The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 103: End of the Abuse of Japan


The spn situation has evolved to the point where the two sides declared war, and it was the Chinese government who declared war brazenly. This made Japan realize that while they were planning to trample on China's territorial sovereignty, China was also planning to launch a war against Japan.

Japan, which claims to be the largest in Asia, is now facing the rise of China, a traditional monarchy in Asia, which Japan cannot tolerate.

Although Japan was not ready for war and was insufficiently prepared in terms of troop mobilization and munitions inventory, the Japanese government had to fight this war.

Once Japan retreats, it means that it will hand over the dominance of Asia that it has already vaguely occupied to China.

Then the consequences will be disastrous for Japan. First, Japan will continue to expand the law in the future, and then Japan will have to face a rising China. [

As Japan believed, to conquer all of Asia, China must be conquered.

Because in Asia, China poses the greatest threat to Japan, and China is also the biggest piece of fat in the eyes of Japan.

So Japan still gritted its teeth and continued the war.

On September 9, the first batch of Japanese reinforcements landed in Japan under the transport of British and Japanese ships, and the Japanese troops in Shandong reached 25.

And the second batch of Japanese reinforcements is being delivered quickly.

Japan obviously wants to use Shandong as a main battlefield, and in the Northeast, Japan cannot invest too many troops at the moment, because most of Japan's current standing army is still sent to Shandong.

And according to intelligence, the Northwest Defense Forces have entered the Northeast in a large scale.In contrast, the Chinese Army has the least number of troops in Shandong.

In the absence of Britain's participation in this war, Japan intends to quickly resolve the Shandong war situation, thereby forcing the Chinese government to continue to cede territory and pay compensation.

This seems to be qualitative thinking. Whether it is Japan or other powers, they all have the same impression of China. As long as the war fails, China will cede territory and pay compensation.

Even during the Sino-French War, China won militarily but failed politically and diplomatically.China's weakness and deceit have been deeply remembered by all countries, so they all want to bite off a piece of fat from China.

The Japanese government's wishful thinking is very precise. As long as China cedes territory and pays compensation, it can continue to weaken China and at the same time strengthen Japan's national strength.

Japan is a very crazy war gambler. As long as it thinks it is profitable, it will spend most of the country's financial resources on military operations.

The success of previous gambling made Japan very courageous at this time.But Japan obviously did not think about what the consequences would be if it failed.

Of course, if you succeed, you will have to cede land and pay compensation, but if you fail, you will have to lose money.

It’s like a person who originally has 10 dollars, and then bets 100 dollars. If he wins, he will have 110 dollars, but if he loses, it may become a negative 100 dollars-

The difference between 100 and 100 is 200.

Of course, Japan has calculated this account, but it just thinks of China as -100 and Japan as 100.This is indeed a very good way to quickly increase national power while weakening the national power of hostile countries.

It's just that Japan will never be able to get the 100% return, and this result has been determined since the beginning of the war.Because at this time, China is no longer ruling for the sake of ruling, and it is completely impossible to ask China to pay compensation, unless China is beaten to the point where it has been forced to continue the war.

But how difficult it is! [

In order to completely eliminate China's war capabilities, it is necessary to launch a full-scale invasion of China. At the same time, China has a population of [-] million. At this time, it is already able to independently manufacture machinery, equipment and munitions, and it is also the most advanced munitions in the world.

As long as there is a full-scale invasion of China, all Chinese people will unite as one and carry out crazy construction. At that time, they will only become stronger and stronger. Even if China goes to war with the Allied Powers that won World War I, with the current level of military technology in the world, Countries such as Britain, France and the United States simply cannot send much power to China to start a war, and Russia is doomed to perish in the First World War.

At this time, China has long been invincible, and it is simply afraid of war.

However, Japan didn't turn around for a while, and still stayed in the old impression, resulting in a serious error of judgment.

After the first batch of Japanese reinforcements arrived on the Shandong Peninsula, the Japanese army immediately launched a fierce attack on the Chinese Army's defense line. The two sides fought in full swing on the [-]-kilometer boundary of the coastline of the Shandong Peninsula.

