The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 233: National Image Promotion


This is the case with spn Chinese medicine. Its law is that after the "medicine" is prescribed, it is effective as long as the condition does not worsen, because in this way, the doctor has already had a solid foundation for the previous judgment.

This law has also been criticized by some people who do not understand Chinese medicine in later generations.

After taking the first dose of traditional Chinese medicine, many people feel that although their condition has not worsened, it has not improved. They think that it has no effect, so they don't go for follow-up visits.

For Jiang Yu's consortium of warlords and oligarchs, Chinese medicine is indeed of no benefit to the consortium.

The large-scale application of traditional Chinese medicine will indeed damage the interests of mass-produced western medicine, but as a national capital consortium, Jiang Yu is not willing to harm the health of the people for this benefit. [

It will not be like the United States, where doctors are used as drug salesmen to sell you to take a lot of messy drugs even if you are not sick.

The United States of later generations is the most developed country, but its average life expectancy is not as good as that of Japan.

First of all, Japan in later generations will not let people take "medicine" indiscriminately. At the same time, Chinese medicine is widely used in Japan, which is one of the reasons why Japan's life expectancy is the highest in the world.

Although Japan did not really learn all Chinese medicine, it has achieved remarkable results.

But in foreign markets, Jiang Yu's policy is to desperately sell Western medicine, and does not advocate the popularization of Chinese medicine to all countries in the world.

For good things, just love your own internal applications, and there is no need to share them with other countries.

After all, the consortium does need to make money by selling medicines.

The profit of "drugs" is indeed extremely high. The production cost of this thing itself is very low, but the price is a mess high.

Especially in this era, the price of medicines is more expensive.

Of course, Western medicine is not completely ineffective. The effects of many Western medicines are difficult to achieve with traditional Chinese medicine.For example, anesthetics, although natural medicines also have anesthetics, but the anesthetic effect is not as good as chemical anesthetics.

It's like a question of productivity in the production process.

Western medicine does not have any system. In fact, it cannot be called a single medicine. The success of western medicine is mainly caused by breakthroughs in surgical operations.If it is traditional Chinese medicine that creates surgery, is it called traditional Chinese medicine surgery?

Therefore, what China wants to develop is real medicine. In terms of surgery, this is mainly the result of technological breakthroughs and has nothing to do with medicine.

At this time, Chinese medicine is relatively mainstream in China. After a lot of training and rectification, several groups of Chinese medicine apprentices have been trained on a large scale over the years.

Common people generally still believe in Chinese medicine.

Those intellectuals who despise traditional culture after drinking a few bottles of foreign ink have no market now.However, there are quite a lot of such people, and they walked almost everywhere during the period of the Republic of China.

Under the control of Jiang Yu, the central "government" has carried out a great rectification of the Chinese medicine field. Under the persuasion and temptation, those old Chinese medicine practitioners handed over the authentic Chinese medicine to those Chinese medicine apprentices, and the folk "medicine" prescriptions were also disregarded. The "government" purchased and collected them.

Those folk "prescriptions" have miraculous effects on many strange and intractable diseases. There are a large number of folks who have not studied medicine systematically, but have mastered a skill.

Many of these people have prescriptions or treatment methods passed down from their ancestors. Although they are not professional doctors, they have a certain reputation in the local area, and people will come to their door for medical treatment. [

After the "government" organized Chinese medicine personnel to sort out these folk "medicine" prescriptions, and at the same time the establishment of "medical science", a group of experts specializing in medical science emerged.

As a result, China's traditional Chinese medicine field has shown a trend of revival, but it takes time to accumulate, and it cannot be completed overnight.

After learning that Chinese medicine has a therapeutic effect on influenza, Jiang Yu seemed to have taken a reassurance.

And the common people also seem to have taken a reassurance, even though they usually wear masks when they go out, and at the same time, they are spraying disinfectant all over the country.

But production and construction are going on as normal.


In the Allied countries, the panic caused by the spring flu is still spreading, and the "Chinese profiteers" who have been prepared for a long time have hoarded all the masks that can be bought on the market.

As soon as the news of the flu spread, masks became lucrative items.

At the same time, there is also "disinfectant water" produced in China, which is also very popular.Disinfectant water, which is produced at a low cost, is sold out of stock at a profiteering price.

