The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 196: Making money and having fun


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In March 1917 (February in the Russian calendar), the February Revolution broke out, and Tsar Nicholas II abdicated.But the newly formed Kerensky provisional "government" continued the war.

Jiang Yu in China is naturally highly concerned about the situation in Russia.

The February Revolution in Russia was actually driven by capitalist forces, because the Rothschild consortium in Europe, Britain and France believed that Russia was too inefficient under the rule of Nicholas II, so Nicholas II The world is turned upside down.

Nicholas II was unwilling to cooperate with the Allies in many cases. For example, in the Battle of Gallipoli, Nicholas II refused to cooperate in order to prevent the Allies from occupying Constantinople, Turkey. [

Moreover, the counterattack launched by Russia in the spring of 16 also ended in a disastrous failure, and Romania was also included. Russia basically did not form any effective strikes and suppressions against the Allies on the Eastern Front.

Therefore, they wondered whether to change to a capitalist "government" to improve Russia's war efficiency.

However, Russia is already rotten to the core, and the problem cannot be solved by just any system. Jiang Yu knew that Russia was about to break out the October Revolution in November 1917 (October in the Russian calendar), and the red "red" "hair" bear Coming soon.

The red "hair" bear was indeed very powerful in later generations, but in fact the red "red" in World War II was not very strong, because 60% of the military supplies of the red "hair" bear in World War II were from the United States Aid, and the loss and civilian casualties are huge, and the enemy of the red bear, Germany, even if it annexes France, Belgium, Sweden and other countries, it can still only be regarded as a resource-poor country.

If it weren't for the cold climate to help the red "red" fur bear, the red "red" "fur" bear would definitely be finished.

Therefore, Jiang Yu was not nervous, but saw a huge opportunity.It is actually easier to fight a red bear than to fight Russia, because there will be no diplomatic pressure to fight a red bear.

What Jiang Yu cared about was the contact personnel sent by the Iranian side after a series of deceptions. At this time, Iran was called Persia.

At this time, Persia was under the rule of the Qajar dynasty. King Hammad Shah was a relatively conservative monarch. Because he offended the interests of the United Kingdom, Reza Khan, supported by the United Kingdom, launched a coup in 1921 and seized power.

However, because of the rise of China, and China's slogan of "common prosperity, common prosperity, and common rise," Hammad Shah was also moved by it.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, Lu Zhengxiang, received the envoy sent by the Persian King Hammad Shah.

Lu Zhengxiang raised his concerns about the future of Persia to the Persian envoy. Lu Zhengxiang said: "Persia is now in a very dangerous semi-feudal and semi-colonial state and the ambitions of the British will further increase. If Persia does not agree to the British at that time, The British are very likely to stage a coup d'état to overthrow the pre-existing Persian "government" by supporting proxies."

"We came to China because of this worry." The Persian envoy said, "We hope China can help us."

"We also want to help Persia get rid of its semi-colonial state, but before that, we must confirm whether the Persian "government" has enough courage to carry out a reform. You must know that your semi-feudal system in Persia will continue to be maintained by the people. Overturn." Lu Zhengxiang continued, "If the Persian "government" cannot do this, China's assistance to Persia will be in vain."

"Our Majesty is indeed determined to carry out a reform, but I don't know how much China needs Persia's reform?"

"We do not require Iran to adopt a specific political system. Whether you adopt a monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, a presidential system, or a republic, this is only secondary. The most important thing is that the Persian regime must be stable and stable. The condition is that there will be no coup d'etat, so Persia must carry out military reforms and put military power in the hands of the Persian king. At the same time, it must be ensured that the Persian people can have enough food so that they will not stand up to overthrow the rule of the Persian king." Lu Zhengxiang continued. Said: "For this point, Persia must reduce taxes for ordinary people. At the same time, China will also provide food aid to Persia every year."

"If the tax is reduced, the tax will be greatly reduced." The Persian envoy said hesitantly: "And it will shake the interests of the landlord."

