The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 147: Expansion of Maritime Interests



The second update, a [-]-word chapter, is finished today with [-] words!

In the future navy, there will be battleships, but the main force will still be those destroyers and cruisers responsible for anti-submarine and air defense.

Stronger power, more fuel-efficient power!

More powerful anti-submarine capability, more powerful anti-aircraft firepower! [

This is the main research direction for destroyers and cruisers.

In this way, an aircraft carrier battle group is formed, and then the aircraft is used as the main combat force, but the battleship still has to exist, which can ensure that the navy can protect itself and even kill the enemy when the aircraft carrier cannot achieve ideal results.

Of course, forget about the super-large-tonnage battleships that Japan talked about. The record of Japan's super battleships during World War II was very bad.

The Yamato, known as the "Yamato Hotel" by humans, and its sister ship, the Musashi, have even worse record, which has become a laughing stock.

At this time, China has begun to need naval power to protect its maritime rights and interests. There has been a sea power vacuum in Asia. Since the destruction of the Japanese combined fleet, although the United States wants to occupy this vacuum sea power, it is clear that the United States does not have this ability.

Southeast Asia is China's doorstep. Even if the U.S. Navy builds a hundred aircraft carriers, it will have to get down obediently when it comes to China's doorstep.

After all, the title of the world's number one air force is not called for nothing.

The Chinese Air Force alone can strike all parts of Southeast Asia. If the U.S. Navy breaks out with China, it can only be drowned in the Asian waters by several planes.

But it is impossible to use aircraft to deal with everything. China has to deal with pirates to ensure the trade safety of merchant ships, and also to warn some disobedient countries. This requires sufficient battleships and sufficient naval size.

While the Europeans are pinching each other, the Chinese navy has a better environment for development.

The United States is precisely because the Chinese Air Force is getting stronger and stronger.Only then did it give up its intention to occupy sea power in Asia. Before that, the United States even wanted to re-occupy the Northeast.

But these attempts failed.

After the Navy acquires new battleships, it will be able to form an initial combat capability by the end of 16, and will have 7 battleships by then.

Three of them are salvaged Japanese battleships that have been repaired and put into service. Those three battleships are relatively backward, but they are better than nothing.

And the three Japanese battleships were not to the point of being eliminated. The last chapter of the last Beiyang warlord.

By 1917, the number of Chinese battleships will shrink to 8, and the number of heavy cruisers will also reach 8, plus light cruisers and destroyers.A naval battle group can be formed.

This kind of power is enough to protect China's maritime interests in Asia.

Generally speaking, the Chinese Navy is relatively satisfied with its military expenditure this year.And launched the 16-year warship manufacturing plan.

It will be able to complete the manufacture in 17 and form a decent Chinese navy. [

But the new battleships are basically these, and the warships that will be manufactured in the future will be mainly aimed at technological breakthroughs.

The navy's funding is more invested in technical research, such as anti-submarine technology.

Although China is not very afraid of submarines, it is a continental country after all.But if you want to keep the ocean interests.Then you must study anti-submarine technology.

Because America has submarines!

The number of British and French submarines will not be too many, but there are.

These submarines can pose a threat to the fleet.

The direction of anti-submarine technology is very clear. Jiang Yu has already given the research route, and all technical research groups only need to follow the route to research.

At the same time, the Navy is vigorously developing submarine technology.

Submarines can definitely be a pain in the ass, especially ones that perform well.

Submarines can also be used for anti-submarine!

Even if it can't effectively attack American submarines, at least the submarine force should be stronger than the Yankees.In the face of the imaginary enemy of the United States in future wars, the submarine force must be able to achieve greater success than American submarines.

In addition to military expenditures, the remaining 50 billion in the central budget.There is still 10 billion invested in education construction. For education, how much money can be burned.

The first is the hardware facilities. In addition to the school can also buy experimental equipment and the like, there are also school buses and so on.At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the welfare of teachers so that teachers can teach with peace of mind.Don't worry about money, so that you can devote yourself to education.

Teachers must not be polluted by money, any private charges are not allowed in the school.If the teacher is found to be profiting from the students, he will have to sue.

The rating of teachers is also relatively strict. For example, if a teacher in a university wants to be a professor, he must have real talents and practical learning.

For example, professors in machine tool manufacturing don't just have to stay in school and study all the time. They must have more than ten years of experience in factories, which is relatively short.

Unlike those professors and scholars in the later generations, all of them seemed to be picked for nothing, and there was no real material. On the contrary, the bureaucratic atmosphere of letting students do research is very serious, and even plagiarizing students' research results is even aboveboard.

At the same time, the state also took out 5 million Yanhuang coins to improve the nutrition of school students.

