The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 097: The League of Nations and the Third World League

In 1923, the population of the Republic of China grew to 5.4 million.The population of those dependent countries and puppet countries such as Russia exceeded 4 million people.

The Republic of China has continuously exported higher productivity to these dependent countries and puppet countries, which has fully mobilized the labor force of these countries.

At the same time, the Republic of China has also mobilized a lot of international labor force through the export of commodities to mine minerals and other raw materials for the Republic of China.

In contrast, the Rothschild consortium is powerless at this point.

The Rothschild consortium has no national boundaries, and their current main focus is on Europe. After excluding Russia, the population of 4 million in Europe is less than 3 million. In the era of the rise of great powers, there is no longer the strength to compete for global hegemony.

The United States only has a population of 1 million, and the South American market is not completely controlled by the United States. The investment of the Republic of China in South America is also gradually increasing. It is obviously impossible for those South American countries to show sufficient strength during the period of all-out war. Working for the Yankees.

In terms of sphere of influence, China and its affiliated countries and puppet countries occupy most of the Eurasian continent. At the same time, Oceania is also under the control of China. Australia and New Zealand no longer listen to the British.

In terms of resources, the resources occupied by the Republic of China are obviously more, and they are still using raw materials mined within the sphere of influence of European and American countries.

For European and American countries, the biggest dilemma at present is that European and American countries are in a mess.There is no way to unite against the ROC.

Another dilemma is that in terms of industrial development, they were invaded by goods from the Republic of China and its affiliated countries, which reduced their market size.Thereby the industrial scale cannot be promoted.

Another dilemma is that because of the war, many young people died in Europe, and the labor force was reduced a lot. Even if they develop at the same speed as the Republic of China, they can develop much less than the Republic of China.

Under many difficulties, the Rothschild consortium has no way to change.

at this time.They are even more threatened by the powerful military power of the Republic of China.We had to shift the focus of development to the military.

Of course, the Rothschild consortium is not without efforts.

This year.At the Geneva Arms Convention Conference, the Republic of China also sent a delegation to participate in this international conference.

At the Geneva International Arms Convention, white phosphorus bombs and poison gas bombs were listed as prohibited weapons, and Wu Tingfang, a representative of the Republic of China, expressed his acceptance.

A reporter asked Wu Tingfang: "These two weapons are the first of their kind in China. After they become internationally banned weapons, will they affect the war capabilities of the Republic of China?"

"We, the Republic of China, have never used these two weapons on a large scale in war. We did not use these two weapons in the process of military intervention against Russia just past. It is the Europeans who used them on a large scale during the European war. The use of these two weapons also makes me worry about whether the European army will reduce its combat effectiveness." Wu Tingfang said.


When the reporter was speechless, Wu Tingfang went on to say: "This kind of unrestrained behavior of the Europeans once made our Republic of China extremely worried. This immature culture and thinking is like a three-year-old child holding a pill that can The bomb that blows up the whole earth will not only hurt other countries and nations in the end. It will also hurt themselves. In contrast, China has mature thought and culture, and even if we are 1000 times more advanced than Europeans in history They have a lot of technology, and they have never used these technologies to bully backward nations everywhere. Instead, Europeans have used backward technology to bully more backward nations.”


The next day, Wu Tingfang's remarks appeared on the headlines of major European and American newspapers. However, this kind of remarks was recognized by many European scholars.

At this time, the confidence of the Europeans was seriously bruised. After the unprecedented war, they already doubted whether their industrialization path was correct.

It also aroused the resonance of many backward countries, and once again whitewashed the national image of the Republic of China.There are a lot of backward countries that have been bullied by Europe worse than China.

The successful rise of the Republic of China has also become a model and learning object for those backward countries seeking a way to rise.

At the Geneva Conference on the second day, US President Wilson proposed that an organization should be formed to reduce international disputes and allow countries to cut military expenditures.

British Prime Minister George George supported it, as did France.Wu Tingfang did not express his opinion on behalf of the Republic of China, and he did not express any opinion on the establishment of this international organization.

At the Geneva International Conference, European and American countries proposed for the first time the formation of the "League of Nations", referred to as the League of Nations.

The League of Nations should have been established after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, but the rise of the Republic of China and the extension of the war for two years delayed the establishment date.

When the news was sent back to China, Jiang Yu just laughed it off.

What is the League of Nations that Britain, France and the United States are doing now, is it useful?The intention of establishing the League of Nations is naturally to manipulate the international situation. However, Europe and the United States have historically been unable to unify within themselves.

Even if the League of Nations is established now, will China join?

This is obviously impossible. Does the Rothschild consortium have the strength to manipulate China and China's vassal and puppet countries?This League of Nations is now nothing but a whimsy.

So Jiang Yu sent a telegram to Wu Tingfang, telling him to leave for the country if he had nothing to do.

Therefore, on the third day of the Geneva International Conference, Wu Tingfang took the Chinese delegation back to China, and even the delegations from the affiliated countries and puppet countries of the Republic of China also went back to China.

