The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 140: Dismembering Japan, Expanded Edition



Five thousand words!Just one update today. . . .I'm really out of shape, and my life is in chaos. I'll straighten out my life first, and then I'll go back and update my [-]D one day. . . .

At this time, the Chinese people's money is invested in the real economy, which is the same as people investing in real estate in later generations, except that investing in the real economy can increase the country's war potential, while investing in real estate can increase the potential for war. It does not improve the country's war potential much, and it will increase internal conflicts.

The result of this is that there are more and more factories and more and more construction sites.

In the end, when the money can't move, the investment boom in the real economy will be shattered, and a new round of depression will come, followed by a large number of corporate bankruptcy. [

If Jiang Yu pinches the funds at that time, there will be more bankrupts.

Especially nowadays, many capitalists get loans from banks to set up factories. After the consortium makes a lot of money, it starts to lend money and invests the money in market construction.

As a result, ordinary people get money again, and ordinary people also put money into investment.

The scale of this investment is getting bigger and bigger like a snowball.

But in the end they will all be stuck in it.

Now it is very easy for landlords and capitalists to start a business. As long as they have mortgages, if they cannot pay back the money at that time, they will naturally be able to pay off their debts.

Most of the success of the final construction is due to the consortium.

Now that exports are booming, the snowballing funds are naturally not a problem. Once the war is over and exports begin to decline, and the banks hold back funds and prevent lending, a large number of companies will go bankrupt.The enterprise that originally cost 1000 million to build may not be able to sell 500 million by then.

Because there were very few funds in the market at that time, even if they knew it could be worth 500 million, how could so many people spend their money to buy it!

Only the consortium has a lot of funds, and at that time, 100 million yuan may eat up a factory with a construction cost of 1000 million yuan.

However, the speed of this construction mode is very fast. Perhaps more things are built in one year than in the past 100 years.

That's how the gap widens.

This model is also the fastest growing.

Although the planned economy is also fast, it does not start from the market perspective and does not adapt to the world's capital environment.The established industry has little viability in market competition.Therefore, the planned economy is to enhance the war potential as the first purpose.

So at this stage, Jiangyu's consortium not only monopolizes some monopoly industries that are easy to expand production capacity, but also allows private capital to enter and build other monopoly areas with relatively high construction costs.

Anyway, these construction achievements will also belong to the consortium in the future.

Just like the American consortium later.In the end of the operation, most of the valuable assets in the United States are almost owned by the consortium.

At this time, Jiang Yu's 'Warlord Oligarch Consortium' may only have 50 billion Yanhuang coins in a quarter, but the actual profit far exceeds this figure.

At the same time, the assets of the consortium are constantly increasing. [

For example, electric power companies, water supply companies, department stores, hotels, pharmacies, and banks are increasing all over the country, and their business scope is constantly expanding.

Regardless of whether it is a first-tier city or a second-tier city, even third-tier cities in many regions have business premises for these projects.

Running water and electric lights began to enter thousands of households.

These facilities began to be continuously built. China has a labor force of [-] million. In addition, this year, mechanized farming has become popular in the north, and more labor can be invested in the construction.

So China has built much more than the United States.The gap between China and the United gradually shrinking.

Although Chinese people are more traditional, under the huge pressure of survival in the past, women also have to work in the fields, or do some small jobs at home very hard.

Therefore, women in China also participated in a large number of labor, which was different from European and American countries at this time.Women generally hide at home to do housework.

There are also quite a few Chinese women who specialize in housework, but the proportion of working women is much higher than that in European and American countries.

The United States is now engaged in a feminist movement because of the need for women's labor.

China is also at this point and is also liberating women.

by contrast.China still insists on the traditional virtues of women, while the United States does not care about these. However, because the population of the United States comes from different countries in the world, many Americans still retain the traditions before immigration.

The number of China's labor force can be said to surpass that of the United States. The size of the labor force is even higher than the total population of the United States. Among the 9000 million people in the United States, the elderly, weak, and non-working women are also deducted.

