it enters the store for sale, the price will be raised several times in the middle, but the local factory products will not earn so much difference.

But not every private capital boss will actively improve productivity, so they just rush to the street. In order to repay the loan, they invest their money in the stock market for profit.

Many listed companies in the stock market are formed by consortiums.The stock of a consortium of monopoly companies.It is definitely the strongest in the stock market.

Those areas of monopoly, even though it looks like there are several players competing against each other.But behind the scenes are controlled by consortia, in fact, it is still a monopoly.It's just that because of healthy competition, we will try our best to improve our service attitude and service quality in terms of treating consumers, and from time to time stage a scene of shopping competition. It seems that the competition is fierce, but in fact both sides are sticking to the bottom line. to compete.

Monopoly also means high profits. Therefore, the financial reports of those consortia listed companies in the monopoly field are definitely better every year.

For example, a stock that can only generate a return of 100 yuan in five years, but the price is as high as 200 yuan, or even 500 yuan, but investors don't think so.

They believe that the current economic situation is so good, so this kind of return should be lifelong.And the media is also hyping that the economy of the Republic of China will never fail.

What 'prosperity forever', human beings to achieve 'the happiest era' and other slogans keep coming out, the people of this period really feel very happy.

Jobs are easy to find and money is easy to earn.The material supply is sufficient and plentiful, and a month's salary can buy a lot of food and drink. Coupled with the media's propaganda, the whole society is permeated with blind confidence in economic growth. [

This kind of blind confidence has also caused some mistakes in investors' investment concepts.If the performance of these listed companies can really maintain the current level, then if they can recover their returns after 10 years, then it is time for them to make money.

The consortium is also selling stocks temporarily, and then within five years of economic prosperity (for example) to obtain higher benefits than corporate profits, so why not sell them?

Originally, the first-hand shares could only earn 100 yuan in five years, and they could get 200 yuan as soon as they were sold. Then when the economy is in recession, those stocks may not even have the value of 100 yuan.That is to say, for example, if the economy is depressed five years later, the consortium can use 10 yuan to sell back the stocks that were originally sold at 200 yuan during the economic depression.Then wait until the economy is booming to sell the money.

This model of buying low and selling high is also an important means for the consortium to make money.

Under such means, the consortium can recover a large backlog of capital.In the end, if too many shares of a company are bought by investors, they cannot be bought back.That is also very simple, directly let this listed company make some failed investments, such as asking this company to buy the non-performing assets of another company in the consortium, and the non-performing assets are sold at a very expensive price.It only takes a few more of these bad investments, and the company will go bankrupt.

After bankruptcy, the bank will liquidate again, which is equivalent to those shareholders. As the company goes bankrupt, the value of those stocks will shrink and depreciate greatly.

As for the consortium, after that company goes bankrupt, it can start a new business, create a new company with 100% holding, and then go public.Sell ​​the stock again.

Such a continuous cycle, continuous accumulation of money.

Those who know how to invest in stocks are mostly those who have too much money to spend.If the money is backlogged.It will become effective capital, so that the consortium can't even continue to issue more banknotes, which means that the funds cannot be circulated, and if the funds are not circulated, the development speed will slow down.

It is equivalent to the financial market providing a platform for the upper class and middle class with excess funds to vent.

If you are lucky, or if you are right, you can fish in troubled waters in this money-making game.It is very normal to get rich overnight, but some people have to lose money.

After the consortium took back the banknotes, there were not too many projects directly spent on money at this time.That is to say, those fields that need to be monopolized, but they can be supported by the profits of those companies.

Then the recovered banknotes can be loaned to private capital.

Private capital mortgages the assets to the bank and then gets the money.Then invest in the stock market.The consortium continues to siphon money from the financial market.Then the money is given to those investors in the form of loans, so that they can continue to invest their money in the stock market.As a result, stock prices rose steadily.

When the price reaches a certain level, the consortium will issue additional banknotes to maintain the continued rise in prices.As a result, investors are addicted to this game.

Once the capital chain is broken, the mortgages of those investors' loans will become the property of the bank overnight.In order to harvest those invested assets.

And asset mortgage.It also made those investors crazy about profits, and made them invest their money in the stock market.Because once you make money, you won't make money.Then they will have one.

Private capital was very weak before, and they did not have much capital.But behind the crazy expansion today, most of its funds are released by the consortium.

It also means that as long as the consortium cuts off the capital chain, it will go bankrupt.Not only are the assets they built gone, but even the initial mortgage assets will become the bank's.

As the governor of the Huaxia Central Bank, Chen Guangfu controls the lending rhythm of the Republic of China.