The two sides took Longkou as the main battlefield, and the Japanese army launched a fierce attack on Longkou.

But also under the fierce firepower of the Wehrmacht, the Japanese artillery did not have any advantage at all. Under the attack of the Japanese infantry without artillery cover, the firepower advantage of the Wehrmacht infantry units was not something that the Japanese infantry could defeat.

On the first day of the Japanese attack on Longkou alone, they left more than 3000 corpses and retreated in embarrassment.The next day, the Japanese army prepared artillery fire to attack the Longkou defense line again. The artillery fire just started to bombard the defense line of the National Defense Army. The heavy artillery group deployed by the National Defense Army in the Chijiagou area opened fire immediately, causing heavy losses to the Japanese artillery. .

The Japanese infantry who launched the attack lost nearly [-] troops in less than an hour before rushing to the position under the artillery fire of the National Defense Forces, and retreated again in embarrassment.

Soon the Japanese army had to admit that the equipment of the Chinese army at this time was much better than that of the Japanese army. Not only artillery, but also light equipment were much stronger than the Japanese army.

It was very difficult for the Japanese army to capture the positions of the Wehrmacht.

Immediately, the Japanese army changed the direction of attack and launched an attack on the defensive position of the Beiyang Army in the Zhaoyuan area, but the Japanese army also failed in the defensive position of the Beiyang Army.

Although the Beiyang Army is not as elite as the National Defense Force, although the equipment of the Beiyang Army at this time is not as good as that of the National Defense Army, the equipment of the Beiyang Army is not inferior to that of the Japanese Army, and more importantly, people in the Beiyang Army dare to flee.

Once they flee the battle, what they face will be the ending of a court-martial.

If it was the period of the Beiyang Republic of China in the original history, there was no authority at that time, even if he fled the battle, as long as he had soldiers in his hands, he was still a master.

But now there is an absolute authority, people dare to challenge Jiang Yu in the military, and at this time China has been integrated internally, where can those soldiers escape after fleeing?

Where can accommodate them?

Therefore, the Beiyang Army could only desperately resist the Japanese attack. With the artillery and air force of the National Defense Army providing fire support to the Beiyang Army, the Beiyang Army repelled the Japanese attack without a too tragic battle.

When the front line was in full swing, the Huadong Group's arsenal was running at full capacity. The new Type 03 semi-automatic rifles were continuously sent to the battlefield, and even some Beiyang troops began to replace them with new rifles.

In this regard, the morale of the Beiyang Army was high, and they obeyed Jiang Yu's command very much.

In previous foreign wars, Jiang Yu never used them as cannon fodder, and the logistical supplies were the same as those of the National Defense Forces. The National Defense Forces ate canned food when they went to the battlefield, and their Beiyang Army also had canned food.Although the Beiyang Army does not have heavy equipment, the heavy equipment of the Wehrmacht provides fire support behind them. In terms of light equipment, the Wehrmacht has whatever they have. The number of machine guns of the Beiyang Army is completely different from that of the Wehrmacht.

This also made the Beiyang Army admire Jiang Yu's bearing from top to bottom. With sufficient logistics supplies, the Beiyang Army is also interested in fighting. [

After all, this is a foreign war, and national integrity cannot be lost.

Although some Beiyang warlords were unbearable in history, most of them did not lack national integrity during foreign wars.

Not to mention the soldiers of the Beiyang Army, as long as they are given logistical supplies and military pay, it is no problem for them to organize death squads. This is exactly the spirit of dedication brewed in traditional Chinese culture.

In addition to the new rifles sent to the rear, self-propelled guns also began to appear on the battlefield. A total of thousands of self-propelled guns were shipped to the rear.

Although the largest caliber of these self-propelled guns is only 105mm, these self-propelled guns are extremely flexible and have strong survivability. After being distributed to various units, the infantry support firepower of each unit is rapidly increased.

