The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 225: Don't shells cost money?


spnps: The first update!

After some artillery battles, the first day of contact between the two sides turned into a tentative confrontation. Millions of Soviet troops had already assembled. After the artillery battle stopped in the evening, Frunze personally went to the front line to hide In the trench, use a periscope to observe the defense line layout of the Chinese National Defense Forces.

Although Frunze is very self-confident, he is not yet blindly self-confident.

In the periscope, Furongzhi saw that the positions of the Chinese National Defense Forces were surrounded by barbed wire, and the firepower points were not seen in the periscope.

The Chinese soldiers were hiding in the trenches, looking very quiet. [

At this moment, Frunze saw a black muzzle pointing in his direction.

I saw a burst of fire suddenly emanating from the muzzle of the gun, but before he could react, Furongzhi only felt his eyes go dark, and a bullet hit the periscope precisely.

The entire upper part of the periscope was smashed.

Fu Longzhi panicked and dropped the periscope, turned around and asked: "The Chinese snipers are so good at marksmanship, how about the loss of the troops?"

"The marksmanship of the Chinese is indeed very accurate. Hundreds of soldiers have already had their heads blown off by them, but now the awareness of prevention has also increased." A division commander on the ground reported to Furongzhi.

"En! Be careful." Furongzhi nodded.


The night passed quietly, and neither side launched any attacks or shelling.

On the second day, when the sky turned pale, the Soviet artillery positions opened fire again, aiming at the positions of the Chinese National Defense Forces.

First level the barbed wire for a distance.

Then the artillery fire began to extend forward, and groups of Soviet troops jumped out of the trenches and rushed towards the positions of the Chinese National Defense Forces, like a tide.

Not long after the Soviet artillery positions opened fire, the Chinese self-propelled guns and towed artillery quickly completed the task assignment, aiming at the Soviet artillery and firing with full force.

The artillery positions of the Soviet Army were suddenly engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and only half of the remaining artillery suffered heavy losses again.

The Chinese artillery completed the contact in a very short period of time. When one Soviet artillery fired, they mobilized about three times as many artillery for a joint attack.

After Furongzhi in the headquarters received the news, he was immediately taken aback.

what are the chinese doing

Even after the Soviet infantry launched an attack.Also engaged in large-scale artillery battles

Besides, haven't Chinese artillery been destroyed a lot?

"Commander, the Chinese hid their strength in yesterday's artillery battle, and we didn't destroy many artillery pieces." The chief of staff on one side said: "However, the Chinese made a huge mistake in their tactics. It is very beneficial to our infantry to attack our artillery positions with force. We should seize this major tactical error of the Chinese. Strengthen the offensive."[

"Hmm! Not bad." Frunze immediately realized that this was indeed an opportunity, an excellent opportunity.

Today's attack was originally only tentative, and did not intend to invest too much power.However, the opportunity was right in front of us, and Frunze, unwilling to miss the opportunity, immediately ordered: "Order the front line to launch a large-scale attack, and we will smash the Chinese defense line in one fell swoop."


Frunze knew that if he didn't seize this opportunity.With the current disadvantage of the artillery strength of the Soviet Army, the next time it will not be so easy.


frontline positions.

After the Soviet army launched the shelling, the Chinese soldiers immediately hid in the underground fortifications as quickly as possible. Although these underground fortifications were repaired in a hurry, they were not so complete.However, the civil engineering technology of the Chinese National Defense Forces is very skilled, and many anti-blasting holes have been poured with special cement.

The Soviet artillery fire stopped in less than 10 minutes.

Facing the charging Soviet army, the Chinese soldiers climbed out one after another, set up machine guns at the firepower point, and opened fire violently at the charging Soviet army.

I saw the Soviet army densely packed.Just like the tide.

Although the Soviet army had experienced brutal European wars at this time, its tactics could not be adjusted in a short while.

At this moment, the self-propelled artillery behind the Chinese position opened fire.

A huge number of self-propelled rapid-fire guns, self-propelled 105mm howitzers, and self-propelled mortars all let out roars that shook the world in an instant.

The cannon fell like raindrops among the tide-like Soviet troops.

boom boom boom...

The 75mm self-propelled rapid-fire guns are so dense that they are like raindrops.These orangutans are all pomegranates, and after the explosion, many fragments were released, and after scattering, they knocked down piece after piece of Soviet troops.

When those self-propelled howitzers went down, they made a violent explosion.These high explosions formed a terrifying impact, and there are many heavy mortars with a caliber of 203mm among these self-propelled howitzers.Although the range is not as good as that of the howitzer, its power is not bad at all. When the cannon hits, there will be a splash of mud and flames, and the impact force will directly devour the Soviet army within a radius of [-] meters.

