The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 130: Carrying out Piracy to the End



The second is coming!

After deduction of military expenditures in Yimao's financial expenditure, there are still 30 billion Yanhuang coins, which is much more than last year's 28 billion. You must know that a lot of 28 billion in last year's fiscal budget was still spent on military expenditures.

This year, another 30 billion will be spent on national construction.

In Yimao, the Chinese central government determined a 10 billion yuan educational appropriation. It must be known that Chinese education at this time required private funding. [

But the central government still allocates a quarter of its fiscal revenue to build education, and each Chinese can enjoy 25 yuan of educational resources on average.

Investing 10 billion yuan now, there may be hundreds or even thousands of times in return in the future!

Today's education situation in China is not optimistic. The root cause of China's weakness is the lack of education.

What supported ancient Chinese civilization was actually family education, that is, rich families with a lot of resources had more resources to train their children.

Under this education model, many high-quality talents have been trained.

Later, with the implementation of the imperial examination system, wealthy families began to decline.As for the new giants, after the stereotyped scientific examination, their family education has become an examination-oriented education.

Unlike the ancient giants, they paid more attention to force than culture.

Many powerful military generals were trained by wealthy families.In ancient times, Wai alchemy was more popular, and there were a lot of precious herbs. The wealthy families had secret recipes in their hands, or they had the financial resources to invite alchemists to refine some medicines for physical fitness.

These military talents supported the glory of ancient Chinese military.

After stereotyped writing, like the wealthy families in the Ming Dynasty, they either ate, drank, or studied stereotyped writing.In the end, it fell militarily and was emptied financially by them.

In the Qing Dynasty, family education in China was equivalent to a complete decline, and only school education existed.

First of all, school education does not know how many resources it provides for students, and the training direction of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is also to maintain its rule, so naturally no decent talents can be educated.

At the beginning of the Republic of China, the education industry had a long way to go.

Since the national family education has been missing, the only remaining family education is also a family education that has problematic values ​​and is purely utilitarian.Therefore, it is better to work hard on school education and improve the conditions of school education.

School teachers in later generations have been complaining about parents not educating them well.In fact, there is a problem with the education system. In this era of lack of family education, education depends entirely on schools.

Schools should not only teach knowledge, but also behavioral habits and moral qualities.As well as teaching students' hands-on ability, as well as national awareness.

It is also necessary to broaden the horizons of students and cultivate their talents.

These are not available in later generations of schools.

At this time, China's education industry has laid a certain foundation after nearly four years of hard work by Jiang Yu, and it can be expanded according to its model. [

Although some teachers are lacking, hardware cannot be lacking.

Most of the 10 billion yuan allocated for education this time will be used for the construction of school hardware facilities, and the teachers are relatively simple.

Those who teach knowledge are responsible for teaching knowledge, and those who teach other aspects hire teachers.

A primary school usually has a teacher who is responsible for teaching knowledge, and students are in a class of twelve students.Each class is equipped with a head teacher who specializes in teaching students' daily behavior, ideology and morality.At the same time, it is also like a nanny, responsible for every student. In addition to correcting the daily behavior of the students, the head teacher also teaches them basic common sense and so on.

Unlike the education of later generations, there are forty or fifty students in a class.It's completely sheep-herding management.

At the same time, each school is also equipped with martial arts teachers, medical science teachers, art and music teachers.

This requires more teachers and costs more.

But every student will be guided, not abandoned, and carefully guided.So fine to every detail.

Students educated in this way meet the standard requirements.

Thanks to the central government's appropriation support, such an education system can also continue to be maintained.

This is a high-cost education model, but the rate of return is also very high.

Education can change the destiny of a person, and it can also change the destiny of a country.For example, if a person has official career, but has no education, and his level is not high enough, he can only be a village official.But an educated person may be able to be president.Even if a person with a high level suffers from some kind of disease due to bad luck, because the high level can use more resources, they will naturally get over it.People with low levels can't get enough resources, and they might die.

As the saying goes, one fate, two luck, three geomantic omens, four accumulated Yin virtues and five books, these are all things that can change the fate of life. The higher the ranking, the harder it is to change, and the tenth is health preservation, which is also the easiest to do. thing.

So there is a medical science teacher in the school who specializes in teaching students medical science and letting them learn how to keep healthy.

