The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 231: A luxury with the price of cabbage


In general, China robbed Russia of [-] tons of gold, the entire Far East administrative region of Russia, and the entire Central Asian region, plus a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry, industrial equipment, and even livestock. Interest is overcharged.

The current arms trade is also a kind of robbery in disguise. Without the intervention of the Chinese army, the red "hair" bear can completely defeat the interference of Belarus and European countries with its existing military equipment.

Now "red" bears are forced to buy arms, and they are bought at high prices, and the prices of discounted items are also kept very low.

The red "hair" bears are less bought now, and it has no effect.If you buy too many arms, you have to sell a large number of valuable items to the Chinese "government" at a low price.

There is no second way to choose. [

China's exchange of arms for the antiques stolen by Russia is only an exchange on the premise of returning the cost, and the Chinese "government" does not suffer.

And if you get these things back one day earlier, you don't have to worry about them being damaged in the war.

Just like the previous war against Japan, some antiques were damaged during the bombing, but antiques are rare and expensive.

No matter how much was damaged, the most essential question was how many antiques the consortium had in their hands.

The more antiques they control, the consortium can drive up the price of antiques.At this time, the price of Chinese antiques is rising, and the consortium is also buying a large number of antiques with hype value, and has the "government" crack down on tomb robbers.

When the consortium inflates the price of antiques, tomb robbery will destroy the consortium's monopoly on antiques.

Buying low and selling high and driving up prices are the most common means used by consortiums in the process of concentrating their wealth.You can also ask for some western antiques, but the price is lower.

The price is high, only ghosts want it.

Anyway, when it came to World War II, all the antiques from the Westerners were robbed.Regardless of whether you have artistic value or not, if Westerners become rich in the future, you can make a fortune just by selling Western antiques.


In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Lenin immediately ordered the collection of furs, jewelry, and antiques that could be discounted, as well as gold and silver that could be traded directly.It even took some lists of engineers, scientists, and scholars to start screening.

Many engineers, scholars, and scientists are upper-middle-class people, so many of them do not have a sense of identity with the red "red" bears. Lenin asked these people to be selected and sold to China at a discount.

China offers a very high discount for buying people. This is to lure the red bear to fish out of its water, and at the same time strengthen China's scientific research and construction capabilities.

The situation was so dangerous that Lenin couldn't care less.

Now Belarus has shown a trend of massive counter-offensive. Before the Chinese "government" decides to withdraw its troops, they have no way to counter-offensive. When the Chinese army withdraws, it must be the time when European powers intervene in the Russian civil war.

Gotta get a deal done fast.

Soon China evaluated the discounted items and personnel that the red bear took out. For this reason, the Chinese government sent the stock price team to Russia by plane.

These people are very professional.

From jewelry, antiques, to experts and scholars responsible for verifying the authenticity of those Russian personnel. [

In Veliky Novgorod, at the place of transaction agreed by both parties, the valuation team sent by China is evaluating a large box of jewelry.

I saw that the jewels were simply divided into one, two, and three poles for packing, and then directly weighed.

That's right!It's a scale!rather than by piece.

How do those bourgeoisie know the real value of jewelry? The data they estimate are all from Russia, where the price of jewelry in Russia is inherently low.

In addition, the method of weighing is used to calculate the price. During the grading process, many high-value jewels are directly classified into the lowest-level jewels.

Those low-end jewelry are priced like cabbage, and the price of mid-to-high-end jewelry is better, close to the price of the Russian jewelry market, but the negotiators are more pitiful.

The one who knows jewelry is the owner of a Russian jewelry store. He is a hostile class who has been attacked, and there is an opportunity for revenge before him.

Of course, he couldn't blatantly sell all these things at a low price, but with a little manipulation of those valuable jewels, they turned into junk jewels and sold them.

But when it came to negotiating the price of those not-so-valuable jewels, they fought red-faced with the Chinese negotiators, showing an extremely hard-working look.

The price of such things as high-end and top-level jewelry is very "sexy". In places like Russia, the market price itself is relatively low.But it is different in the Chinese market, where there are so many nouveau riche.

Moreover, many jewels are collected by the Tsarist Russian royal family, and there is no market price to refer to. The price is only a little higher than the price of jewelry on the market.

These jewels are exchanged for arms, and the price of arms is already very high, and if it is one-half higher, the actual cost is pitifully low.

These jewels are shipped back to the country, which is a big profit.

As for those fur prices, they are also very low.Russia itself does not lack such resources, and the price in Russia is not high, and it is also weighed box by box.

These furs are ruined in the hands of the Russians, and they are shipped back to China for processing to become high-end clothing.

In terms of bargaining for antiques, the red Maoxiong took out all the Chinese antiques received from Tsarist Russia, and the prices of these Chinese antiques were very low.