72 203mm heavy howitzers were even brought in from the rear. For the National Defense Forces, 105mm caliber artillery can only be regarded as medium caliber artillery, and artillery above 155mm is considered heavy artillery. But for the Japanese army, 105mm caliber artillery is already considered heavy artillery.

After these artillery were transported to the front line, the number of artillery on the front line continued to increase, and the Japanese army was beaten to the point of crying and howling. Taking the 203mm caliber howitzer as an example, its killing area reached 72x18 square meters, that is, one cannon can kill within 1296 square meters. goal of protection.

What's more, the high-explosive bombs were launched, and when they exploded, there was a huge crater. The Japanese defense line was blown up by these high-explosive explosions, as if they were about to be turned upside down.

Soldiers in the trenches of the Japanese army were bombed, even if they hid in the trenches, they would be directly shocked to death, or directly buried alive by the lifted soil.

However, the Japanese naval guns could not hit the Wehrmacht, but the heavy artillery of the Wehrmacht could hit the Japanese army.

The reconnaissance planes of the National Defense Forces have been hovering in the sky for several days, and the scouts are also constantly investigating the front line. Once the Japanese troops in a certain section of fortifications are exposed, they will immediately be attacked by the National Defense Forces.

When the attack is not launched, the artillery fire of the National Defense Forces usually stops after only one round, because the first round of shelling is the most lethal. When the Japanese soldiers hide in the trenches, the killing effect will be greatly reduced, unless it is 203mm caliber Howitzers can have a certain effect.

The presence of snipers all over the frontline also made it extremely inconvenient for the Japanese army to move. Japanese soldiers are also human, and there will always be times when they poke their heads out of the trenches. At this time, it is easy to be shot in the head by a sniper.

Although it is said that the best position for sniping is the upper body, when sniping the enemy in the trench, it is necessary to directly hit the enemy's head. This is indeed a technical job. Although the success rate has declined, many snipers still In the process of frontline sniping, he has practiced the ability to shoot headshots with one hand.

Air Force bombers are also constantly dispatched, but the strange thing is that there are not many bombers dispatched, but the bombing power of the Air Force cannot be underestimated.

Some important facilities behind the Japanese army were continuously bombed by the Chinese Air Force, but the Japanese army obviously did not expect the Air Force to bomb their naval ships.

After all, people in this era believe that naval ships can move, and the air force's bombing is not too accurate.

Therefore, the Japanese army was not fully prepared for the Chinese Air Force's bombing of the Japanese Navy.

Under the slow fire and meticulous work of the National Defense Forces, the casualties of the Japanese army increased day by day. Shelling, sniping, and bombing made the Japanese front line fall into a completely passive state, and many Japanese soldiers were killed every day.

And the attack seems to have started from the beginning. Several consecutive large-scale attacks launched by the Japanese army were repelled by the Chinese army, which temporarily put the Japanese government in a dilemma.

In order to prevent the Chinese army from aggressively attacking, the Japanese government had to let the Japanese navy stay in Laizhou Bay to provide fire support to the army.

Facts have also proved that the Chinese Army is extremely afraid of the heavy artillery of the Japanese fleet, and has never dared to launch an attack in an advantageous battle situation.

The Japanese army's equipment itself is extremely cheap, and there are not many army artillery. Now the Japanese army is also afraid of the Chinese army's artillery, and even more afraid of the Chinese army's excellent equipment, so the Japanese army dare not launch an attack.

The willpower of the Japanese army is indeed good, but willpower has no effect in the Shandong Peninsula, which is not a harsh combat environment at all.

Only in that kind of extreme cold and jungle, willpower can exert a strong fighting power.The will and spirit that the Japanese army is proud of cannot be brought into full play in Shandong, and the Chinese Army also does not lack will and spiritual strength.

The war between the two sides began to enter a stalemate.

But this stalemate took advantage of the Chinese Army, because the Japanese army suffered a lot of losses every day, and the Japanese army had absolutely nothing to do with the Chinese Army.

