The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 135: The Continuing War


The first update of spn, a [-]-word chapter, encountered trouble today, and it may take many days to solve it. I can't devote myself to the codewords, and the update speed may slow down these days.


Of course, Jiang Yu did not spend money casually. He bought most of the land in the Arabian Peninsula for [-] million pounds. It seemed that he spent a lot of money, but in fact the money was required to be delivered in pounds three years later.

Three years later the pound was already devalued.

In addition, there are already a lot of orders from China exported to the UK, and its profits are only unimaginably high. [

Moreover, buying the Arabian Peninsula for [-] million pounds is not a big loss. In addition to oil, there are many minerals in Oman, including gold, silver, copper, iron, coal, chromium, manganese, and magnesium.In addition to non-metallic minerals, there are limestone, marble, gypsum, phosphate, salt, quartz stone, kaolin.

Among them, copper ore reserves are 1500 million tons, and gold and silver are mostly associated mines, with a total reserve of more than 3500 million tons.

The reserves of chrome ore are more than 250 million tons, but the quality of chrome ore in Oman is slightly lower, and the content is generally 35-40.

The reserves of iron ore are 12 billion tons, and the quality is around 39. It is considered to be a high content of lean iron ore and has mining value. Generally, the quality of iron ore is 50 to be considered rich iron ore.

Manganese ore reserves are 150 million tons.

Limestone reserves are more than 3 million tons, and the quality is high.

Marble reserves are 15 billion tons, most of which are high-quality and extremely beautiful building materials. White marble is white marble, and it is obviously very valuable for a country like China.In ancient times, buildings such as pavilions and pavilions used a lot of white marble.

Gypsum reserves are 12 billion tons.

The value of these minerals alone is more than [-] million pounds. This is only the minerals in Oman, and the minerals in Saudi Arabia are even more abundant.

These minerals alone are worth more than [-] million pounds.

Of course, the wealth on this land is too greedy. Jiang Yu decided not to develop a large amount of oil and minerals on it after occupying the Arabian Peninsula.

It is necessary to create a 'barren' impression of that land to the world, so that it will not be targeted by the West.

As for the issue of oil extraction, China definitely wants to extract oil from the outside, and Jiang Yu aimed at the future Iran.

At this time, Iran was still a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country, and the Afghanistan it occupied had been split off.

The northern part of Iran is Russia's sphere of influence, and the south is the British sphere of influence.

Jiang Yu plans to drill for oil in southern Iran and then transport it back to China by tanker.But for the time being, China's shipbuilding industry does not have enough energy to manufacture oil tankers.

Therefore, this mining plan can be delayed until after the end of World War I, and the oil in China will continue to be extracted, and it can even be exported.

As long as it occupies the Arabian Peninsula, China will have no shortage of oil.

On the other hand, there is another very important reason for Jiang Yu to enter the Arabian Peninsula, and that is to open up export routes to the allies. [

As long as the Arabian Peninsula is occupied, combat materials can be exported to the Ottoman Turkish Empire, so that materials can be transported from Ottoman to the Austro-Hungarian Empire by land, and then the Austro-Hungarian Empire can be transported to Germany.

As long as the trade route is opened, it will be easy to extort the [-] million pounds from the Allies.

The main problem now is that the first thing to do is to occupy the Arabian Peninsula, which is the prerequisite for implementing everything.


In the spring of 1915, the British and French allied forces took advantage of the concentration of the main force of the German army on the eastern front and launched two rounds of offensives at Chambani and Adwa.However, due to the use of the old tactics and the lack of strong fire cover, the Germans successfully resisted, and their own side suffered heavy casualties.

Germany launched a counterattack in May of that year, and Falkenhayn, the front-line commander, was obviously a German general eager to win the battle.

With the main force of Germany concentrated on the Eastern Front, they still tried to attack.

As can be imagined, the German offensive failed.

However, the German army used mustard gas on the Western Front for the first time during its offensive. The mustard gas canisters used at the beginning did not have a very obvious effect.

Then the Germans used the poison gas technology provided to them by China to produce 77mm poison gas. After the German army obtained the poison gas, the light artillery began to show off.