At this time, the education model of the Republic of China was aimed at changing the destiny of individuals and the destiny of the country, and the two were inseparable.

In other words, in 20 years, this generation can be educated.

After 20 years, the whole nation will be richly rewarded.

In addition to school education, central government funds are also used to open night schools, literacy schools, and technical schools to improve the cultural level of the nation.

There are too many illiterates in China now.

Those who are not illiterate, either learn traditional stereotyped writing, or learn Western culture. These two kinds of people are too extreme, so we can only try our best to guide them and take the advantages of both.

When the next generation is educated, the education level of the next generation will continue to improve.

Now China's education level lags far behind that of Europe and the United States, and it needs to catch up. [

In addition to education, the central government has budgeted 5 million yuan for administrative and public security expenses. Of the other 15 billion yuan, 13 billion yuan has been invested in construction and 2 million yuan in scientific research.

After the budget is allocated, it is the implementation stage.

Most of the construction projects are undertaken by Jiangyu's 'warlord oligarch consortium' to ensure that national wealth will not flow into the hands of undisciplined and undisciplined private capitalists.

The construction of the military has also been finalized, and the army took 5 million yuan in military expenditures.Immediately began the adjustment of military strength, and the purchase of equipment.

The Air Force continued to buy planes and train more pilots.

The Navy smiled happily after receiving 15 billion in military expenditures. In addition to the 13 billion received from the previous spoils, the Navy's military expenditures this year reached 28 billion.

"Battleship, we must build battleships. Three ships are enough. We will build three ships every year for the next three years, which means nine battleships." Excited, Xie Baozhang immediately ordered three ships from the shipyard. German Nassau-class battleship.

This is the battleship manufacturing technology provided by Germany.The Germans provided the drawings directly, but the Chinese navy still made some modifications to the Nassau-class battleships, such as increasing the anti-aircraft firepower.

The Nassau-class battleships were named Jianghe-class by the Chinese Navy, namely: Huanghe, Changjiang, and Huaihe.

At the same time, the Navy began to design drawings for the three battleships to be built next year.Xie Baozhang's plan is to build bigger and bigger year by year.

But in 16, Xie Baozhang's wish was not fulfilled. Only one new type of battleship was built that year, which was still an over-technical version.

Because three Japanese battleships that can be repaired were salvaged in Laizhou Bay, plus the original one, the Navy already has four battleships.

Two of the salvaged Japanese battlecruisers were also repaired.

Including the three Jianghe-class battleships manufactured in 15, the total number is seven.There are also four battlecruisers.

At the same time, due to the export to Europe, the profit of the shipbuilding industry has increased sharply. Jiang Yu invested 10% of the profit in the research and development of ship technology, and also gave the direction of research and development.Make China's shipbuilding technology continue to improve.It is obviously not cost-effective to build battleships in this technological transition period, so only one battleship was built in 16, named 'Nujiang'.

The performance of Nujiang is more advanced than the previous three Jianghe-class battleships, but it is only transitional, and more advanced battleships are in the pipeline.So the navy can only calm down and wait.

Jiang Yu devoted himself to scientific research in 16.

In addition to the research and development expenses allocated by the state, the consortium also invested nearly 8 million yuan in scientific research, thus building a large number of laboratories.

In the future, wars will be fought in large corps, large factories, and large laboratories.

At this time, China's investment in scientific research can be said to be rare in the world, and the experimental direction is very reliable.These are all experimental directions formulated by Jiang Yu.

Unlike other countries, the development of scientific research is intricate, and if you accidentally walk into a dead end, you have to start over.

Therefore, China's experimental projects have a high utilization rate of funds and low R&D costs, but the results are very fruitful.

Military technology research is paid for by the state, while commercial technology research is paid for by the consortium itself.

"This year's new research content is engine boosting, electronic signal cannon, new armor materials, new engine materials, new targeting devices, new chariot chassis, radar detection technology, steam turbine technology, primary computer..." Jiang Yu column A lot of research and development lists have been released, and these projects are all of great importance to the military.

As for the computer, what was developed was a computer with a tube structure, purely for experimental purposes. After this stage was completed, the next step was the transistor computer.

Engine supercharging, new engine materials, this is to make the engine lighter in weight, have higher power at the same time, and improve fuel efficiency, so that chariots and aircraft can run faster and farther.

