The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 202: Big Monster - Warlord Oligarch Consortium



The second is to read the full text of Medicine Hand Rejuvenation!

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"Judging from the current situation in Europe, when Germany acquires our naval submarines, their number of submarines is likely to increase to five hundred in a short period of time. Although the United States has entered the war, the US Army and combat supplies have to reach Europe On the battlefield, we must first break through the blockade that restricts submarine warfare, so Germany can still continue to support it only by relying on the blockade of submarines.”[

The General Staff of the Chinese National Defense Forces conducted an in-depth analysis of the European battlefield.

"So at the moment, China doesn't need to help Germany with tanks. Instead, we can help Germany with a batch of fighter jets so that Germany can continue to maintain air superiority."

"Well! We can help the Germans with some anti-tank weapons first, and the large-scale tank assistance can be postponed." Jiang Yu nodded and decided.

What needs to be grasped now is a question of balance.

Excessive strengthening of the allies is also not acceptable. If the allies are finished, it is not the result that Jiang Yu wants to see.

Jiang Yu is not willing to see a powerful Germany appear on the Eurasian continent.

Because the Germans can fight wars and have strong industrial development capabilities.

In contrast, although the industrial development of the United States is very rapid, American soldiers are things that cannot be supported by mud, so why should China be afraid of it?

War is not entirely dependent on industry, but largely on willpower.

In the eyes of Westerners, war is not a matter of butter and guns.

Butter or cannon?

From the perspective of Westerners, butter is more affordable.

More butter means more guns in war.Therefore, the relationship between butter and cannon can be transformed. Butter can be transformed into cannon, but it is not easy to transform cannon into butter.

But war is not all about butter and guns.

This is why Jiang Yu maintains a regular army of 290 million when the Republic of China basically has no threatening enemies around it.

At the same time, the number of pilots in the National Defense Force of the Republic of China is constantly increasing, keeping Chinese pilots at a peak level.

This is so that China can have enough elite troops to go to war after the war comes.

purpose of this assistance.It is just to make it less easy for the Allies to win the war, but the final victory must be given to the Allies.

For now, China's aid to Germany mainly includes: [

1: Civilian aid, a large amount of food, medicine, textiles, even vegetables and fruits, as well as small agricultural machinery such as tractors to help German agricultural production.The purpose is to ensure the living standards of German workers, so as to prevent the Rothschild consortium from overthrowing the German government by inciting worker riots.

2: Assist Germany with more advanced wooden structure fighters to ensure Germany's air supremacy.

3: Assist Germany with anti-tank machine guns, anti-tank guns, and anti-tank mines, and at the same time assist some wooden-structured tactical dive bombers to deal with the tanks of the Allies that are considered garbage in China's eyes.

4: Aid a large number of German submarines.In order to sink more Allied merchant ships, the Allied forces can be mobilized to weaken the power of the European battlefield.

5: Send 50 Japanese mercenaries to make up for the shortage of German soldiers.At the same time, it assisted a large amount of Japanese labor force to Germany.Keeping production in Germany running.

At this time, Germany is like a traveler walking in the desert, hungry and thirsty, and China's aid is like a pot of clear water for Germany.

In order to express its gratitude, the German side sent a group of aid missions from Germany to China. There were more than 50 scientists in the aid mission.There are also [-] engineers in various fields, and [-] German technicians.

Many of those German technicians were shipbuilders. Because Germany was blocked, Germany only needed to build submarines at this time, so many shipbuilders switched to other jobs.

Almost all of them were transferred to China now.

This makes the shipbuilding capacity of China's shipbuilding industry grow again.

After the German side obtained the submarines of the Republic of China, it immediately began to train more submarine crews.At the same time, I studied Chinese submarines inside and out.

After the study, it was found that China's submarine technology has surpassed that of Germany.

Although China has handed over some key submarine technologies to Germany before, there are many details of submarine technologies.China's submarines have many innovations, and their combat capabilities are much higher than those of German submarines.

In particular, half of the submarines that China aids Germany are ocean-going combat submarines with a displacement of [-] tons.

With these submarines, Germany can even hit the ports on the eastern coast of the United States.

China's aid to Germany is basically the same.As soon as the policy is finalized, the following will immediately start to run at high speed.A large number of materials are transported to Germany by transport plane every day.

At the same time, China has also begun to seize the time to build internal facilities.

Railways, roads, bridges, and reservoirs were built at a crazy speed this year, and because of the sharp increase in China's grain production in 1917, farmers' income began to decline, and more farmers went out of the countryside and devoted themselves to this country. In the era of crazy construction industry.

