The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 186: The American Service is Soft



I suffered from insomnia yesterday, and I didn’t fall asleep until noon. When I got up in the evening, I was called out by my friend to help him adjust the router, and then I was dragged out to drink again. . . .Back home at midnight. .Add more updates today. . . .

"Of course, China has never thought of participating in a war. As long as Britain agrees to the border demarcation conditions, it is absolutely impossible for China to launch a foreign war, because China is a peace-loving country." Jiang Yu said to Zhu Erdian with a smile.

"However, since the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, China has fought wars with the Netherlands and the United States. Who can believe that China will not go to war with the United Kingdom. If China goes to war with the United Kingdom after the signing of this agreement, then my ambassador will also It's over." Zhu Erdian said, his words were full of distrust.

"But you have to see that wars between China and other countries are unavoidable. The war with the Netherlands is because the Chinese are dissatisfied with the Dutch colonial rule, and the war with the United States is because the United States has openly trampled on China's national dignity. "Jiang Yu said seriously: "There are only three cases of war between China and other countries. The first is that China is invaded by other countries, just like Japan invaded China. The second is that other countries occupy China's territory, but This aspect can be resolved through negotiation, just like the territorial disputes between France and the United Kingdom, and China can be resolved through negotiation. The third is that the rights and interests of our overseas Chinese are protected, just like the United States. If they want to make corrections, but insist on going their own way, then we have no choice but to use the method of war to make them admit their mistakes.”[

"As long as these problems are resolved, China has no desire to launch a war." Jiang Yu promised Zhu Erdian with a smile: "As long as Britain is willing to face up to its violation of China's territory and is willing to negotiate a solution, then the war will last forever." Impossible to explode."

"How about solving these problems?" Zhu Erdian still asked with some uncertainty.

"China is a country of etiquette. If you study our history carefully, you will find that China is not an aggressive country." Jiang Yu continued to coax Zhu Erdian.

In Jiang Yu's eyes, Britain is a piece of fat, ready to bite at any time.

It's just that China is not in the mood to deal with the British throne for the time being.Because a great change is about to take place in Russia in the north, it is impossible for China to start a war with the red bear and Britain at the same time.

So Jiang Yu decided to stabilize Britain first.

The premise is that Britain wants to spit out the occupied Chinese territory and spit out more land.That's why there was the previous boundary requirement for Britain to cede 40 square kilometers of colonies.

As long as this problem is solved, China really has no intention of going to war with Britain for a long time.

It is better for the declining world leader of the United Kingdom to let them sit for a while. The defeat of Britain's world leader will only benefit the United States.

A weak UK as world leader is in China's interest.

A rising Germany is not in China's interest.

"Okay! Maybe what you said is right." Zhu Erdian had no choice but to believe it. He had no other choice.He looked at Jiang Yu and asked, "So, what is China's attitude towards this war in Europe?"

"We just want to export more combat supplies, but the allies obviously don't have much money. In future wars, as long as the allies can protect China's interests, then China will support the allies. But for moral considerations, it is impossible for China to declare war on the allies Yes." Jiang Yu said slowly.It's already quite blatant. Everything is just a matter of money. To put it bluntly, it is profit.

"Britain can make a guarantee in this regard, and it will definitely protect China's export interests." Zhu Erdian hastily assured.

"That would be great. If the UK can give priority to Chinese products in importing aircraft and automobiles and reduce imports of these things from the United States, China will always be on the side of the Allied Powers." Jiang Yu immediately promised.

"This is indeed a win-win decision." Zhu Erdian breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the war attitude of the Republic of China at this time, China is indeed a country that attaches great importance to morality. Although it can not consider issues from the standpoint of Germany for the sake of interests, it has always promised not to declare war on the allies. If Britain can guarantee China's interests .Then China is obviously unlikely to turn its face.

As a Chinese hand, Zhu Erdian has a good understanding of the habits of this country. This is indeed a country that values ​​morality very seriously.

Now that Jiang Yu has made a promise.Then the reliability is still relatively high. [

When Zhu Erdian left, Zhu Erdian had another East China Bank check in his pocket, a check with a denomination of 20 yuan.

This made Zhu Erdian a little satisfied. Even if the ambassador could not continue, he could become a rich man.

So Zhu Erdian once again acted as Jiang Yu's lobbyist.It is trying its best to promote the signing of a new border agreement between China and the United Kingdom.

Under such circumstances, Sino-US negotiations have been shelved for the time being.Negotiations on the redrawing of the border between China and the United Kingdom are rapidly underway.

In order to ensure that China does not participate in the war, the British government listened to Zhu Erdian's opinion and reluctantly ceded 40 square kilometers of colonies to China.

It's just that among the 40 square kilometers of land, the land in northern India is not rich, but a poor place.

In Myanmar, the economy in the northern mountainous area is also very backward. The only valuable thing is the emerald mine, but the emerald ore is not very valuable these days.

The cession of 40 square kilometers of colonies did not do much harm to Britain's colonial interests, but after the border was first divided, the colonies were more threatened by China's military.

