
Spn's luxurious convoy, with many double happiness characters pasted on the car, Jiang Yu dressed up in a military uniform, with medals all over his body.

There are too many medals.

From the Revolution of [-] to the Sino-Russian War, and then to the Sino-Japanese War, there are also counterattack medals for the first war against the Yangtze River, counterattack medals for the second war against the Yangtze River, and bandit suppression medals for the compilation and training of patrol battalions.Of course, these medals were thrown away at home and never worn out.

"I didn't expect to be the groom's officer again today, not bad, not bad." Jiang Yu patted the corner of the military uniform, feeling a little proud in his heart.

The old days of three wives and four concubines are really good! [

Isn't this exactly the dream of traveling to this world?

At that time, I was just wearing crotch pants, with a runny nose, thinking about having three wives and four concubines all day long.After working hard for so many years, I finally achieved my original dream.

For men, they always pay attention to whether women are beautiful or not, and they rarely care about whether women really like themselves in their hearts.But men are generally not very interested in other beautiful flowers and plants, but are very interested in the nature of the world, so in the history of human civilization, men have made great contributions.

For women, they don't pay much attention to a man's appearance, but they are very concerned about whether a man loves her or not in his heart.But women are not interested in the essence of the world at all, but are very interested in those superficially beautiful things, such as beautiful flowers and dazzling jewelry.

At the same time, women generally think that men belong to her alone, but this is far from the way men think.

Even if a man loves a woman, he is even willing to protect her with his life.But a man will never think that he belongs to a woman, he will probably find other women, but a man can love every woman the same.This is normal for men.

From the perspective of Chinese martial arts, men are dry and women are kun.

Doing is the sky, inclusive of the earth.

Kun is the earth, carrying all things.

But the sky does not necessarily contain only one planet, or even several planets, and the earth can never be contained by two heavens.

Once this law is violated.That is, the heaven and the earth have fallen, and the sky has turned upside down.

Therefore, three wives and four concubines are quite normal in Jiang Yu's view, it just depends on whether a country can afford this kind of system.At this time, the Republic of China can attract women from other countries, plus the secret human trafficking. The whole country can fully afford this kind of system.

However, when Jiang Yu was about to go out to meet his relatives, Sister Yi's ears were still pulled.

"This guy is so hateful. He's going to marry two foreigners again." Yi Weijun tugged at Jiang Yu's ear as he spoke.But there was no effort at all, and Jiang Yu was already screaming in pain, shouting: "Madam, please forgive me! Your husband has made a great sacrifice this time."

"What did you sacrifice and why?" Yi Ruizhi asked puzzled.

"I sacrificed for the future of the nation, and I sacrificed my 'hue'." Jiang Yu straightened his back confidently, and said righteously.

"You're being a good boy even though you're getting cheap, strangle you, strangle you." Yi Weijun let go of Jiang Yu's ear, and pinched Jiang Yu's soft flesh fiercely.

This guy is going to marry two more women.This made the two sisters very 'angry', and they took Jiang Yu's ear and soft flesh to vent.It was only when Brita spoke out to make a rescue that Jiang Yu was released.

"Okay, okay, stop messing around, or your husband won't be able to catch up with the time." Brita didn't follow along, and helped Jiang Yu straighten his collar very considerately, and then kissed Jiang Yu's face. [

Since Brita married Jiang Yu, she has listened to him very much.Even before marrying him, she also admired Jiang Yu very much. It is very rare that she has devoted herself to running the "rear area" for Jiang Yu all these years.

The Yi sisters were influenced by the democratic republic, so they naturally objected to Jiang Yu marrying too many women.

But since Jiang Yu practiced nationalism in China, traditional culture has begun to rise, and "female" morality has been advocated again.

The promotion of this kind of "female" morality is very necessary. We must know that men are external yang and internal yin, and women are external yin and internal yang. Once a woman loses restraint, she becomes extremely poisonous.

Because masculine things are very strong, even violent.

It is said that 'green bamboo has a snake's mouth, and a wasp has a needle on its tail. Neither is poisonous, but the most poisonous to a woman's heart'.

When a man becomes ruthless, at most he is outwardly ruthless, destroying something with his body, and there are laws to restrain him.When a woman is poisonous, she is poisonous from the inside, but she cannot be poisoned from the outside.

The law restrains the external poison of a man, but is there a law to restrain a woman's heart?

Therefore, this has to be constrained by traditional concerns, and the ancients actually already had corresponding countermeasures.

The Yi sisters also learned some obedience and four virtues, so they didn't really object to Jiang Yu marrying two more women, but just gave Jiang Yu some color.


After leaving the door, they soon joined Jiang Fangzhen. Both of them were dressed in heroic military uniforms, with a pile of medals hanging on their chests, but Jiang Fangzhen's eye seemed swollen.

Jiang Yu asked curiously: "Hey! Brother Baili, have you been taken care of by your sister-in-law? It seems that I heard that my sister-in-law is from the Women's Federation Association?"