Regarding the timing of the consortium's harvest, Chen Guangfu proposed short-term loans at the consortium meeting this year.

"Today's loans are generally four years, which means that once we cut off the capital chain, it will take us four years to complete the full harvest. But four years, if it is placed during construction or war, is already It allows us to do a lot of things." Chen Guangfu narrated, "If we give up the four-year loan and turn it into a two-year loan, which is equivalent to two years after the economic depression, we can liquidate those companies and take away their money. assets."[

"But if the loan is only for two years, will it dissuade those investors from lending enthusiasm?" Zhou Ziyue raised a question, which is also the most important question.

"This is not a problem. We can adopt a loose approval policy for refinancing during the economic boom. Even if there are some problems with its assets, it doesn't matter. As long as we are strict in the use of loans and asset transfers, it will not be a problem. There will be problems." Chen Guangfu said: "We start to implement the short-term loan policy now, and investors will get used to it. See the problem."

"Equivalent to the last time when we want to cut off the capital chain, the last loan can be liquidated two years after it is released. This shortens the harvest time, and we can spend two more years in reorganizing the war facilities. Crazy construction." Chen Guangfu said.

According to normal development, even after crazy construction, the market has been saturated, and the houses, cars, and electrical appliances needed by ordinary people are all satisfied, so there is nothing to build for people's livelihood.

At this time, as long as the construction target is placed on the military, the economy can be restored.But the problem is that if the transformation is made directly and those private funds are not eliminated, a large number of high-income classes will emerge, and the country will lose the core competitiveness brought by the consortium.

Therefore, a necessary harvest period is required.

During this harvest period, the consortium must complete the liquidation of its debts to private capital, and then invest labor in military construction.

The reason why this kind of crazy construction is fast is firstly that the consortium has higher productivity technology, and secondly, under the prosperous economy, various constructions continue to emerge.Then build people's livelihood at the fastest and craziest speed.After construction, if there is no livelihood for the people to build, it must enter the consumption stage. At this time, the previous reserves will be consumed through a war.

This mode is also the most lethal.It can form an absolute crushing advantage over the enemy materially.

Two years is definitely not a short time.

Think about it, two years!What can a country with a population of [-] million build in two years?If, like the United States, it was depressed for four years before World War II and then started to rebuild, the unemployment rate would be as high as more than half.How much of the American workforce is being idled?How many Americans are starved to the bone?

However, the consortium of Chinese warlords and oligarchs established by Jiang Yu is naturally impossible to make the people hungry. As a time traveler, he has rich experience.The Republic of China has unemployment insurance, which is equivalent to the basic protection of food and clothing during the economic depression, which also prevents people from starving to death. It is equivalent to preventing people from starving to death during the process of wealth redistribution.

Historically, nearly half of Americans have had no income or anything to do for four years.Not only are they struggling to survive, but labor that could create wealth or ammunition is left unused.

After Jiang Yu heard about Chen Guangfu's short-term loan model, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.Originally, he was having a headache about how to harvest. Although the Republic of China has unemployment insurance as a guarantee, it is impossible for people to starve to death.But if nearly half of China's labor force is idle for four years, how much wealth will be wasted?

"This model is very good, let's follow this route." Jiang Yu said, this model is equivalent to saving two years of time.

If half of the labor force in the Republic of China can produce arms for two years, how much arms can it produce?You must know that the Republic of China has [-] million people.And those dependent countries also have a large population.Once the Republic of China falls into economic depression, it will inevitably affect those dependent countries.

It is also impossible for the consortium to let go of harvesting the wealth of those dependent countries during the economic depression, or even to harvest more ruthlessly. Four years is too long.

Historically, the United States before World War II did not have a large number of dependent countries like the Republic of China, so there is no problem.

If the Republic of China falls into a four-year depression, there will be no guarantee that there will be some troubles in those dependent countries. At that time, they may have to suppress riots, revolutions and so on. In short, many unstable factors will emerge early.

"This model is really good, and it is very valuable to us. If we can complete the asset harvest two years earlier and put the labor force into military construction two years earlier, it will be very beneficial to the war between the Republic of China and Europe and the United States. "Zhou Ziyue also nodded in agreement.

The senior executives of the consortium are aware that if the Chinese national capital group is not to be eliminated, it must continue to annex other capitals in the world.

Capital is a game where big fish eat small fish.

In order to eat those small fish, you must first defeat them militarily before you can successfully eat them.

If the ROC does not eat up other capitals, it will inevitably be eaten up by other capitals in the future.Once China's national capital is eaten by European and American capital, it will also mean that the nation will fall into darkness again. (to be continued...)

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