In addition to the Allied countries, in the colonies around the world and small countries in South America, China's disinfectant water is very popular. There are always colonists and businessmen in those colonies, and there are also some wealthy natives who have been colonized.

These are markets.

Then China produced Chinese patent medicines such as 'Isatidis root',

Banlangen has effects on a variety of bacteria, and the water extract is effective against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Octococcus, Escherichia coli, typhoid bacillus, paratyphoid A bacillus, dysentery (Shigella, Freundii) bacillus, Enterobacteriaceae, etc. have inhibitory effects; acetone leaching solution also has similar effects, and is effective against hemolytic streptococci (both use the agar small-hole plate method).The antibacterial effect on meningococcus is similar to that of garlic and honeysuckle.

Banlangen does have an inhibitory effect on bacteria and viruses, but it is not a panacea. It is only effective against the above-mentioned bacteria and viruses, and the others have no effect.

Another main function is to clear heat and detoxify, cool blood and reduce swelling, and sore throat.

Under the promotion of Chinese national capital, this kind of Chinese patent medicine has become a miraculous medicine that can prevent influenza, and it is selling like crazy in the European and American markets.

Since the signing of the Sino-U.S.-Philippines Treaty, the trade between China and the United States has resumed. The United States still has to sell steel, but this year China's steel imports from the United States began to decline rapidly.

Banlangen, a Chinese patent medicine, is still selling very well in Canada, Australia, and South America, and it also has a certain sales volume in the Indian market.

The African market has the lowest sales volume, mainly some colonists are buying.

The main market is in the Americas. Chinese patent medicines began to sell well all over the world, and became the "miracle Chinese medicine" for people all over the world to fight against influenza. Taking advantage of the arrival of influenza, Chinese national capital warmed up a little.

The second wave of flu in the fall is the worst, and it's the most profitable time.


At this time, many vaccine production bases were formed in the coastal provinces of China.

Vaccine production mainly uses egg embryos. There is no shortage of farms in China, and naturally there is no shortage of eggs.As for manufacturing equipment, the technology is actually not complicated.

At this time, various vaccine production bases are producing various vaccines, and then sending them to various provinces to inject these vaccines for children and even adults.

Among them, after more than half a month of overtime work, the flu vaccine has successfully overcome the American swine flu that broke out in 18.

It's just that Jiang Yu didn't know whether the first wave of influenza virus was the same as the second wave, so he didn't inject the people on a large scale.

After all, the first wave is under strict precautions, and there will be no big waves in China.

We are now waiting for the arrival of the second wave of influenza, so that we can know whether the currently manufactured influenza vaccines are effective, and then they can be put on the market.

Jiang Yu was very relieved when he heard the news. Now it is not a question of how many people will die from the flu in China, but a question of how much money China can make in the world.

"We want to let people all over the world realize the development of China's medical technology through this flu, and we need to take this opportunity to open private hospitals to other countries." Jiang Yu gave instructions to the medical community.

Opening a hospital is very profitable, and at the same time, it will allow China to have more places to train doctors.

In particular, the cultivation of Chinese medicine requires experience in many cases, but experience is obtained through trial and at the same time brought out by the master.

It is possible to allow those Chinese medicine apprentices to take them to overseas hospitals for two years after leaving their teachers, and then transfer them back to China.

And those surgeons can also use this system. After they come out of school, they go to work in other countries for two years and then return to their home countries.

Of course, it doesn't have to be all for-profit hospitals. We can also support those small countries and colonies to improve China's national image.

It's not enough to just do it without talking about it, that's a fool.In addition to doing it, we must also seize these publicity points and vigorously promote China's national image.

Not only relying on newspapers, but also establishing "water armies" around the world, vigorously publicizing China's various "benevolent deeds" to aid third world countries on the streets, and even doing side propaganda through movies.

National image propaganda was carried out fiercely in the two camps of World War I, while German agents showed various behaviors that made people feel very capable and mentally retarded.

In fact, it is not that the German agents are too capable and mentally retarded, but that the Rothschild consortium obtained the code book of the German intelligence agency.

As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts, the German Navy's codebooks were not actually seized by the British from the sunk German warships, but leaked by the Rothschild consortium.