Even, the United States at this time is about to fall into war.

Germany's restricted submarine warfare begins.

In one month, in just one month, more than 200 tons of merchant ships were sunk by the Allied Powers, and Britain's shipbuilding capacity was only over [-] million tons, and the speed of building ships was not at all comparable to the speed of being sunk.

Moreover, the German submarines using wolf pack tactics successively sank more than 30 British ships within a month, including many battleships.

Six U.S. merchant ships were also sunk.

The sinking of a British merchant ship in the Atlantic Ocean caused problems for the export of materials from the United States to the United Kingdom, and American goods began to pile up in the port.

The United Kingdom was too busy transporting these goods, so it had to reduce its orders for materials from the United States.

Instead, send the order to China.

Although the shipping route from Europe to China is farther, German submarines have not been active in the Mediterranean Sea.

Moreover, in order to export to the Allied countries, China is building roads and railways towards Myanmar. At that time, the materials will be directly transported to the coast of Myanmar, and merchant ships will not need to bypass Malacca to reach China. [

For the sake of war, Britain also agreed to allow China to build the China-Myanmar Railway and Highway.

Although China may knock out Burma from the railway, the British can't control that much now, and winning the war in Europe is the most important thing.

With such a huge loss of British merchant ships, the United States hesitated whether to join the war.

The sinking of six American merchant ships also aroused condemnation from the Americans.It's just that the American consortium is depressed.

Joining the war now is too nonsense, and the money is not enough!Wouldn't joining the war let oneself fall into it?We must know that the war at this time is far from clear.

And the United States is also afraid that after they join the war, China will follow suit.

As the competition between the two sides unfolds, what the United States sees is a China with rapid industrial development and a China with military technology that is developing against the sky.

But if you don't join the war, wouldn't it mean that you can't make much money just looking at the money?

In such hesitation, the United States can only speed up the construction of destroyers and submarine hunting submarines, and put its treasure on those destroyers and submarine hunting submarines.

However, it turned out that German submarines were not afraid of escort ships.

Even with escort.Still like a pack of wolves, they rushed forward to eat those merchant ships.

In the end, the United States still did not declare war on Germany, so it could only continue to endure.

Although the British merchant ships suffered heavy losses, they were still able to transport some.

And Germany is killing on the Eastern Front by releasing poisonous gas.Russian soldiers without any anti-virus measures suffered heavy casualties under the attack of poison gas.

In just one summer offensive, Russia lost nearly 200 million troops.

However, for Russia, the main force still exists compared to the more than 200 million soldiers it mobilized with 300 million troops.

Germany invaded Russia, causing a large number of refugees.

This is cheap for China. Many Russian refugees are willing to come to China to do hard labor as long as they have a bite to eat.

On the Western Front, Germany's poison gas war also brought millions of casualties to Britain and France, which was very cruel.

Britain and France also started a poison gas war, but the poison gas they used was different.And the German soldiers were already wearing gas masks.

no doubt.This is another technology that Jiang Yu gave to the Germans.

The British and French gas wars had little effect.

Germany's poison gas was changed to artillery fire, which left the enemy with insufficient time to evade, causing a lot of damage.

Germany also changed the artillery to a type that can be fired by mortars, and used the curved path of the mortars to attack the Allied soldiers in the trenches.

The two sides came and went, and the gas battle was extremely intense.

China's military operations have not stopped either.When the Chinese Army arrived in the Arabian Peninsula and opened up the western line of communication, the Chinese Army began to sweep the Arabian Peninsula.

When the war ended, the nobleman was surprised to find out.The Middle Easterners on the Arabian Peninsula disappeared, but on the island of Papua Guinea in the South Seas, there are Middle Easterners everywhere.

The people on the barren land of the Arabian Peninsula have all become Chinese, and these Chinese are engaged in some agricultural production and some export manufacturing.

The East China Fleet of the Chinese Navy returned to Chinese waters in June after completing an escort operation for a convoy bound for the Middle East.