"How is it possible! I was so excited yesterday that I didn't sleep well, so I just have dark circles under my eyes. As for the "Women's" Association, I asked her to quit a long time ago. It's really a shame to engage in women's rights all day long." Jiang Fangzhen seemed Like a cat with its tail stepped on, it immediately denied it and at the same time criticized women's rights.Then he asked Jiang Yu: "Master, you were repaired when you went out, right?"

"How is it possible! Do you think I look like I've been repaired?" Jiang Yu said triumphantly, our daughter-in-law is still measured, like the one in Jiang Fangzhen's family, who even swollen his eyes. Too tough.

Tang Qunying's "Women's Federation" association is doing very well, but it has completely lost its market in China.Every year, Jiang Yu will support the "Women's" Federation with a sum of money in the name of the consortium, and the mission of the "Women's" Federation is to go abroad and fool around outside.

It is best to fool women from other countries into not wanting to live in peace.

Once a woman is not at ease, most of them are greedy for vanity.And China is getting richer and its social welfare is getting better and better, so it can naturally attract many women who are greedy for vanity.

What kind of women's liberation movement do Westerners engage in?That's the real purpose.

In China at this time, equality between men and women is recognized, but this equality is equality in consciousness, not equality in behavior.

It is equivalent to saying that I respect the status of "women" and think that "women" are equal to men.But men and women are different after all, some things that men can do women cannot do.And some things that women can do, men can't do the same.It is equivalent to doing their part well.Don't cross the line.

Tang Qunying now often takes a group of ""women" abroad to promote the "liberation" of "women". [

She also knows.Angry Jiang Yu had no fruit to eat, this time Jiang Yu married two more, Tang Qunying hid in a corner and did not dare to speak, as if there had never been such an organization as a "Women's Federation".

domestic. The "Women's" Federation is mainly concerned with matters that do not respect women.But also about women crossing the line.It is more in line with Jiang Yu's philosophy, so now Tang Qunying is doing well.

Tang Qunying is very pungent in the past, except Jiang Yu who dare not provoke people with such high prestige in a mess, if other people offend her, they may hit her door.Even Song Jiaoren was slapped by Tang Qunying.Therefore, most people in the political circle basically avoid her like a bad star, and many things can be tolerated as long as they can.

This time, Jiang Yu and Jiang Fangzhen rounded up the three princesses, so the pomp and circumstance was naturally relatively large, blowing and beating along the way.Then the three brides were taken back. This wedding was a Western-style wedding.

The first Chinese wedding Nicholas II's family was not used to it.Similarly, Jiang Yu didn't have the habit of kowtowing to Nicholas II, so he simply arranged a Western-style wedding, so that both parties felt comfortable.

The three Russian princesses were obviously still at a loss. Not long after they arrived in China, they were all married off, which was very sudden for them.

However, the three sisters did not resist too much, after all, they married the two giants of the Chinese Communist Party, and they were not in their seventies or eighties.

Tatiana was even a little happy, because Jiang Yu has always been the number one rising star in the international military field after his rise, and naturally there are many admirers.

Tatiana is also one of them, but due to the conflict between China and Russia, she usually doesn't show it.

As for the youngest Anastasia, she was a little unhappy, she was only 16 years old!

Although European women in this era married at the age of sixteen or seventeen, as a Russian princess, she was still not old enough.

When the two sisters saw Jiang Yu in a tall and handsome military uniform, their eyes lit up. He was much handsomer than in the photos. Just from his face, he had a gentle and elegant feeling.However, there is a kind of introverted but sharpness that cannot be concealed in every gesture.

Suddenly Anastasia felt that maybe this marriage wasn't so bad.

The three brides got into two wedding cars respectively, and then began to return in a mighty manner. The wedding ceremony was just a formality, so it was not too far away.

The citizens of Huai'an had already gathered on both sides of the street. When the convoy passed by, they all cheered enthusiastically, and people waved their hats to the convoy one after another.

Since 1840, China has gone through the road of saving the country for 78 years, after various methods have failed.Jiang Yu, who carried the banner of nationalism, led China to prosperity and strength, and finally realized the ideals of nearly four generations.

This makes the vast majority of the country, 99% of the people, happy from the bottom of their hearts.

And the 1%, no doubt, are those groups who have been deprived of vested interests, but these people are also in a very conflicted mood.

The atmosphere of Jiang Yu's marriage this time, although the whole country is also full of joy, but compared to the last time when he married the Yi sisters, it is not so enthusiastic.

People all over the country support this political marriage, but this time the Russian princess is married, and in the eyes of the people, it is far less important than Marshal Jiang marrying a native woman.

However, the wedding ceremony this time was a bit bigger, and the country's political leaders, celebrities, and national capitalists also rushed to Huai'an. It was a rare event for the upper class of the Republic of China to gather in Huai'an. (To be continued.. ps: The first update arrives!

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