The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 205: Crazy Encirclement and Suppression


The second update of spnrs!

In June 1917, the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of China submitted a

The consortium of advanced production equipment can be sold to them, or they can get these industrial equipment and start production. The time between this is enough for the consortium to occupy most of the consumer market.

At the same time, their management experience is not as rich as that of the consortium, and the management model is first of all backward.At the same time, with the increase of fuel costs, railway freight costs, electricity costs, and water costs, the production costs will increase.

In addition, their production scale is limited, and the cost cannot be spread out.Moreover, there are few advertising channels, and the consortium has mastered most of the advertising channels, and product advertisements are overwhelming.Those private companies spend much more on advertising, and those who do not advertise can only be limited to a small area.After advertising, the cost cannot be reduced.

In the end, it had to close down. After the close down, the advanced production equipment returned to the consortium.And they buy high and sell low.

'The General Administration of Quality Supervision of the Republic of China, after a sign was hung, a new agency was established, and tens of thousands of firecrackers were set off to celebrate that day.

However, after the news of the country's formulation of product quality standards came out, the capitalists of those small and medium-sized enterprises didn't feel much at first. When the high-standard data was released, they immediately provoked a lot of scolding.

Which pustule came up with the idea?

"According to the policy of the Ministry of Industry, all industrial product manufacturers in the Republic of China must complete the quality certification of the Quality Supervision Bureau of the Republic of China within two months. Products without quality certification will be prohibited from being sold in the market after two months. Dear listeners, the country This policy is introduced to protect the rights and interests of all consumers and prevent consumers from buying counterfeit and shoddy goods.”

Radio and newspapers have reported on this quality certification, and almost all of them agree with it, because the public opinion channel has long been controlled by the consortium.

As for those small and medium-sized capitalists who were mourning, they wanted to voice their opposition in the newspapers, but few newspapers paid any attention to them.

Only some newspapers with little influence published the voices of these entrepreneurs, but like pebbles thrown into the ocean, no waves were turned up.

And the people don't know what this standard means. They only know that after the country introduces this policy, they can buy with confidence as long as they look for the quality certification mark when buying things, and they don't have to worry about being cheated from then on.

Therefore, they turned a blind eye to the opinions of those small and medium-sized capitalists who opposed them, and even angrily accused them of shoddy.

There are indeed some shoddy goods in the current market, because people generally make genuine goods in this era. According to Houheixue, when people sell genuine goods, those who sell fake goods make a lot of money.When people are selling fakes, those who sell the real ones can actually make money.

Some ordinary people who have been cheated also came out to speak out, telling their experiences of being cheated in newspapers.

As a result, Congress has amended the "Criminal Law" to increase the severity of punishment for counterfeiters. Once the counterfeiting is detected, they will be sentenced to more than ten years of labor reform. If the circumstances are bad, they will be directly sentenced to death.

In only two months, after the establishment of quality supervision bureaus in various places, manufacturers from all over the country rushed to engage in quality certification.

Many manufacturers hope to be able to muddle through, resorting to various public relations means.

But all this is in vain.

Even if the breakthrough can be successful, it will not last. [

It is useless to threaten the officials of the Quality Supervision Bureau first. Those officials have a consortium as the backstage, so they can investigate boldly and safely without being afraid of offending others.

If the officials of the Bureau of Quality Supervision are colluding with those manufacturers, the consortium will also be aware of it.

Because the purpose of the consortium's policy is to crush competing products in the market, if there are substandard products still on the market, it must be a problem with the Quality Supervision Bureau.

After two months, basically more than half of the products of private enterprises will withdraw from the market.

At this time, the share of trial production of light industrial products of the consortium has been reduced to 5, which shows the scale of China's light industry blooming everywhere at this time.

This was developed without a foundation. This is not like the reform and opening up of later generations. At that time, Chinese people had the foundation of state-owned enterprises to develop industries. Although the equipment was not advanced, the factories and technical personnel were there.

When there is no foundation, many of them are interlaced like mountains.

Many private enterprises have overcome difficulties and built factories.But after all, it is not too professional, and the technology of the factory is relatively backward.

Because of the First World War, factories like them survived, and even made people rich.

But the time has come for the consortium to counterattack.

After the Ministry of Industry promulgated the quality standards for industrial products, the consortium immediately raised the price of oil and railway transportation by nearly 20%, and the price of electricity and water also began to rise.

Whether it is oil or railways, electric power or water plants, they are all areas monopolized by consortiums.

The East China Group, Northwest Group, and Huaxia Group have collectively raised the prices of oil, electricity, railway transportation, and industrial water.

This made the common people a little confused for a while.

Let's talk about monopoly!There seems to be no connection between these major groups, but it seems strange to raise prices at the same time.

In fact, those groups are all controlled by Jiang Yu.

The relationship is layered one after another, which is absolutely dazzling.

For example, in this group, this bank took some shares, and that group took some shares.When it comes to the bank, this certain company controls a little of the bank's shares, and that certain company controls a little of its shares.

The State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of China also took action, submitting a proposal to the National Assembly on "Increasing the Strength of Industrial and Commercial Taxation", and the State Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China also submitted a "Proposal on Pollution Tax Collection".

Small and medium-sized capitalists across the country saw the action of the central government, but they thought in their hearts: If the central government increases taxes, I can also raise prices!

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