The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 154: The Shady Slave Trade


spn democratic republic!

At this time, China has indeed realized it. Although this is only superficially realized, the United States is also only superficially realized. The real control of the country is the wealthy consortium, and the whole country is like a consortium. Great company for everyone and business.

In this big company, every Chinese is an employee.

Now everyone in China can supervise those officials and capitalists.

If an official is corrupt, accepts bribes, or says inappropriate words or acts, as long as it is reported, the central government will remove the official once it is verified, and even face criminal punishment, and it is easy to get the death penalty. [

Capitalists will also be severely punished if they do not treat workers in accordance with state policy.

Ordinary people usually report, they can write directly, or they can find a newspaper.

Generally, newspaper offices are more efficient and can immediately attract the attention of the upper echelons.Those officials and entrepreneurs have nothing to do with those newspapers, because most of those newspapers are controlled by Jiang Yu, so these newspapers are not afraid of your power at all. Even if you are a gangster, the country will still suppress you.

Don't think that the underworld is really that difficult to deal with. In fact, the government only needs a determination to crack down on the underworld.

The current representatives of the underworld are the Green Gang and the Hongmen. The two major gangs are now divided and disintegrated by Jiang Yu.

The gangsters who have been "recruited" no longer make a living in traditional casinos, drug trafficking, collecting protection fees, etc., but have begun to get involved in formal industries.

And it is very low-key on weekdays, and basically does not use force without the order of the consortium.

It is also very useful for consortiums to control gangsters in many cases.If anyone wants to destroy the monopoly position of the consortium, well, buy your factory first.

Moreover, an independent company is set up to acquire them, and the price is still relatively low.

Don't want to?

Beating, kidnapping, and even burning your factory.

To maintain a monopoly is to maintain the interests of the entire nation, and to encircle and suppress those illegal national wealth managers is also to make the distribution of social wealth more equal.

Although it seems extremely unequal, the consortium takes most of the money, but the consortium will not use the money to occupy the scarce resources in society that the common people need.

Instead, use the money to build factories with higher productivity, build larger-scale infrastructure projects, and use concentrated wealth to develop more advanced production technologies. In the same way, you can also have money to fight wars.

Therefore, in today's China, ordinary people do not have access to these low-key gangsters.

People who will come into contact with the underworld, that is, some villains who want to expose the existence of the consortium, and the nouveau riche who help to encircle and suppress those illegal ethnic wealth management.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, China at this time only has a "yang" side, but not everyone can see the hidden "yin" side.

This is not the case in the Democratic Republic of the Yankees. Their blacks have no human rights, and the Chinese are also discriminated against in the United States.

Although these officials are colluding with consortiums for corruption, and the Chinese consortium is essentially embezzling the country's money, the Chinese consortium is relatively restrained, and only uses higher costs to build quality projects. [

Most of the government's money eventually falls into the hands of the consortium.The government's interference in economic construction is also greater than that of the United States. Although the country has money, a lot of that money is used to build infrastructure that cannot be profitable. Colleagues' primary purpose is to enhance the country's war potential and production safety. These projects It is almost the same whether it is built by the consortium or the country. If it is built for the country, the country must have money, so the consortium seldom colludes with officials to commit corruption.

Only in terms of bidding, contracting, etc., the consortium has the priority.

For the country's construction projects, those private capital should not be involved, and the consortium will directly take over.The assets to be sold by those countries were also bought by the consortium first, leaving a pile of leftovers, and then the ethnic businessmen of the East China Business Association gnawed over these leftovers, and then threw the dross to private capital.

China's current philosophy of getting along with the country is similar to that of the United States in the future. At this time, the United States has not yet developed so maturely.

It is not an exaggeration to say that China is the most democratic country, but the cultural level of the people is not that high at this time, and it will take some time to fully popularize it.

At present, China and the United States are also adopting the so-called "glorious isolation" policy, and the two major countries are cautiously treating this war.

At the same time, China is also launching a non-stop foreign colonial war.

The first country to be colonized by China was Japan!

Hokkaido and Sakhalin are violent colonies, while Kyushu and Shikoku are economic colonies.

There are also the Kingdom of Korea and the Kingdom of Ryukyu, which are also economic colonies.

Now the central government is busy conferring vassal states. After the conferring of the Joseon Kingdom, the king of the Ryukyu Kingdom has yet to be decided.

Members of the Ryukyu royal family are now Japanese, and they are members of parliament in Japan. It is rumored that they were killed in a bombing in Japan. After more than half a year, the central government only needs to re-appoint the Ryukyu royal family.

So according to the old rules, one of the president's sons was selected and sent to Ryukyu as the king of Ryukyu.

At this time, the residents of the Ryukyu Islands had no nostalgia for Japan. For them, they were originally a country, and they were not the same people as Japan.