"So the only way to ensure that the Persian royal family will not be overthrown is to seize military power. As for taxation, there is no need to worry. China can help Persia develop industry and commerce to achieve common prosperity and common prosperity. But the premise is that Persia must establish a vassal relationship with China and join the Asian community. Trade organization, and China needs Persia's oil exploration rights, and we will give [-]% of the oil exploration benefits to the Persian royal family, and the Persian royal family must guarantee the low tax rate of the oil industry." Lu Zhengxiang finally threw out the core content.

The so-called Asian Trade Organization is a low-tariff trade organization. To put it bluntly, you can earn more if you have the ability, and earn less if you have no ability.

But in terms of publicity, it is about mutual benefit, mutual exchange, common development, and common prosperity. [

All third world countries in the world can join this Asian trade organization. This trade organization is currently spreading between China and various vassal states, and has formed a huge network in Asia.

This is a trade organization covering a market of [-] million people.

The emergence of this organization has included all countries within China's sphere of influence.Not everyone can enter this trade organization.

Those big industrial countries don't want to join this organization. After all, this is a huge market with a population of [-] million. Why should China share it with them?

"A dependent country? This is impossible!" The Persian envoy quickly refused.

"This kind of dependent country is not the current dependent country. Persia's dependent country is at a higher level and has independent sovereignty and territorial sea sovereignty. China's obligation is to protect the dependent country and help the dependent country strengthen its military construction. You It can also be understood as a kind of alliance, a kind of alliance that deceives people." Lu Zhengxiang explained, "Otherwise, the Republic of China will not provide greater military and food aid to Persia in name, because we have no way to explain to the people."

The main terms of this level of vassal state are indeed more favorable, but after becoming a vassal state, Chinese culture must be allowed to spread and so on.

The real killer move is actually those humble terms.

"If that's the case, it's perfectly fine."

A meeting ended in harmony, and then Lu Zhengxiang sent someone to accompany the Persian envoy to visit various construction achievements.

To show the prosperity and strength of China.

Siam, since the signing of the "Treaty of Dependent States", a large amount of surplus Chinese capital has poured into Siam, and at the same time Siam has also begun the liquidation of European and American assets.

The easiest way is to add

Get out of business after you can't continue.

There is also whether those railways and minerals were built according to legal procedures, and if not, they will be liquidated.

Siam turned to China, which surprised all countries.

I thought that China would annex Siam, but it turned out to be such a result.But the ending of being liquidated has long been expected. If China annexes Siam, it will definitely be liquidated.

Under such circumstances, the assets of Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and other countries had to be sold to the "government" of Siam.

The "government" of Siam purchased these assets through loans from China.

The price is not high, but these railway minerals were very profitable in World War I, so European and American countries can be regarded as recouped.

Then the Siamese "government" sold these assets to Chinese national capital.

At the same time, King Rama VI also raised taxes on those landowners substantially for the purpose of so-called 'urbanization' and encouraged Chinese land reclamation companies with advanced productivity to annex land in Siam. [

This is what Jiang Yu and King Rama VI mentioned in the negotiation before. The reason why Britain was able to complete the industrial revolution first was because Britain carried out the land enclosure movement.

There should also be an enclosure movement in Siam, so that the agricultural population can be transformed into an industrial population. Only when the industrial population increases can more wealth be created.

As a result, King Rama VI believed it, and he believed it firmly.

The result of this is that the Chinese Land Reclamation Corporation quickly acquired a large amount of land, which enabled Siamese agriculture to quickly realize mechanized production on the surface, but in fact the land was controlled by a large amount of Chinese national capital.

The land in the hands of Siamese landlords has become a hot potato under the state of high taxes, and they have been sold to Chinese national capital at relatively low prices.

Although these landlords opposed Rama VI, Rama VI received the support of China, backed by China's military, and CIA agents protected Rama VI, preventing the possibility of a coup in Siam. .

After several measures, Chinese national capital quickly monopolized Siam's railways, mining, and agriculture. For a time it seemed to be thriving.