But if these colonial lands are not ceded, China's threat to the British colonies is also great, and once it breaks out, it will not end so well.

China and the UK quickly signed the "Sino-British Friendship Agreement" and "Sino-British Border Agreement".

These two agreements satisfied China's desire to recover lost land, and at the same time ceded an additional 20 square meters of road land to China.

At the same time, the UK has guaranteed in the "Sino-British Friendship Agreement" that the UK will give priority to importing aircraft from China in terms of importing aircraft and automobiles.

And the United Kingdom guarantees that the United Kingdom will maintain a 'free trade' policy towards China, and greatly improve the status and treatment of Chinese nationals in the British mainland, dominions, and colonies, and ensure China's status as a world power internationally.

And China promised not to fall to the Allies, and secretly supported the Allies to win the war.

The signing of these two agreements means that Jiang Yu cheated the Allies and then the Allies.China got scientists, engineers, artisans, gold, jewelry, and slaves from the allies.A large share of exports was obtained from the Allies.

At the same time, it has also ensured that China has always surpassed the United States in the export of automobiles and aircraft.

You must know that aircraft, automobiles and other related industries are the mainstream of future wars, especially the aircraft manufacturing industry. If China exports one more aircraft, it can hit the aircraft manufacturing industry of other countries one more point, and at the same time keep China's aircraft manufacturing industry at a constant level. A certain scale, and accumulate more experience in aircraft manufacturing under continuous production.

In addition, the United Kingdom also recognized in the agreement that China has suzerain rights over Thailand, and Thailand has also been canonized by China in the past dynasties, and it is indeed a vassal state of China.

The determination of China's suzerainty rights to Thailand also means that China will have major interests in Thailand.

Such concessions from the United Kingdom are indeed great, and China has expanded rapidly because of its previous territory.I felt a little indigestion for a while, and I didn't have much desire for the British colonies for a while.

Since 1912, China has successively recovered Outer Mongolia, Korea, Taiwan, Ryukyu, and Vietnam.At the same time, it annexed Hokkaido, Japan and half of Sakhalin Island.In Southeast Asia, it annexed the Indonesian archipelago in disguise, and at the same time directly annexed the Philippine archipelago.

Adding Japan's surrender is equivalent to eating the whole of Japan. [

At the same time, Britain gave up 20 square kilometers of land outside the McMahon Line in northern India, and 23 square kilometers of mountainous areas in northern Myanmar.

Under the rapid expansion of the site.Indigestion is normal.Apart from setting its sights on Thailand, China has not expanded in the south.

The Ming Dynasty of China is now full.

A full person does not have much to eat**.

Perhaps the most depressing one was US President Wilson. The poor performance of the US in the Philippine battlefield during the Sino-US war frustrated the US confidence in foreign wars.

And what retaliatory measures does the United States have?

China has used submarine warfare to threaten the United States, leaving the United States in an extremely passive situation.

Wilson did not want to compromise with China, let alone sign any indemnity treaty.

However, the Rothschild consortium and the Morgan and Rockefeller consortia have exerted their strength.This put Wilson under tremendous pressure.

In the history of the United States, the first person to realize the power of international capital merchants in the United States was President Washington, because during the American War of Independence.Both military spending and arms are provided by those international capital merchants.However, Washington himself has military talents, but he doesn't want to take care of these aspects.

The second person who realized the existence of this force was President Lincoln. During his tenure, Lincoln hoped to throw international capital merchants out of the United States and establish nationalism in the United States.

But Lincoln also died because he offended international capital businessmen.After being killed by a bullet, the international capital businessman arrogantly left a sentence that this is the fate of a tyrant!

Lincoln's ending shocked the later American president.Any disobedient president will either be assassinated or poisoned to death.

Wilson also understands that there are international capital merchants in the United States. These international capital merchants are centered on Wall Street. The best of them are the Morgan Consortium and the Rockefeller Consortium, and the biggest force is the Rothschild Consortium.

Compensation is just a small thing for these consortiums. The US$5000 million compensation proposed by the Republic of China is not too much money in the eyes of these consortiums.

And it could quickly end the Sino-US war and ensure that China does not send submarine forces into the Atlantic.

The core interests of the Rothschild consortium, the Morgan consortium, and the Rockefeller consortium at this time are to enable the Allies to win this cruel European war.

In order to win this war, it is nothing to lose some money.

Anyway, the American citizens are only offended by the president, and these consortiums will not be affected.

If the president steps down, can he be replaced?

Wilson is just a tool of the consortium, a tool that can be discarded at any time.

As the president of the United States, some presidents catch the time well. When the consortium raises sheep and the economy is booming, they can gain a good reputation.

Just like the later Coolidge, created the so-called Coolidge prosperity.It was just that the consortium wanted to develop a bubble economy during that period.

And Roosevelt, who restored the American economy after the Great Depression, is just a puppet.

Just like Song Jiaoren was blamed after Jiang Yu planned the railway bubble. Whoever blamed him will get a good reputation. This is just a matter of the consortium's thought.

The British Empire also sold the United States without hesitation because it wanted to win the war against the Allies.

France also sold the United States without hesitation. France then joined the Sino-US mediation and turned to China.