At this time, Chinese schools generally stayed in school for education, and most of them were like this.The students are boarding at the school, eat and so on at the school, and only go home during the holidays.

Because family education in China is relatively lacking at this time, it is not reliable to expect parents to educate their children.

There are classes during the day and classes at night.

However, the classes in the evening are all interesting classes. For example, the current affairs teacher discusses current affairs issues with the students. For example, the geography teacher tells the students some interesting geographical knowledge, or conducts some art courses.Generally, each school makes full use of time in the evening to add various interest classes, and students can choose freely. [

It is equivalent to saying that the school will educate and guide students from all aspects. The school should not only teach knowledge, but also teach students how to behave, and at the same time teach them how to survive in society and how to communicate with others, instead of teaching a group of nerds. Read the full text of the black-bellied husband and cold-faced wife.

At the same time, night schools, technical schools, and literacy efforts for the masses are all increasing.

It is equivalent to saying that this year plus the cost of improving the nutrition of students, the investment in education reached 15 billion Yanhuang coins, accounting for a quarter of the fiscal revenue, which greatly exceeded military expenditures.


Elementary school learns basics, middle school learns intermediate knowledge, there is no so-called high school.

In fact, in the education of future generations, a lot of knowledge is useless at all, and it is eventually returned to the teacher.Moreover, what is cultivated is a comprehensive talent, who can do everything and know nothing. It is just a waste of people's youth and educational resources.

At this time, Chinese universities recruit students based on their specialties, which aspects are more outstanding in middle school.If you have demonstrated your strengths, you can apply for a targeted major.

After graduating from high school, they go to university, and then specifically strengthen the basic knowledge required by their majors.In this way, the efficiency of the utilization of educational resources is improved.

At the same time, it will not waste the youth of the students, nor will it cause too much pressure on the students.

Students only need to look for a path and walk on it seriously.In this way, more professional talents can be cultivated, instead of talents who know everything and know nothing, and can play soy sauce everywhere.

As for those students who can't go to college.After graduating from elementary school, a group of students will first be diverted to go to technical secondary schools to engage in skills that do not require much knowledge.

Such as haircutting, cooking, driving, maintenance, fitter, welder, etc.

After finishing middle school, if you can’t go to university, you can go to junior college. The majors are higher than technical secondary schools, but there are also lower-level majors. Those with poor academic performance can only go to lower-level majors.

This is tantamount to letting those students who really can't read.You can learn survival skills as early as possible, so you don't have to waste your youth in school.

Adults can also go to college if they want to, and every school has adult classes.This is the case in elementary and middle schools, and adults can also enter school to study, rather than a test for life.

Entering a university does not necessarily mean that you can get a diploma. At this time, China's higher education is more strict about academic qualifications.

Since I went to college.Professional knowledge is enough to pass, and so is junior college.

Adults are still encouraged to go to school.

No time to go to school.You can also self-study to apply for university.

Taking the high investment in education of the Republic of China at this time as an example, it only takes 20 years to achieve great results. Knowledge can change the destiny, and the accumulation of individual destiny changes, from quantitative change to qualitative change, thus changing the luck of the country.

According to the original history, World War II has not yet broken out 20 years later!

More than half of the other 45 billion fiscal budget has been invested in national construction, and the main focus of construction is water conservancy, roads, bridges and other aspects.

The government's investment in this area has continued to increase, which has naturally led to economic development.

At the same time, the construction of water conservancy also provides a safe production environment for the common people.

The consortium is also working on the budget this year, and the consortium has also invested 100 billion yuan in industrial construction. The industry built by the consortium is called a real big project.

For example, in iron ore mining, large iron mines in all provinces of the country are owned by consortiums, and their mining capacity is by no means comparable to that of ordinary small iron mines.

There is also a steel factory, which is definitely a big steel factory, the main force of steel smelting.

However, the construction period is longer than those of small iron mines and small iron and steel factories. It takes at least two years to build a steel factory of this scale, which is much faster than mine construction.

However, because the main reason why China's steel production could not increase in the past was the insufficient amount of iron ore mining, with the rapid production of those small mines.

By 16, steel production began to grow rapidly, doubling directly to 1000 tons, and there are still many large steel plants under construction in the consortium, which will not start to be put into operation until 17, with an additional 500 million tons Steel is mainly contributed by small and medium-sized steel producers.

It is estimated that by 17, China's steel production will skyrocket to 2000 million tons, and the production will increase geometrically. Although the steel production will still be only half of that of the United States, it will enable the manufacturing industry to increase its horsepower.

At this time, due to the shortage of steel, some industries with serious steel consumption have maintained a low output, which is also impossible.