A military operation against Ryukyu is ready.

In the past few months, the Chinese Air Force has been distributing leaflets on the residents of the Ryukyu Islands, intending to awaken the national consciousness of the Ryukyu people.

This trick did produce an effect. There was a riot in the Ryukyu Islands against the Japanese by the local residents, but there were also many Japanese on the islands.

The two sides fought back and forth, and the Ryukyu residents were brutally suppressed by the Japanese army on the islands.

The remaining Ryukyu residents can only wait silently. Although not too many Ryukyu people participated in this riot, they have successfully awakened the Ryukyu people's idea of ​​returning to the country.

After more than half a year of preparation, China's navy, land and air forces cooperated closely, and on June 6, they carried out a landing operation on the Ryukyu Islands.

The Chinese Army has invested nearly [-] troops on the Ryukyu Islands.

The landing process went relatively smoothly under the cover of aircraft and naval guns, but after the landing, the Chinese army was frantically counterattacked by the Japanese on the island.

After losing the field battle, Japan retreated into the city, intending to rely on the urban terrain to resist the attack of the Chinese army.

But the ensuing street fighting turned out to be one-sided.

The Chinese army threw soldiers equipped with submachine guns into the city, and the Japanese army's [-]th Dagai couldn't exert any power in street fighting.

The Japanese were also crazy, rushing forward bravely to the Chinese soldiers with submachine guns in their hands, intending to cause damage to the Chinese army.

But most of them were swept to the ground by submachine guns.

Some Ryukyu people also participated in the street fighting, but they were helping the Chinese Army to fight the Japanese.

The Ryukyu landing battle was very fierce, and the casualties of the Chinese army exceeded 2000 people in one day for the first time.The Japanese on the island, no matter if they were men or women, or even children, could attack the Chinese army.

But under such casualties, the Chinese Army still stubbornly captured the entire Ryukyu.

During this period, the Chinese Army killed more than [-] Japanese soldiers and more than [-] Japanese. It also suffered more than [-] casualties, but fortunately most of them were only injured.

After capturing Ryukyu, the Chinese Army immediately began to investigate the remaining Japanese on the archipelago.

The troubleshooting method is simple.As long as you test whether you know the local dialect of Ryukyu, you can identify whether you are a local resident of Ryukyu. At the same time, the local residents of Ryukyu quickly discarded the Japanese surnames and reused the 36 surnames in Fujian.

Another typical example of China's liberation from colonialist countries has emerged.The Kingdom of Ryukyu is about to be restored.

Both North Korea and Ryukyu can be regarded as propaganda projects for China's external expansion, thus shaping China's national image different from traditional colonial empires.

And fool the people of those colonized countries, welcome the entry of the squadron.

Even in a notorious country like Japan, when it invaded Southeast Asia and the Indochina Peninsula, some indigenous people believed that Japan was going to liberate them, and a country like China believed it even more.

In general, the capture of the Ryukyu Islands was just a small battle, and not much army power was used.

For China, the Ryukyu Peninsula is indeed an archipelago of relatively strategic significance. Here, China can build a maritime defense together with Taiwan to form an absolute safety zone near the sea.

After the army captured Ryukyu.A high-level meeting of the Army, Navy and Air Force was held.

In this high-level meeting.For the first time, soldiers from the Beiyang faction and the East China faction held a military meeting in the same conference room.

"During the landing battle against Ryukyu, we can see that Japan is an extremely crazy country. When their homeland encounters war, every Japanese is desperate to serve their emperor. If such a country continues to Existence. It will become a long-term threat to our Chinese nation. For this reason, I have decided to dismember Japan.” Jiang Yu said sonorously at the meeting, and then said to Jiang Fangzhen: “Next, the chief of the general staff will announce the battle plan.”