Although Wilson still wants to hold on, after all, the United States has the steel that China lacks.

But what makes him regret is that in 1917, China's steel production began to increase sharply.The successive production of large and medium-sized iron ore and steel bases in various provinces of China has frustrated this expectation of the United States.

This year, China's steel production soared all the way to 2000 million tons, surpassing those of European countries.Although the steel output of the United States has reached 4000 million tons, the rise of China's heavy industry has become an indisputable fact.

At the same time, China's tough attitude has also made the United States a little overwhelmed.

The United States still has more than 5 soldiers and more than 20 American citizens in the hands of China. The defeat of the US government in the Philippines also made the anti-war voices in the United States louder.The family members of those American soldiers and American citizens took to the streets one after another, demanding that the US government bring their relatives back home as soon as possible.

Under the situation of internal and external troubles, Wilson finally couldn't hold on anymore, so he had to bow his head to the Chinese government.

Under such circumstances, the U.S. government signed the "Sino-U.S. Shanghai Treaty" with China in Shanghai, China, and the U.S. accepted the terms of abolishing the "Chinese Exclusion Act" and deeply reviewing and apologizing to the Chinese.And promised to rescue the Chinese laborers in the United States and Cuba.

As for compensation, the U.S. government is only willing to publicly compensate 5000 million U.S. dollars, and the Chinese government demands another [-] million U.S. dollars to compensate China privately in the name of aid.

After the agreement is signed.The two sides suspend the state of war and restore the state of diplomacy before the war.

It's just that after this war, the relationship between China and the United States has been seriously damaged. Although the pre-war diplomatic status has been restored on the surface, in fact it is still full of hostility.

As for the Philippines.There is no mention of it in the treaty, but the Philippines obviously already belongs to China.The United States does not want to take it back to Wotang.

The colonization of the Philippines by Westerners is not just in itself.

The "Sino-US Shanghai Treaty" is a treaty that seems to have no unequal content, but in fact it still secretly pays compensation to China.

The compensation of 5000 million U.S. dollars is enough to cover the military expenditure of the Chinese Army for one year.

As for the money for this compensation, it is provided by the American consortium to the U.S. government, and the American consortium is happy to see that the government owes them money.

The end of the Sino-US war also means that the status of the Chinese in the world has improved unprecedentedly.

With the softening of the United States, no country dared to blatantly bully the Chinese. The result of China's sweep of East and Southeast Asia was that those small countries also raised the social status of the Chinese in view of China's rise, so as not to cause diplomatic disputes.

In Tokyo, Japan, at this time Tokyo is no longer called Tokyo, but Dongyi.Because there was also a Tokyo in Chinese history, which was the capital of the Song Dynasty, so Tokyo was changed to Dongyi after Japan surrendered.

Emperor Taisho of Japan is no longer the emperor at this time, but has become the king of Japan.

Japan's Taisho Japanese King was looking at the map with jealousy. China successively took over the French colony in the Indochina Peninsula, the Dutch colony of the Indonesian archipelago, and the American colony of the Philippines, which made Taisho go crazy.

Why is that?

In the past, Japan fought to the death with the Manchus and Russia, but in the end they owned everything. Japan’s industrial equipment and precious metals were looted by China, and they even accepted the shameful "21 Articles".

And China has only just risen, and it has already completed the territorial expansion that made Japan salivate.

The envious and hated Taisho Japanese King stayed up all night. The next day, he changed into a Japanese Japanese-level attire provided by the Republic of China, and prepared to go to Beijing, China to pay homage to the Shang Kingdom.

China's "21 Articles" on Japan stipulates that the Japanese Japanese king must go to China to worship every year.

This was Taisho's first pilgrimage, and he arrived in China three days after boarding a ship.

At this time, China is immersed in the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival. With the victory of foreign wars, this nation has stood up internationally to a certain extent.

There is no anti-war sentiment in China, because the wars launched by the Chinese government are all wars that have to be fought.

Re-establishing the status of China as the suzerain and fighting for the status of the Chinese in the world are all natural wars in the eyes of the Chinese people.

At the same time, because the common people became rich because of the outbreak of the First World War, the Spring Festival of this year was extraordinarily lively.

Every household is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the common people have been busy for a year, preparing a lot of New Year's goods to reward the whole family.

Wealthy households in various provinces and regions, in accordance with traditional practices, have contributed money to hold celebrations in various cities and towns, and the populists such as dragon and lion dances, singing and juggling have gained a rich living soil.

This year, China's material supply has also become more abundant, and the types of New Year's goods for ordinary people have also greatly increased, with a large number of goods from the South and North flooding the market.

There are also a large number of tropical products that have also entered the daily life of ordinary people.

Before the Spring Festival, the government also distributed New Year's goods to the families of martyrs and needy groups in China. Officials from all over the country also went to condolences in person, conveying the government's care for the families of martyrs and needy groups.

The whole country, the whole nation is thriving, full of vitality like the rising sun.

A superpower with a vast territory spanning the frigid and tropical regions is being conceived, born, and grown in this drastic world change.

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