The Chinese people in this great era have deep gratitude and trust in the government.

Newspapers are reporting every day how miserable the Europeans were because of the war, and all kinds of horrific scenes make the common people shudder. Victory was achieved quickly.

And gained huge benefits through the war.

Then the Republic of China never participated in the European war, which enabled the Chinese people to enjoy the most stable social environment in the world today. [

and the most prosperous economic environment.

Coupled with the government's policy of taking care of production relations, the whole country is in a state of high unity, which is continuously strengthened with the instillation of national consciousness.

Most common people already have the concept of 'Han nationalism' in their minds.

At this time, China has developed a main nation, and a country without a main nation cannot be united.The so-called equality of ethnic groups has been played around, and in the end it is not as high as the status of ethnic minorities. It is naturally impossible for the Republic of China to make such a mistake at this time.

At the same time, this main nation has demonstrated a strong ability to integrate, and many ethnic minorities have been integrated into the main nation.

The lives of ordinary people are getting better and better, and the country has not let the people fall into continuous war.The people naturally support the government.

I am also very grateful to Jiang Yu, the Generalissimo of land, sea and air who established this country!

At this time, Jiang Yu's prestige in the Republic of China was higher than anyone else's. Yuan Shikai's prestige was far inferior to Jiang Yu's, but Yuan Shikai's prestige was not small. After all, Yuan Shikai was the first president of the Republic of China. great social change.

But Jiang Yu is the spiritual pillar of the entire nation.

All stability and prosperity are achieved by force.The industry of the Republic of China was also developed by Jiang Yu.

This laid the foundation for the great rise of the nation.

In this great era, the entire nation is united as never before.

After the whole country has experienced previous wars, it is so warm and bright like the rising sun.

The interior has been pacified by force for nearly seven years.The banditry in various places has also been suppressed, especially the horse bandits in the northwest and the riots of ethnic minorities have been bloodily suppressed.

The military and political leaders were tied to the chariot of Chinese national capital, forming a huge ruling group of interests.A national capital group with principles and a bottom line.

Merchants were still suppressed in the Republic of China at this time, but Jiang Yu let the rulers run their own businesses and monopolize various fields such as business and finance.

After sweeping the rivers and mountains, the interior became more stable.

"Listeners, brothers, workers, and farmers. Now the Chinese nation is facing a once-in-a-century opportunity for development. Let our entire nation unite to respond to the call of the president and the generalissimo. Everyone is dedicated and dedicated, and strives to overcome difficulties , Actively build the national industrial and agricultural system. Do your best to make the greatest contribution to the great cause of national rejuvenation. And try to achieve safe production and reduce production accidents..."

Such calls would appear on the radio from time to time. At this time, radio broadcasts in the Republic of China were already very popular.Basically every working family has a wired radio.

Efforts to build, support domestic production, and study culture have become the mainstream consciousness of the entire nation, while the pursuit of money has been continuously downplayed by the government.

The entire nation's desire for money began to decline, thereby improving the moral standard of the entire nation.

The pursuit of the entire nation is aimed at the rise of the nation and strengthens the spirit of individual dedication.

The great cause of national rejuvenation.It has also gradually become a deeply rooted belief in the hearts of the people.

For ordinary people, there is no need to pursue money too much.At the same time, with the belief in rejuvenating the nation, they can calm down and do their jobs well.

The consortium undertakes the task of accumulating wealth. The essential meaning of the existence of the consortium is to make the entire nation develop healthier.

Due to the people's trust and support for the government, the government of the Republic of China at this time has a relatively strong appeal. Basically, there is no government in any country in the world that can have such appeal as the Republic of China.

In addition, even the president and the generalissimo have come forward to call for it, and the social elites have waved their flags, and there has been an upsurge of responding to the construction of national industry and agriculture all over the country.

Due to the increase in steel supply, the steel supply for internal construction projects has also been secured.

While America is engaged in this war, China is building hard.When Europe and the United States are at war, China is still building!

The scale of railway laid this year reached [-] kilometers.

When there is no longer a shortage of capital, technology, and talents, the speed of China's construction is simply jaw-dropping.

One of the world's largest industrial powers is being born at this staggering 'China speed'.

In the same way, the consortium of tyrants and oligarchs in a big trust monster is also growing and expanding rapidly!This is a monster that is more terrifying than the small and medium monsters such as the German Syndicate and the British and French Cartels, and it is also a huge monster that is more ferocious than the big monster of the American Trust.

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