Under the poison gas offensive of the German army, the British and French allied forces suffered more than 120 million casualties, which greatly exceeded the original history, while Germany also suffered heavy losses, with 61 casualties.

Tactically speaking, the German army was successful. It killed nearly twice as many British and French allied forces, but it still made no progress strategically.

The birth of trench warfare and the fact that there were many problems with the artillery and artillery thinking of both sides made the two sides fall into a horrible quagmire of war, which seemed to make any strategy ineffective.

It is clear that there will be no progress on the stalemate on the Western Front, because although the British and French artillery seem to have a lot, they are still very bad, and very few of them can really pose a threat to Germany.

Guns suck too!

However, the German howitzers can continue to cause damage to the Allies.

At the same time, the Allied Powers also encountered a huge problem, that is, there were many snipers on the German front. These snipers were very accurate in marksmanship. In addition to the sniper rifles equipped with scopes, if the soldiers of the Allied Powers poked their heads out of the trenches, it would be very difficult for them. Might get shot in the head.

The trenches of the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers were dug very close together, and in some places they were even less than 100 meters apart.

Within such a short distance, the soldiers on both sides were digging holes like crazy, and then stuffed the guns into it... detonate!Use this to kill the opponent.

At such a close distance, a large number of Allied soldiers were headshot every day.

It is conservatively estimated that the number of snipers owned by Germany will not be less than [-]. Among them, [-] snipers are mercenaries sent by China, and they are also the highest quality of these snipers.

At the same time, Germany mobilized forest watchmen, hunters, and soldiers with excellent marksmanship in the army to form an expanding sniper force. [

These snipers haunted the front line like ghosts, causing heavy casualties and great psychological fear to the soldiers of the Allied Powers.

The Allied Powers didn't know the existence of snipers at all at the beginning, and they didn't know the secret until the spring of 15. They captured a German sniper and seized a sniper rifle with a scope from that sniper.

At the same time, it is also known that many Chinese snipers were hired by the German army.

Only then did the top leaders of the Allied Powers know that there was a type of arm called snipers on the battlefield, and the number was already huge.

And with the help of China, Germany has formed a very complete set of sniper combat ideas.

Now the Allies have a headache. Just because they got sniper rifles doesn't mean they can manufacture sniper rifles. The British lens manufacturing technology is not up to standard.

It can be said that the British industry itself is relatively backward, because Britain has a large number of colonies to dump, and the products do not need to be too advanced.

As for the United States, they have tariff protection, coupled with their large area, the United States has not popularized the achievements of the second industrial revolution at this time, and most factories still use steam engines that are the products of the first industrial revolution.

The world's most advanced industrial technology is Germany, followed by China.

China started directly from the achievements of the second industrial revolution, and the factories built basically rarely used the backward technology of the first industrial revolution.

And through continuous transactions, Germany's industrial manufacturing technology has gradually been fully understood by China, and China's industrial manufacturing technology has made China's industrial manufacturing Technology gradually surpassed that of Germany.

The only thing China lags behind Germany is artificial manufacturing technology.

Mechanical manufacturing is still the most precise of manual manufacturing. Mechanical manufacturing machinery is just a good wish at present. Even in the 21st century, mechanical manufacturing is still inseparable from manual labor.

In other words, Chinese technicians are not as good as Germany.

In other respects China is not much behind Germany.

In terms of industrial technology, both Germany and China are far ahead of the current Allies and the United States.

It is normal for the UK not to be able to manufacture scopes. In history, the UK even made absurd exchange requests to Germany for scopes, which was rejected by Germany.

This time, the United Kingdom did not directly propose an exchange to Germany, but made a technology purchase request to China, and it was very eager.

It's a pity that Jiang Yu still doesn't like that little money at present, and the purpose of the sniping is to hit the morale of the enemy, so he gave the scope manufacturing technology to the UK, and the result is that the morale of the soldiers of the Allied countries will also be suppressed, which is not conducive to prolongation of the war.

