The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 156: Vietnam Riots, Hanoi Street Fighting



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Today's China, while strengthening the power of the Allies, does not blindly weaken the Allies. In Jiang Yu's view, Britain and France are not scary, and the United States is not afraid of the financial age.

Germany is the worst country.

Once Germany rises, it will be impossible for two tigers to live on the same continent. [

If Germany is not a threat, Jiang Yu doesn't mind joining the Allies directly.

China's export of materials to the allies is only out of interest considerations, and it is also to drag the United States into the quagmire of war.

Jiang Yu believes that if Britain and France can't support it anymore, the United States will definitely join the war.

Today's China is dancing on a wire rope, constantly balancing.Russia's withdrawal from the war is not a problem. The problem is that Russia cannot be unified too easily. A Russia with constant civil wars is more in line with China's interests.

Regarding this situation, Jiang Yu held a military meeting.

"Lenin has already returned to Russia. Now Russia has failed in the military affairs, and the total production volume has begun to shrink again, and there are many refugees. This obviously provides fertile soil for the revolution. In addition, the morale of the Russian soldiers on the front line is low, and they are eager to fight. It is conceivable that a large number of Russian military forces will be instigated by the revolution and join the ranks of overthrowing Tsarist Russia’s rule.” Jiang Yu narrated at the meeting: “Today’s Tsarist Russia’s rule is very brutal and violent, with internal conflicts. The existence of such a government is in line with China's interests."

"If there is a new Russian government, with the thinking of the bourgeoisie. After overthrowing Tsarist Russia, although they will not achieve rapid development, their hearts will become very neat. At that time, China will want to learn from Russia. It takes more work to cut the meat."

"The main purpose of this meeting is to come up with a countermeasure. If the revolution in Tsarist Russia is delayed, it may even be killed in the cradle." Jiang Yu said to everyone.

Everyone looked at the map of Russia and thought, revolution!

A horrible thing!

It was through the revolution that China overthrew the Qing government and rose rapidly.

When a revolution in a country develops without control.Then the originally weak country will achieve rapid development.

China itself is a prime example.

"Commander, since there are too many refugees in Russia, can we contact the Russian government and ask them to organize the refugees and send them to China as hard labor?" Tang Hanmin spoke after thinking for a moment.

"This is a way to increase the cheap labor force in China, but it will not completely solve the problem. Apart from refugees, Russian workers are also severely exploited. They do not have enough to eat and have to work hard all day long. This is unbearable for them." Jiang Yu nodded and said.

Jiang Fangzhen also had a headache, and said: "It is obviously unrealistic for the Tsarist Russian government to increase the treatment of workers. To alleviate this problem, we can only export grain to Tsarist Russia. It happens that our grain production will increase a lot this year, and some grain will be exported to Russia. It is indeed no problem. But to solve the problem of Russian front-line soldiers’ love for war, it can only increase export support to Russia, but this will also frustrate the Allies’ operations and weaken the strength of the Allies. This is a problem of solution.”

"It is indeed a question of solution. The Russian revolution may not be stopped at all, but after the revolution broke out in Russia, can we give the Russian government some support and let them fall into a long-term civil war?" Zhou Zhengye said in a speech.

"That's right! If Russia falls into a long-term civil war, it will not be able to pose any threat to China for a long time to come." Tang Hanmin clapped his hands excitedly.

Jiang Yu smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid that Tsarist Russia is too muddy to support the wall. You must know that there are too many poor people in Tsarist Russia. Once the revolutionary government appears, it will be completely corrupted, and the Tsarist Russian army will fall thousands of miles." [

"But if we can't support the wall, we have to help. It will make Russia more chaotic." Jiang Fangzhen said.

"Well! Let the staff make a plan!" Jiang Yu said to them, "The meeting is over."


Everyone stood up and said.

Then the staff of the military department began to formulate a revolutionary intervention plan for Tsarist Russia.



At this time, France was in dire straits in Vietnam. In the second half of 15, a group of gangsters suddenly appeared in Vietnam, fierce gangsters.

Raid the town!

Looting caravans.

Originally, the French thought it was a group of ordinary gangsters, but they miscalculated.

The scale of this group of thugs began to expand. They roamed around rural areas, towns and other areas where the French army was weakly defended, and many Vietnamese farmers joined them.

Its population size increased rapidly.

What frightened the French army even more was that these bandits were holding a lot of Japanese-made equipment.

If the French think about it with their butts, they know that this is the equipment provided by the Chinese.Japan was beaten to the ground, and China seized a lot of Japanese-made equipment during the Sino-Japanese War.

Last year, China planned to sell these equipment to the Allies!In the end, how could the Allied Powers want those junk!The sub-caliber does not match at all, why use it when you buy it back?