The Republic of China, North Korea, Japan, Siam, Vietnam, the Republic of Southeast Asia, Persia, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Namibia, Tsarist Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus all left the conference, which made Britain, France, and the United States extremely depressed.The whole meeting was boring.

What made Britain vomit blood even more was that the delegations from Australia and New Zealand also left the meeting and went home.

These countries left the meeting.Even if the League of Nations is established, what's the point?

The main purpose of this international alliance is to promote disarmament.Its spearhead is aimed at the Republic of China, and wants the Republic of China to disarm, thereby reducing military expenditures in Europe and the United States.

But the Republic of China will not play with you now, you can sing a one-man show by yourself!

But since the drama has already been sung, it must continue to be sung.Therefore, the establishment plan of the League of Nations is still under constant negotiation.

This one-man show lasted for several months, and the rules were constantly revised.

at the same time.The Republic of China is also seeking to establish an organization. This organization does not have to be an international organization, but it must be able to better coordinate military, economic, territorial and other issues between China and dependent countries and puppet countries.

Therefore, Song Jiaoren came forward to invite the leaders of the dependent countries and puppet countries.Gathered in the Kingdom of Ryukyu in 1923.The first Ryukyu Conference was held.

In the Kingdom of Ryukyu, 21 countries including the Republic of China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Ryukyu, Siam, Nanyang Republic, Tsarist Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Persia, Afghanistan, six peninsula countries, Ethiopia, and Namibia gathered to discuss Formation of the 'Third World Alliance'.

This 'Third World Alliance' is similar to the League of Nations, but somewhat different from the League of Nations.However, the authority of this organization is great.

The Third World Alliance has the Republic of China at its core, and only those countries that have no ambition or ability to contend for world hegemony are allowed to join, that is to say.This alliance is also a military alliance.

this military alliance.Britain, France and the United States are excluded.Any third world country in the world can request to join this organization.

Countries that join this organization cannot join the League of Nations.

In addition to being a military alliance organization, this organization is also responsible for mediating national disputes and arbitrating some incidents.It is also responsible for providing assistance to economically backward member states and coordinating economic development.

The Third World Alliance established by the Republic of China revised its rules very quickly. When Britain, France and the United States finished the League of Nations, the Third World Alliance was also established.

After the establishment of the Third World Alliance, there are 21 member countries, while the League of Nations established in Europe and the United States also has less than [-] countries to join.

Seeing that the Republic of China is playing against Taiwan in Asia, the British and French who are engaged in the League of Nations are depressed.What made them even more depressed was that the United States, which proposed the establishment of the League of Nations, did not win the leadership, so it directly announced that it would not participate in the League of Nations.

This resulted in the League of Nations being inferior to the Third World League.

The League of Nations is controlled by Britain and France, in fact, it is also controlled by the Rothschild consortium.The Third World Alliance is being manipulated by Chinese elites and oligarchs, and it has faintly become a situation of confrontation with Europe and the United States.

But there are three consortiums in Europe and the United States, the Rothschild consortium, the German Juncker consortium, and the American consortium. The American consortium is divided into eight large and small consortia, and these consortiums are not in harmony with each other.Germany also did not join the League of Nations, which was joined by the former Allies.

The difference is that the member states of the Third World Alliance are all countries controlled by the Chinese consortium, and the Republic of China has absolute authority.

The first thing that happened after the establishment of the Third World Alliance was military.

That is to say, each member state, according to the population of 100:1, establishes the army, navy and air force. The population of the Republic of China is 5.4 million, which means the establishment of an army with a scale of 540 million. The population of Japan is 5600 million, with a force of 56. , with a force of 3200, the Ryukyu Kingdom has a population of 32 and a force of 30, Vietnam has a population of 3000 million and a force of 1800, Siam has a population of 18 million and a force of 1200, and the Republic of Nanyang has a population of 12 million and a force of 8000.Persia has a population of 10 million and a military strength of 3200, while Afghanistan has a population of 32 million and a military strength of 900.The six countries of the peninsula have a population of 9 million and a military strength of 1500.Ethiopia has a population of 15 million and a military strength of 2600, while Namibia has a population of 26 million and a military strength of 100.Tsarist Russia has a population of 1 million and a military strength of 7000, Ukraine has a population of 70 million and a military strength of 2000, and Belarus has a population of 20 million and a military strength of 800.

The total strength of the member states is 309 million plus the 540 million of the Republic of China, which is 849 million troops.Among them, most of the population of the Nanyang Republic are monkeys, so only 10 Chinese troops were established.

The Japanese Army is not allowed to train or station on its territory.And it is under the direct command of the Republic of China.

The armies of these dependent countries and puppet countries will all be established under the guidance of the Republic of China and uniformly use the standard individual weapons of the Republic of China.As for those advanced weapons.It depends on whether the equipment is necessary.

For countries without money, the Republic of China lends them money to buy arms.At the same time, businessmen from the Republic of China entered their country to set up factories, engage in business, and build infrastructure to help these countries develop their economies.