In this era, Chinese antiques have not been hyped up. At the same time, Westerners have no time concept for Chinese ancient objects, let alone the ability to identify them.

Therefore, many porcelains among Chinese antiques are sold as ordinary porcelains, but the price is higher than ordinary porcelains.

However, there are many of these porcelains.

The Russians robbed a lot of porcelain in Beijing, all of which were collected by the red bears from all over the world. For them, these porcelains are useless at all, and it would be good to exchange even one more piece. .

As for other Chinese antiques, the added value of the 'ancient' aspect is very low, and the prices are all negotiated according to the manufacturing cost.As for those ancient paintings, the price of a pair was only tens of yuan, and many of them could be sold for 10,000+ or ​​tens of thousands of yuan when they were shipped back to China.

The Russians take some famous European paintings very seriously. [

"What? Only 1 yuan? This is an oil painting by Van Gogh! It can be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars in Europe!" the Soviet negotiator shouted loudly.

"We can exchange this painting with a 105mm caliber gun at most, plus two hundred rounds." The Chinese negotiators directly offered the price in kind.

These Western antiques will not lose money when bought back, because they can be resold to Europe and the United States for money, and they can earn a considerable price difference.Even if it is about the same as the market price, it will not lose money, after all, it is exchanged for arms.

The essence of this transaction is to sell arms, not to buy these things directly with money.

Therefore, the arms themselves have super high profits, but apart from the arms trade, the price difference must be earned, and it is impossible to do stupid things that are higher than the market price.

Some items whose prices could not be negotiated were quickly reported to Lenin.

Lenin was very annoyed, and he didn't stare at those things on the spot. What he cared about was how many arms he could get in exchange, so his reply was "sell it", or "sell it".

So it was 'sold' by piece of cheap.

At the end of the sale, the bargaining staff on the Soviet side didn't ask for instructions, so let's sell it!It's not his stuff.The extreme state structure of the red "hair" bears has caused them to be insensitive to business and layman's "nature". In addition, although bureaucracy has not yet emerged, it still exists in essence.

Anyway, it is the public that loses money, and this kind of mentality is also very common.

Not everyone will simply contribute to socialism. After all, people are different, because everyone's fate is different, and their personalities are naturally different.There are inherently good people and there are inherently bad people.

Gold and silver and gold and silver jewelry are all priced according to weight, but after deducting some fractions of mixed metals, it will not suffer no matter how you engage in China.

After being weighed and enthroned, these boxes were covered, then sealed and put into the warehouse, so that the Chinese arms could be traded directly when they arrived.

The value of the first batch of gold and silver collected by the red fur bear reached 16 billion Yanhuang coins, and those furs, jewelry, and antiques were discounted by 8 million Yanhuang coins.

The gold that China snatched from the treasury of the Russian Central Bank was the reserve gold of the Tsarist Russian royal family, and most of the gold in circulation in the market was seized by red bears.

There is also a lot of gold, and the red bear took out more than 2000 tons of gold in this transaction.

As for those furs, jewelry, and antiques, there are a lot of them. This is the wealth of a country!Although the original Russia was relatively backward, it was at least a country with 13 billion people, and it had not been invaded by other countries. On the contrary, Russia expanded wildly in Europe and Asia, and robbed a lot of treasure during the expansion process.The Russian aristocrats possessed a lot of wealth, and the red "red" "hair" bear still had a lot of things in his hands!


When Jiang Yu received the news and saw the data, he couldn't help but gasped.

"A total of 24 billion munitions, the red [red] [] bear is really willing to spend money!" Jiang Yu couldn't help being shocked, and Zhou Ziyue on the side smiled and said: "Now we have business again."

"Sure enough, wealth must be managed by conscientious national capitalists. If the Russians can concentrate their wealth and Nicholas II is willing to spend money, how could they lose the First World War?" Jiang Yu couldn't help but sigh, Tsarist Russia There is so much wealth in the hands, but most of it is concentrated in the hands of the Russian nobles, and the Tsarist Russian royal family is also stingy. In the end, tens of millions of Russian troops not only lack guns, but many even have no shoes. have to wear.

How can such an army fight?

That is nothing more than dragging soldiers to the battlefield to die.

In contrast, China in the past did not have the wealth of Russia at all, and the two sides were only about the same in terms of mobilization capabilities.Although China has a population of [-] million, after the rampage of opium and the lack of nutrient supply for the people, there are not so many people who can really mobilize to the battlefield.

However, through the centralized control of wealth by national capital merchants, coupled with an efficient and clean "government", and innovative and breakthrough military technology, China quickly completed its rise by taking advantage of the opportunity of the First World War.

(To be continued)

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