So the Allies did not buy it.

The French government angrily sent a note to China, demanding that China stop providing arms to the rioters in the French colonies.

In this regard, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared: "China did not provide arms to the Vietnamese rioters. It may be smuggled to Vietnam by some black-hearted arms dealers. China does not bear any responsibility for this."

Facing the expression of the Chinese government's Gu, the French were helpless.

In Vietnam, France only had more than 5 garrisons, and most of them were young soldiers, who never knew how to fight.During the Sino-French War, it was also defeated by the Black Banner Army.

Even Lu Rongting, a fellow from the green forest, beat the French until they had to resort to diplomatic means to solve the problem. [

Black-hearted arms dealer?

The French do not believe this reason, what black-hearted arms dealer, China is the black-hearted arms dealer!

But France has nothing to do with China.Now that the European battlefield is very tense, France is basically trying to mobilize troops to support Vietnam.

Even France suspects that among these thugs, there are Chinese who are providing them with military guidance.

In order to find evidence, France also took some effort and arrested a group of rioters. After a while of torture, the Vietnamese said very innocently that there were no Chinese, but all Vietnamese.

There were indeed Chinese soldiers among this group of Vietnamese rebels.But these Chinese soldiers are Vietnamese overseas Chinese, all of them can speak Vietnamese, and they never say that they are Chinese, those Vietnamese who are united with them.They didn't even know they were the Chinese Army.

This has kept France from finding evidence.

With the support of good equipment and the command of Chinese army personnel, this insurgent army also had some ideological indoctrination, such as the liberation of Vietnam, so it broke out with strong combat effectiveness.

The number of the French army is small, and there is nothing they can do to face the rebel army. They can only watch helplessly as they sweep through rural areas, towns and other weakly defended areas.

The scale of the rebel army is also getting bigger and bigger. Fifty thousand French troops are scattered all over Vietnam. Some French troops went out of the city to carry out some encirclement and suppression, but they were quickly lured into a trap.She was violently raped under the tide of the rebel army's offensive.

The other French troops were so scared that they could only continue to hide in the city.

Domestic support could not arrive again.Those Vietnamese soldiers had no combat effectiveness at all, and some even shot black guns in the back, causing the Frenchman to be injured.

The situation eroded until May 16, and then something happened that shocked France.

The rebel army did not know when they dug a tunnel into the city of Hanoi.And they even secretly smuggled more than 3000 people into the city.

And on this night, launched a surprise attack on the French army in the city.

The French army was caught off guard, and these rebels had a large number of submachine guns in their hands, facing the French army with zero submachine guns.It was a one-sided massacre.

More than 5000 French soldiers in the city were shot to death in the chaos, and the rest surrendered.

There were more than 1 French troops stationed outside the city. They rushed into the city immediately, but the city gate of Hanoi was quickly opened, and a large number of rebels entered the city.

The French army entered the city without any hindrance, and even went so smoothly that they were very surprised.

But when the French army entered the city, there was still no resistance. The rebel army seemed to be retreating steadily. It seemed that these rebel troops knew that they were not the opponents of the French army. This made the French army very angry while being happy.When they went deep into the city, they found that the situation was not what they expected, and there were rebels in all directions.

These rebels have submachine guns in their hands, and there are a lot of submachine guns.

When a group of French troops rushed into an alley, suddenly at the turn of the alley, two insurgents jumped out suddenly, and the submachine guns in their hands fired like snakes, and the bullets poured on the French army like raindrops.

More than a dozen French soldiers were beaten like sieves on the spot and fell down in the alley.

On the street, at the corner, when the French army was about to rush there, a dozen rebels armed with submachine guns jumped out and swept the French army on the street.

bang bang bang...

The sound is very loud, that is the German mp9 submachine gun, the inventor Jiang!

This kind of submachine gun has been eliminated by the Chinese Army, but it has appeared in large numbers in the hands of these Vietnamese rebels.

The weapons in the hands of the French army are all rifles. The people in front were swept to the ground before they could react, and the soldiers behind were not easy to shoot before the comrades in front fell down.

Moreover, the French army was too careless afterwards, and its forces were very scattered. For a while, gunfire broke out in the city, and a large number of French troops were drowned in the brutal street fighting.

The French commander in the back did not receive news of the bad situation until half an hour later, and the rest of the French army wanted to escape from the man-eating city in a panic.

But when they ran to the city gate, they found that the city gate had been blocked by the rebel army.

And those insurgents have set up more than a dozen machine guns.

The powerful firepower instantly beat the French army down like cutting wheat, and the corpses fell on the street in layers, and they rushed to the street very neatly.

The rest of the French army hid on the corner of the street and did not dare to stand up. They were submerged in the tide-like assault by the insurgents who came after the battle was resolved in all directions.

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