Although they have been brainwashed for a long time, China also brainwashed the Ryukyu people after they came to Ryukyu.

People have the mentality of avoiding the important and taking the light of the light. China is fighting Japan instead of Ryukyu, and they are naturally happy to restore the country to the Ryukyu people.

As for the issue of the Ryukyu royal family, the Ryukyu people cannot decide.

Yuan Shikai thought for a long time, and finally sent his fourth son Yuan Kequan to Ryukyu as the king of Ryukyu.

The people generally expressed support for Yuan Shikai's continuous sending of his son out to be the king of the vassal state.

It was through this method that Jiang Yu made these vassal royal families think of themselves as Chinese first, so that they could incorporate these vassal states into their territory in the future.

The current canonization of vassal states is just for show, to ensure that China will get a certain amount of help when it expands outwards in the future, and to attract more countries to take the initiative to become China's younger brothers.

The big brother is in charge of fighting the war, so there must be a group of younger brothers to wave the flag and shout! [

Sometimes the elder brother can provide the younger brother with military equipment and let the younger brother do the work.

The eldest son Yuan Keding was sent to the Middle East Province to be the governor. The royal family of the vassal state has never had his share. Yuan Keding, who was staying on the Arabian Peninsula, felt a little depressed.

But he doesn't like the king of Ryukyu. If the second child became the king of Joseon, wouldn't it be embarrassing to go and be the king of Ryukyu by himself?

After all, North Korea is much bigger than Ryukyu.

Therefore, Yuan Keding quickly figured out that maybe his father was discussing with that guy Jiang Yu and arranged for him to be a bigger king.

Such as the King of Vietnam!

It's just that Yuan Keding thought about it, and it seemed impossible!

The king of Vietnam is still alive!

The king of North Korea can't compete with the second brother, who has Korean blood, and the Ryukyu king doesn't bother to be the king. Yuan Keding thought about it, and it would be more face-saving to be the governor of this Middle Eastern province.

In order to make some achievements, Yuan Keding was very active in the provincial government affairs.

The government affairs of the Middle East Province are mainly some immigration work. Nearly [-] people have immigrated from the country. The Arabs from Oman and other regions have been transported to the Papua Guinea Islands. In fact, there are still some agricultural resources on the island.

A batch of agricultural and fishery production arrangements, a batch of mine construction, that is, some coal mines, iron ore, gold and silver mines, etc., plus a batch of service industry arrangements, and a batch of processing industry arrangements, it is almost the same .

In the Middle East Province, although the climate is not very good, it is very important to China. After all, this is China's first overseas colony.

It is also a nail inserted into the Middle East.

Although Yuan Keding could not intervene in military affairs, he handled government affairs conscientiously.In particular, he handles the issues of how the Arabs deal with them.

"Governor, after several months of rectification, there are only more than 30 indigenous people on the island, mainly concentrated in two port cities." Yuan Keding's secretary-general took a statistical report and handed it to Yuan Keding.

Those two port cities are later known as the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.

"There are no foreigners on the island?" Yuan Keding asked.

"No, the British withdrew, and we also repatriated foreigners from other countries on the grounds of poor law and order."

"Hmm..." Yuan Keding nodded, tapped his fingers aggressively on the table, thought for a while, and said, "You can let the army come over and take those natives..."

"Governor, there is a lot of domestic demand for Japanese slaves. A man in this place can marry more than a dozen wives, especially those in the city. The women here are also quite obedient. It would be a pity to throw them on the island..." Secretary While Chang was talking, Yuan Keding waved his hand and said, "I don't know about this. I'm only in charge of immigration. You go talk to the army."



After several months of fighting, the situation in Iran and Syria has stabilized a lot, and China's export transportation lines to the allies are safe and smooth.

On the port, a group of Chinese soldiers are meticulously patrolling.

A convoy appeared, which was a trade convoy of the Allies. They brought gold, jewelry and other valuables, but they could not fill the Chinese planes and merchant ships.

To this end, the Allies have added Human Trafficking to their trade items.

A group of women in various costumes was escorted to the port and airport.

In the Middle East, the slave trade has flourished, and it has been so since ancient times.In the Age of Discovery, Europeans often sold slaves to the Middle East, including white slaves.

Because in the Middle East, a man can marry more than a dozen wives, and there is a great demand for women.

The Allies trafficked a lot of people from Serbia. Ottoman Turkey killed people in the process of suppressing the riots in the Middle East, but the women did not kill them, but selected them and sold them to China.

Germany also provided many Russian women to China.

After the military war, it must be accompanied by the shady slave trade. Later generations of the U.S. military engaged in this kind of trade during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. military mainly captured slaves. (To be continued. Please search, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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