Jiang Fangzhen stood up.Pointing to the map, he said: "Japan is divided into five parts: Kyushu Island, Shikoku Island, Honshu Island, Hokkaido, and Sakhalin Island. For China, the two islands that have occupation significance are Sakhalin Island and Hokkaido. First There are large pastures in Hokkaido, and the surrounding waters are rich in fishery resources, making it one of the four largest fishing grounds in the world."

"Looking at Sakhalin Island, because of the Russo-Japanese War, Japan has seized all of it. There are abundant forest resources on Sakhalin Island, as well as oil resources that are scarce in our country, and fishery resources are also very rich. The most important thing is Yes, whether it is Sakhalin Island or Hokkaido, the population density of Japan is not too large, and it does not need to spend too much effort to clean it up."

"In the preliminary combat plan, before winter comes, our Chinese National Defense Forces will first land in Hokkaido and capture Hokkaido. It is estimated that 18 divisions will be deployed, about [-] people. In the spring of next year, we will invest another [-] divisions to land. Sakhalin, capture Sakhalin."

"At the same time, we will incite anti-Emperor riots on Kyushu Island and Shikoku Island. The navy and army will occupy a coastal port on each of the two islands, and then support the anti-Emperor forces on the islands, so that Kyushu, Shikoku and the two islands are in a state of dormant melee."

"The air force continues to bomb Honshu Island, destroying all valuable ground targets."

After describing the battle plan, Jiang Fangzhen sat down.

Jiang Yu asked everyone sitting here: "Is there anything else you want to add?"

"Report to Commander, how will the Japanese on the island be dealt with?" Duan Qirui stood up and said, "If we landed on Ryukyu like this time, the casualties will not be a small number."

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "So soldiers should be more ruthless when they should be ruthless, and don't want the benevolence of women."

"Yes." Duan Qirui gave a military salute, and then sat down.Everyone sitting here already understood what to do, Jiang Yu continued: "Try to capture those who can be captured. The Japanese slaves in China are quite comfortable to use. Some private companies will buy them at prices ranging from five to ten yuan. these captives."

Everyone was immediately happy, those Japanese slaves were indeed used very well, and the Japanese were very obedient, so the captive Japanese were very easy to manage after they were put into labor and production.

The military has already used those Japanese prisoners to start building military facilities, which are really easy to use, and there is no need to pay wages at all, which saves a lot of military expenses.

"Then, who is willing to command the three armies to conquer Japan?" Jiang Yu continued to ask, "This time against Japan, mechanized troops are not needed for field battles, and street fighting is the main way. If you want to reduce casualties, you can fire and burn down Japanese cities. Most of Japan is wood. It’s easy to burn down a city without building it.”

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, our Beiyang lineage army has not made any meritorious service since the Republic of China, and my subordinates request to fight." Duan Qirui stood up immediately, and said sonorously.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, and the subordinates also request to fight."


The officers of the Beiyang faction at the scene stood up one after another to fight. In the past against Russia and Japan, the Beiyang Army was only a supporting role and never served as the main offensive.

Now the Beiyang Army has undergone a comprehensive reorganization and has taken on a completely new look.

The only problem is that most of the officers of the Beiyang Army have now gone to Huai'an Military Academy for advanced studies.Advanced studies are extremely necessary. The officers of the Beiyang Army have not kept up with the development of the times, and their combat concepts are not advanced.

And China has rapidly completed its military rise by relying on new combat concepts. Therefore, if Beiyang officers want to continue to stay in the army, they must go to military academies for further studies.

"Okay, then you will be in charge of the landing operation against Japan this time." Jiang Yu stood up and decided.

"Thank you sir."

The senior officers of the Beiyang faction sincerely thank Jiang Yu for giving them this opportunity. Although most of them are older than Jiang Yu, this does not hinder their respect for Jiang Yu.

This meeting determined the main policy of fighting against Japan, and it also meant that after China and Europe fell into a war, they were rapidly expanding their territory.

Taking Hokkaido and Sakhalin Island, if it can also plunge Kyushu and Shikoku into a chaotic and divided situation, then Japan will have nothing to worry about.

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