It’s just that when agriculture, raw material mining, transportation, and civil product manufacturing are all monopolized by Chinese national capital, every Siamese who is busy with production is like a Chinese slave, and most of the profits they create are owned by Chinese national capital. seized.

This is true in North Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. The situation in Japan is the worst. The industries allocated to them by the Republic of China are all industries with high pollution and low personal labor output value.

South China and the Philippines are under colonial rule, where the Chinese are the mainstay, and many industries with low personal labor output value have also been established in the past.It's just that the main division of labor between South China and the Philippines is agricultural production and raw material extraction.

Siam is also agricultural production plus raw material mining, with the export of agricultural products and raw materials as the main industry, and some labor-intensive industries are allocated to Siam.

Among them, the situation in North Korea is quite special. There are a large number of poor people, and a large number of these poor people come to China as hard labor. The high-income workers in China's commercial operations in North Korea are all Chinese workers.

The situation in Vietnam and North Korea is similar, but relatively much better. There are not so many hard laborers. However, with a large number of land mergers and agricultural mechanization, a large number of agricultural population can only engage in the production of cash crops that require manpower, or work as hard labor.

The Japanese are tragic, their own country does not have many resources, and the overseas colonies have been completely lost, and the right to fish has been taken away by China, and the Japanese cannot go to China to work at will, they can only send A large number of women go to China to engage in "prostitution" activities.

The workers dispatched to China also work under the arrangement of the 'Asian Manpower Management Company'. They are all doing dirty work, and they don't get much money.

There are also restrictions on the entry of ordinary people from North Korea and Vietnam to work in China. According to the law, it costs money to apply for a passport, money for a bus ticket, and money for a work visa.

Naturally, those impoverished North Koreans and Vietnamese cannot afford it, but there is no problem for the rich North Koreans and Vietnamese.

Naturally, those rich people who immigrate to China can bring wealth to China are naturally encouraged.If those poor people can wantonly enter China, wouldn't that mean they are robbing the Chinese people of their jobs?

So if you want to work in China, you can only wait for China to come to North Korea and Vietnam to recruit people, and China does have a large number of approved engineering teams to go to North Korea, Vietnam, and Japan to recruit labor.

The jobs of these laborers have been confirmed before they come to China. They are all dirty jobs and the wages are very low.

For example, to build a house, the skilled workers are all Chinese workers, and the coolies are Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese.

Of course, there are also many Chinese workers doing hard work on the construction site. The cultural level of Chinese people of this generation is not high, and there are too many projects to be constructed in China.

But the income level of Chinese workers is higher. Now the wages of coolie workers in China are higher than those in labor-intensive factories.

Chinese workers can go to technical schools to learn a skill, which can increase their income level.

However, the number of factories is constantly increasing, and various industries are also flourishing, which provides a large number of jobs for Chinese people.

In 17, steel production increased rapidly, and China's road and railway construction also began to increase accordingly.

People all over the country are busy with production and construction, but the contradiction between export and self-construction still exists, and the issue of whether to develop first or export first has been disputed.

But this year, China still reduced the excessive consumption of steel products, and the low-profit export commodities allocated more steel to its own construction.

There is no shortage of money in China now. Jiang Yu has a lot of money in his hand, but because of the lack of steel, many projects cannot be built.

Therefore, in addition to restricting the export of steel products, we can only temporarily reduce the consumption of civilian steel and put more steel into construction.

The common people understand this very well. Now that they want to develop and make money, steel must naturally be used sparingly.

When the Europeans finish fighting, there is no need to worry about not having enough steel.

The unexpected joy is that this year, due to the swallowing of Japan, a lot of industrial personnel and Japanese engineers were obtained from Japan, and at the same time a large number of engineers and technicians were obtained from the Allies, which increased China's steel production capacity and mechanical The equipment manufacturing industry saw a substantial increase in output.

It is expected that by the end of the year, China's steel output will reach [-] tons, which will greatly alleviate the problem of insufficient steel supply in China.

By 1918, steel production had grown to 350

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