The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 173: China's "21 Articles" to Japan



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Japan, once the most powerful country in Asia, has been completely defeated today. [

In the past, Japan had the attitude of an oriental civilized country.

In the past, Japan defeated the Russian army in the northeast and the Russian navy at sea.

Similarly, Japan in the past easily defeated China Star Travel.

However, at the beginning of this century, Japan was completely defeated. The army is not China's opponent, and the navy is not the opponent of the Chinese Air Force.

Now it can't even consume China.

Originally, countries all over the world thought that Japan would be able to fight China until the end of the European war, and then wait for Japan's British boss to rescue them.

But now it's all over.

Japan's conditional surrender shocked the world to realize that China is no longer the original China.

The impoverished and backward China has risen, and has completely embarked on the path of a great power. In the future, China will become the hegemon of the Asian region.

At this time, China was already the dominant power in Asia.

A shakeable Asian overlord.

With the size and strength of the Chinese Air Force, no navy of any country dares to roar in Asia. The Chinese Army has also proved in previous wars that they have world-class qualities.

Coupled with the large-scale construction of warships by the Chinese navy at this time, a military power has appeared on this earth.


General, this is the 'super general' of the Republic of China.He was also the supreme general in ancient times.

Jiang Yu became the first general of the Republic of China.

Domestic newspapers also published comments one after another. Talking about the Jiayin Sino-Japanese War, "Shenbao" commented: "In the past, the Chinese were not afraid of Japan. .If the General hadn't established the Chinese Air Force, he would have defeated Japan, and the victory over Japan must have been given to the General."

"Ta Kung Pao" commented: "The general once said that foreigners are not invincible. How many people believed it? Today, Japan's conditional surrender has completely defeated the law that foreigners are invincible and superior to the Chinese nation. Talk about wisdom. My Chinese is not inferior to any other clan. In terms of force, my Chinese martial arts are unrivaled in the world. I am not the sick man of East Asia."

The East China Daily published a review.

"Japan's surrender forged the Republic of China's status as the most powerful country in Asia, and even forged China's status as a world power. The Chinese nation has risen strongly, and the rising China will definitely take back those things that originally belonged to China."

This is a comment full of challenges to the hegemony of the Western countries in the world.

In the military headquarters building of the Chinese National Defense Force, Jiang Yu is holding an emergency meeting.

It seemed that Jiang Yu was in a good mood.Japan surrendered on condition, even though Japan's only condition was to keep the Emperor of Japan.It was changed to the king of Japan, but at this time Japan has become a big meal in the eyes of China.

"Now is the question of how to eat this big meal!" Jiang Yu thought cheerfully.

After a while, everyone came together, and the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became lively.

This time, not only high-level military officials, but also high-level leaders of the Consortium and the United Party were invited to the meeting at the military building. Businessmen from the main ethnic groups of the East China Chamber of Commerce also came.

The top military officials are all beaming, and Japan's surrender will inevitably mean that China will reap huge profits.

"Now that Japan is conditioned to surrender, what are your thoughts on how to open this treaty?" Jiang Yu asked the crowd.

"Report to Commander, although most of the factories in Japan were destroyed by our bombing, Japan still has a lot of precious metals. They have established the gold standard before, and first of all, they have a lot of gold reserves. At the same time, the Japanese people also have a lot of gold. But A lot of gold has sunk into Tokyo Bay, and that is ours, so it doesn't have to be included in the compensation." Jiang Fangzhen spoke first.

"Marshal, in addition to precious metals in Japan, we also have to recover the antiques that Japan stole from China. In addition, there are many shipyards in Japan. Although those shipyards were attacked by torpedoes, they can still be repaired. In addition, there are many skilled shipbuilders in Japan." Zhou Ziyue continued.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jian on the side also said: "The Japanese are good at surveying and mapping, and they also have a lot of scientists and engineers, which can be used by China."

"What about the compensation? How much compensation do you think is appropriate?" Jiang Yu asked.

Duan Qirui said: "The more the better, if Japan can't afford it, it can be repaid from generation to generation. Since Japan has put us down a mountain before, then we will also give them an even bigger mountain, so that they will never be able to lift their heads." Come on, as for hatred or something, let them hate it."