After eagerly waiting, the United Kingdom exchanged one from China: "Scopes are not included in the list of export materials, and cannot be exported to other countries." The official response.

Perhaps at this time, the British mood is to scold their mothers, but there is nothing they can do about China.

Naturally, a scope technology can't be sold for much money, and Jiang Yu doesn't like that petty benefit.

At this time, Jiang Yu is constantly strengthening the power of the allies. This enhancement mainly depends on military technology and military thinking.

The German artillery not only received the relevant hardware technology of the Chinese artillery, but also received the ideological guidance of the Chinese artillery.

For example, Chinese artillery has never bombed the enemy's trenches for too long in all previous wars. The artillery preparation usually takes a few minutes, at most more than ten minutes.

After Germany obtained the guiding ideology of artillery, it quickly carried out reforms, and heavy artillery also began to participate in supporting infantry operations.

Britain, which has nothing to do with it, just needs to start contacting Germany.

Britain made an absurd exchange request to Germany, for which it was still rejected by the Germans mercilessly, just like in history.

And Germany has seen the great significance of sniper operations, and is constantly expanding the scale of snipers.

Germany has distributed a large number of snipers on each front, and each sniper is responsible for a section of trenches. These snipers simply overwhelmed the soldiers of the Allied Powers.

Moreover, with the arrival of rainy weather, the entire trench was muddy, and the feet of a large number of Allied soldiers were soaked in water, and the moisture entered the body seriously, which eventually became the so-called trench foot. Many Allied soldiers even had to amputate their limbs for this.

The soldiers of the Confederate States do not need to hide in the trenches like mice. As long as there is no shelling, they can calmly dry their legs.

Moreover, most of the soldiers of the Confederate States wore rubber rain boots, and the problem of trench feet was not serious.

Even if the soldiers of the Allied Powers are hiding in the trenches, it does not mean that they are safe. Germany has acquired mortar technology in China very early.

After the start of the war, the Yuanhua Group, which is controlled by Jiangyu, produced nearly two hundred mortars and a large number of mortar guns for the German army every day.

At this time, the Yuanhua Group almost monopolized the German aircraft manufacturing industry and mortar manufacturing.In addition, submachine guns and sniper rifles are all produced by Yuanhua Group.

At the same time, Yuanhua Group has gradually monopolized Germany's domestic supply.

The scale of Yuanhua Group is getting bigger and bigger, and the war has made Yuanhua Group a lot of war fortune. Before the war, Yuanhua Group also hoarded a lot of raw materials.

When the war progressed to this extent, these raw materials began to generate huge profits.

Arms manufacturing is the most profitable industry in the war, and the degree of huge profits in this industry is enough to produce a jaw-dropping asset surge effect.

Recently, Yuanhua Group has opened some new factories. The labor force used in these factories is the French and Russians captured by Germany from the front line.

These French and Russians were produced under the militarized management of the Yuanhua Group and under the supervision of the leather whip. This system was quickly adopted by other factories in Germany. Confederate labor shortages.

The raw material synthesis technology of Yuanhua Group is also the most advanced in this era. For Germany, which lacks raw materials, raw material synthesis is a life-saving straw.

The combined population of Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Turkish Empire is about 13 billion people. Generally speaking, there is not too much shortage of manpower for the time being.

Raw materials are a big problem.

Synthetic material technology has also largely alleviated Germany's raw material supply problems.

As the Yuanhua Group, which made great contributions to the German Empire during the war, Germany also granted certain preferential tax policies.

In Britain and France, the raw materials that Jiang Yu hoarded in front of the station are now gradually being sold, and he is making a lot of money.

After the raw materials hoarded in Britain and France were exchanged for funds, they were immediately exchanged for gold and then shipped back to China.

Although Britain and France have already restricted the export of gold at this time, after all, those raw materials are commodities sold in Britain and France, but imports are different. If there is no real gold and silver, they will not sell it to you at all.

Of course, silver is not easy to use now.

At least, China does not accept silver.China doesn't want silver at all, even though the current price of silver seems to have risen quite a lot.