The most ferocious is undoubtedly the 105 self-propelled guns. These self-propelled guns fired air-burst grenades at the charging Soviet army, and only clouds of black smoke exploded in the sky.

Tens of thousands of dense fragments fell from the sky like raindrops, and every time a shot was fired, a large number of Soviet troops fell to the ground.

In less than half a minute, the densely packed Soviet soldiers who were charging at first became sparse as if they had been plowed, and more than [-]% of the Soviet soldiers behind fell directly under the fierce artillery fire. .

Some Soviet troops in the front were too close to the Chinese positions, so they were not affected by the terrifying air-explosive grenades and the high-explosions fired by heavy mortars.

However, the rapid-fire guns took special care of them, and the medium and small mortars on the front line also fired at the Soviet army at this time. [

The mortar shells really fell like rain.

The Soviet army fell to the ground one by one, and all the Soviet soldiers were stunned by the fierce artillery fire, but they still charged forward bravely.

A Soviet soldier was lying in a pit avoiding the cannon, looking at the cannon that fell like raindrops, his heart was full of shock.

He used to be a Russian soldier who participated in the European War and experienced battles with the German army. He originally thought that the German army was the most difficult army to deal with in the world, but only today did he know that the Chinese army is even more terrifying.

Are their guns free of charge?

After the shock, his gaze became extremely determined, for the great socialism, death is nothing!He jumped out of the pit, and like the Soviet soldiers around him, he rushed to the forward position of the Chinese National Defense Force one after another.

The charging Soviet army was plowed again, and the density was not so high. The artillery of each unit gradually reduced the shelling speed, which made the charging Soviet soldiers feel less pressure.

Seizing the opportunity to speed up, they soon reached the barbed wire fence.

The barbed wire fence had been blown away with a big gap, and the Soviet army continued to move forward without hindrance.

The machine gunners on the ground were already ready for battle. As soon as the Soviet army came up, they fired violently at the Soviet army. The machine guns were crossfired, frantically harvesting the Soviet soldiers who rushed up.

A number of Soviet troops fell under the pouring firepower, but the Soviet troops behind continued to charge bravely without fear of death.

Several Soviet soldiers rushed up carrying a Maxim heavy machine gun. They put the machine gun on the ground, and quickly put it up.

The gun hit the machine gun bunker in front of the Chinese machine gunner, and the machine gunner quickly lowered his head and shouted: "At 10 o'clock, there is a machine gun."


Seeing that the Chinese machine guns had been beaten to a halt, the Soviet machine gunners were immediately boosted in confidence. Just as they were about to find a new point of fire, a bullet shot through the Soviet machine gunner's head with precision.

The machine gunner's head exploded like a bursting watermelon, and the whole person lay down on the ground, startled in his hands, but he pushed forward without hesitation, grabbed the handle of the machine gun, and wanted to find "Shoot" hit the target.


Suddenly a sharp whistling sound came from the top of the head. The donor was a veteran. When he heard the sound, his expression turned aside, and he dropped his machine gun and fell to the side.

But the cannon had fallen.


After an explosion, the donor and the donors next to him were all blown to the ground like blood men, and the machine gun was also blown into the air. Needless to say, it was completely useless.

And the Chinese machine gun on the opposite side fired again, and in the sound of "da da da da da", it swept across like a rhythmic death scythe, taking away fresh lives.

Many Soviet troops lay on the ground and slowly moved towards the Chinese position, avoiding the terrifying machine gun.

However, when they approached the Chinese position and jumped up to attack, the Chinese National Defense Forces once again fired a burst of fierce firepower on the position.

I saw that the marksmanship of the Chinese soldiers was very precise. Although there were not many Soviet soldiers who rushed up, many of them were beaten into a sieve by the rifles and fell down.

A Chinese soldier boldly raised his head, with a rifle in his hand, he kept calling the names of the Soviet troops 400 meters away. This soldier had participated in the Sino-Japanese War in Shandong.

The quality of these Soviet troops is so poor that even Little Japan can't compare.

If it was Little Japan who launched an attack, they would cover fire while charging, and they knew how to make full use of the terrain. Their marksmanship was very accurate, and sometimes they were difficult to deal with.

The quality of this group of Soviet troops in front of them is much worse. Many Soviet soldiers only know how to charge, and the Soviet troops lying on the ground for fire cover have sparse firepower and are not very accurate.

As a senior soldier, his marksmanship is top-notch, and he can basically hit targets 400 meters away without any scope.However, his talent is not very good, this marksmanship is completely taught by his son, shooting has become an instinct of the body.Those talented sharpshooters can even hit targets five to 600 meters away without a scope.

The Soviet soldiers approaching the position basically came to die one by one, and all of them rushed to the street in the first wave.

However, the Soviet army in the rear is still coming in like a "tide"

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