Before you know it, the Spring Festival is approaching.

During the Spring Festival this year, ordinary people obviously felt that the supply of living materials had increased, and it was no longer as scarce as it was in 15 years.

The main problem is that the production of daily necessities was mostly monopolized by consortiums. The consortia generally set up factories in big cities, and then radiated to surrounding cities, and more concentrated in the coast.

With the growth of foreign exports and the doubling of industrial output, the railways could not transport those daily necessities at all. The transportation capacity of the railways first gave way to materials such as steel, coal mines, and grain.As a result, the supply of living materials in some small cities has decreased.

After the local investment boom, various factories producing daily necessities have sprung up in the local area, directly supplying the local area without long-distance transportation.

Cars are used for transport over short distances.

It is equivalent to saying that the consortium has vacated these markets and focused on mechanized agriculture and heavy industry. Many of the consortium's light industries are concentrated in the coastal areas, and their production capacity has been shifted to export.

This year's Spring Festival, the consumption of ordinary people has been suppressed for a year, and it suddenly showed a small outbreak.

Although the price of daily necessities has risen, the price of grain is very stable, because the commercial grain bases in the north have been put into production one after another.Food supply tends to be stable.

If there is enough, let it go, if it is not enough, then fight.

When the common people are not fighting, the price of food is not out of control.

The supply of eggs, meat and milk has also increased.There are so many local farms that many people choose to invest their funds in the breeding industry, which is very safe at present.

As people have more money in their pockets, the demand for eggs, meat and milk is also increasing.

The most important thing is that the food supply in factories, construction sites, schools, and government agencies is good, and there is a great demand for eggs, meat, and milk.There are almost everywhere examples of local gentry and common people raising funds to set up farms.

At this time, China's animal husbandry industry was also developing relatively rapidly, but the scale had been limited. The state implemented strict monitoring of pastures and prohibited overgrazing.

The common people also ate Taiwanese sugar shipped from Taiwan during the Spring Festival this year, and the production of sugarcane in Guangxi was also increasing, while the scale of sugar beet planting in the north was not very large.

The supply of sugar is mainly sucrose from the south.

For example, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, and Taiwan are the provinces with the largest sugarcane planting area.

Offshore fishing and ocean fishing have brought abundant seafood to the Chinese people.The common people in the coastal cities have a great deal of food.

The common people in inland cities have also eaten aquatic products made into dried goods, such as kelp, hairtail, and those canned fish and meat.

Many of them are canned cod.Some were caught in Japanese fisheries, while others were cod caught from Newfoundland fisheries.

Ocean fishing companies also brought back whale meat, and it was a large amount of whale meat. From 1901 to 1911, Britain and Norway were the two major whaling powers.Increased the number of whales hunted from 2000 to over 20000.

At this time, Europe fell into a state of war, and the whaling industry was hit to a certain extent.

But China's whaling industry is beginning to develop.

Most of the whaling in Britain and Norway was for industrial raw materials.The whale meat is discarded.In contrast, China's whaling industry is different. Whale meat can be shipped back to China after being frozen and kept fresh.

A whale has a lot of meat. At this time, China has formed a whale meat industry chain along the coast, and factories process whale meat into various foods.

Dried whale meat, canned whale meat, etc. are also sold directly frozen.

Whale oil and whiskers are refined as industrial raw materials.

However, although China's ocean-going fishing technology is advanced at this time, there are not too many ocean-going fishing boats, but this year's Spring Festival also contributed a lot of cheap marine products to the common people.

Although ordinary people are relatively unfamiliar with these aquatic products caught in the ocean, and even most of them do not know how to cook them, they are cooked on a large scale in factories, schools, construction sites, and canteens of government departments, providing many Chinese people throughout the year. Protein, as it is, reduces the need for grain intake, and also alleviates the problem of insufficient supply of eggs, meat and milk.

At the same time, while China's shipbuilding industry is producing ship orders for the UK, it is also continuously manufacturing its own merchant ships and ocean-going fishing boats.

Those private shipyards are producing some offshore fishing boats, as well as small inland watercraft.

The distant water fishing industry will continue to expand in the future. This era is indeed a good one, and the distant water fishing industry is still very rich in resources.

At the same time, China has also begun to try to catch krill in Antarctica. There are tens of millions of tons of krill in the world, but it is not suitable for direct consumption. Although krill is rich in nutrients, the fluorine content in the shell exceeds the human consumption standard. 40 times , Therefore, China's distant water fishing industry is trying to extract krill oil from krill, and process krill into krill meal, which is used as feed.

China has become the first country to venture into krill fishing, a shrimp that is largely uncatchable by other countries.