The longer the war lasted, the higher the morale of the Chinese army, because all Chinese soldiers found that Little Japan was nothing special.

With the superior equipment of the Chinese Army, the Japanese artillery poses no threat to the Chinese Army, and the equipment of the Japanese infantry is also very frustrating, and it poses no threat to the Chinese Army's positions. The ferocious firepower formed by the new rifles made the Japanese army overwhelmed, not to mention that they still have a large number of machine guns, howitzers, and now self-propelled guns directly supporting them behind.

The Japanese soldiers were different. The more they fought, the lower their morale became.

Every day, the Japanese soldiers had to tense their nerves, fearing that whenever they ran to pee, they would be shot down by the sniper on the opposite side.

Also be wary of anytime bombing from Wehrmacht artillery and bombers.

For this reason, many Japanese soldiers could only hide in the trenches all day long, living a life like mice, and what troubled the Japanese soldiers even more was that it began to rain again on the Shandong Peninsula.

Although it was much smaller than the previous rainstorm, it still made the trench muddy.

Their feet were soaked in the muddy trenches every day, and many Japanese soldiers had a layer of wrinkled skin on their legs, which would cause moisture to enter the body after a long time.

In the end, it became what Westerners call 'trench foot', and amputation is even more terrifying.

However, many Japanese soldiers do not have this awareness. In contrast, Chinese soldiers are different. Chinese people have attached great importance to the problem of moisture since ancient times. Usually, farmers work in the fields and it is easy for moisture to enter the body. Most of the soldiers of the National Defense Forces come from rural areas. Therefore, the awareness of prevention is relatively strong, and the herbal treatment of dampness in traditional Chinese medicine is also very perfect.

In addition, since the National Defense Force established the Jiangbei Patrol Battalion in Huai'an, Jiang Yu has formulated preventive measures in this regard. When it rains on the Shandong Peninsula, a large number of rubber rain boots will be sent from the rear.Moreover, Chinese soldiers don't need to hide in the trenches all the time, they can walk out of the trenches calmly to keep their legs dry.

The military doctors in the army will also give medical treatment to the soldiers who have been soaked in moisture every day, so it is rare for soldiers in the Chinese Army to suffer from trench foot due to rainfall.

Moreover, the Japanese army had to transport logistical supplies by sea, which was very inconvenient. In order to transport more medicines, the supply of food and other materials was very tight.

Unlike the Chinese Army, there are usually not only railways and cars for transportation, but the people on the Shandong Peninsula also organized horse-drawn carts, ox carts and other tools to help transport supplies.

Chinese soldiers can eat canned food every day. When the National Defense Forces went to the Beiyang Army to exchange canned meat for canned fruit, the Beiyang Army still laughed at the National Defense Forces as pigs.

But now canned food is no longer a rare thing for the Beiyang army. After eating it for a while, the Beiyang army discovered that they were pigs at the beginning.

If you want to exchange canned fruit in the National Defense Forces, there is no way for them to exchange canned fruit. Only fools exchange canned fruit for canned meat.

Fortunately, in September, many fruits are ripe, and the fruits in the first half of the year are processed into a lot of canned food, which makes the soldiers addicted.

Moreover, the military pay during the war has increased, and the soldiers can fight with peace of mind, and their morale is extremely high.


One piece of unfavorable news came back to the Japanese mainland, and the Japanese government finally began to realize that they had jumped into China's trap.

Taking advantage of their greed, the Chinese government arranged a quagmire of war for Japan to jump into.

At this time, Japan has been deeply involved in the quagmire of this war. If it directly withdraws its troops from Shandong now, it will be an extremely disgraceful stroke in the military history of the Japanese Empire.

The Japanese Minister of the Navy has been complaining for several days: "The army is really useless. If the navy did not provide you with artillery support, you would have been driven into the sea by the Chinese people long ago. What's the point of continuing such a war? It’s better to withdraw our troops from Shandong as soon as possible, and open up another battlefield to compete with the Chinese.”