Jiang Yu nodded, indicating that he understood what Duan Qirui meant. [

Between countries, people's sense of superiority is often established by unequal treaties and massacres.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, the subordinates believe that Japan has been trying to expand since ancient times, and its ambition must not die. I, China, should cut off their canine teeth and turn them into dogs that cannot bite people. This is the most important thing to do." This is the first time I participated in a high-level meeting Wu Peifu at the meeting said in a restrained manner.

He didn't know why he was eligible to attend this meeting, which made him a little confused.

As a moral model in the Beiyang period.Jiang Yu still intends to promote him, after all, there are really very few people who can not accumulate land or take concubines.

Even himself, his wife has married three.

Jiang Yu had to admire Wu Peifu's moral role model.

"Dog? Hehe! Not bad." Jiang Yu couldn't help but smiled and praised, since Little Japan has surrendered, it is necessary to completely squeeze the value of Little Japan.

After all, it is still a country with more than 4000 million people, and there is still a lot of labor.

"We also want the fishing grounds in the Japanese waters. Japanese fishing boats are not allowed to go to sea. They are simply prohibited from developing the ship industry, let alone going to sea."


The ideas were discussed item by item during the nearly five-hour meeting.The result was a long treaty.

The first one of the main treaties is compensation: 1: Japan returns the indemnity of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, calculated according to the past value, and at the same time, the annual interest rate is 5%.It is 8 million Yanhuang coins. 2: The property looted during the Sino-Japanese War of 5-3 was returned to China, and the interest was calculated as 30 million Yanhuang coins. 4: Japan has occupied North Korea, Ryukyu, and Taiwan for more than 15 years, and needs to compensate for the loss and interest of 5 billion Yanhuang coins who prostitute Heilong. 15: The military expenses in this Sino-Japanese War were borne by Japan, with a total military expenditure of 6 billion Yanhuang coins. 73: Japan has been killing Chinese people for a long time and exporting opium to China.The loss of 5 billion Yanhuang coins needs to be compensated. [-]: A total of [-] billion Yanhuang coins, with an annual interest rate of [-]%, and all compensation will be paid according to the corresponding amount of gold.

Two: Hokkaido and Sakhalin Island in Japan are Chinese territories.

Three: Japan is not allowed to develop a navy, army, or air force. It can only develop a small-scale self-defense force, the number of which is set at 5. Japan is a subsidiary country of China.No relevant territorial waters.

Four: Japan must not develop the spirit of Bushido.

Five: Japanese textbooks are compiled by China.

Six: China has the right to garrison troops in Japan.

Seven: The Japanese Self-Defense Force was established under the guidance of China, and the Japanese police agency was established under the guidance of China.

Eight: Japan shall not engage in military technology research.

Nine: The Japanese Self-Defense Forces shall not participate in any overseas military activities.


Twenty: China can enter any business field in Japan.

21: Chinese citizens have consular jurisdiction in Japan.

"China's 21 Articles" was introduced. In history, Japan gave China a "21 Articles".Jiang Yu also put together a "21 Articles" for Japan this time.


The Japanese delegation soon arrived in Shanghai, China. This time Japan sent the new Prime Minister Terauchi Masahiro along with representatives of major Japanese families.

They appeared in Shanghai, China as losers.

When they came to Shanghai, what they saw was a prosperous metropolis, a metropolis that was much more prosperous than Tokyo.

The outbreak of World War I.It has made China develop rapidly, and Shanghai is the financial and economic center.Nature is very prosperous.

This city is known as the most international city in the world.

Even if it wasn't during the First World War, it was also full of the atmosphere of an international metropolis.

Terauchi Masaki represented the interests of the Emperor of Japan, as well as the interests of his own family, while other family representatives represented the interests of major Japanese families.

As soon as they arrived in Shanghai, they were besieged by reporters from all over the world. With the flashes of dazzling spotlights, they knew that they would appear on the headlines of tomorrow's newspapers.

And it's the headlines of newspapers around the world.

Frustrated, anxious.

Japan's dream of a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere has been shattered.

What kind of result is facing them?

If you want to live, you have to be a dog.

On the way to China, they have figured out this truth.

Soon the Chinese delegation also arrived, and the two sides started follow-up negotiations at the Huadong Hotel.

"Will Japan accept our treaty?" Vice Foreign Minister Wu Tingfang asked Lu Zhengxiang.

"Yes." Lu Zhengxiang nodded.

"But this treaty is extremely harsh, and Japan doesn't have that much money." Wu Tingfang said in confusion, and Lu Zhengxiang smiled, "After all, they still have 4000 million people, and these compensations are just a valve."

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