That is to hand over the production of goods with little technical content to these countries, so that the Republic of China can be separated from these productions with little technical content, and the labor force will be invested in military construction and other aspects.And these countries buy arms and consume part of their fiscal revenue.Repaying the money consumes part of it, and constructing projects that the people can't enjoy consumes part. Anyway, there are plenty of means to get money from these dependent countries and puppet countries.

Thus forming a cycle.That is, the Republic of China purchased goods from these countries, and then used various means to recover the money, then purchased it, and then recovered it.

Only last long.

at the same time.All countries have signed the "Third World Members Mutual Military Assistance Agreement", that is, the Republic of China will take the lead in sending troops to countries facing the danger of being invaded to protect their territorial security.

Ukraine and Belarus have become targets of military aid.The six peninsula countries and Persia are also facing territorial disputes with Turkey.

Namibia and Ethiopia are also threatened by European colonists to a certain extent, so they are also included in the ranks of military assistance.

Among them, the most military assistance is naturally Ukraine and Belarus.At this time, Poland was aided by Britain and France and became a pawn in besieging Germany.After the Poles returned to their country, there were a large number of young and strong factions, who continued to take advantage of the surrounding weak countries.Among them, Lithuania, which had just been restored, became the target of being bullied by Poland.

Therefore, the Republic of China and other member states with abundant troops sent 150 million troops to Ukraine and Belarus. These troops were stationed in Eastern Europe to protect the territorial security of Ukraine and Belarus.

Then the Third World Alliance carried out surveys and divisions on the border issues between the member states, and after the divisions, they put up border markers and so on.

The third is that the alliance also discussed the Philippine issue, which aroused widespread media attention.

Could it be that the Republic of China wants to make the Philippines independent?

In the end, the Philippines became independent. The Republic of China obviously doesn’t want the Philippines because there are too many monkeys there. If the Philippines is included in the territory of the Republic of China, how will they treat those monkeys?Give them citizenship?Obviously impossible, the Republic of China will not allow a group of monkeys to become citizens of the Republic of China, so it is very difficult to manage these monkeys.

It is better to let the Philippines go out independently like the Nanyang Republic, and then set up a Chinese government to rule these Filipinos separately.

In this way, the Republic of China does not need to pay welfare fees for those monkeys, and can exploit benefits from those monkeys.

At the same time, it can also whitewash the national image of the Republic of China, and the independence of the Philippines can be said to serve multiple purposes.

On the third day after the founding of the Third World Alliance, the Philippines declared its independence and established the Republic of the Philippines. At a dizzying speed, a Chinese-dominated Philippine central government was formed.The Philippines then became the 22nd member of the Third World Alliance.

The establishment of the Third World Alliance put great pressure on Europe and the United States.

The establishment of the Republic of China is not only a simple international organization, but also a military alliance, which includes all those small countries.

For those small countries, as long as they join this alliance, there will be a lot of food aid, and the aid will make your people full.There is also economic development, and the Republic of China will make various investments in it.Under this kind of investment, there are no poor countries, only lazy ones.

There are also benefits. With the expansion of China's national capital groups, more ruling benefits can be obtained, and a more stable ruling environment can also be obtained.

The 22 member states of the third world then signed the "Joint Naval Construction Agreement". navy.

This joint navy is controlled by the Republic of China, but it protects the maritime security of these countries that pay money, and solves the problem of naval bases in succession.

With the signing of the "Naval Joint Agreement", a total of 3 million Yanhuang coins have been obtained, which can build 6 famous general-class battleships.

The Third World Alliance is equivalent to turning a country into a province. The 22 member states form a country similar to a confederation, and form a relatively loose military alliance that can be united militarily.

As long as the Third World Alliance passes the vote, it can impose military sanctions, economic sanctions and other sanctions on a certain country.

However, when the Philippines became independent, Siberia was officially divided into the territory of the Republic of China for the first time in terms of the delineation of the Sino-Russian border.

Previously, although the Republic of China had organized immigration to Siberia, it did not clearly assign the sovereignty of Siberia to China on the official level.

This time the Third World Alliance voted on the issue of Siberia's territorial sovereignty. Song Jiaoren proposed at the meeting that Asia is the slogan of Asia for Asians, and the vote was passed unanimously.

Tsarist Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus all voted in favor.Other dependent countries and puppet countries also voted in favor. This third world alliance is equivalent to the Republic of China.

The Russians lost more than 500 million square kilometers of land overnight, and this land became the territory of the Republic of China.

China and Russia use the Ural Mountains as the border line, and south of the Ural Mountains, there is a protrusion that extends into Europe, which is also the territory of the Republic of China.

The territory of the Republic of China has expanded to a scale of more than 2500 million square kilometers, which is larger than any other country, and it is very large.

The Russians held some protests against the division of Siberia to the Republic of China, but they were quickly suppressed.

And the truth is on the side of the Republic of China, because Siberia itself is not the territory of the Russians, but was later occupied by them.

Since they are Europeans, it would be outrageous to go to Asia.

And there are no Russians in Siberia anymore, so the reaction is not so strong.The occupation of Siberia by the Republic of China has become a fait accompli. (to be continued..)

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