Steam turbines are used to make ships run faster. This technology is currently mainly used on warships, but the fuel consumption is relatively large, and the technology is not yet mature. As long as it is upgraded to the technology of the 30s, the fuel consumption of steam turbines can be reduced. The volume is reduced by 50%.

There is also electronic signal cannon, which is an anti-aircraft gun technology developed for air defense. The United States used this technology in World War II. When the Japanese plane was shot down, it was still ignorant, and the Japanese did not know it until after the war.

This kind of electronic signal gun does not need to directly hit the aircraft, and it will explode when it detects the existence of the aircraft within its signal range, so that the fragments can cause damage to the aircraft, and it is a sharp weapon for air defense.

It is also the magic weapon for battleships to deal with aircraft carriers.

"In the future, if we go to war with the United States, we will have to face a large number of aircraft carriers. With this kind of signal gun, it will be no problem to deal with American aircraft." Jiang Yu said in his heart. The main reason for researching this technology is the hit rate of anti-aircraft guns. Too low and jerking off isn't very efficient.

There is also a new type of projectile technology, which is a kind of computer combined with gears, lenses and other mechanical devices installed by the United States on bombers during World War II. It can calculate the flight speed, altitude, and wind direction. The United States has also implemented it. Strict blockade, the bomber was installed before take-off, and dismantled after landing, and each soldier was required to keep it secret, and the device was destroyed first when the bomber landed.

This kind of throwing device can allow the aircraft to have reasonable accuracy at high altitudes, but it still cannot achieve full guidance. When the United States bombs some larger targets, it still has to adopt intensive bombing.

Although the method is completely accurate, it is also what the Chinese Air Force needs.

At this time, the Air Force is developing a quadruple-mounted heavy bomber, and the Mosquito bomber that the Air Force is currently procuring is a dual-mounted bomber.

It is a 1280 horsepower water-cooled engine.

The quadruple-mounted heavy bomber uses a 1390-horsepower water-cooled engine. This engine is called a Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, which was used by the British Spitfire in World War II.

Due to the successful development of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, Jiang Yu directly drew the drawings of the Lancaster bomber.

Historically, the United Kingdom used a 1390-horsepower engine to manufacture the Lancaster engine, allowing it to use the same engine as a fighter jet, so there is no need to specially manufacture a new engine, which saves production costs.

The Lancaster heavy bomber has a load capacity of 6350 kilograms, a maximum load of 9980 kilograms, a range of 4000 kilometers, and a flight distance of 430 kilometers per hour at the fastest speed.

The blueprint of this bomber is a little less innovative, but its practicality is very good. It can carry nearly [-] kilograms of bombs for short-distance bombing, and [-] kilograms for long-distance bombing.

The range is also 1000 kilometers longer than that of the Mosquito bomber.

(The previous description of the performance of the mosquito bomber is wrong. The mosquito bomber has a load capacity of 1600 kg, a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour, and a range of 3000 kilometers.)

However, the most cost-effective is the Mosquito bomber. The Mosquito bomber can bomb at low altitudes, and its survivability is twice as high as that of the heavy bomber. Its speed is extremely fast. Today's fighter jets can't catch up at all, so they don't need any protective weapons.

The reason why the Lancaster bomber looks good is because it is relatively large, with a wingspan of 31 meters. This kind of large aircraft is quite easy to use.

At least it is much better than the fake b17. The American b17 bomber is also equipped with quadruple engines. Money bomber.

Only the American consortium dared to build that kind of garbage bomber in order to prolong the war, not to knock down Germany at once, and to destroy more arms during the war.As a result, the United States produced more than 1 of these junks during the war.

The German Junkers ju88 bomber is also good, but considering that the historical British 1390-horsepower water-cooled engine has been adopted, it is relatively simple to build a Lancaster bomber, and its engine can also be used to make fighter jets.

At this time, China's engine technology is definitely the most advanced in the world, thanks to Jiang Yu's drawings and guidance on research directions.

The Air Force will acquire 300 Lancasters this year.

At the same time, 100 Spitfires powered by Rolls-Royce Merlin engines will be purchased.

At this time, Jiang Yu can be said to have carried out the piracy to the end. The three famous British aircraft in World War II were all pirated by Jiang Yu.

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