Although the export of gold was restricted due to the war, China, as a major exporter to Britain and France, demanded that gold be shipped back to China, which Britain and France could not hinder.

If it is just a small businessman, it is impossible to withdraw gold now.

At the same time, China's pharmaceutical manufacturing also made huge profits at this time.In the past, the world's main drug producer was Germany, and German drugs were rampant in the world.

But after Germany's export vacancies came out, the pharmaceutical market was occupied by China.

The scale of China's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is not small, and in addition to Western medicine, the types of Chinese patent medicines are also increasing.

In particular, drugs such as sulfonamide became urgently needed on the European battlefield at this time.

Even the gauze is in urgent need, what else is there that is not in urgent need!

The profit of this brand drug is generally 200 yuan, while the profit of western medicine is usually 40 yuan, but now the profit of individual brand medicine has increased to more than 1000 yuan, and the gross profit of western medicine has also increased to more than 150 yuan.

The export of medicines has made the profits of Jiangyu's pharmaceutical companies continue to rise, and the profits of Chinese patent medicine companies such as Jiuzhitang under it are ridiculously high.

For example, Yunnan Baiyao, which sells well in Europe, has a gross profit of 800 yuan.

That's how British and French money was spent!

The tens of billions of British war expenses were spent in this way. Both sides of the war paid a total of more than 1863 billion U.S. dollars in direct military expenditures, which is equivalent to nearly 500 billion pounds.

Among them, Germany’s military expenditure is relatively small due to the blockade of imports, and its military support is mostly considered indirect, because the money is still circulating in Germany.

As for how much money was indirectly destroyed, it is difficult to estimate.After all, indirect money is very difficult to calculate. How can there be development without destruction?

When the two camps have developed to a certain extent, their industrial overcapacity has made it difficult for the economy to continue to grow, and they can only rely on wars to consume and then continue to develop.

Among them, the proportion of gold reserves in Germany has decreased the most, and the proportion of gold reserves in the United Kingdom has decreased to a lesser extent, but it is the United Kingdom that actually pays the most for gold.

Britain is not only fighting, but also lending money to France, Russia and other countries. After the war, it owes the United States 13 billion pounds in debt. After that, Russia refused to pay back the money first, and France also couldn't pay back the money for a long time, so the tragedy happened to Britain.

Among them, the United Kingdom also indirectly paid a lot of military expenses. Among them, the United Kingdom began to sell overseas assets on a global scale. During the war, it sold 1/4 of its overseas assets. The only thing that was not sold was the colonies.

At the same time, merchant ships suffered heavy losses.

The price of export materials has risen several times and several times, and the supply is in short supply. The speed of making money is so fast that China has fallen into the craziest investment and construction at this time.

Jiang Yu got the prediction data made by the consortium, and Zhou Ziyue said in the report:

"According to the current development speed, my country's steel output will increase to 500 million tons this year, and next year, after the steel plants and mines invested in construction are put into production, the production capacity will increase by at least 1000 million tons. The output of freight vehicles will increase this year. If the steel output is sufficient next year, it may increase to at least 60 million. However, in terms of steel production, the United States will be able to form a steel production capacity of 120 million tons this year, and at least 3000 million tons next year. Production is still more than double ours."


The gap is indeed huge.

But no matter how big the gap is, we have to catch up.

At this time, there is no problem with China's manufacturing industry. The problem is that the supply of raw materials is not enough, and the most lacking thing is steel.

As far as Chinese industry is concerned, the division of labor on the assembly line has already been implemented, while the United States has just begun such reforms, and it has not yet spread widely.

Take the pin manufacturing industry as an example. There are more than ten processes in the production of pins by an unskilled worker, so it may not be possible to produce even one pin in a day, let alone 20 pins.

However, if the ten processes are shared by dedicated workers, 48 pins can be produced every day.

China does lack technicians, but it is mainly for those who manufacture mechanical equipment, and the technicians who produce goods are not a problem at all because of the division of labor and parallelism.

Taking automobile manufacturing as an example, as long as there are sufficient raw materials and production equipment, the production capacity can be continuously expanded. (To be continued. Please search, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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