The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 151: Chinese 'Peacekeeping' Operations



The first!

History has been changed because of the rise of China. First, the arrogant Asian colonial country Japan was beaten down by China, and now it is only dying.

At the same time, because Russia was able to import materials and arms from China, the Allies did not launch the Gallipoli campaign against Ottoman Turkey in 1915.

But what has not changed is that the Allied Powers destroyed Serbia in 1915. At this time, Serbia had been completely occupied, that is, the country was destroyed. [

However, although Russia, the Allied Powers, received combat materials exported from China, Russia’s logistics is still so bad. Fortunately, a railway was built to the lower reaches of the Volga River. Although some Russian military supplies have been improved, Germany’s strength has strengthened. .

Due to the technology provided by China, Germany's artillery application at this time has begun to mature both in terms of hardware and combat thinking.

Moreover, the number of German bombers is constantly increasing, especially in the battle against Russia on the Eastern Front. German bombers have left Russia with nothing to do.

After 15 years of counterattacks on the Eastern Front, Russia was beaten badly, and the number of troops wiped out reached 200 million. If it is an ordinary small country, and 200 million people are finished, then if it is a country with a population of 2000 million Basically, it's over.

One out of ten people dies, and only five out of ten people are men, and one-third of them are able to join the army in terms of age, excluding some people with physical problems, or special important groups of people, such as intellectuals, etc., count as two people Being able to join the army, two of these two people who were able to join the army died, and only one of the ten people who could join the army was left, which means that half of the families lost their loved ones, so the war would naturally be impossible to fight.

However, Russia has the largest population among the countries participating in the war, with a population of nearly 13 billion, and one labor force is drawn out of ten people to fight.It can also draw nearly 300 million troops.

Tsarist Russia indeed mobilized tens of millions of troops during World War I.

War can be incomparably traumatic for civilians, especially when one in ten is mobilized to fight.

It was precisely because a large number of soldiers died and became disabled on the front line that the Russian October Revolution and the German coup d'etat were caused.

As for foreign wars, if you can win, it’s okay, the common people will continue to support you.

But if we retreat steadily and continue to send people to the front to die, then the common people will rebel.

In contrast, China and the United States have perhaps the lowest ratios of soldiers to civilians in this era.Before that, the U.S. Army had only 10 people. Because of the outbreak of World War I, the Yankees thought they were a referee.I am preparing for hand-to-hand combat at any time, so the size of the army has been increased.

China has a population of more than 4 million, and the population has begun to experience a rapid growth.

But China has only 120 million first-line army and 150 million second-line army at this time, which adds up to only 270 million.Including air force, navy, ground staff and other personnel, the total number is 300 million.

In other words, out of every 100 Chinese, less than 1 person joins the army.

But this does not mean that China's mobilization ability is relatively low. China also trains militias in various places, as well as armed police and air defense.

At the same time, most schools are co-educational.Boys' schools are basically managed militarily, and those children have been exposed to queues, firearms, and tactical action training since childhood.

As China's productivity increases.The material supply of this country will continue to increase, and the increase in material will inevitably weaken the will.

If there is no military training for students, there will only be a group of young soldiers in the future. [

The purpose of the militarized management of boys' schools is to strengthen the willpower of these students and allow these students to receive military training from an early age.Let them have good discipline and have a sense of team fighting.At the same time, it is also to prepare for the export of elite soldiers to the army in the future.

Although it seems that China's internal society is relatively calm at this time, it spares no effort in cultivating the next generation. The country provides the best nutrition for students, and at the same time, it constantly strengthens their physical fitness while studying, which is beneficial to the students. They drill.

At the same time, there are military veterans in the boys' school as instructors, and there are also martial arts teachers who teach them to practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies.At the same time, every school has a shooting range, and every student can go to the range to shoot from time to time.

The veterans in these schools are soldiers with more combat experience. When they train the students, they will also teach them some survival experience and combat skills on the battlefield.

Experience can be passed on!

This is not only true of combat, but also of mechanical manufacturing and so on.

And every public school is constantly instilling nationalism in the students.

When these students enter the society from school, once the war comes, they can be mobilized. As long as they have intensive training for half a year, they will become elite soldiers.

In fact, when all-out war came, all countries put civilians who had never received military training into the battlefield after three months of training.

Compared with China's model, the combat quality and will of its temporarily mobilized soldiers are very poor.

In the classrooms of every school in China, there are four words "If you forget the war, you will be in danger" to remind every student that foreign wars may break out in China at any time.