In Antarctica, in some months, one cubic meter of krill can reach as much as 30 kilograms, and a large piece of krill can be collected in one net, which can provide very high-quality feed for China's aquaculture industry.

At this time, Chinese farms use better concentrated feed.It's either Peruvian fishmeal or Antarctic krill. In addition, no messy drugs are used to stimulate the birth, so the meat quality of the farmed livestock is very good.

Because of China's seizure of marine interests, the domestic supply of products has become more and more abundant, and this country is rapidly getting rid of hunger and poverty.

Ocean transportation and fishing, as well as the aquatic product processing industry, also provide a large number of jobs for China.

Gradually, Chinese people no longer have to worry about eating and drinking. They can eat a lot of affordable fish and meat for very little money, and the price of food has not been raised.

Generally speaking, this is a very festive Spring Festival.

It's the Chinese New Year.Jiang Yu was very busy, and the house was also very lively. Those old subordinates all came to the Marshal's Mansion to pay New Year's greetings.

I have been busy until the tenth day of the first month.On this day, Jiang Yu went to Shanghai again to participate in the annual 'National Merchants Annual Meeting'.

The annual meeting of ethnic businessmen is a grand event held by the East China Chamber of Commerce every year. Most of the ethnic businessmen will be present to celebrate the harvest of the year and formulate investment directions for the new year.

"This year is a bumper year. According to the statistics of the chamber of commerce, among the more than 1000 merchant members of the chamber of commerce, they have obtained a net profit of nearly 30 billion Yanhuang coins in the past year. I think everyone present has eaten meat." Jiang Yu beamed. stood on the stage and joked to everyone.

There was a burst of laughter below, it was indeed meat.

Almost, I also made a profit of 10,000+ yuan this year.Those who make less money belong to those soldiers who have just retired from business.

Although their current capital is relatively small, they are constantly making progress.

And there are several businessmen who have earned tens of millions this year. Such wealth was very rare in China in the past.It usually takes more than ten or twenty years of accumulation.

Unlike now, so much wealth has been accumulated in a year.

"It's a joy to make money, but everyone should keep in mind that enough money is enough. Your responsibility is to manage this wealth for the nation. Make China richer and stronger. Our goal is to make China's national capital the strongest in the world. Big capital. One day, our national capital will spread all over the world.” Jiang Yuyu reminded these ethnic businessmen earnestly, “The meaning of the existence of national capital is to make all people live better. Only We continue to earn enough wealth from other countries so that every compatriot can enjoy good welfare, education, and make their quality of life better."

There was a round of applause immediately below, and everyone respected Jiang Yu on the stage in their hearts.

It was he who led the Chinese to defeat Russia and Japan, and it was he who made China break away from the status of a semi-colonial country, so that the entire nation would no longer be oppressed by other countries.

At the same time, it was he who led these ethnic businessmen to initially expand the national capital, and led the capital out of China to squeeze the wealth of other countries.

This is how the world has developed to this era. If you are not a wolf, then you have to be a sheep.

If a sheep that cannot be a wolf wants not to be eaten by wolves, it must be besieged and blocked by wolves, just like Iran in later generations, the strength of such sheep is always pulled away by wolves.

Eating meat is the ruler's patent, and it is also the ruler's power and nature.

The point is, are you going to eat the meat of other countries, or the meat of the people.

At this time, China is moving towards the direction of eating meat from other countries.

At the same time, today's China has inherited the tradition of ancient Chinese rulers. Ancient China rarely expanded outwards barbarously, because the upper class had better moral qualities, and they took a long-term perspective.Under such circumstances, the ruler must balance the division of internal resources, so Confucianism calls on the ruler to restrain his desires and even out the resources in order to achieve long-term success.

The East China Chamber of Commerce now also has this rule. Having money does not mean that you can spend it casually. Since you are a national businessman, you have to restrain your desires and don't occupy too many social resources for personal enjoyment and vanity. for long-term prosperity.

Moreover, a good social system and benefits have been formed. Even if the children of these businessmen have no money in the future, they can live well as ordinary people.

"This year is the year of Bingchen, and the Europeans are still fighting each other. It will not end in a short time. The investment environment this year is still very good. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will continue to expand investment and increase production. .However, there are some industries where we don’t need to continue investing, such as…”

Jiang Yu talked on stage for more than half an hour, and the investment directions he revealed to them were some areas that made up for the consortium's bad monopoly. Many members of the chamber of commerce below took pens and notebooks and recorded them very carefully. .

After Jiang Yu's speech, the banquet came up.

All the people sat down one after another, and the atmosphere was very warm, all celebrating the good times of last year.

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