"That's right. Although the Chinese have many artillery pieces and excellent equipment, the Chinese government is spending a lot of money in this kind of war. Now that the Chinese government has no money, the Chinese can't last long." The Minister of War retorted.

"Money is just a currency, and it does not mean that China's manpower will maintain the war. And if this continues, it will be extremely detrimental to the development of the Great Japanese Empire. In order to attack Qingdao, the war with the Chinese people has already caused the Great Japanese Empire to go overseas. The market has expanded. The great opportunity for the Europeans to break out of war may be lost in vain."

The quarrel within the Japanese government lasted for several days, and the Japanese army had to admit that the Japanese army would have to pay a considerable price to defeat China in Shandong.

But the Japanese government is now in a dilemma, and the Shandong battlefield is like a huge quagmire.

After all, Japan’s war preparations are not sufficient. Sending five divisions to Shandong is already the limit. If the other seven standing divisions are also sent to Shandong, they will basically be able to provide the logistics supplies needed by the army. Medicine alone is not enough. .

What's more, Japan's economy is now in a recession, and "rice riots" often break out everywhere. Once it falls into a war and France gains benefits from foreign wars, huge internal conflicts will inevitably erupt, thus threatening the dominance of the Japanese emperor.

However, the Japanese government also agreed at this time that China must also be supporting it. Obviously, Japan has not fully realized China's true war potential.

Therefore, the Japanese government immediately decided to propose armistice negotiations to China when there was no other way to withdraw from the Chinese battlefield for the time being, and then waited for an opportunity to launch retaliation.


On September 9, the Japanese government sent China a request for armistice negotiations, but the Chinese government in Beijing did not respond to Japan's request for armistice negotiations.

Yuan Shikai was refreshed after receiving Japan's request for a truce, knowing that Japan could no longer fight in Shandong.

This has proved that China has enough strength to defeat Japan.

Immediately, Jiang Yu, who was commanding operations in Shandong, was notified of Japan's truce request. Jiang Yu was fighting steadily in Shandong at this time. Generally solid line of defense.

Be invincible first!

Yi Weijun handed the telegram from Yuan Shikai to Jiang Yu, and said to him, "Japan wants to cease the war. The President asked you if you want to agree to negotiate?"

"Call the president back so that he doesn't have to pay attention to Japan's request." Jiang Yu said without hesitation. Since Japan has jumped in, it is impossible to get out without paying a huge price.

"But it's not the law to stalemate the war like this!" Yi Weijun pouted, still angry with Jiang Yu, and very contemptuous of Jiang Yu's behavior of crazily collecting wealth, because she felt that it was against integrity.

"The war won't be a stalemate for too long. A combat meeting will be held immediately, and we will launch an attack on the Japanese army tomorrow." Jiang Yu said calmly.

"But Japan has naval guns, and our attack will cause a lot of casualties." Yi Weijun said in confusion.

"The Japanese navy is nothing to worry about." Jiang Yu's expression was still very calm, and Ivy was stunned, and asked, "Is there any trick you can't do?"

"Hehe! It won't work if you say it." Jiang Yu laughed, and Yi Weijun immediately snorted unhappily, "Always pretending to be a ghost."

Elder sister Yi Ruizhi on one side immediately tugged at the corner of her sister's clothes. In contrast, Yi Ruizhi hardly ever contradicts Jiang Yu.

It is naturally impossible for Jiang Yu to tell others about the plan to bomb the Japanese fleet. After all, this is a major event to forcibly reverse the fate of the country. If it is said, it will be easily resolved by the fate of the country.

Just like a person who wants to lose money, sometimes even if he hides at home and does not go out, the door will be broken down, and luck is like this.

According to the original history, Japan's national fortune was indeed stronger than that of China before World War II.

It is also because the foreign monsters driven by Jiang Yu are relatively powerful, so they can forcibly reverse the fate of the country. This is already against the sky, but the invisible fate of the country still exists. If the plan is revealed now, all kinds of resistance will inevitably arise Accident. (To be continued. Please search Tianwen, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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