The Rothschild consortium has such huge financial resources, and at the same time, the network of relationships is intricate, so what's the difficulty in arranging some people to enter the German navy and intelligence agencies?

It can't be arranged, and some personnel can be easily bought by spending money.

Therefore, in the First World War, the actions of German agents in the United States were always exposed and always went wrong.Because every move of these agents is itself exposed.

China is different from Germany, and the Rothschild consortium is unpopular in China.

The Asian region is dominated by Chinese national capital merchants, and their cultures are different.It is more difficult for European and American consortiums to infiltrate, but the Freemasonry currently has a branch in Hong Kong.

The heads of the Hong Kong Freemasonry were arrested as soon as they entered the territory of China, and then they were sentenced to prison for some trumped-up charges.

At this time, China, like Japan in history, prohibited Freemasonry activities in China.Freemasonry is an organization that mainly recruits traitorous elites, and is distributed in countries all over the world.

This is like the branches of China's East China Business Association in various countries around the world at this time. Those overseas branches will absorb various elites from the local countries as peripheral members.From soldiers, politicians to businessmen, even celebrities, and some famous people in society.

At this time, in various parts of the world, with the establishment of the East China Business Association in China, the East China Business Association and the Freemasonry began to infiltrate each other. They all sharpened their brains and wanted to get into each other's interior to obtain useful business intelligence, or secretly Instigate against some opposing members.

However, this kind of infiltration is also limited to peripheral members, and internal members are basically unable to infiltrate.

European and American spies are hard to come by in China. Many European and American spies are being secretly monitored by the Chinese intelligence agencies at this time. Once they try to bribe Chinese high-level personnel or something, they will be arrested immediately.

The Chinese "government" does not catch all of them. After all, if all visible fish are caught, it will be even harder to find the next batch.

What is really caught are those Chinese members who develop spies, and those traitors who act as lackeys of Europe and the United States are caught and killed, which makes European and American spies unable to work hard.

After all, Europeans and Americans are all Caucasian, and they are very conspicuous in China, and it is often inconvenient to engage in intelligence work.

Since the Chinese intelligence department recruited a group of people with supernatural powers from the martial arts world, the anti-espionage work has progressed very smoothly, and a group of double-faced agents has also been developed.

Therefore, it is impossible for European and American consortiums to be as impenetrable in China as they are to Germany. During World War II, Germany killed all the Jews in its territory, and the intelligence network of the Rothschild consortium was wiped out, so that the British were able to rely on technical means. Cracked the German code.

The construction of China's intelligence network in the world is becoming more and more standardized and perfect. There are no loopholes in the system, and low-level mistakes are rarely made.

China's espionage activities in the world are mainly to collect the distribution of important facilities such as railways, roads, factories, reservoirs, and mines.

This is in preparation for future bombing.

For example, the investigation of the United States mainly investigates the distribution of industries in the United States. The distribution of industries in the United States is very concentrated, which is a manifestation of the monopoly of consortiums.

China is more or less the same, but has begun to decentralize some industries.

In other words, once a war with the United States is launched, as long as the cities with concentrated industries in the United States are bombed, there will be nothing left in the United States.

Usually the main thing for agents is to promote something and influence world public opinion.

For example, the establishment of a market "water army" for publicity everywhere, and the publication of some propaganda materials in newspapers, China is beginning to comprehensively package its own image.

There are many propaganda points, such as how strong China is, how good the welfare is, and how humane and just it is.

So that more and more educated girls are deeply attracted, hoping to marry a Chinese and live in China from then on.

It is also true that many "sluts" who can't get along in China have gone abroad to find beautiful foreign women to be wives.

Women are the easiest to betray their own nation, especially when there is no national consciousness. This situation is very serious in later generations of China. Chinese women are famous all over the world for their integrity.

In China under the rule of the Republic of China, boys and girls were educated in separate schools, and girls' schools focused on education of three obediences and four virtues, as well as national consciousness.

Women who come out of Chinese girls' schools have a strong sense of integrity and shame, and also have a strong national consciousness.But he is not too conservative, and does not think it is a bad behavior to show his face in public.

On the contrary, women in other countries under the influence of China have lost their sense of integrity and shame, and at the same time they have begun to yearn for China's social welfare and richer material life.

For China, this is a hidden welfare that can effectively improve national happiness. (to be continued)

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