And use the history of blood and tears of China's invasion by aliens in the past to educate students. The result of ignoring power is enslavement.

This has filled every boys' school in China with an atmosphere of readiness for war.

Good nutrition, coupled with adequate exercise and training, have made these students physically strong, and physical fitness is also something that can change an individual's destiny.

It is said that there is one fate, two luck and three Fengshui. Up to ten is health preservation, and the later items are easier to do. The number one life is almost impossible to change, unless it is those who are out of the world.

When a person is full of blood, his fate will naturally be changed.

When the fate of an individual changes, when the scale reaches a certain level, it will change from quantitative to qualitative, thus changing the fate of the country.

If a war breaks out in the future, China's mobilization capabilities will not only be terrifying, but the quality of mobilization will be extremely high.

At this time, China is always preparing for future wars.

No one understood Jiang Yu's urgency.

As for whether to participate in the current World War I, Jiang Yu is very conflicted.

On the one hand, China does have the ability to judge the world, but on the other hand, the Chinese people have experienced long-term poverty and ignorance. [

This is the time when the entire nation most needs to recuperate its strength.

China is indeed capable of participating in wars, but once it falls into war, when will the common people live a good life?

Although the common people are gradually getting enough food and clothing, they generally still have no houses, and the popularity of education is not high.

Now the common people do have money in their hands, but much of their productivity is used for export. The common people just wait for the end of the European War to build a house and live a good life.

If it is caught in a war at this time, then the productive forces will be invested in the war again, and China's own economic development will inevitably be affected.

However, war also develops. For the sake of war, it can be comprehensively built. As long as there is no unevenness, the infrastructure of the entire nation will be greatly developed. However, the field of national rejuvenation is limited to military, industrial, cultural, etc., and it will be delayed. up.

"It seems that both routes have benefits, so let's let nature take its course! Let's see which one is more beneficial." Jiang Yu thought to himself after finishing the call.


On the second day after Britain, France and Russia issued a joint note, the Beijing government of China made a statement. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared: "International trade is free. As a neutral country, China has the right to export to countries in any camp. If any country is arrogant If you interfere with my country's exports, you will bear all the consequences."

The warning means a lot!

Britain, France and Russia naturally heard it.

And this is also within their expectations, how could China give up the interests of the mouth, not to mention the time when the Allied Powers appeared very passive in front of China.

The previous British concessions did not eliminate China's threat to the Allies.

This has resulted in the current situation of 'making progress'.

Britain, France and Russia have discussed with each other for several days, but they have not come up with a good solution. If they retaliate against China, it will weaken its export trade with the Allies.

Then the result will be to completely send China to the allies and increase exports to the allies.

If China is in a hurry, it is even possible to sell those advanced aircraft to the Germans.

When the Allies were at a loss, riots broke out in the Iraqi area occupied by Ottoman Turkey, and the Arabs began to seek independence in the rear when the main force of the Turks hit the European war.

This made Britain immediately realize that this would be an opportunity to cut off China's exports to the allies, so it immediately mobilized troops from Egypt, and British Major Lawrence organized guerrillas to enter the Iranian region to support the Arab riots.

At the same time, the United Kingdom began to use a three-pronged approach. On the one hand, it sent Egyptian garrisons into the Iraqi region to carry out guerrilla warfare, and at the same time threatened and lured Romania to declare war on the Allies.

In the end, Britain and France decided to launch a landing war on the Gallipoli Peninsula, hoping to cut off China's material exports to the Allies on land and open up sea exports to Russia.

However, before the British guerrillas reached the Iraqi region, China's Middle East Province quickly mobilized two divisions to enter Iraq under the banner of "peacekeeping" to suppress the riots of the Middle East.

Because this kind of riot has affected China's trade with the allies and has damaged China's interests.

After Jiang Yu received the news of the riots in Iran, he immediately contacted the Turkish government and offered to help Turkey suppress the riots.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire was overjoyed, and now their forces mainly hit the Balkan Peninsula, and riots in the rear made Turkey very difficult.

And it is an important line of communication with China.

Of course, China has also put forward a condition, that is, it wants the right to explore oil in Iraq and Syria, and at the same time, China must give preferential treatment in terms of export tax when it exploits oil in these areas.

After discussing with Turkey, Germany and Turkey decided to agree to China's conditions. What is the oil exploration right, but the communication line is extremely important. Germany must not just watch the newly opened foreign trade routes being cut off.

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